This is How You Create a Convincing Project Proposal

Finn Reiche 3/14/2023

In this article, you will learn how to create a project proposal, why it is needed, and what tools and templates you can use for it.

Table of contents
  1. Definition - what is a project application?
  2. Objectives - what are the objectives of a project application?
  3. Procedure - how do you prepare a project application?
  4. Templates and Tools - how can you make your work easier?
  5. Conclusion - why you should take project applications seriously

Almost a third of the total value added in Germany is generated in the form of projects, which is why project work is an indispensable part of the economy, especially for solving complex problems.

Projects therefore require precise planning, which is initiated and ensured by a project application.

In this article, you will learn from our guest author Finn Reiche how to submit a project application, why it is necessary and what tools and templates you can use for it.

Definition - what is a project application?

A project application is a detailed description of a planned project. It serves as a document to inform all stakeholders, especially to ensure approval and funding. Thus, it forms the basis of a contract between the various stakeholders.

A project application aims to clarify in advance what the objectives are and what forms the underlying ideas of the project. This is intended to prevent misunderstandings from arising later. Therefore, it is a document to help you establish a common understanding as the basis for discussion. A low-quality project application often leads to a high potential for conflict, which is why the effort is worthwhile. The more precisely the project application is formulated and the project described, the clearer the common understanding.

Objectives - what are the objectives of a project application?

A project application pursues various objectives, including:

  1. Project description: This provides a detailed description of the scope of the project and how it is to be carried out. The opportunities and benefits for the company, which the project is supposed to bring, are also highlighted. Always bear in mind that the benefits of a project must be greater than the costs. All existing, known and unknown risks (and their potential costs / effects) should be included.
  2. Objective setting: In the area of objective setting, the objectives of the project are described. It is also explained in detail what are not the objectives of the project and how these different objectives are related. The differentiation of the project from other projects is particular important. The objectives should be SMART, meaning Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound.
  3. Network and Milestone Plan: A network plan is the temporal representation of a project, in which the entire project process, including the project structure plan, is displayed. All milestones to be reached are also listed. A network plan shows the time dimension and, in particular, the so-called critical path, which shows the temporal effects of delays of individual work packages on the entire project.
  4. Cost and Resource Plan: Based on the network plan, all required costs and resources are determined to foresee at which point in time which resources are needed and when which costs will occur. This can prevent over- or under-coverage. If over- or under-coverage occurs, measures can be initiated in advance, such as hiring additional employees.
  5. Risk Assessment: Preventive and continuous risk management are important parts of the project application. The project application therefore also includes a risk assessment to identify and evaluate potential problems throughout the life of the project.

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Procedure - how do you prepare a project application?

To prepare a project application, it is best to follow the structure mentioned above.

The first step in the preparation is to define the project and all its goals. You can follow the following questions, which you should answer:

  • What is the purpose of the planned project?
  • What are the goals of the planned project?
  • How is the planned project differentiated from other projects?
  • What are not the goals of the planned project?
  • What results do you expect for the planned project?
  • How does the planned project help the company or organization?
  • How should the planned project run and who is responsible for it?

The answers to these questions form the basis for the project application, which helps you define the goals of the project.

You should also prioritize your goals, for example, using a pairwise comparison.

After you have defined and described the project and made its scope clear, you should turn to the temporal process and insert the milestones to be reached. This will allow you to derive when which resources are needed and which costs start at what point in time.

Finally, you give an overview of potential risks that can occur before, during, or after the start of the project. You evaluate these in terms of the probability of occurrence and the amount of damage. Ideally, you should provide an overview of possible measures that can reduce either the probability of occurrence or the amount of damage.

Templates and Tools - how can you make your work easier?

Project applications can take very different forms depending on the company, objective, and purpose of the project. However, you should answer the above points and questions in any case.

There are numerous templates for project applications, often also within a company, to maintain the internal structure.

There are various formats and templates on the internet, but you can also use software to make your work easier.

The software ranges from general word processing programs to special Project Management Software, which simplify the creation of network, milestone, cost, and resource plans. Here are two examples:

  1. Microsoft Word / Google Workspace: Simple word processing programs in which collaborative project applications can be submitted. Tables can be integrated to include the plans and risk assessments.
  2. Jira: While Jira does not explicitly offer the function of submitting a project application, it can be used to create all the required plans. Creating a network plan in spreadsheet programs like Excel is basically possible - but it requires more time and patience than in project management software programs.

Conclusion - why you should take project applications seriously

A clean, comprehensive, and well-written project application does not necessarily lead to a successful project, but it can significantly influence its course. When planning a project, you should, therefore, invest sufficient effort in creating a proper project application - this is in your interest as well as in the organization's.

It offers you the advantage of being able to plan and structure the project well for yourself, and it provides the organization with a good basis for calculations, plans, and risk assessment.

With a project application, you can clearly present what objectives the planned project pursues, which methods should be applied, but also what budget needs to be planned - and what the expected results are.

You can use simple word processing programs for this, but for parts of the project application, you can also use specialized project management software, such as Jira, which simplifies the creation of a network plan.

Finn Reiche
Finn Reiche

Finn beschäftigt sich vor allem mit Projektmanagement und Design Thinking. Nach Bachelor und Master in Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen promoviert er derzeit im Themengebiet Plattformökonomie/-ökosysteme und ist freiberuflich als Trainer und Facilitator für Unternehmen aller Größe tätig.

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