The 8 Best Conversion Optimization Softwares with AI Power

Nils Knäpper 1/17/2024

Rate Against the Machine: These softwares help boost your conversion rate with the help of AI!

Table of contents
  1. What exactly is CRO software?
  2. 8 CRO Softwares with AI Features
  3. 1. Kameleoon
  4. 2. EASY2
  5. 3. Neocom
  6. 4.
  7. 5. ODOSCOPE
  8. 6. GetResponse
  9. 7. AB Tasty
  10. 8. Contentsquare
  11. Conclusion: AI is not equal to AI

Artificial Intelligence wherever you look! Even CRO software is no exception. On the contrary: In today's digital landscape, Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) and AI are closely linked. This means that while you're trying to increase your website's conversion rates, you don't have to do without smart AI support anymore.

Does this mean that optimizing your conversion rates can now be done at the push of a button? Well, unfortunately, it's not quite that simple (yet). Because just like with AI text generators, AI image generators or AI video generators, machines cannot replace human judgment. However, artificial intelligence can still save you a lot of work. Therefore, let's take a look at 8 CRO tools with AI features. We're going to shed light on the added value that artificial intelligence provides for each software, what it costs, and what alternatives are available on the market.

Recommended conversion optimization tools

On our comparison platform OMR Reviews you can find more recommended conversion optimization tools. We present over 140 solutions that are specifically tailored to the needs of companies and brands that want to improve their conversion rates. This conversion optimization software offers comprehensive support in all aspects of conversion optimization. Take this opportunity to compare the different software solutions, drawing on authentic and verified user reviews:


STOP, HOLD ON! Do you want to delve deeper into the topic of AI?

Then why not take a look at these other articles all about artificial intelligence:


What exactly is CRO software?

Conversion Rate Optimization Softwares are specific software solutions and platforms that are designed to improve the performance of your website or online presence. Their main goal is to increase conversion rates by analyzing data, tracking user behavior, and recommending personalized strategies. These tools offer features such as A/B testing, heatmaps, user feedback analysis, and increasingly AI-driven functions. So they help you optimize the user experience, thereby increasing conversion rates and ultimately boosting the ROI of your online marketing efforts. By the way, if you don't necessarily need AI power for this, why not check out our conventional list of the 7 best conversion optimization tools for more sales.


8 CRO Softwares with AI Features

Enough with the long introduction, let's get to the exciting part. In the following, we will introduce you to the AI features of these eight software in more detail:

1. Kameleoon

2. EASY2

3. Neocom



6. GetResponse

7. AB Tasty

8. Contentsquare


1. Kameleoon

Kameleoon is a comprehensive conversion rate optimization tool that combines many different features such as A/B testing, AI-assisted personalization, and product recommendation. It allows you to understand and optimize the interactions of users with your website in order to effectively increase your conversion rate. With Kameleoon, you can analyze user data to adapt your website in real time to the needs and preferences of individual visitors. Kameleoon is therefore ideal for companies that want to refine their online presence and improve their digital strategies for customer retention and conversion.

What Kameleoon's AI can do

Kameleoon's AI aims to predict visitor intent and make corresponding segmentations. The Kameleoon Conversion Score (KCS™) system automatically triggers specific variants or personalizations to provide the best experience to all visitors. The special features of Kameleoon's AI include:

  • Visitor orientation: Kameleoon's AI focuses on recognizing the patterns between visitors who have reached a goal and those who have not.

  • Real-time analysis: The AI engine continuously analyzes the conversion probability of visitors in real time. This ensures that the right actions are triggered at exactly the right moment.

  • Application-based: Kameleoon recommends the use of AI based on individual business challenges and adapts to different areas of application.

AI Features Overview:

  • Prediction of visitor intent in real time

  • Segmentation with Artificial Intelligence

  • Automatic trigger of personalizations based on the Kameleoon Conversion Score (KCS™)

  • Detection of patterns between successful and unsuccessful interactions

  • Real-time analysis and actions, around the clock

Kameleoon Prices

The prices for Kameleoon are available upon request. More information can be found on OMR Reviews.

Kameleoon Alternatives

You want to discover more alternatives to Kameleoon? Then check out OMR Reviews!


2. EASY2

The second tool in our list aptly goes by the name EASY2. This one considers itself an all-in-one digital marketing software with which you can optimize all possible touchpoints of your customers: From funnel generation to the creation and optimization of landing pages and online shops to email marketing, EASY2 offers a variety of useful features. Of course, artificial intelligence plays a role in this nowadays.

What EASY2's AI can do

The AI of EASY2 is primarily used for text creation and optimization. The main features include:

  • Text creation: With the help of AI, users can quickly and efficiently create texts, from emails to comprehensive blog articles.

  • Text templates: EASY2 provides you with a variety of templates for different types of text to simplify your writing process.

  • Text optimization: With the AI assistant, texts can be optimized, expanded or shortened at the click of a button.

AI Features Overview:

  • Fast and efficient text creation with AI

  • Diverse templates for emails, blog articles, and headlines

  • One-click optimization of texts

  • Search engine optimized titles and descriptions at the click of a button

  • Automatic creation of product descriptions

EASY2 Prices

  • Trial version: Free for 14 days

  • Lite: €37 per month

  • Standard: €77 per month

  • Plus: €167 per month

More information about EASY2 prices can be found on OMR Reviews.

EASY2 Alternatives

You want to discover more alternatives to EASY2? Then check out OMR Reviews!


3. Neocom

Neocom describes itself as a discovery platform that supports you throughout the entire customer journey of your potential customers. Important aspects here are customer approach based on user behavior, conversion of visitors into qualified leads and comprehensive analysis of data and behavior patterns. AI support is provided by Neocom AI, a feature that uses artificial intelligence to guide your customers to the perfect product for them.

What Neocom's AI can do

Neocom AI uses AI technology for so-called guided selling. The focus here is on creating a smooth and effective sales experience for your potential customers. The main features of Neocom AI include:

  • Feed Link: Easily connect product data with Neocom to have all relevant product attributes available for the sales process.

  • AI Sales Flow: Definition and customization of sales modes, including expert data, to provide a customized experience on your website.

AI Features Overview:

  • AI-supported creation of flows that transform complex product data into easily understandable sales

  • Algorithm-based product suggestions for an improved customer experience

  • Automated and low-maintenance performance

Neocom Prices

Neocom exists in the variants Basic, Standard and Professional. These differ among other things in the number of sessions and users. The prices for all variants are available upon request.

More information about Neocom prices can be found on OMR Reviews.

Neocom Alternatives

You want to discover more alternatives to Neocom? Then check out OMR Reviews!


4. is primarily aimed at companies in e-commerce who are looking for a solution for automated text production. The tool offers a platform that not only enables text optimization and generation, but also aims to increase sales and customer retention through professional marketing texts. With the ability to create high-quality and search engine optimized texts in seconds, the tool is especially interesting for online stores with a wide range of products.

What's AI can do

As written, the AI of specializes in the creation and optimization of marketing texts. The platform offers the following AI-driven functions:

  • Automated Text Creation: Generation of unique and professional marketing texts based on a few keywords.

  • Individual Text Suggestions: Analysis of existing texts to provide customized suggestions for various use cases.

  • Optimization with Pro Tips: Application of tips derived from extensive A/B tests in wording and content area.

  • Complete Integration: Connection to e-commerce platforms like Shopify and Shopware as well as Google Analytics for detailed insights and adaptation of the AI to the individual writing style.

  • Automation of Text Processes: Through customized integration into existing systems and a unique API connection, marketing texts can be created efficiently and automatically.

AI Features Overview:

  • Fast creation of SEO marketing texts

  • Individual text suggestions based on analysis of existing content

  • Pro tips for text optimization

  • Easy integration with e-commerce platforms and analysis tools

  • Automation of text creation for efficiency and cost reduction Prices

  • Free trial for 7 days

  • Professional and Enterprise: Upon Request

More information about prices can be found on OMR Reviews. Alternatives

You want to discover more alternatives to Then check out OMR Reviews!



ODOSCOPE is a software with which you can organize the control of your sales channels and target goods to potential buyers. You can rely on touchpoints such as product lists, landing pages, advertising banners or newsletters. The basis is analyses of customer and user data on the one hand, and your assortment as well as individually configurable targets such as margins, AOV or return rates on the other. The provider of ODOSCOPE uses its own cloud, which is hosted exclusively on German servers and is therefore 100% GDPR-compliant.

What ODOSCOPE's AI can do

ODOSCOPE uses its AI technology to create a deep, personalized shopping experience. The key features include:

  • Real-time signals and session-based profiling: The AI reacts to user signals to create an accurate picture of customer behavior.

  • Integration of 1st-party data: Users can integrate master data, movement data, customer data and product data and enrich them with public data sources.

  • Anticipation of needs: The real-time AI technology can anticipate the needs of the respective, often unknown user in a user- and situation-specific way.

AI Features Overview:

  • Response to real-time signals for precise profiling

  • Integration and enrichment of various data sources

  • User- and situation-specific anticipation of needs

  • Personalization across various touchpoints


The prices for ODOSCOPE are volume-dependent and are based on visits to the shop per year. You can find more information on OMR Reviews or directly from ODOSCOPE.

ODOSCOPE Alternatives

You want to discover more alternatives to ODOSCOPE? Then check out OMR Reviews!


6. GetResponse

GetResponse is an email marketing software that aims to generate leads and convert them into lasting customer relationships. Besides the sending of newsletters, GetResponse offers you the possibility to create landing pages and even complete homepages, conduct webinars and develop Paid Ads. One of the strengths of GetResponse lies in simplifying and automating online communication through comprehensive marketing automation. Particularly noteworthy is the AI campaign generator, which functions as a personal assistant.

What GetResponse's AI can do

GetResponse uses AI technologies that are mainly used in email marketing. The AI-based email generator allows you to create attractive emails in no time, thereby increasing efficiency and effectiveness in communication. The AI features include:

  • OpenAI Innovation: Integration of the latest OpenAI technology into the email marketing software to increase the impact of communication.

  • AI Subject Line Generator: Optimization of subject lines with AI to increase open rates and stand out in the subscriber's inbox.

  • Industry-specific optimization: Simple creation of emails that are based on keywords and industry trends.

  • Multilingual support: Creating content in the language of the target group, saving time on translation.

AI Features Overview:

  • Fast creation of engaging emails with OpenAI technology

  • AI-optimized subject lines for better open rates

  • Adjustment to keywords and industry trends

  • Multilingual support for efficient content creation

GetResponse Prices

  • Email Marketing: €13.10 per month

  • Marketing Automation: €44.30 per month

  • Ecommerce Marketing: €86.90 per month

  • GetResponse MAX: €999 per month

More information about GetResponse prices can be found on OMR Reviews.

GetResponse Alternatives

You want to discover more alternatives to GetResponse? Then check out OMR Reviews!


7. AB Tasty

AB Tasty positions itself as a comprehensive solution for optimizing digital experiences, based on a combination of experimentation and personalization tools, advanced analytics, and machine learning. This platform aims to give marketing and product teams a user-friendly tool to optimize digital experiences. The main goal of AB Tasty is to convert your visitors into customers, subscribers, or leads.

What AB Tasty's AI can do

AB Tasty uses AI functions to create personalized experiences that strengthen your customer loyalty and increase the conversion rate. The AI features include:

  • AI Personalization: Quick creation of relevant brand experiences that appeal to the target audience and strengthen brand loyalty.

  • Intelligent Search: Use of an AI-assisted search in the online store that delivers personalized results and takes into account both the customer's needs and the company's goals.

  • Recommendations: An AI-assisted recommendation engine that identifies new revenue opportunities in real time and improves the customer experience.

AI Features Overview:

  • Creation of relevant and appealing brand experiences

  • AI-assisted, personalized search to enhance user experience

  • AI-based recommendations for increasing the average order value (AOV) and enhancing the customer experience

AB Tasty Prices

AB Tasty offers individual pricing. The exact costs are available upon request from the provider.

AB Tasty Alternatives

You want to discover more alternatives to AB Tasty? Then check out OMR Reviews!


8. Contentsquare

Contentsquare is a comprehensive platform for analyzing micro-interactions of website visitors. From the first visit to the exit of the website, Contentsquare tracks all user activities and converts them into meaningful metrics and graphics for you. These insights then provide you with valuable information about the behavior of your users in order to improve the customer experience and optimize the performance of the customer journeys. Of course, the AI power must not be left out!

What Contentsquare's AI can do

Contentsquare uses machine learning to gain comprehensive insights from trillions of interactions and data points and support decision-making. The AI features include:

  • More informed decisions thanks to Artificial Intelligence: Machine learning is used to anticipate customer behavior, emotions, and intentions based on current and past actions.

  • Intelligent alerts: Contentsquare learns the normal fluctuations in your business metrics and provides intelligent alert messages when deviations occur.

  • Intent-based scoring: Review of digital experiences based on the customer's intention and prioritization of measures to improve customer satisfaction.

  • Automated mapping and zoning: Smartly recognizes different webpage types and automatically identifies zones for in-depth analysis.

AI Features Overview:

  • Anticipation of customer behavior, emotions and intentions

  • Intelligent alerts for deviations from business metrics

  • Rating of user experiences based on customer intentions

  • Automated detection and analysis of webpage zones

Contentsquare Prices

Contentsquare offers individual pricing, the exact costs are available upon request from the provider.

Contentsquare Alternatives

You want to discover more alternatives to Contentsquare? Then check out OMR Reviews!


Conclusion: AI is not equal to AI

When deciding which software to choose for your conversion optimization and digital marketing, you should carefully consider various factors. It is not only about the range of functions of the tool or its user-friendliness, but also about its integration with your existing systems and the costs associated with it. But it's especially important to look closely at which areas the AI features cover:

The tools presented have made clear that the use of AI in the world of conversion optimization is very versatile. They range from the individualization of the customer journey and personalization of the customer experience, such as Neocom, Contentsquare and ODOSCOPE, through advanced text generation and email marketing automation, such as GetResponse and EASY2, to adjusting content based on user behaviour and preferences, such as and AB Tasty.

Each tool brings its own strengths and unique AI features, making it particularly suitable for specific challenges in digital marketing. Therefore, it is important for you to not only know the general characteristics of each tool, but also understand how its specific AI features can meet your requirements and goals.

Nils Knäpper
Nils Knäpper

Nils ist SEO-Texter bei OMR Reviews und darüber hinaus ein echter Content-Suchti. Egal, ob Grafik, Foto, Video oder Audio – wenn es um digitale Medien geht, ist Nils immer ganz vorne mit dabei. Vor seinem Wechsel zu OMR war er fast 5 Jahre lang als Content-Manager und -Creator in einem Immobilienunternehmen tätig und hat zudem eine klassische Ausbildung als Werbetexter.

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