You Absolutely Need to Know This About Vacation Requests

Carolin Puls 6/16/2023

You want to go on vacation, but don't know what you need to consider when applying? No problem, we'll tell you!

Table of contents
  1. What is a vacation application and why is it important?
  2. How many vacation days are you entitled to
  3. These requirements apply to your vacation application
  4. What should you consider when applying for your vacation?
  5. Observe these formalities when applying
  6. How to submit your vacation application step by step
  7. Easy vacation planning with the right tools
  8. Conclusion: Just a few clicks to vacation bliss

He invites you to dream, relax and feel good - your next vacation. But before you can enjoy it, you must submit a vacation request to your superiors. We have collected everything important for you about vacation requests. In this article you will learn what a vacation application is and why it is important, how many vacation days you are entitled to and what requirements you must meet for your application to be valid. We also reveal to you what you should consider when applying and what formalities your vacation request must meet and provide you with a template. Finally, you will receive a step-by-step guide on how to successfully submit your vacation and an overview of the tools that can support you.

What is a vacation application and why is it important?

All employees have the right to paid vacation. This right is enshrined in the Federal Vacation Act. But first you must fulfill a formality so that you can say goodbye to your vacation relaxed: You must submit a vacation application. This is a written application in which you ask your employer for approval of your vacation. With this application, you ensure that your employer knows that you want to take the vacation you are entitled to and that he or she agrees to the chosen period. You can only start your vacation if you have received the approval for it. The vacation application provides both sides with certainty about the agreed period and the corresponding consent.

How many vacation days are you entitled to

The number of vacation days you are entitled to is regulated in your employment contract. The legally prescribed minimum vacation provides for a paid annual vacation of 24 working days for a six-day week. For a five-day week, the statutory minimum holiday is only 20 days. In your employment contract, this holiday entitlement can be increased - but not reduced. On average, German employees are entitled to more vacation days. With 30 working days of vacation, you can take 6 weeks off per year. If you should become ill during your vacation, you can have these days credited back to you with a doctor's note. In special cases, such as deaths or serious illnesses within the family as well as weddings, you may also be entitled to special vacation. These are one or more vacation days that are in addition to your annual vacation as per your employment contract in emergency situations.

These requirements apply to your vacation application

In order to have any claim to your full vacation, you must have been working in your company for at least six months. Before then, you can also apply for vacation, but only pro rata for the time you have already been employed. You have to apply for and take your annual vacation within a calendar year so that your vacation entitlement does not expire. Your company must otherwise create a provision for each non-taken, but entitled holiday day. Therefore, you should avoid carrying over your remaining vacation into the following year as best as possible. If this should be necessary, you have to take these vacation days within the first three months. Otherwise your entitlement to paid leisure time expires.

What should you consider when applying for your vacation?

You want to book your dream vacation and so you start writing your vacation application. You should make sure that you apply in good time and that your boss can still approve it. The lead time for applying for vacation is different for every company. There is no statutory regulation for this. Therefore, as soon as you know when you want to go on vacation, you should initiate everything necessary for this. This way your colleagues can plan your absence in good time and take care of personnel planning. Regulations can usually be found in your employment contract, the company agreement or the collective agreement. If you need a few days off at short notice for an important reason, seek direct conversation with your superior.

In principle, your company is encouraged to approve your requested vacation. However, if urgent operational matters are against it, your boss can reject your vacation application. This includes, for example, a work high phase and thus a vacation lock or already approved vacation wishes of your colleagues. The Federal Vacation Act also stipulates that colleagues with children of compulsory school age should be treated preferentially when applying for vacation, as they can often only go on vacation with their children during the school holidays. Once your vacation has been approved, it cannot be revoked and cancelled.

Observe these formalities when applying

Like the lead times for vacation applications, the format in which you have to apply for your vacation also varies from company to company. The law does not provide any special regulation for this. In theory, you can express your holiday wish verbally, by letter, by email or through a digital tool. However, we would advise against oral holiday requests, as in a dispute you have to prove that you received approval for this period. Therefore, it is best to write your vacation application. Many companies have a uniform form or an email template with which you can apply for vacation. If this is not yet available at your employer, you can use our template for your vacation application.

This includes your master data (first and last name, your address and phone number, and if necessary your personnel number), the address of the responsible HR department of your employer, a prescribed text for applying for your vacation and signature fields of your employer.

Download our vacation application template now!

How to submit your vacation application step by step

You want to be absolutely sure that you are doing everything right with your vacation application? Then simply use our practical step-by-step guide.

  1. Check how many vacation days you are entitled to in a year. You can usually find this information in your employment contract.

  2. Identify how many days you still have for the current calendar year. Deduct your already taken and already applied vacation from the number determined in the first step.

  3. Now you can determine the timing of your vacation. You should consider work high phases and important dates. Make sure you do not apply for more vacation than you are entitled to, as this can otherwise lead to problems with your superiors and colleagues.

  4. Next, you agree with your colleagues. If you have a substitute, this person should be present during your vacation period.

  5. Once you have the go from your colleagues, you can send your vacation application to your boss. Whether you do this via a modern time tracking tool, by email or a manual form depends on the internal regulations.

  6. Once you have received approval for your vacation, it's a done deal. Now you can go into detailed planning, make bookings and prepare the vacation handover with your colleagues.

  7. The last thing you have to do is look forward to your well-deserved vacation and enjoy it to the fullest.

Easy vacation planning with the right tools

If you prefer to submit your vacation application digitally, we at OMR Reviews have just the thing for you. There we have compiled the best time recording apps for you. These not only allow you to track your working hours in the office, but also to use mobile time tracking, plan shifts and apply for vacation.

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You can find recommended time tracking software providers on our software comparison platform OMR Reviews. There, we have listed over 150 time tracking software providers that you can use to track your working hours. So take a look and compare the software with the help of authentic and verified user reviews:

Conclusion: Just a few clicks to vacation bliss

The vacation application is a necessary tool so that you can be sure that you can actually take your paid free days. With the right support in the form of digital tools, only a few steps separate you from the approval of your request. And then nothing stands in the way of your dream vacation!

Carolin Puls
Carolin Puls

Carolin ist freie Redakteurin bei OMR und mit ganzem Herzen Autorin. Als Brand Managerin war sie bereits bei verschiedenen Unternehmen aus der FMCG-Branche für das Marketing zuständig. Währenddessen hat Carolin berufsbegleitend Ihr Studium zur Marketing-Betriebswirtin abgeschlossen.

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