4,0 (1 Bewertungen)
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Software Testing
Kategorie-Durchschnitt: 8.7
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Software Testing
Kategorie-Durchschnitt: 9
Software Testing
Kategorie-Durchschnitt: 8.4
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Software Testing
Kategorie-Durchschnitt: 8.7
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TestRail Erfahrungen & Reviews (1)...
“My overall experience with Testrail is excellent.”
Herkunft der Review
Vor mehr als 12 Monaten
Verifizierter Reviewer
QA Engineer
- 1001+ Mitarbeiter:innen
- Branche: Internet
Was gefällt Dir am besten?
- The most intuitive thing about it is it takes little time to train new members and it's easy to understand and use / - The percentage pie chart of passed, failed blocked cases at a glance make daily reporting for scrum stand up meetings ideal / - Integration with Jira is excellent / - Web based tool (no need to install anything unless you want to) / - Easy to organize things and easy to read a dashboard / - Able to import Test cases from external
Was gefällt Dir nicht?
- Unable to properly customize reports at a high level, you have basic level of customization / - Tutorials are not present or at a low level, if you are a new guy/girl you will need to be instructed by someone in order to understand the tool / - A bit expensive ($828/year for 1 user)
Welche Probleme löst Du mit dem Produkt?
- After being friendly with the tool, it gives you a really easy use of creating test cases, executing them and reporting them / - On bigger projects, again, it becomes really easy to read while you have the pie charts and the percentage of fail, pass, blocked cases, it gives you a really clear overview upon a project progress / - The design and the visualization aspects of the tool are really pleasant to the eye