So B2B Marketing Tools Drive Your Business Forward

Carolin Puls 1/8/2024

We'll tell you what B2B marketing is, why it's important for your business, and how you can use B2B marketing tools.

Table of contents
  1. What is B2B Marketing?
  2. Why B2B Marketing is important for your company
  3. How to use B2B Marketing Tools
  4. These are the best B2B Marketing Tools
  5. 1. B2B Marketing Automation Tools
  6. 2. B2B E-Mail Marketing Tools
  7. 3. B2B Content Marketing Tools
  8. 4. B2B SEO Tools
  9. 5. B2B Social Media Tools
  10. 6. B2B SEA Tools
  11. 7. B2B Cross Channel Advertising Tools
  12. B2B Marketing Tools cover a multitude of tasks for you

It's not just in B2C marketing that it's important to market your products and services to your target groups. If you manufacture products that are used by other companies, you must also raise public awareness for them in order to win these customers for yourself. The right combination of different B2B marketing measures at different stages of your customer relationships encompasses a very extensive range of tasks. A B2B marketing tool can support you in this.

What is B2B Marketing?

If your company provides products or services for other companies, we speak of business-to-business offers. In order to reach the right decision makers with your offers, you need a special form of marketing - the B2B marketing. Of course, like B2C marketing, this also targets a human being. However, you must bear in mind that this person is not acting as a private individual, but as a decision maker in a company and needs different information about your products and services than would be the case in B2C marketing.

The person who receives your advertising messages, for example, operates from the perspective of purchasing, production or controlling. We refer to these function holders as buyer personas, who represent the needs and expectations of their firms towards your products. B2B marketing encompasses all of your company's advertising measures to specifically address the buyer personas of your business customers.

A special focus in B2B marketing is on lead generation and customer service throughout the entire purchasing process. For this reason, marketing takes on more sales-related tasks here than when selling products to end consumers.

Why B2B Marketing is important for your company

Your company most certainly already has some regular customers, however it is often part of company and marketing targets to increase sales and turnover. You can usually only achieve this by generating additional leads. Since the target group in the B2B sector is significantly smaller than for private individuals, you need to understand your customers' problems precisely.

If you manage to do this, you will gain satisfied customers who will recommend you. The better you are aligned to your demanding business partners, the better you can enhance your position vis-à-vis your competitors and improve your internal processes. With a well thought-out B2B marketing strategy, you can increase the visibility of your company. Other objectives of B2B marketing can also include increasing website traffic, establishing a thought leader role and converting leads into customers.

Various B2B marketing tools can support you in reaching your customers, building your company's visibility and planning one-off and recurring marketing activities.

How to use B2B Marketing Tools

But in which areas can you use B2B marketing tools? They generate the greatest advantages in these areas of online marketing:

  • Marketing-Automation
  • E-Mail Marketing
  • Social Media Management and Content Marketing
  • Search Engine Advertising (SEA)
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

In the following section you will learn in detail how B2B marketing tools can support you in different areas.


When we talk about Marketing-Automation we mean the automation of selected workflows in certain forms of digital marketing. This way you can save time and invest it in other areas that do not always follow defined processes. Marketing automation plays a crucial role in your B2B email marketing for example.

If you provide your customers with a software solution or an e-book for download, for example, they expect that the requested resource will be available quickly. After entering their email addresses, the prospective customers can receive an automatically generated link that they must confirm in order to receive the download. As soon as this link has been clicked, the next email with the link to the requested software or the named e-book can be sent automatically.

By responding quickly you increase the satisfaction of the applicants. The automation of these workflows is particularly efficient, because at these points there is no need to respond to individual wishes or enquiries from customers. As soon as this is necessary, you can switch from marketing automation to personal customer service.


E-Mail-Marketing is and will remain an indispensable tool in B2B communication. With well-controlled mailing campaigns you can activate leads, draw your target group's attention to new and appropriate content and direct them to the corresponding platforms. The personalization of emails plays an increasingly decisive role in this. In order to stand out from the flood of digital messages that everyone finds in their own inbox every day, individual addressing and content that matches the individual customer's journey are becoming indispensable competitive factors.

E-Mail-Marketing is not only suitable for drawing your customers' attention to new offers. You can also differentiate in which phases your contacts are currently located. A person who has just bought a new B2B marketing software does not have to be convinced by a blog article about the best B2B marketing tools from your solution.

Here, for example, content on other areas of the same subject area that offers them real added value would be more appropriate. With targeted e-mail marketing you can not only stimulate your sales, but also remind them of your expertise again and again and thus pick up and support all customers at their individual points within the customer journey.

Social Media Management and Content Marketing

You probably associate Social Media Platforms more with end customer communication than with B2B marketing. But platforms such as Facebook, Xing, LinkedIn and YouTube are also interesting networks for interacting with business customers due to their low advertising costs.

In addition, you get more information about your target group, which you can use in other areas of your marketing mix. The timely and direct exchange is another advantage of these platforms. Using a social media management tool for your B2B marketing, you can create content and respond to messages or comments in less time. However, your social media management in the B2B area is not just about posting pictures, but mainly about various forms of video communication.

This could include various ads, for example, that are played to the decision-makers on their profiles, in which you briefly and concisely present the advantages of your products and services or the uniqueness of your company. You can also offer webinars to present your products in detail and respond to inquiries. This form of communication with your customers strengthens your image as experts and competent partners who offer exactly the right solutions.

When creating and editing your content, Content Management Systems can help you. The corresponding tools also allow you a detailed analysis of your advertising measures, which you can use for the further orientation of your marketing communication.

Search Engine Advertising (SEA)

To catch the eye of your potential B2B customers already at the first search for solutions to their problems, Search Engine Advertising (SEA) is suitable. By defining various keywords used by searchers when entering into the search engine, different types of ads can be placed within the search engine. B2B online marketing tools can help you choose the keywords suitable for your area and evaluate the ads.

You should definitely consider this area of online marketing in your marketing activities, as it can appeal to potential customers in the very early stages of the buying decision process. You also have the opportunity to define different keyword types for different phases in order to always be able to play out the right content and ultimately the ideal offer to the decision-makers.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

When dealing with SEA, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) should not be missing from your B2B online marketing toolkit. After all, you want your website to rank on the front pages of Google, even without ads. This requires the revision of your website and your content. B2B SEO tools can analyze your website and show you opportunities for optimization, e.g. which pages of your website are visited in what order by your website visitors.

These tools also show you the channels through which prospects come to you and which content is interesting for your target groups. Did someone click on your Facebook ad or did they find out about you through a search engine? You can get this and many more information and the resulting recommendations for action with a search engine optimization tool.

These are the best B2B Marketing Tools

Attention: This ranking is based on the state of 7th December 2023.

Since there are a large number of B2B marketing tools and their different areas of application, we have summarized the best B2B marketing tools from 2023 from the categories Marketing Automation, E-Mail Marketing, Content Marketing, SEO, Social Media, SEA and Cross Channel Advertising for you. Detailed reports and user reviews can be found on OMR Reviews.

1. B2B Marketing Automation Tools

Let's start with the B2B marketing automation tools. On OMR Reviews you can also find a comprehensive overview of all marketing automation tools tested by us and our users.

Brevo (formerly Sendinblue)

For B2B and B2C – Brevo (ehemals Sendinblue) meets a whole range of requirements for marketing automation in a variety of areas. Originally started as an e-mail marketing tool, Brevo is now moving towards a comprehensive all-in-one platform. Interfaces to various shop systems facilitate many operations for e-commerce – whether welcoming mailshots with integrated A/B testing or reminder mails for abandoned shopping baskets. B2B automation processes take a lot of work off your sales staff and optimize operations around business contacts. Brevo costs between $ 25 and $65 per month from 100,000 mailings per month.

For more information on Brevo prices and user reviews with price reference, see OMR Reviews.

HubSpot Marketing Hub

With HubSpot Marketing Hub you can provide your potential customers with personalized content. HubSpot relies on various automated workflows from the areas of marketing, customer service, CMS and CRM & sales. Using these workflows, you can increase your website traffic, convert leads to customers and measure the ROI of your marketing activities. The costs are determined by how many marketing contacts you want to generate. The available packages start at 41 € per month.

For more information on HubSpot Marketing Hub prices and user reviews with price reference, see OMR Reviews.



2. B2B E-Mail Marketing Tools

If you want to use a separate tool for your B2B e-mail marketing, we will present you with various software solutions here.


A GDPR-compliant provider is rapidmail. With this you can create your e-mail campaigns by drag-and-drop and individually adapt them to your corporate design. Furthermore you can create simple automation workflows, which e.g. include the dispatch of a welcome mail after registration to your newsletter. You can easily connect the B2B e-mail marketing tool to all major shop systems. rapidmail offers different tariffs, depending on your needs, starting from 15 € per month.

Information on rapidmail prices and user reviews with price reference can be found on OMR Reviews.

Brevo (formerly Sendinblue)

Another recommendable B2B e-mail marketing tool is Brevo (ehemals Sendinblue). It has a drag-and-drop editor, workflow automations, SMS and chat features and the option to run Facebook Ads. Brevo costs you between $25 and $65 per month from 100,000 mailings per month.

For more information on Brevo prices and user reviews with price reference, see OMR Reviews.


3. B2B Content Marketing Tools

We've mentioned it a few times already: Your content. It has to match the individual needs of your B2B customers and be played out to them in the right situations. The right B2B content marketing software supports you in this.


neuroflash is a provider of AI tools from Germany who has set the goal to generate particularly high-quality content with the help of artificial intelligence. The centerpiece is a AI text generator based on the GPT-3 language model by OpenAI, which is designed to generate a completely new, plagiarism-free and unique text with every inquiry. In addition, neuroflash offers a AI image generator, which allows you to create visuals matching the text.

neuroflash is available in both a free and three paid versions, which you can use from €30 per month.

More information about the pricing plans of neuroflash can be found on OMR Reviews.


The platform of Taboola is based on artificial intelligence. You can use the tool on websites, in digital devices and mobile apps to monetize your content and increase user engagement of your target group. Taboola helps you generate more traffic for your own website, distribute content to a targeted audience, gain higher brand awareness, generate more leads and achieve higher sales. You can request the pricing on the website of the tool provider.

More information about Taboola prices can be found on OMR Reviews.


4. B2B SEO Tools

As a marketer, you can't ignore SEO these days - and that's a good thing. Because by consistently optimizing your search engine results through B2B SEO marketing tools, you can become top-of-mind for potential customers.


Seobility is a German provider of an all-in-one SEO tool, which combines tools for crawling, for on-page analyses and for backlink analyses in one package. With Seobility, you are therefore able to optimally optimize your website and thereby achieve better rankings. Seobility makes website optimization simple and effective. Seobility offers you a whole range of functions and features with its all-in-one SEO tool to help you significantly advance the search engine optimization of your website. These include: Website audit tool, keyword ranking monitoring, backlink monitoring and analysis and free tools or features. The basic package is free and is particularly suitable for beginners. The premium package is suitable for professional websites and you can use it from €49.90 per month.

For more information on Seobility prices as well as numerous user reviews with price reference, see OMR Reviews.


neuroflash is a provider of AI tools from Germany who has set the goal to generate particularly high-quality content with the help of artificial intelligence. The centerpiece is a AI text generator based on the GPT-3 language model by OpenAI, which is designed to generate a completely new, plagiarism-free and unique text with every inquiry. In addition, neuroflash offers a AI image generator, which allows you to create visuals matching the text.

neuroflash is available in both a free and three paid versions, which you can use from €30 per month.

More information about the pricing plans of neuroflash can be found on OMR Reviews.


5. B2B Social Media Tools

In your considerations for your optimal B2B marketing mix, you should not overlook social media platforms. They allow real-time exchange with your target group and provide interesting insights into the efficiency of your advertising campaigns. The appropriate social media tool even makes the tasks arising from this more manageable.

With you can always keep up to date on what others are saying about your competitors on social networks. This works, among other things, by defining relevant keywords, for example the name of your brand or company and that of your competitors. This way, you can keep a quick eye on your competition. You can use from €35 per month.

For more information on prices see OMR Reviews.


SocialHub is a complete solution for social media management, which is designed to make working on various social media platforms easier. The Professional package starts from €199 per user per month.

For more information on SocialHub prices and user reviews with price reference, see OMR Reviews.


6. B2B SEA Tools

In B2B marketing it can be worthwhile not only to optimize search engines, but also to operate SEA, i.e. search engine ads. If your website not only ranks before those of your competitors, but also appears to your customers as sponsored content, they will inevitably have to pay attention to you. For the best implementation and analysis, you can use a SEA tool.

Google Ads

Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) is Google's online advertising system. By using the solution or placing appropriate ads, companies can prominently display their offers, such as goods or services, but also other added values, based on certain keywords

Information on Google Ads prices and user ratings with reference to the price can be found on OMR Reviews.

Channel Pilot Pro

Channel Pilot Pro is a cloud-based product data management tool for online retailers, brands, agencies and B2B companies. With the competition monitoring module, changes in market prices on all channels can be observed and your own product prices adjusted. In addition, users receive the opportunity to only play out performance products on all sales channels with performance optimization. The multi-channel tool offers eight modules in total to help companies manage their digital business.

Information on Channel Pilot Pro prices and user reviews with price reference can be found on OMR Reviews.

7. B2B Cross Channel Advertising Tools

In the last section we would like to introduce you to various cross-channel advertising tools. With these you can place ads on various digital channels and at the same time enjoy the advantages of all applications. This allows you to reach an even larger share of your target group.

The Trade Desk

The Trade Desk offers a Demand Side Platform (DSP) and Realtime-Bidding (RTB) for display, social, mobile and video. The platform is used by buyers of RTB inventory and is designed to design, manage and optimize data-driven, digital ad campaigns within ad formats

For more information on The Trade Desk prices and user reviews with price reference, see OMR Reviews.

Criteo Dynamic Retargeting

Criteo Dynamic Retargeting is a tool to increase website conversions and to reach customers and interested parties using personalized ads. According to the manufacturer's own figures, retargeting ads generate an average of 13 times the ROAS and reach 96% of website visitors.

For more information on Criteo Dynamic Retargeting and user reviews with price reference, see OMR Reviews.


B2B Marketing Tools cover a multitude of tasks for you

B2B marketing is a very extensive and profitable field for your company. Many of the resulting tasks of customer support, analysis, optimization and customer journey experience can be represented and streamlined by B2B marketing tools. However, the motto when choosing your B2B online marketing tools is: Quality instead of quantity.

More and more tools do not necessarily mean better results. Identify the tools that make your work easier so you can focus on tasks that require your personal attention. In this way, you can make your B2B marketing even more efficient, personal and profitable, so that both your company and your customers can derive the maximum benefit from it.

Carolin Puls
Carolin Puls

Carolin ist freie Texterin und Pressereferentin mit einer Leidenschaft für das geschriebene Wort. Als ehemalige Brand Managerin in der FMCG-Branche hat sie umfangreiche Marketing-Erfahrung gesammelt und währenddessen berufsbegleitend ihren Abschluss als Marketing-Betriebswirtin gemacht. Heute erstellt sie PR-Texte, Pressemitteilungen und Social-Media-Inhalte, immer mit viel Kreativität und Herzblut.

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