Social Media Trends 2024

Hans Neubert 12/19/2023

Be prepared for these social media trends in 2024.

Social Media Strategies
Table of contents
  1. What is Social Media in 2024? - MUCH MORE THAN JUST A FEW POSTS!
  2. What are social media trends? - ONE-HIT WONDERS OR LONG-TERM POTENTIAL?
  3. Here are the top 3 Social Media trends that are relevant in 2024! ⁠
  4. 5 Social-Media-Trends 2024, that you can implement directly
  5. 5 Top Tools for Social-Media-Marketing 2024
  6. Conclusion

Boost performance across all social media channels, generate virality and belong to the top players in the social media platform cosmos? These social media marketing trends 2024 will help you become one of the absolute pioneers, because the year 2024 is characterized by a revolutionary transformation of the social media channels, which not only fundamentally changes the way we network, but also how companies and creators reach their target audiences. Here, we conduct an in-depth analysis of the latest social media trends exploring the changing paradigms of social media marketing and exploring the diverse facets of all social media channels.

The Social Media trends 2024 are not just a reflection of user behavior, but also a preview of the changing landscape of social media marketing. From evolution with turbo drive of the platforms, new formats and more and more new ways to publish social media content, to the strategic realignment of marketing strategies, the latest developments on social media channels are of crucial importance for companies and creators alike. The social media channels have undergone a transformative journey. From simple exchange channels, they have evolved into complex ecosystems that offer shopping opportunities and a comprehensive 360-degree multimedia experience. But before we delve into the details and hot potentials of current social media trends, the basic question arises:

What is Social Media in 2024? - MUCH MORE THAN JUST A FEW POSTS!

Nowadays, Social Media is much more than just digital platforms for the exchange of content and communications. It is a universal megaphone, connecting people worldwide, facilitating communication and providing a stage for creative forms of expression. In marketing itself, social media marketing has evolved from the “underdog” and a “We'll do it on the side” to-do to an absolute turnover and performance driver.

Social Media Tools have established themselves as an indispensable tool, whose relevance and influence will reach an unprecedented level in 2024. Social media marketing has evolved from an optional supplement to an indispensable part of any marketing strategy. Companies and creators who take these changes seriously and invest more resources in social media marketing in 2024 than ever before, will reap the fruits of the new era of digital marketing and take their relationship with their customers* to an unprecedented level. Therefore it is even more important to have the latest Social-Media-Trends 2024 on the radar!

The current social media trends reflect the preferences and behaviors of all users of the various social media channels. The Social-Media-Trends 2024 are not only superficial phenomena, but represent profound changes in how people consume content, network and look for entertainment. These social media trends for 2024 are primarily shaped by the following factors:

  • The integration of AI (Artificial Intelligence), AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality) and other innovative technologies has expanded the possibilities of social media marketing. Personalization, interactive content and tailored texts are now more accessible and effective than ever before. This has massively influenced the Social-Media-Trends 2024.
  • The availability of detailed data and advanced analytical models has also significantly increased the effectiveness of social media marketing. Enterprises and creators can now gain more precise insights into the community than ever before and optimize their strategies accordingly.
  • In addition, Social Commerce has increased rapidly. Users are increasingly looking for seamless shopping experiences directly on Social Media Platforms, which have developed into significant sales channels.

These Social-Media-Marketing-Trends 2024 are not just snapshots, but indicators of the changing needs and expectations of users as well as the continuous evolution of digital communication on Social Media.

  1. From small to big: Niche platforms become mainstream!

    In addition to the major platforms, specialized niche platforms and communities are also gaining importance. People are increasingly looking for smaller, exactly fitting Social Media Platforms, to exchange ideas with like-minded people.

    ⁠Originally known for DIY projects, recipes, and interior design,
    Pinterest has evolved to offer users a wide range of topics, from fashion to technology to health. So bit by bit, the niche image platform has become a real “Social Media Power House”. The latest analyses of all platforms show a user preference for even more visualized content. Pinterest is flourishing in this environment by enabling users to collect and share ideas, inspirations, and products in visually appealing boards, because the platform has always been Visual-First. Moreover, Pinterest is not only one of the largest search engines in the world, but now also one of the major e-commerce platforms in social media marketing, allowing companies to offer products directly in posts. Through the use of AI, Pinterest also plays highly personalized content and recommendations. This creates a seamless transition from “discovery” to “purchase”. The integration of e-commerce, the focus on visual content and personalized recommendations have contributed to Pinterest becoming an essential part of the digital strategies of brands and creators and thus absolutely belongs to the “Hot-List” of the social media channels for 2024.

    ⁠From niche network to mainstream scene of the professional world,
    LinkedIn, is also developing. What began as a niche platform for job search is now transforming into a “mainstream hub” for professionals and businesses. Personal Branding and Thought Leadership have fully established themselves as terms on social media channels. LinkedIn as a social media channel starts exactly there and provides professionals with a platform to position themselves as experts in their field and share their opinions and expertise. LinkedIn has developed into an effective social media channel for targeted advertising and targeted Marketing for B2B, and B2C brands. It allows for precise targeting of professional audiences and decision-makers. In the era of 2024, where personal branding, targeted marketing, and the search for professional opportunities are central, LinkedIn has established itself as an indispensable platform,. As a hub for career development, expertise in very specific areas and business relationships, LinkedIn has secured its place in the mainstream social media landscape of 2024.
  2. CLOSE, CLOSER, COMMUNITY: From “FaceTime-Content” to What’sApp Channel - Creating closeness in new dimensions!

    ⁠More and more people feel overwhelmed by the constant notifications from a multitude of social media channels and platforms. A feeling of “it's all too much” and “I can't be on so many platforms every day” occurs. Many are therefore looking for alternative ways of communication, preferably in smaller groups of like-minded people, where they can consume, create and share content more freely and purposefully. Thus, one can observe social media trends that people increasingly retreat into smaller, private communities, away from public spaces online. Platforms such as Snapchat, WhatsApp or BeReal have seen a strong influx in recent years. Their common feature? With them, a “central feed” is not the focus. The focus is on private and closed communication. Also functionalities that allow to communicate in smaller and personal groups on large platforms, like for example Instagram-Broadcast-Channels, are absolutely booming. The year 2024 will thus be characterized by “exclusivity” on social media. Although these micro-communities target a smaller audience, engagement and usage time are particularly high. Brands and creators can benefit more from this Social-Media-Marketing-Trend 2024,. Functions on Social-Media-Platforms like for example the “Close Friends Story” on Instagram, Facebook groups or What’sApp Broadcast Channels promise great potential for this current social media trend.

    ⁠The same principle can of course also be applied to content creation. Many of us are familiar with a classic “Get Ready With Me” or “Storytime”
    video on Tiktok, Instagram Reels, Stories and other vertical formats, in which creators accompany or report on their everyday lives in front of the camera. In the past, the products used or tutorials were in the foreground - but this has now subsided. The mostly short vertical videos feel like a “FaceTime-Call” with friends. The creators or brands grant insights into life, share stories or let the viewers participate in certain aspects of their life over several videos. It is no longer a secret that our attention span on social media channels is getting shorter and shorter. Due to the "video call"-like content, viewers can concentrate both on the carried out activity and on the gripping stories of the creators or companies. Here, good storytelling plays a crucial role. This again contributes to community building, because deeper and exciting insights on a private level are crucial to building a strong fan base in the long term. Users feel like a part of the story, and want to contribute in the form of comments, shares and other interaction possibilities on the respective social media channels.

  3. THE ERA OF ENTERTAINMENT: Social Media is the main medium and new formats emerge - others die out!

    ⁠Social Media has become the main medium of many, especially the younger generations, in recent years. Meanwhile, the global internet user community spends an average of about 2 hours and 25 minutes per day on social media (
    We Are Social). The proportion of Germans who no longer use a linearly broadcast TV program is now over 22%, which represents a higher percentage of non-users compared to streaming (Statista). These numbers illustrate the shift towards digital platforms as the main source of entertainment,. The permanent availability, of information, the interactivity and the variety of social media channels has led to social media gaining in importance as major sources of information and entertainment platforms. From the 6 part Nike documentary series to YouTube's reality TV formats from OBI. Brands and creators are increasingly investing in entertainment focusing on social media.

    ⁠Even in paid content by creators and companies on social media, the content performs better, where entertainment is the main focus, far from product or service. Brands and creators, who haven't understood in 2024 that their primary focus should be on entertainment in their content, will find it difficult in paid marketing and especially in terms of organic reach on social media. The nature of “entertainment content” on social media channels is also that the brand and producers have to give up a lot of control in the
    creative process, which is different from other marketing measures and can be unsettling. It is crucial to align all parties on the key messages and values that the brand embodies. So, brands and creators can convince with fixed and aligned to the community, repetitive formats and so mix in the current trend on Social Media 2024.

Recommended social media software

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⁠Discover how you can use these current trends on Social Media to strengthen presence and expand the community.

  1. There is now something to listen to - SHORT-FORM AUDIO IS ON THE RISE

    ⁠Mini-Podcasts, audio chats and even AI-controlled interactive listening experiences: In 2024, your ears will be in focus on all social media platforms. This is the evolution of “
    snackable content, because so far there are short videos for example on TikTok or as a Reel on Instagram, but Shortform-Audio is still in its infancy. From audio chatbots in the Direct Messages to on the go podcasts on Spotify - you won’t be able to miss this latest social media trend for 2024. Barilla, for example, made it happen by creating their own playlists, with songs that are adjusted to the cooking duration of special types of pasta. A solution-oriented and value-added example, of how to rethink social media channel audio offerings in marketing. X launches “Voice-Tweets” and “X Spaces”, where users can have live conversations with others (X). Meta is developing new audio tools, allowing users to create “Soundbites”, short audio clips (Facebook). 2024 will be the year of new audio formats on social media!
  2. Hashtags and search engine bye bye - SOCIAL MEDIA SEO IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER
    40 % of Generation Z no longer search primarily on big search engines like Google for restaurants, DIYs, information or products – They search on TikTok and Instagram (#YOUNGMATES study).

    ⁠The rise of TikTok as a search engine has already shown in 2023 how SEO marketing has changed and will continue to transform. While Google remains the world's most popular search engine,
    search behavior, has changed significantly depending on need. People type into the search bar on Amazon to search for products. They use Snapchat Snap Maps to find restaurants and bars. And they also use TikTok and Instagram as a general search engine. This is also a reason why TikTok has increased the maximum character length of captions. Detailed textual descriptions and the use of subtitles are not only part of good content, but also of good findability on social media channels.

    TikTok SEO.webpSource: Later.

    We will see more and more content being generated with AI,. We have seen how Maybelline New York went viral, with a fake subway and the matching mascara. Other mainstream brands like North Face or Alexander Wang also tried out such content in 2023 and celebrated great successes. It brings a level of creativity that has not yet been tapped, it opens up so many possibilities for brands and creators to create content that would not be possible in normal life. So far, the trend videos and filters with AI generated content have concentrated on entertaining content, such as transforming your dog into a Disney Pixar figure on TikTok. Many people want to immerse themselves in a fantasy world for a while, amidst the many negative news and current world events, and AI can exactly achieve and assist in this.

    maybelline-lashes.webpSource: Creative Salon

  4. Social Media replaces customer service - COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT AS SERVICE TOOL

    90 % of users expect an immediate answer from a brand when they have a question (HubSpot). This demand for speed and personal attention leads to many brands now having more customer service and support requests via Social Media than via any other channel. 59 % of Facebook users and 34 % of Instagram users interact with brands via Social Media Platforms,. Nearly half of these individuals turn to businesses for customer service issues (Khoros). It has never been more important as a brand to operate quick and targeted Community Management,. Not only the quality and quantity of the content makes a difference in the eyes of the user. Also the speed and the level of the answers can decide about buying from your brand or from the competition.

  5. The medium length no longer exists: LONGFORM OR SHORT-FORM AND NOTHING IN BETWEEN!

    In the last year we have read in seemingly all Social-Media-Trend-Reports only about Shortform-Content and especially Shortform-Video. However, TikTok, X and Instagram keep extending the maximum duration for videos. While short videos provide entertainment, many also want to delve deeper into topics or extensively engage with “Edutainment” (Education & Entertainment) to deeply delve into very specific topics. Longer content also serves as a medium for creators and companies to present their expertise and to become leading personalities or brands in their field. Current insights point to a clear departure from the traditional "middle class" in content. Videos of 10 to 20 minutes and podcasts of under 30 minutes, better bundle up! This change illustrates the changing preferences in our media consumption and the fast-paced nature of our social media interactions,. Current numbers show especially two things perform well on Social Media: very short or very long. We all know at the latest since TikTok: short, focused videos are watched. That also explains the success of YouTube Shorts, Idea Pins on Pinterest and any other Vertical-Video format that was introduced. But what also shows: longer, more in-depth content also works! Videos on YouTube of over 50 minutes have very high watch times on average and series are watched more at once than episode per episode for example on different evenings. More than 70 % of users prefer videos of under 10 minutes length (HubSpot). Podcasts with a length of 5 to 15 minutes have the highest engagement rate and listener retention (Edison Research).

5 Top Tools for Social-Media-Marketing 2024

There are also many tools for the social media area that can be of assistance in daily work. I brought along my recommendations:


The constantly changing social-media landscape also brings a variety of exciting Social-Media-Marketing-Trends in 2024. From emerging platforms to innovative content. At OMR Reviews we give you a good overview of Social-Media-Tools,. Social media channels continue to be a central area for marketing strategies, and understanding the latest social media trends is crucial for the success of companies.

Social Media as a whole remains a dynamic field, that is continuously defined and reinvented. Understanding these social media trends is key to building successful brands and personal brands online!

Hans Neubert
Hans Neubert

Die Zukunft von Marken und der Gesellschaft durch digitale Innovation zu prägen, ist seine Mission. Hans Neubert ist Vorstandsvorsitzender der Bundegesellschaft für digitale Medien, Herausgeber des „Digital Media Award Germany“ und ein Experte in Sachen Digital-Marketing, -Branding und -Innovation. In den vergangenen 10 Jahren hat er unter anderem für die Marktführenden in den Bereichen Beauty, Luxury und Fashion gearbeitet und die Landschaft des digitalen Marketings mit preisgekrönten Kampagnen revolutioniert.

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