Benefits of Email Marketing: Why It Still Pays Off

Lena Fölting 8/29/2022
Table of contents
  1. Why shouldn't companies forego email marketing?
  2. 11 powerful benefits of email marketing
  3. These are the email marketing tools you should check out
  4. Conclusion: Why Email Marketing is Advantageous

Email marketing has often been declared dead, but the pandemic and the future loss of third-party cookies show that this marketing channel remains very important. When people think of email marketing they often think of newsletters and the associated high production of content. Lena Fölting has compiled 11 powerful advantages of email marketing for you, which will convince you or your superiors of the opposite.

Recommended E-Mail-Marketing-Softwares

On our OMR Reviews comparison platform, you can find more recommended email marketing software. We present over 150 solutions that are perfectly tailored to small and medium-sized companies, start-ups and large corporations. These softwares offer comprehensive support in all aspects of email marketing. Take this opportunity to compare the different email marketing tools, using real and verified user reviews:

Why shouldn't companies forego email marketing?

First of all, it's important to understand that email marketing is much more than just successful newsletter marketing. Besides setting up specific email campaigns and sending a newsletter, revenues can especially be generated efficiently through email marketing automation - and this is very cost-effective. The use of an email marketing tool, like GetResponse and the costs for the email content are relatively low compared to the revenue you can generate. Once you have understood this, you have a clear advantage over other companies. But there are many more advantages why you should use email marketing in your marketing mix:

11 powerful benefits of email marketing 

1. Easy handling

Around the topic of email marketing there is the widespread misconception that the creation is accompanied by an elaborate and recurring production of content. But the opposite is the case: Once you have automated your communication, you only need to optimize these routes at regular intervals. This can be done by looking at the opening and click rates of the emails. With the relevant data, such as name or even interests, you can easily personalize the automated email routes and quickly make them relevant for your defined target groups with little manual effort. So the motto is: producing content once and creating added value for your recipients multiple times.

In addition, you should plan your email marketing campaigns in advance, so you still have time for your daily to-dos. This is especially important during the Christmas business. So get planning!

2. Segmentation

In marketing, it is essential to tailor measures to the target group. This works wonderfully in email marketing thanks to your recipients' data. This data can already be collected perfectly during lead generation, through email campaigns or by using a preference center. This way you can play out certain offers to the relevant target group. Unlike other marketing channels, you avoid high wastage and generate a high conversion rate.

3. Measurable success

Not only in performance marketing can campaigns be evaluated directly. This can also be done in email marketing. With a professional email marketing tool, like GetResponse you can display the most important KPIs such as opening and click rate but also conversion rate in one (!) clear reporting. This allows email campaigns to be evaluated quickly and optimized. This includes, for example, maintaining the distribution list using the bounce rate. With the right tool and the appropriate settings for your company, this even works automatically. Measurable success that can even be further expanded with automation. Sounds good, doesn't it? Nice side effect: With this knowledge, recommendations for other marketing channels can be made and marketing messages adjusted.

4. Personalization

Email marketing is one of the few marketing channels that allow personal addressing. With the necessary data, newsletters and other mailings can be personalized. A personalized approach will increase your click rate in the long term and have a positive effect on customer retention.

There are almost no limits to your personalization. In addition to the salutation, subject lines or certain content blocks can be tailored to the interests of the subscribers. But don't be tempted by the endless possibilities! After all, your subscribers should not feel completely read out.

5. ROI

As already mentioned, email marketing is one of the most cost-effective marketing channels. The costs for an email marketing tool and the production of content (texts, images and some programming) are relatively low compared to the revenues that you can bring in from the recipients. Especially automated email routes, like for example the shopping cart abandoner route, generate a lot of revenue and require only one-time setup. In addition, the transparency of costs in comparison to other marketing channels allows you to quickly determine the return on investment. This way you can regularly adjust your measures.

6. Data sovereignty

As already mentioned several times, you can collect data about your subscribers through email marketing. This means that data sovereignty lies with you and not with a third party. This is especially relevant in times of the loss of third-party cookies. This makes you less dependent on certain cookie regulations.

With the help of this data and the networking of other systems, you can run data-driven email marketing. The connection of various systems thus allows an independent and data-driven email marketing with extensive possibilities for segmentation and personalization.

7. A/B Testing

With email marketing, you have the opportunity to extensively test content before distributing it on other marketing channels. With the right tool, you can vary and test your strategy from the subject line to images or the color of CTAs. Some tools evaluate the tests directly and can optimize the email campaign even while sending. This allows for real-time insights for the company, which can be applied immediately to other campaigns or channels.

8. Environmentally Friendly

Many companies have made it their mission to produce or trade in a more environmentally friendly manner. Marketing measures should also be measured against this goal. In this respect, measures in email marketing fare better than activities on other marketing channels. Electronic transmission of marketing messages avoids the transport of post or the 24/7 operation of illuminated advertising. When selecting the appropriate email marketing tool, also make sure that it is operated with modern server technology. We need to save energy everywhere and especially here there is a lot of potential!

9. Effective Emotionality

Newsletters and mailings are perfect for emotionalizing marketing messages. This way, boring facts can be translated emotionally already in the subject line. This increases your opening rates. By personalizing mailings, you awaken emotions in your recipients and thus not only increase the click rate, but also strengthen customer retention in the long term. Also consider CTAs or images, through which you can evoke emotions in your subscribers. It doesn't always have to say „Discover now“ on the CTA. It sounds simple, but this email marketing tip has a major impact on your click rate.

10. Omnichannel campaigns

Another advantage of email marketing is the use of omnichannel campaigns, which are being implemented more and more in marketing. The email marketing channel can be networked with other channels, providing customers with an unforgettable user experience. Through email marketing, relevant data from subscribers can be collected, transmitted to other systems and used there. This allows specific campaigns to be controlled over various channels and reach customers at the right place and right time.

11. Professional data protection

By now it should have arrived everywhere: data protection is highly prioritized! While there are still many exciting legal questions around tracking data, an approach to customers without documented consent should definitely be a thing of the past. Therefore, both professional email marketers and the majority of email marketing tools have aligned themselves in this way. Many of the tools now have their own subscription process, so you don't have to worry about the topic of double opt-in. With the clear consent of the recipients, you also don't have to struggle with high unsubscribe rates. Poor customer reviews have also decreased, because nowadays you don't write to customers without their consent.

These are the email marketing tools you should check out

To operate successful email marketing, you should have the right tool for it. There is now a very large selection on the market, which is constantly changing. Among them also, with 25 years of market experience: GetResponse. Therefore, you should definitely have a look at OMR Reviews to get a better overview. In addition, you get a feel for the relevant selection criteria. The top list can also give you a feel for which tools you should consider.

Often, the selection of an email marketing tool not only raises the question of the extent to which you want to operate email marketing, but also at what price. That's why I would like to go into my three favorites, which are located in different price categories:

If you are a smaller company or have less budget available, you should have Mailchimp on your shortlist. With Mailchimp, you can use the standard features for free, which you need for sending newsletters. But you can also use automated journeys and A/B tests for a small euro. If data protection plays a big role in your company, you should consider that Mailchimp is an American company and the servers are located in the USA.


If you're looking for a tool in the mid-price range that can also adapt to your company's growth, check out HubSpot Marketing Hub. This tool is specialized in comprehensive inbound marketing campaigns. You can run newsletters, landing pages and marketing automation through this. Creating workflows is super easy, so new employees can be quickly trained. Plus, you can easily monitor all your marketing activities.

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Let's move on to the tool with one of the best usability: Emarsys. Here, you have to clearly say that the good usability of the tool also has its price. With Emarsys, you can do cross-channel marketing: from print campaigns to push notifications, a lot is included. Here, you can easily set up complex as well as automated journeys with little effort. The only sticking point is the intensive implementation of the tool. You should plan time for this. But the service is flawless and supports you at any time.

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Conclusion: Why Email Marketing is Advantageous

'The king is dead, long live the king' - this is how you could respond when email marketing is understated.

It is definitely one of the most cost-effective marketing channels and should not be missing in your marketing mix. Once you have produced the content for your automated email routes, all you need to do is optimize them regularly and build a better connection to your customers efficiently, quickly and clearly.

In addition, you can collect further relevant data from your customers through email marketing and retain data sovereignty over this. This makes you independent of cookie regulations or third parties.

Lena Fölting
Lena Fölting

Lena Fölting wollte sich nach dem Jurastudium der digitalen und kreativen Marketingwelt widmen. Die Reise begann zunächst im Performance-Marketing und endete aufgrund ihrer Neugier gegenüber datengetriebenem Marketing im CRM & E-Mail-Marketing. Heute unterstützt sie bei der nexum AG als Senior CRM & E-Mail-Marketing Unternehmen bei dem strategischen Ausbau ihrer E-Mail-Marketingkanäle.

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