What is Prompt Engineering?

Nils Knäpper 11/2/2023

Find out how to get the most out of ChatGPT, Neuroflash, and Co. thanks to Prompt Engineering.

Table of contents
  1. How does Prompt Engineering work?
  2. Types of Prompting
  3. Components of an optimal text prompt
  4. 5 Tools for AI Text Generation Using Prompt Engineering

If you've already worked with an AI tool like OpenAI ChatGPT, neuroflash, Creaitor or Retresco Textengine, one thing you'll have noticed for sure: simply starting to type and hoping for the best rarely leads to the desired result. Only when you understand which information you need to provide to the artificial intelligence will you get useful answers. The magic word in this case is: Prompt Engineering! You'll find out what's behind this term, how to set up the perfect prompt for every request, and much more in this article.

How does Prompt Engineering work?

Prompt Engineering forms a central concept in the field of AI and natural language processing. In simple terms, it's about feeding the AI with information through targeted and specifically structured instructions (prompts) so that it performs the desired task. Especially with so-called Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-3 or 4, the type of your input request makes a considerable difference in the quality of the generated answers.

The adventure of Prompt Engineering goes far beyond simple human-machine communication. It's a dynamic journey to optimize and refine the interaction between you and the artificial intelligence. By efficient Prompt Engineering, you cannot only increase the efficiency with which commands are executed, but also extend and adapt the AI's abilities to master more complex and specific tasks.

Types of Prompting

To create optimal prompts, it's helpful to understand the different types of prompting. These include:

Zero-Shot Prompting

Zero-Shot Prompting is about completing a task with the AI for which you haven't explicitly trained it in advance. An example could be if you commission ChatGPT with a request like this one:

Zero Shot Prompting.png

Even though you haven't specifically trained ChatGPT for this specific request, due to its previous training on large text databases and its ability to recognize patterns in the data, it can still deliver the correct translation "Bonjour, comment ça va ?". In many cases, and especially with simple instructions, Zero-Shot Prompting can lead to useful results. However, sometimes it's necessary to provide the AI with more content.

Few-Shot Prompting

With One-Shot or Few-Shot Prompting, you provide the AI with one or a few examples (the so-called “shots”) to point it to the desired output:

Few Shot Prompting.png

The language model can now give the correct answer "Madrid" to the new question, based on the patterns it has seen in the previous examples.

Chain-of-Thought (CoT) Prompting

Chain-of-Thought (CoT) Prompting, as the name suggests, is a kind of chain of thought to find an answer using artificial intelligence. Think of it like solving a puzzle, looking at each piece individually before you see the whole picture. This type of prompting works with both Zero-Shots and Few-Shots. An example of CoT Prompting would be the following instruction, where you want to find out which continent is the largest in terms of area:

  • Input 1: You ask the AI to list all continents on earth.

  • Input 2: You ask the AI to compare the areas of the individual continents.

  • Input 3: Now the artificial intelligence is supposed to identify the largest continent in terms of area.

With these instructions, you break down the tasks for the artificial intelligence into small partial steps and lead it step-by-step to the desired result.

Generated Knowledge Prompting

Generated Knowledge Prompting allows a language model to generate the knowledge required to solve a particular task, even if it does not explicitly possess this information. This could look like this, for example:

  • Instruction: Explain why the sky is blue.

  • Prompt: Generate explanations about the color of the sky.

  • Language model generated: The color of the sky is due to the scattering of sunlight by the atmosphere.

  • Answer: The sky appears blue because sunlight is scattered by the atmosphere.

Components of an optimal text prompt

A text prompt serves as a bridge between you and the language model and forms the foundation for your interaction. It's the springboard from which the AI begins its journey through task processing. The design of a text prompt is an art in itself that considers certain elements to ensure effective communication and precise results. To always achieve optimal results, your prompt should contain the following components:


With the role, you can assign a kind of persona to the artificial intelligence on whose basis it should act. For example, you can instruct the language model to behave like a social media creator, a CEO, or a speechwriter. This can lead to more precise answers depending on the task.


With the tonality, you determine the style in which the output should be delivered – should the generated text be creative and funny? Serious and informative? Or somewhere in between?


The context is crucial to explain the background of the task to the AI. A good context helps the language model generate relevant and accurate answers. For example, you can explain to the artificial intelligence in which frame (e.g., blog article, social media post, cookbook, etc.) the generated text should appear or who the target audience is.

Task specification

The task in the prompt should be clear and direct to avoid any confusion. It should also contain all the necessary information that the model needs to effectively solve the instruction. Describe precisely to the AI what you expect from it.

Output format

The desired output format should be specified in the prompt if there are specific requirements for how the answer should be presented. This helps to receive the output in a useful and easily understandable format. For example, you can also instruct the AI to format the chapters directly (for example, in H2 and H3 headings).

Please note: Of course, not every subsequent prompt needs to contain all these components. For example, it's usually sufficient to assign a role to the model and specify the desired tonality only in the initial prompt.

5 Tools for AI Text Generation Using Prompt Engineering

In addition to the software mentioned at the beginning, there are numerous other solutions with which you can create texts in seconds. Many of them can be found with verified reviews in our category AI Text Generators on OMR Reviews. We have also brought you 5 popular providers here:

We wish you lots of fun trying them out!

Nils Knäpper
Nils Knäpper

Nils ist SEO-Texter bei OMR Reviews und darüber hinaus ein echter Content-Suchti. Egal, ob Grafik, Foto, Video oder Audio – wenn es um digitale Medien geht, ist Nils immer ganz vorne mit dabei. Vor seinem Wechsel zu OMR war er fast 5 Jahre lang als Content-Manager und -Creator in einem Immobilienunternehmen tätig und hat zudem eine klassische Ausbildung als Werbetexter.

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