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4,0 (1 Bewertungen)
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Idea Management
Kategorie-Durchschnitt: 9.3
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Idea Management
Kategorie-Durchschnitt: 8.8
Idea Management
Kategorie-Durchschnitt: 8.3
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Idea Management
Kategorie-Durchschnitt: 9.2
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Trevios Software Erfahrungen & Reviews (1)
“Must use for Idea and Innovation Management”
Herkunft der Review
Vor mehr als 12 Monaten
Verifizierter Reviewer
Research associate
- 51-1000 Mitarbeiter:innen
- Branche: Online Media
Was gefällt Dir am besten?
excellent featured to take your idea management to the next level. Useful for companies trying to move in the direction of innovation. You can manage the clients complaints in a really effective manner. you can record the complaints and store them in a safe way so that it can be solved later.
Was gefällt Dir nicht?
Requires more customer education as sometimes it feels that the online guides are not enough to use the advanced featured of the software. MORE emphasis should be given on easy migration of data, currently the process is a bit tiresome so there is need of improvement.
Welche Probleme löst Du mit dem Produkt?
Idea management, it provides automation so less emphasis of employees for documentation. The complaint management software is really useful in the current market trend. Easy to manage and store complaints.