The 7 Best Website Analysis Tools

Denise Noetzel 8/21/2024

With these website analysis tools, you measure your website traffic and improve your SEO performance.

Table of contents
  1. You should consider this when choosing a website analysis tool
  2. These are the top 7 website analysis tools on OMR Reviews
  3. 1. Google Analytics
  4. 2. Hotjar
  5. 3. Adobe Analytics
  6. 4. SimilarWeb Pro
  7. 5. Matomo
  8. 6. Google Marketing Platform
  9. 7. etracker Analytics
  10. Further website analysis tools for your SEO and online marketing

Website analysis tools offer the great opportunity to get detailed information about your users. The user behavior on your website is no longer a guessing game, but rather you get insight into your Website-Traffic, into the duration of your users' stay, into the bounce rates of individual pages as well as the general user behavior of your website visitors. You also learn which pages are most frequently visited by users and which keywords they use to get to your website.

The customer information is especially relevant for your SEO strategies and SEO measures as your target group is in focus here. Your website structure and your website content is based on your target group. Accordingly, you implement these two points better if you get to know your potential customers better based on the analyzed data.

Performing a website analysis on a regular basis is definitely worthwhile. Because this gives you an overview of how you can further increase your online performance. This applies both to your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and your Online Marketing in general. After all, both areas contribute to your sales process.

If you decide to use website tracking, it is necessary for data protection reasons to use relevant cookies on your website. According to the DSGVO, as the operator of a website, you are obliged to point out the processing of personal data and to obtain the user's consent via a cookie opt-in. For anyone who wants to delve deeper into this topic, we provide the 5 best cookie plugins for WordPress.

Recommended web analytics software

On our comparison platform OMR Reviews you can find more recommended web analytics software. We present over 60 solutions that are specifically tailored to the needs of web analytics professionals, companies and online marketing specialists. This web analytics software offers comprehensive support in all aspects of data analysis and website optimization. Take this opportunity to compare the different software solutions, drawing on authentic and verified user reviews:

You should consider this when choosing a website analysis tool

Before we present you our favorite tools for website analysis, we will discuss three important points that you should consider in your tool comparison and your decision.


When looking for a website analysis tool, you probably have certain wishes and ideas about how these tools could support you. Some of these features are a must-have for you, others are just a nice-to-have.

To prevent you from being guided by nice-to-have features when comparing the different tools for website analysis, we recommend that you have a clear idea of what you want beforehand. Make a list of the must-have features and the nice-to-have features. Based on this list, you will then make your evaluation of the tools during the comparison.


Another important factor in choosing a website analysis tool is the price. Because this should be in relation to the product features. Or in other words: the tool price should justify the added value you gain with the tool.

Often the software providers offer various plans that are paid monthly or annually. These plans offer a different range of functions that you can use with the website analysis tool.


In addition to the product functions and the software prices, the customer experiences or customer ratings play a major role. If the software provider does not offer a demo, you must rely on the product description of the provider - without knowing how the actual handling and user-friendliness is. Based on the real customer reviews, you get a better impression of the respective website analysis tool.

These are the top 7 website analysis tools on OMR Reviews

The seven Web Analytics Tools are the most popular tools on our OMR Reviews platform - based on the verified customer reviews and experiences of our community:

We will now show you the added value that the individual website analysis tools can deliver. For more useful information and user reviews, visit OMR Reviews in the Web Analytics category.

1. Google Analytics


Google Analytics is probably one of the most well-known website analysis tools ever. And not only in Germany, because Google Analytics is now available in over 30 languages and is therefore used worldwide.

The installation of Google Analytics is quite simple - you just need to integrate a small code snippet on every page of your website and you can get started (of course only with the appropriate cookie opt-in). If this is too technical for you, you can also install Google Analytics using suitable plugins.

We will now show you what you can do with Google Analytics using an overview of the important features of Google Analytics.

Google Analytics features

  • Settings on account, property and data view level
  • Linking possible with Google Search Console, Google Ads, Google AdSense, Google Data Studio and Google Tag Manager
  • Several target group definitions can be created (e.g. useful for Retargeting)
  • Analysis of website visitors
  • Analysis of user behavior
  • Analysis of the various channels that bring website traffic
  • Setup of conversion tracking
  • Filters can be created to include or exclude certain data
  • Notes can be created
  • Custom dashboard can be created
  • Website accesses are displayed in real time
  • Creation of custom reports

Google Analytics costs

Would you like to conduct a free website analysis? Then Google Analytics is the perfect partner for you. Because like many other Google tools, Google Analytics is one of the free website analysis tools.

The free Google Analytics account is suitable for sole proprietors as well as small and medium-sized businesses. For larger businesses that want even more, there is paid Google Analytics 360, which operates on a monthly billing basis. In general, however, we think that the free website analysis version of Google is perfectly sufficient for you. Anyone who wants to compare Google Analytics and Google Analytics 360, can do so here.

More information about the prices of Google Analytics as well as user reviews with price references can be found on OMR Reviews.

Google Analytics alternatives

If you are looking for a Google-Analytics-Alternative, take a look at OMR Reviews. There you will find experiences and reviews from other users* who can help you choose the right website analysis tool.

2. Hotjar


Founded in 2014, Hotjar describes itself as "the leading solution for businesses that sell online, and their marketing, analytics, UX and CRO teams, that want to better understand user behavior and then collect their feedback".

Heatmaps, On-Page Polls (pop-ups) and Surveys are available to you. At the moment, the solution is said to be used by more than 550,000 websites in more than 180 countries worldwide. The prices for use vary depending on private or business use (Business / Agency).

Hotjar is also GDPR & CCPA compliant. Hotjar wants to protect the privacy of its customers and also the privacy of the people who visit your websites. According to Hotjar, data protection is at the heart of the software.

Hotjar features

  • Conversion Opportunities
  • Side-by-side Analysis
  • Mobile Device Analysis
  • Data Quantification
  • Webpage Element Analysis
  • Heat Maps
  • Session Replays
  • Data Segmentation
  • Monitoring
  • Click Tracking
  • Data Analysis
  • A/B Testing

Hotjar costs

There are different packages for the Web Analytics Tool Hojar: Basic, Plus, Business and Scale. The Basic package is available to you for free. The Plus package starts at $ 39 per month for small teams.

More information about the prices of Hotjar as well as user reviews with price references can be found on OMR Reviews.

Hotjar alternatives

If you are looking for a Hotjar-Alternative, you can find some on our OMR Reviews platform - including experiences and reviews from other users*.

3. Adobe Analytics


Adobe offers its customers an Adobe Experience Cloud, which is a collection of various programs and services. Part of this is also Adobe Analytics, with which you can analyze the online and offline behavior of your target group. The aim is to get a better understanding of the customer journey of your users* on your website.

Adobe Analytics works with real-time data analysis and detailed segmentation, which can be used to determine qualitative information about the target groups. Additionally, additional information can be integrated into Adobe Analytics via different interfaces to various online marketing tools. All this customer information allows to represent the business processes as realistically as possible and thus make informed decisions.

Adobe Analytics features

  • Real-time data
  • Analysis of website visitors
  • Analysis of user behavior
  • Analysis of the different channels that bring website traffic
  • Analyses of customer lifecycle
  • Channel-overlapping marketing analyses
  • Use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and machine learning for website analyses
  • Predictive Analytics feature for future-oriented data
  • Conversion tracking and detailed product performance reports
  • Creation of different segments
  • Rule-based and algorithmic attribution models
  • Data import from other third-party systems
  • Custom creation of dashboards and reports

Adobe Analytics costs

Adobe Analytics is available in three versions: Select, Prime and Ultimate. The prices and a demo can be requested via the Adobe website.

More information about the prices of Adobe Analytics as well as user reviews with price references can be found on OMR Reviews.

Adobe Analytics alternatives

If you are looking for an Adobe-Analytics-Alternative, take a look at OMR Reviews. There you will find experiences and reviews from other users* who can help you choose the right website analysis tool.

4. SimilarWeb Pro


Since its founding in 2009 in Israel, SimilarWeb Ltd. has specialized in statistics, data and traffic analysis with the platform of the same name - first only for websites, but now also for mobile apps.

The Marketing Intelligence Solution offers fairly extensive research capabilities. For domains, for example, the traffic and engagement history can be displayed, you can define your target audience and break down which other pages or advertising networks your visitors are frequently coming from. SimilarWeb can also be used for apps. Here, SimilarWeb shows statistics, although on a smaller scale. In total, the company was able to raise over 110 million US dollars in eight financing rounds.

SimilarWeb Pro features

  • Keyword research
  • Competitive analysis
  • User & rights management
  • Centralized platform
  • Web tracking
  • Custom dashboards
  • Benchmark reporting
  • Marketing metrics

SimilarWeb Pro costs

With regards to prices and plans, you can get more accurate information directly from SimilarWeb Pro. Starting from $ 167 per month for the, Starter: Competitive Intelligence.

What's really cool, you can use SimilarWeb Pro for free and test various demo versions. This gives you the chance to check if this tool is the right solution for your team and you.

More information about the prices of SimilarWeb Pro as well as user reviews with price references can be found on OMR Reviews.

SimilarWeb Pro alternatives

If you are looking for a SimilarWeb Pro alternative, just stop by OMR Reviews. There you will find experiences and ratings from other users* who can help you choose the right website analysis tool.

5. Matomo


Matomo (formerly Piwik) is a website analysis tool that is used worldwide for over 1 million websites. The software provider describes itself as a safer alternative to Google Analytics, as with Matomo you are the owner yourself (in comparison, it is supposed to be Google itself with Google Analytics according to Matomo) and you also do not need cookie consent from users.

Furthermore, with Matomo (zuvor Piwik) you have 100% responsibility for the data that you store from your users* through the website analysis. You determine where (i.e. on which server) your Matomo data is hosted - Matomo has absolutely no access to this.

If you are now afraid of the technical set-up, then definitely check out the option of the "Matomo for WordPress" plugin. Because this WordPress plugin supports you in the stress-free and self-hosted option.

As you can probably guess, Matomo is very well suited for website analysis if you want to be 100% secure in terms of data protection and if you are unsure about other website analysis tools (like e.g. Google Analytics) regarding the DSGVO.

Matomo features

  • Real-time data
  • Analysis of website visitors
  • Analysis of user behavior
  • Analysis of the various channels that bring the website traffic
  • Setup of conversion tracking
  • Possibilities of segmentation
  • Import of Google Analytics data

Matomo costs

Matomo offers two different products for website analysis: once Matomo On-Premise and once the Matomo Cloud.

Matomo On-Premise:

Matomo On-Premise is the actual website analysis tool that you can download for free and host on your own servers. It contains all the features you need for a simple website analysis. But as soon as you want to dive deeper into data analysis, the individual features must be booked for a fee. The annual costs depend on the number of Matomo users, resulting in three different price plans (up to 4 users, 5-15 users, and 16-unlimited users).

We would like to briefly introduce you to some interesting features with their prices:

  • The Users Flow feature is available from 79 €/year.
  • The Funnels feature is available from 179 €/year.
  • The A/B Tests feature is available from 199 €/year.
  • The Heatmaps feature is available from 199 €/year.
  • The Media Analytics feature is available from 149 €/year.

Matomo Cloud

Matomo Cloud offers you the possibility to host all Matomo analysis data not on your own servers, but on Matomo servers within Europe. For this, monthly or yearly costs are charged, which are based on the number of your monthly page views.

The most affordable version of the Matomo Cloud is at 29 €/month for a maximum of 50,000 page views per month. The most expensive version with over 50 million monthly page views costs 109,000 €/month.

In the Matomo Cloud, there is "only" an e-mail support for you and you are limited in the number of websites, team members, segments, goal plans and custom reports.

More information about the prices of Matomo as well as user reviews with price references can be found on OMR Reviews.

Matomo Alternatives

Are you still looking for a Matomo-Alternative, then be sure to check out OMR Reviews, because there you will find real experiences and reviews of other website analysis tools.

6. Google Marketing Platform


The Google Marketing Platform advertises as an advertising and analysis platform that provides meaningful data that companies can use for their relevant decisions. In addition, the different solutions are supposed to make it possible for teams to work together better and more closely.

Basically, the Google Marketing Platform consists of different Google products that deal with the analysis and optimization of website and campaign data. The Google Analytics 360 (GA360) is aimed at two target groups: small businesses and large businesses.

Google Marketing Platform Features for Large Companies

  • Display & Video 360: Here, the entire campaign management can be done: media planning, automatic bid settings.
  • Analytics 360: With Analytics, many premium features are available that are not in regular Google Analytics. These include advanced analysis, Google Big Query export and data-driven allocation.
  • Data Studio: With interactive dashboards and easy-to-understand reports, your data can be presented visually appealing.
  • Optimize 360: With Optimize 360 you can optimize your website through various A/B tests and design it even better for your different target groups.
  • Search Ads 360: Through Search Ads 360, you have the opportunity to optimize your Google search campaigns even better, because real-time data is available and you can use automatically created ads.
  • Surveys 360: With this you can create target group-oriented surveys and get fast results, which are then visually represented in a clear dashboard.
  • Tag Manager 360: In addition to the free Tag Manager, this offers further functions that are only available in the paid version. These include an unlimited number of workspaces, approval processes and container zones.
  • Campaign Manager 360: With the Campaign Manager 360 you can manage your campaigns and ads across all channels, to work more time-saving and efficient and recognize optimization potential faster.

Google Marketing Platform costs

As just mentioned, the Google Marketing Platform is aimed at two target groups and therefore there are also two cost models. The Google Marketing Platform for small businesses contains all Google products with their basic functions. These are also accessible for free.

For the Google Marketing Platform for large companies, additional functions are included, which is why costs are incurred. We can't tell you how high these are, as they are only mentioned on request.

More information about the prices of the Google Marketing Platform as well as user reviews with price references can be found on OMR Reviews.

Google Marketing Platform Alternatives

If you are looking for a Alternative for the Google Marketing Platform, just take a look at OMR Reviews in the category Web-Analytics, because there you will find many user experiences and -reviews for other website analysis tools.

7. etracker Analytics


etracker Analytics is a German tool for website analysis, which also describes itself as an alternative to Google Analytics. etracker Analytics works GDPR-compliant - even without cookie opt-in. It is also suitable for web, app, shop and UX and it enables a secure online marketing analysis, with regard to the legal requirements.

Features etracker Analytics

  • For simple website tracking, no cookie notices are necessary, as the standard configuration of etracker Analytics covers everything.
  • With the cookie-less from etracker Analytics, you can also legally track your website sessions without the need for user consent.
  • Interactive dashboard for a clean data overview and data breakdown
  • Shop analyses show the product performance
  • UX analyses inform about user behavior on your website
  • Various integrations to third-party providers are possible via plugin (e.g. WordPress, Typo3, Shopware, Shopify)
  • Auto-tracking through standard tags in the website header
  • Event tags can be configured individually without coding knowledge
  • Integration of Google Ads and Microsoft Ads (incl. campaign data and conversion data) is possible for a campaign control
  • Data-driven push notifications to customers are possible thanks to the SaaS solution signalize.

etracker Analytics costs

etracker Analytics offers a total of four different price plans: Free, Basic, Pro and Enterprise.


The free variant is aimed at smaller websites and smaller online shops with up to 25,000 page views and events per month. In this plan, all Pro functions are included free of charge.


The Basic version is intended for blogs and content websites that have a maximum of 100,000* page views and events per month. The monthly costs for this plan are 19 €.

The following features are included in this plan: Consent-free cookie-less, tracking of website sessions and reports on visitors, technology, source, content & location.


The Pro variant costs 29 € monthly, is aimed at online shops and websites with conversion tracking and a maximum of 50,000* page views and events are allowed.

In the Pro plan, all functions from the Basic plan are included and additionally the following features: E-commerce reports, marketing & customer journey reports, conversion upload from Google Ads and Bing Ads and a UX analysis with scrollmap & form field analysis.


The Enterprise plan is intended for in-depth and detailed website analyses. The monthly fee of 149 € covers up to 500,000* page views and events.

In the Enterprise variant, all Pro functions are included and additionally the following features: Report Builder, REST Reporting Interface including Google Data Studio Connector, access to raw data, app tracking and collective license for several websites.

*For the three paid plans, the number of page views and events can of course be increased for an extra charge.

More information about the prices of etracker Analytics as well as user reviews with price references can be found on OMR Reviews.

etracker Analytics Alternatives

If etracker Analytics has not yet convinced you, then look at the etracker alternatives on OMR Reviews. There you will also find real experiences and reviews from other users* who have already used the website analysis tools.

Further website analysis tools for your SEO and online marketing

On OMR Reviews you can find and compare more Website Analysis Tools in the category Web Analytics. We present a total of 23 analysis tools with which you can evaluate your website data to optimize your online marketing measures. Especially for SEO, such website analyses are helpful because you can better understand your target group and adapt your SEO even more to your target group.

Denise Noetzel
Denise Noetzel

Denise ist seit 2020 selbstständig und bietet SEO für Selbstständige und Unternehmer*innen an. Zuvor hat sie ihren Bachelor in BWL an der Uni Hamburg absolviert und anschließend in einer Online-Marketing-Agentur sowie bei OMR Reviews als SEO Managerin gearbeitet.

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