The 7 Best Cloud CRM Solutions

Nils Martens 5/3/2024

We reveal here what a cloud CRM is and who are the best CRM cloud providers.

Table of contents
  1. What is a CRM system and why is it important for companies?
  2. These advantages come with a cloud CRM
  3. These are the top 7 cloud CRM solutions on OMR Reviews
  4. Further providers for Cloud CRMs can be found on OMR Reviews

If it's in the cloud, it's safer (and more convenient) than on a local hard drive. This is an unwritten IT law. For this reason, over the last 20 years, more and more software solutions have been developed not on CD or for local download, but as cloud solutions.

In addition, the service plays an important role. A user only has to register and book a tariff, everything else takes place on the software provider's servers. Thus, SaaS can be used directly without installation on the local device. In the software world, a CRM system is one of the most used types of software.

The focus of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is on the continuous optimization of customer relationship processes - as the English term already defines.

Since many companies live from customers, there are correspondingly numerous cloud CRM solutions. To get an overview, you can compare more than 30 of them on OMR Reviews. We have compiled the 7 most popular cloud CRM providers for you in this article.

First, however, we will discuss why a CRM system is important for companies and what benefits a cloud CRM solution provides for employees.

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What is a CRM system and why is it important for companies?

Your social media campaign is in full swing. Again, a lead lands on your landing page and follows your call-to-action. The entered data, however, ends up in your CRM system. Now the sales department starts to run hot. The potential customer is contacted and successfully landed.

The first call with the customer is noted, as well as all information that the sales department has received. The data record is thus supplemented in the CRM system. Every further contact is also documented in the CRM afterwards. The same path is taken by a customer who shops for the first time in your online shop. Afterwards, he or she can be addressed again and again.

A CRM collects all data and information from customers in order to make the customer experience as optimal as possible - and that at any time. This serves the overview of several departments such as marketing, sales, customer service or management. A CRM is important for almost every company, as customers can always be picked up, suitable upsellings can be made or can serve as a role model for future marketing campaigns in the mass.

The success of a company depends on the data and information it has about its customers. Both can be collected in a CRM.

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These advantages come with a cloud CRM

Apart from the fact that it is a disadvantage not to have a CRM in the company, it delivers numerous advantages. A CRM in the cloud doubles the advantages once again:

  • You can start directly without having to install the CRM application
  • Saves local IT infrastructures
  • Has lower costs compared to own IT infrastructure
  • All customer data and information are collected centrally in one place
  • The status of each contact is visible
  • Overview of the customer base
  • All employees have access to the data
  • Customer concerns can be processed faster
  • Due to the amount of data, clear personas can be created in order to be able to advertise more targeted
  • Increase in customer experience - resulting in potentially more revenue
  • Strengthening of customer relationship and customer loyalty
  • Interfaces to ERP systems, Marketing automation software, E-Mail marketing software or other tools promote the added value of a CRM as well as that of the connected software
  • Secure handling of all customer data thanks to data protection
  • Modular applicability, so that a CRM fits 1:1 to the company structure
  • Mobile use (for field service, management or marketing)
  • Can better enable remote work for employees
  • Support, updates and maintenance by the CRM provider
  • Extensive analyses and statistics about your own customers
The easy-to.use CRM tool.

These are the top 7 cloud CRM solutions on OMR Reviews

Since a CRM system is a central component of many types of companies, the agony of choice can sometimes be unpleasant. We lighten up the story a bit and introduce you to the seven best cloud CRM systems currently on the tool market - based on user experiences and user ratings from our OMR Reviews community. The cloud CRM providers mentioned here are suitable for both small and medium-sized enterprises and large companies.

The 7 best cloud CRM providers:

1. Salesforce CRM

The cloud-based CRM software from Salesforce

is one of the most popular of its kind. This is probably due to the fact that Salesforce has already made a name for itself with numerous tools in sales, marketing and business automation. But this alone would not be enough to maintain this popularity status. The Softwares from Salesforce are consistently well thought out, easy to use and comprehensive.

Likewise the Salesforce Sales Cloud. It is suitable for any industry in the world, fits into any company size and provides all possible features to support you in making your customers happy. A nice-to-have at Salesforce: you have Slack included in the package.

Do you want to learn more about Salesforce's services? All tools and helpful articles about the products can be found on our company overview page of Salesforce.

Salesforce CRM costs

You can book Salesforce CRM at four different prices. All Salesforce CRM prices are per month and per user. The price list starts with the "Sales Essentials Edition" for 25 US dollars. With this you get a cloud CRM software that is immediately ready for use for up to five users. It continues with the "Professional Editon" for 75 US dollars and the "Enterprise Edition" for 150 US dollars. The "Unlimited Edition" for 300 US dollars mimics the last light. As the name already suggests, you get everything unlimited with this edition: number of users, support and above all performance.

Salesforce CRM Alternatives

On OMR Reviews you will find an overview of the alternatives to Salesforce CRM and you can find the most suitable cloud CRM for you with the help of verified user experiences and ratings.


2. HubSpot CRM


is also not an unknown name in the software universe. With the HubSpot Sales Hub also called Sales Hub you can manage the entire customer contact, organize leads and evaluate all data, such as a conversion rate. The cloud CRM is user-friendly and can also be used mobile on the road with the app. In addition, you can build bridges to other hubs, for example to the HubSpot Marketing Hub or to the HubSpot Service Hub.

HubSpot Sales Hub costs

At HubSpot you only pay for what you need. Accordingly, you can calculate exactly on the price page of Hubspot CRM for how many users you need licenses and also choose between monthly and annual payment. The latter is the cheapest payment method. The cheapest tariff starts at 41 euros per month and includes two user licenses. Each additional you pay with 21 euros per month.

Important information for start-ups: You have the chance to get 90 % discount. For more information, contact HubSpot directly.

HubSpot Sales Hub Alternatives

On OMR Reviews you will find an overview of the HubSpot CRM Alternatives and with the help of verified user experiences and ratings you can decide for the most suitable cloud CRM for you.


3. CentralStationCRM

The name hits the nail on the head: CentralStationCRM is the central station of your company, where all data and information come together. In this way, the 42he GmbH from Cologne mainly targets small and medium-sized enterprises with CentralStationCRM. The ease of use and the comprehensive functions stand out in particular.

In addition, CentralStation is grateful for over 70 positive ratings on OMR Reviews, which is why every OMR user receives a 50 % discount on the first three months. That's what we call gratitude. All information about the exclusive OMR offer can be found on their website.

CentralStationCRM Costs

In addition to this offer, CentralStationCRM has another extra for you: For a maximum of three users and 200 contacts, you can use the tool of the cloud CRM provider for free. If you are underchallenged with this, you simply access the CentralStationCRM price packages "Team" for 18 Euros, "SmallOffice" for 49 Euros, "Business" for 99 Euros or "Enterprise" for 199 Euros. The prices - as usual with software subscriptions - are monthly.

What is not usual: With CentralStation the annual payment is waived, which means you can always switch or cancel flexibly.

CentralStationCRM Alternatives

On OMR Reviews you will find an overview of the CentralStationCRM alternatives and with the help of verified user experiences and ratings you can decide for the most suitable cloud CRM provider for you.


4. Pipedrive


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is known for visualizing sales pipelines. Similar to a Kanban board tasks are found in several stages, but all of them are assigned to different customers. This gives all departments an overview of what is currently in the pipeline and what still needs to be done to close a deal.

In addition, Pipedrive provides a transparent insight into all deals and the associated revenues. In the end, you can automate your customer management processes with Pipedrive, use the CRM on the go and get full data security.

Pipedrive Costs

Pipedrive also gives you the choice between four Pipedrive cost models: Essential, Advanced, Professional and Enterprise. If you pay once a year for 12 months, the cheapest tariff starts at 12.50 euros per user per month. Enterprise is the most expensive tariff at 99 euros, but it is completely unrestricted in terms of functionality. Before you really take off with Pipedrive, you can test the cloud-based CRM for 14 days free of charge.

Pipedrive Alternatives

On OMR Reviews you will find an overview of the Pipedrive alternatives and can decide for the most suitable cloud CRM for you with the help of verified user experiences and ratings.


5. weclapp

weclapp is a tool provider for CRM and ERP and mainly targets KMUs. With the cloud CRM solution, you have a successful sales funnel at hand, with which you can win new customers and strengthen existing customer relationships. With weclapp you are able to carry out cross-channel campaigns, implement your lead management systematically and prioritize your contacts according to conversion potential.

Team collaboration is also facilitated by the ability to share access and notification functions. weclapp also offers a mobile app and integrates with other tools like Outlook and Google Calendar.

weclapp Costs

Depending on the term and desired billing cycle, the modules and Prices of weclapp vary. The CRM module is available from 59 euros per month and user and can be tested for 30 days free of charge. weclapp CRM is mainly aimed at smaller teams who want to get started.

weclapp Alternatives

On OMR Reviews you will find an overview of the weclapp alternatives and can decide for the most suitable cloud CRM for you with the help of verified user experiences and ratings.


6. TecArt CRM

The TecArt CRM has been around for more than 20 years and has been hosted exclusively in Germany ever since. GDPR is definitely safe already. TecArt CRM is individually scalable and is focused on medium-sized companies of all industries. You can supplement the cloud CRM system from TecArt with various modules such as an ERP system or a project management tool. From this, your individual CRM is created.

TecArt CRM Costs

Price-wise, TecArt makes it very easy for you. Accordingly, you get the TecArt price package CRM Pro Cloud for 29 euros per user and month. You can add the various modules from 2.50 euros per piece. TecArt also offers a server solution.

TecArt CRM Alternatives

On OMR Reviews you will find an overview of the TecArt CRM alternatives and you can decide for the most suitable cloud CRM for you with the help of verified user experiences and ratings.


7. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales

With Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales, you can carry out your sales process based on insights because you have all important customer information at hand at all times with the cloud CRM system. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales impresses with important functionalities. For example, you can link the CRM solution with Microsoft Teams and thus communicate easily and quickly with your colleagues and customers. Furthermore, the tool suggests AI-based actions with which you can optimize your sales cycle and increase sales.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales Costs

The prices of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales depend on the three different modules: the Customer Engagement Plan is available for 115 dollars, the Unified Operations Plan for 190 dollars and the Dynamics 365 Plan for 210 dollars. The prices are per user and per month.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales Alternatives

On OMR Reviews you will find an overview of the alternatives to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales and can decide for the most suitable cloud CRM for you with the help of verified user experiences and ratings.

Further providers for Cloud CRMs can be found on OMR Reviews

If the right one wasn't among the seven cloud CRM tools for you yet, you will find many more on OMR Reviews. You can compare more than 30 CRM solutions there based on verified user ratings and experiences.

Almost impossible that you won't find the perfect cloud CRM tool for your requirements. Further cloud-based CRM solutions are among others:

Empfehlenswerte CRM Tools & Softwares

Insgesamt haben wir auf OMR Reviews über 250 CRM-System-Anbieter gelistet, die dich im Customer-Relationship-Management (CRM) unterstützen können. Schau also auf OMR Reviews vorbei und vergleiche die CRM-Tools mithilfe der authentischen und verifizierten Nutzerbewertungen. Hier sind einige Empfehlenswerte:

Nils Martens
Nils Martens

Nils ist Gründer der Personal Branding Rebels und seit Jahren fester Bestandteil des LinkedIn-Games. Mit seinem Team hilft er Menschen und Unternehmen, auf LinkedIn und anderen Plattformen als Personal Brands sichtbar zu werden. Die Rebels unterstützen dabei, Corporate Influencer auszubilden, Personal Brands aufzubauen und bieten Workshops an. Immer mit einem rebellischen Ansatz: Out-of-the-Box-Denken und authentische Sichtbarkeit stehen im Fokus, fernab von starren Algorithmen und Blaupausen.

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