Best Product Experience Management (PXM) Software & Tools

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(46 reviews)
Price: From 0.00 €
Akeneo PIM is a product experience system helping businesses manage product data across various channels.



plus 28 more

(34 reviews)
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Contentserv is a cloud solution for managing product info, accelerating time-to-market, and enhancing customer experiences. Ideal for small to medium businesses.
(20 reviews)
Price: From 575.00 € / Lizenz
4ALLPORTAL provides customers with consistent, up-to-date product data and relevant content across all channels - centrally managed for a seamless shopping experience.

User, role, and access management


plus 24 more

(21 reviews)
Price: Auf Anfrage
Bynder's Digital Asset Management platform accelerates content publishing with cloud collaboration. Offers customizable solutions to boost content marketing ROI.


Organizational interface

plus 21 more

(18 reviews)
Price: Auf Anfrage
Mediacockpit is an integrated marketing platform. It offers Product Information and Digital Asset Management.
Hublify Commerce Plattform
(12 reviews)
Price: From 69.00 € / Monat
Hublify Commerce Platform is a modular cloud software covering all aspects of digital commerce: order management, PIM, warehouse, billing, CRM and analytics.
Qualtrics CustomerXM
(1 reviews)
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Qualtrics CustomerXM is a platform for customer feedback and analysis, enhancing customer experience thereby increasing business success.
novomind PXM
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apollon Product Experience Management
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SDZeCOM Product Experience Management
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Bluestone PIM
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Bluestone PIM software assists businesses in efficient product info organization and management. It offers workflow control, data loading, synchronization, and cleaning.
DemoUp Cliplister
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DemoUp Cliplister is a cloud-based platform enhancing e-commerce through workflow optimization and content sharing. Offers secure, quick uploads and sync options.
Noxum PIM Complete
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Noxum PIM Complete offers centralized product info management with intuitive interface, integrated CMS, and editorial support.

More about Best Product Experience Management (PXM) Software & Tools

What is Product Experience Management Software (PXM Software)?

Product Experience Management Software (PXM Software) is a specialized solution that helps companies optimize the customer experience related to their products. This software is targeted at companies of all sizes that sell physical or digital products and want to offer their customers consistent, personalized, and high-quality product presentations. PXM Software is used in various sectors, including retail, e-commerce, manufacturing, consumer goods, fashion, and electronics.

The primary task of PXM Software is to centrally manage all product information and ensure that it is consistent and up-to-date across all distribution channels. By integrating and managing data from various sources, such as Product Information Management (PIM), Digital Asset Management (DAM), and Content Management Systems (CMS), PXM Software enables a holistic view of the product and its presentation.

Users of PXM Software include product managers, marketing teams, IT departments, and sales experts, all aiming to harmonize and optimize product information to increase customer satisfaction and boost sales. The software provides tools for creating, editing, and distributing product data, as well as analyzing product performance and customer interactions.

Features of Product Experience Management Software

Centralized Data Management

Centralized data management is the core of any Product Experience Management Software (PXM Software). This feature allows all product information to be stored and managed in a central repository. This includes technical specifications, marketing texts, prices, availability, images, videos, and other digital assets. Centralized data management ensures that all data is consistent and up-to-date, regardless of which team member or department handles it. This central storage facilitates access and maintenance of the data and reduces errors caused by duplicate or outdated information.

Multichannel Publishing

Multichannel publishing is an essential feature that enables companies to seamlessly distribute and synchronize product information across various distribution channels. This includes online shops, marketplaces, mobile apps, social media, print catalogs, and physical stores. By supporting multichannel publishing, companies can ensure that customers receive consistent and up-to-date product information on every channel. This feature automates the distribution and updating of data, reducing manual effort and improving time-to-market.

Data Enrichment and Maintenance

Data enrichment and maintenance are crucial functions for improving the quality and completeness of product information. PXM Software provides tools that allow companies to enrich their product data by adding detailed descriptions, attributes, translations, and media. Additionally, data maintenance mechanisms enable the verification and assurance of data quality by identifying and correcting errors, inconsistencies, and gaps. These functions ensure that customers receive comprehensive and accurate information, increasing their trust and willingness to purchase.


Personalization is a key component for offering an individualized and targeted shopping experience. PXM Software allows companies to tailor product information based on customer profiles, markets, and distribution channels. This can include customizing product descriptions, prices, recommendations, and promotions to meet the specific needs and preferences of customers. By providing personalized content, companies can increase the relevance and attractiveness of their offers, leading to better customer retention and higher conversion rates.

Analysis and Reporting

Analysis and reporting are indispensable functions for monitoring and understanding the effectiveness of product presentation and customer behavior. PXM Software offers comprehensive analysis and reporting tools that provide insights into product data performance, customer interactions, and the efficiency of distribution channels. These tools help companies make data-driven decisions by identifying trends, uncovering optimization potentials, and measuring the success of marketing and sales strategies. Continuous monitoring and analysis enable companies to consistently improve their product information and strategies to meet changing market demands.

Who Uses Product Experience Management Software?

Product Managers

Product managers are one of the primary target groups for Product Experience Management Software (PXM Software). In their daily work, they use this software to ensure that all product information is complete, accurate, and up-to-date. They coordinate data entry and maintenance, work closely with marketing, sales, and IT teams, and oversee the entire product lifecycle. By centrally managing product data, product managers can quickly respond to market changes, efficiently plan new product launches, and ensure that all relevant information is timely distributed to all distribution channels. This improves time-to-market and the consistency of product information across all platforms.

Marketing Teams

Marketing teams use PXM Software to create consistent and engaging product presentations and distribute them across various marketing channels. They benefit from the ability to centrally manage product information and tailor it for different campaigns, websites, social media, and print materials. By enriching product data with additional descriptions, images, videos, and other media, marketing teams can ensure that customers are well-informed and encouraged to purchase. They also use the analysis and reporting functions of PXM Software to measure the success of their marketing campaigns and make data-driven decisions for future activities.

IT Departments

IT departments play a crucial role in implementing and maintaining PXM Software. They ensure that the software is seamlessly integrated into the existing IT infrastructure and communicates with other systems like ERP, CRM, and e-commerce platforms. IT experts are responsible for ensuring data security, performing regular backups, and monitoring system performance. They also support other departments with technical questions and ensure that the software is optimally configured to meet the company's specific requirements. By providing a stable and secure PXM solution, IT departments enable other teams to work more efficiently and productively.

Sales Experts

Sales experts use PXM Software to ensure that they have all the necessary and up-to-date product information needed for sales. They access detailed product data, specifications, and marketing materials to comprehensively advise their customers and present convincing sales arguments. With PXM Software, they can create personalized offers and tailor product information to the needs and preferences of their customers. This allows them to respond effectively to customer inquiries, increase customer satisfaction, and boost sales. Additionally, sales experts can use the analysis functions of PXM Software to monitor sales performance and identify improvement potentials.

E-Commerce Teams

E-commerce teams use PXM Software to manage and optimize product information in online shops and marketplaces. They use the software to ensure that all product data is consistently and attractively presented, which is crucial for a positive customer experience. By leveraging multichannel publishing, e-commerce teams can simultaneously update and synchronize product information across various platforms, significantly reducing manual effort. They also use personalization features to tailor product presentations to different target groups and markets, thereby increasing the conversion rate. The analysis and reporting tools help them understand customer behavior and make data-driven optimizations to maximize online sales.

Benefits of Product Experience Management Software

Centralized Management and Consistency of Product Information

One of the biggest advantages of PXM Software from a business perspective is the centralized management of all product information. By centrally storing and maintaining product data in a single system, companies can ensure that all information is consistent and up-to-date. This reduces the risk of errors caused by duplicate or outdated data and enables a uniform presentation of products across all distribution channels. Consistent and accurate product presentation strengthens customer trust and improves brand loyalty.

Increased Efficiency and Time Savings

PXM Software automates many processes associated with managing and distributing product information. This leads to significant efficiency gains and time savings. Employees no longer need to manually enter, update, and synchronize data in various systems and formats. Instead, they can focus on more strategic tasks, such as optimizing product presentation and developing new marketing strategies. Automated publication of product information across various channels also speeds up time-to-market, which is particularly advantageous in competitive industries.

Improved Product Presentation and Customer Experience

By using PXM Software, companies can significantly enhance their product presentation. The software allows for the central management and targeted use of rich and detailed product information, high-quality images, videos, and other digital content. This leads to more engaging and informative product presentations, enhancing the customer shopping experience. An improved customer experience increases customer satisfaction and the likelihood of repeat purchases and positive recommendations.

Personalization and Target Audience Engagement

PXM Software offers extensive personalization features that enable companies to tailor their product information to the specific needs and preferences of their target audiences. Companies can create personalized product descriptions, recommendations, and offers based on customer behavior and market segments. This tailored approach increases the relevance of product information for customers and can significantly boost conversion rates and sales.

Data-Driven Decision Making and Optimization

Another important advantage of PXM Software is the ability to make data-driven decisions and optimizations. Integrated analysis and reporting tools provide valuable insights into product data performance and customer interactions. Companies can identify trends and patterns, measure the effectiveness of their product presentation and marketing strategies, and continuously make improvements. This data-driven approach allows companies to respond more quickly and accurately to market changes and customer needs.

Scalability and Future-Proofing

PXM Software is typically highly scalable and can easily expand with the growth of the company. This is particularly important for companies looking to expand their product lines and distribution channels or enter new markets. A scalable PXM solution ensures that managing and distributing product information remains efficient even with increasing complexity. Moreover, modern PXM systems are future-proof, as they are regularly updated and adapted to new technological developments and market requirements.

Cost Savings

By automating processes and reducing manual work, the use of PXM Software leads to significant cost savings. Errors and delays caused by inconsistent or inaccurate product information can be avoided. Additionally, companies can gain competitive advantages and reduce overall operational costs by efficiently managing their product information and improving time-to-market.

Selection Process for the Right Software

Creating a Long List

The first step in the selection process for Product Experience Management Software (PXM Software) is to create a long list of potential vendors. This begins with thorough market research, using various sources such as trade journals, industry reports, online review portals, and recommendations from industry colleagues. The goal is to compile a comprehensive list of PXM software vendors that could meet the basic requirements of the company. At this stage, it is important to consider the main features, market presence, and general reviews of the vendors.

Defining Requirements

After creating a long list, the next step is to define the specific requirements. All relevant stakeholders within the company should be involved to create a comprehensive list of functional and non-functional requirements. This includes technical specifications, integration possibilities with existing systems, user-friendliness, scalability, security requirements, and budget constraints. It is crucial to establish clear priorities and must-have criteria to narrow down the selection later.

Creating a Short List

Based on the defined requirements, the PXM software vendors on the long list are compared and evaluated to determine which ones best meet the company’s needs. The vendors that meet most or all of the must-have criteria are included in a short list. This list should typically comprise 3-5 vendors to allow for a more detailed evaluation without overwhelming the process.

Vendor Comparison and Evaluation

In this phase, a detailed evaluation of the vendors on the short list is conducted. Product demos and test access are arranged to test the software in practice. All defined requirements should be systematically reviewed and assessed for how well the respective solutions meet them. Creating an evaluation schema where each requirement is scored can be helpful. Additionally, references and case studies from existing customers of the vendor can provide valuable insights into the software’s performance and reliability.

Conducting Test Runs

A crucial step in the selection process is conducting test runs or pilot projects. The preferred PXM software solutions are deployed in a controlled environment to test their performance and usability under real conditions. These test runs should cover representative scenarios and typical use cases of the company. Feedback from end-users is particularly valuable in identifying potential weaknesses and areas for improvement in the solutions.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Besides the functional evaluation, a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis is essential. The total cost of ownership (TCO) for each software solution is determined, including license costs, implementation costs, training costs, and ongoing maintenance and support costs. These costs are compared to the expected benefits and potential savings achieved through the use of PXM software. The aim is to make an economically sound decision that provides the greatest value for the company in both the short and long term.

Final Decision and Contract Negotiation

After conducting all tests and analyses, the final decision for the most suitable PXM software is made. This decision should be well-documented and supported by the evaluation results. The phase of contract negotiation with the selected vendor then begins. It is important to document all agreements in writing, including service level agreements (SLAs), support and maintenance conditions, and pricing structure. The goal is to achieve fair and transparent contract terms that form the basis for successful collaboration.

Implementation and Training

Following contract signing, the implementation phase begins, integrating the PXM software into the existing IT infrastructure. A detailed implementation plan is created, covering all steps from data migration to software configuration. Concurrently, comprehensive training for end-users and administrators should take place to ensure that all participants can efficiently use the software. Well-planned implementation and training are crucial for the successful deployment of the new PXM software and realizing the expected benefits.

Continuous Evaluation and Optimization

The selection process does not end with the implementation. It is important to continuously monitor the performance of the PXM software and regularly evaluate whether the solution meets the requirements and expectations. Feedback from users should be collected and adjustments made as necessary. Continuous evaluation and optimization ensure that the PXM software delivers the desired value in the long term and can adapt to changing business requirements.