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These are the Best Tips for Creating Your Landing Page

Carolin Puls 1/28/2025

With these tips, you can boost the conversions on your landing page

Table of contents
  1. In our article about the seven "best Conversion Optimization tools", you can find out which tools are suitable for which optimization measures.
  2. Appealing Images:
  3. Convincing CTA button:
  4. So setzt Ihr eine erfolgreiche Landingpage mit GetResponse um
  5. Fazit: Gut erstellt ist halb verkauft

They are one of the most effective marketing tools in e-commerce and yet their impact is still underestimated. We're talking about landing pages. These are websites that have been exclusively programmed to encourage your visitors to perform a specific action. This can include subscribing to a newsletter or webinar, or even purchasing one of your products.

In order to pursue this purpose as best as possible, a landing page has a clear call to action - a clear call to action that your customers should follow. With good implementation, you can achieve high conversion rates through the use of landing pages, as you have optimally prepared the content on this page for your target group.

Since most landing page tools are supposed to generate sales or subscriptions, it is not surprising that their providers mainly come from the newsletter shipping sector. If you have the right tool at hand, creating your landing page is even free for you. In addition to the ",", "," and ",", "," also belongs to the best and most used landing page tools.HubSpot Marketing HubThe SaaS support for your e-mail and online marketing offers your company various functions for optimizing your online presence - from e-mail marketing to a landing page builder to conversion funnels and webinars. The user-friendly interface allows you to design your own landing pages in no time and publish them under your own domain. Another goodie is the integrated analysis function, which shows you how successful your page is performing.MailchimpThese are the advantages of a landing pageUnbounceBut why should you now rely on landing pages to achieve your goals? The big advantage of a landing page is that you provide your customers with all concrete information about your offers in a clear layout on one page. By focusing on these facts and pursuing a clear focus, the relevance of the page for your visitors increases. They are not distracted by irrelevant content, but are led directly to the desired conversion.GetResponseOften your customers only reach your landing page via a separate link if you have spread it, for example, in a "Social Media Post" or an "E-Mail Campaign". This increases the exclusivity of the topic and its relevance. In addition, the focus and the integrated direct possibility for action for your followers achieve significantly higher "Conversion Rates" than conventional websites.

Consequently, sales also increase. Furthermore, marketing landing pages have a wide range of applications. On them, you can publish new products, events, discount campaigns and anything else you can think of, and thus further promote your company.

In our article about the seven "best Conversion Optimization tools", you can find out which tools are suitable for which optimization measures.

This is why you should definitely use Landing pages in E-Commerce.

With Landing pages, you can pursue different goals. You build Opt-in Pages to generate new registrations for your newsletter, Sales Pages, on the other hand, to attract new buyers. Sign-up Pages increase the number of visitors to your webinars, and you use Promotion Pages when you launch new products or implement discount campaigns.
As you can see, the difference between a landing page and a homepage is that you want to guide your visitors directly to an action. For this reason, landing pages contain either a call to action, a registration form or other elements that require a direct response from your customers. The customers do not have to visit another subpage of your website to sign up for a newsletter, for example, but remain comfortably on one page that contains all the important information. You deliberately avoid elements that can distract, such as additional menu items or pop-up advertising.
In contrast, your homepage serves to give your customers a general overview of the company, the products and the corporate philosophy. It should convey your values and build trust with the website visitors. That's why your homepage also has many different sub-pages, which then again dedicate themselves to specific topics.If you use a landing page for your e-commerce, you avoid distractions and
focus your customers' attention on your offer. This is often achieved by a detached webshop. This is accessible from the company page, but is not integrated into the actual homepage.
These are the best tips for creating your Landing pageTo create a strong "Landing page", you should consider some elements in its design. We have summarized the most important points for you below:Convicting headline: It is the element that catches your customers' eye. Therefore, when formulating, pay attention to making it clear what your page is about and why your visitors should scroll further.

Comprehensive information about products and offers:

 As with every marketing campaign, the maxim is: Know your target group. If you know how your customers tick, you can put together the information they need to make a purchase decision. This is also important in order to hit the right tone when creating your product and sales texts. Pay attention to these texts to bring the important information to the point and not to ramble, otherwise you run the risk that your readers lose interest and leave the landing page.Clear USP: Most products and services appear to customers
nowadays interchangeable. Your task is to convince them of the opposite. Convey your USP, i.e. the characteristics that make your performance, which you offer them on this landing page, special. Highlight this uniqueness in your texts, graphics and call to action buttons.

Appealing Images:

You're certainly familiar with the saying "A picture says more than a thousand words." This principle also applies to the design of your landing page. Images that match your content statements, tease products and services and thus make your customers curious, are ideal to complement your page. When selecting, make sure to choose the images in high resolution to convey a high-quality impression.

Responsive Design:

Many customers will access your landing page via their smartphone.
This probability increases if you spread the link to this page through your social networks. To ensure that your - laboriously and lovingly created - landing page also achieves exactly the conversions you expect from it, you should give the page a responsive design. This allows the website to automatically adapt to different screen sizes, so that viewers do not have to swipe left and right to display all content. In many landing page tools, like
for example at ",", templates for designing your landing page are included, which take into account the responsive design and thus always present your page
in the right light to your customers.

Convincing CTA button:

Before you start programming your landing page, you should definitely formulate a clear goal. Do you want to generate more newsletter registrations or sell products? Formulate these goals preferably SMART (specific, measurable, attractive, realistic, timed) in order to be able to evaluate at the end of the campaign whether it was successful. With this clear goal in mind, you then formulate your Call to Action button - the heart of your landing page. This must convince your customers and have them take the next step, thus generating a conversion.A/B Tests: To get an insight into how well your texts and contents are received by your customers, you should conduct A/B tests. In these, two different "Examples of your landing page" coexist. One target group is served version A and the other version B. Based on the dwell time, click sequence and completions, you can then draw conclusions about which elements work well and which ones you need to optimize further. It makes sense to vary only one or a few components in order to be able to determine their effect. This way, you can test your "Call-to-Action", your videos or images, for example, and see how
product recommendations from your testimonials affect your sales.

  • Own Domain: Use your own domain for creating your landing page. This is a sign of trust for your customers, as they find your company name in the URL and also the use has a positive effect on your SEO ranking, as the domain gains relevance through the increased accesses.
  • Consequential Design: Rely on a "Design of your landing page" that is familiar to your customers, which they know from your website. Of course, it may differ in small details from your homepage, but you benefit from the recognition value of a uniform design. Many providers offer you consistent templates for websites, landing pages and newsletters, which you can
    individualize for your company.
  • Social Proof: By integrating reliable data, statistics or test seals, such as Proven Expert or Trusted Shops, you create trust in your landing page visitors and convey that you really know what you are talking about. This greatly increases the probability that your customers will choose your offer. Testimonials and quotes from satisfied former customers can also support you here.
  • Lead Magnet: Your customers will not have come to your landing page
    for nothing - you will have promised them a lead magnet for this. Your followers usually receive this goodie in exchange for their data in the form of a registration for your newsletter or the registration for a webinar. The purpose of a lead magnet is to give your customers a taste of your expertise and to provide them with additional information about your products and your company. Make it clear in your registration or registration form that your customers will get the coveted content after registration and what information you want from them. After they get the free e-books or a checklist, for example, and are convinced by you, they will return for
    future purchases.
  • Optimized SEO titles and Meta descriptions: So that your landing page ranks at the top in search engines, you need to SEO optimize your texts and website settings and adjust the associated Meta descriptions. The text entered there is the first thing your customers see of your page in the search engine. You should not leave this first impression to chance.GetResponseTo determine whether these tips will help you achieve your goals, you need to look at the bare figures. Which ones they are depends on your individual goal setting. You can, for example, specify how many visitors you want to record or how many successful transitions with a high dwell time from your social media channels should be achieved.
  • The most important factor in measuring the success of your landing page is the conversion rate. It indicates how many final actions your customers have taken. Depending on your objective, this includes registrations for your newsletter, the download of a lead magnet, registrations for webinars or product purchases.You can track the results of your landing page with the analytics tool that is integrated into "," and prepare them for your executives. The tool takes into account not only the direct activities on your page but also the "Google Ads Conversion Tracking", that is, the deals that came about as a result of a Google Ad. Through consistent tracking, you can continuously optimize your landing page and thus achieve better and better results.
  • How to implement a successful landing page with GetResponseNow you're probably itching to start creating landing pages for your e-commerce. We'll show you how to implement successful landing pages with ",":First, link GetResponse to your online shop, for example, via your Shopify integration.In the dashboard, you can select the point "Landing page" via the "Tool" button.In the Landing page Creator, choose a template that you customize or design from scratch. Include all the information and elements that are important to your customers. These include product information, images and videos. Drag and drop them where you want to place them, and piece by piece you build up your sales platform.
  • Insert a meaningful and activating call to action button on your landing page.Next, build the page to which your CTA button should link.
  • Remember triggers in the form of pop-ups, which help you keep your visitors on your site and set them up in GetResponse. Alternatively, you can set up a countdown to emphasize the exclusivity of your offer.Include social media links to your social platforms on the landing page, allowing your customers to share the page.Test the responsive design of your landing page to ensure optimal performance on all mobile devices.A "Thank you" page after the order or registration completes your
    successful online presence.
  • Then input all SEO relevant information. These include the SEO titles,
    Meta descriptions, Alt texts and the URL of your page.
    Now you can start selling your offers.
  • Conclusion: Well created is half soldA well-structured landing page can become a real sales booster for your company. You do need a little time to build it strategically, but this effort quickly pays off through high conversion rates. In combination with e-mail campaigns or social media actions, you can sell your products and services faster and more target group specific.
  • Thus, the landing page quickly becomes an indispensable part
    of your e-commerce from an underestimated marketing tool.
    Damit Eure Landingpage in den Suchmaschinen auf den obersten Plätzen rankt, müsst Ihr Eure Texte und Website-Einstellungen SEO-optimieren und die zugehörigen Meta Descriptions anpassen. Der dort eingegebene Text ist das erste, was Eure Kund:innen in der Suchmaschine von Eurer Seite sehen. Diesen ersten Eindruck solltet Ihr auf keinen Fall dem Zufall überlassen.

Um festzustellen, ob diese Tipps Euch dabei helfen, Eure Ziele zu erreichen, müsst Ihr Euch die nackten Zahlen anschauen. Welche dies sind, hängt von Eurer individuellen Zielsetzung ab. Ihr könnt beispielsweise festlegen, wie viele Besucher:innen Ihr verzeichnen wollt oder wie viele erfolgreiche Überleitungen mit hoher Verweildauer von Euren Social-Media-Kanälen erreicht werden sollen.

Der wichtigste Faktor zur Messung des Erfolges Eurer Landingpage ist allerdings die Conversion Rate. Sie gibt an, wie viele abschließende Handlungen Eure Kund:innen vorgenommen haben. Hierunter fallen, je nach Zielsetzung, Anmeldungen für Euren Newsletter, der Download eines Lead-Magneten, Anmeldungen zu Webinaren oder auch Produktkäufe.

Die Resultate Eurer Landingpage könnt Ihr mit dem Analytik-Tool, das inGetResponse integriert ist, tracken und für Eure Führungskräfte aufbereiten. Das Tool berücksichtigt neben den direkten Aktivitäten auf Eurer Seite auch das Google Ads Conversion Tracking, also die Abschlüsse, die aufgrund einer Google Ad zustande gekommen sind. Durch das konsequente Tracking könnt Ihr Eure Landingpage kontinuierlich optimieren und so immer bessere Ergebnisse erzielen.

So setzt Ihr eine erfolgreiche Landingpage mit GetResponse um

Nun juckt es Euch sicherlich schon in den Fingern und Ihr wollt endlich Landingpages für Euren E-Commerce erstellen. Wir zeigen Euch, wie Ihr erfolgreiche Landingpages mit GetResponse umsetzt:

  1. Verknüpft zuerst GetResponse mit Eurem Onlineshop, beispielsweise über Eure Shopify Integration.
  2. Im Dashboard könnt Ihr über den Button „Tool“ den Punkt „Landingpage“ auswählen.
  3. Im Landingpage-Creator wählt Ihr eine Vorlage aus, die Ihr individualisiert oder diese selbst von Grund auf designt. 
  4. Integriert alle Informationen und Elemente, die wichtig für Eure Kund:innen sind. Hierzu gehören Produktinformationen, Bilder und Videos. Schiebt diese per Drag & Drop dorthin, wo Ihr sie platzieren möchtet, und baut Euch Stück für Stück Eure Verkaufsplattform zusammen.
  5. Fügt einen aussagekräftigen und aktivierenden Call to Action Button auf Eurer Landingpage ein.
  6. Baut anschließend die Seite, auf die Euer CTA-Button verlinken soll.
  7. Denkt an Trigger in Form von Pop-Ups, die Euch dabei unterstützen, Eure Besucher:innen auf Eurer Seite zu halten und legt diese in GetResponse an. Alternativ könnt Ihr auch einen Countdown anlegen, um die Exklusivität Eures
    Angebotes zu betonen.
  8. Bindet Social Media Verlinkungen zu Euren sozialen Plattformen auf der Landingpage ein, die es Euren Kund:innen ermöglichen, die Seite zu teilen.
  9. Testet das Responsive Design Eurer Landingpage, um eine optimale Performance auf allen mobilen Endgeräten zu gewährleisten.
  10. Eine „Dankeschön“-Seite nach der Bestellung oder Anmeldung komplettiert Euren
    erfolgreichen Onlineauftritt.
  11. Legt anschließend alle SEO-relevanten Informationen ein. Hierzu gehören die SEO-Titel,
    Meta Descriptions, Alt-Texte sowie die URL Eurer Seite.
  12. Schon kann der Verkauf Eurer Angebote beginnen.

Fazit: Gut erstellt ist halb verkauft

Eine gut aufgebaute Landingpage kann für Euer Unternehmen zu einem echten Umsatzbringer werden. Ihr benötigt zwar ein wenig Zeit, um sie strategisch aufzubauen, allerdings zahlt sich diese Mühe durch hohe Conversion Rates schnell aus. In Kombination mit E-Mail-Kampagnen oder Social-Media-Aktionen könnt Ihr Eure Produkte und Dienstleistungen schneller und zielgruppenspezifisch verkaufen.

So wird die Landingpage im Handumdrehen von einem unterschätzten Marketinginstrument zu einem unverzichtbaren Bestandteil
Eures E-Commerce.

Carolin Puls
Carolin Puls

Carolin ist freie Texterin und Pressereferentin mit einer Leidenschaft für das geschriebene Wort. Als ehemalige Brand Managerin in der FMCG-Branche hat sie umfangreiche Marketing-Erfahrung gesammelt und währenddessen berufsbegleitend ihren Abschluss als Marketing-Betriebswirtin gemacht. Heute erstellt sie PR-Texte, Pressemitteilungen und Social-Media-Inhalte, immer mit viel Kreativität und Herzblut.

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