Programmatic Display Advertising – a Triumph of the Digital Age

Maik Eller 2/2/2024

Our guest author Maik Eller gives you a comprehensive overview of the basics, advantages, and challenges of Programmatic Display Advertising.

Table of contents
  1. Programmatic-Display-Advertising-Definition
  2. Categories of Programmatic-Display-Advertising
  3. Advantages of Programmatic-Display-Advertising
  4. The Programmatic-Platform
  5. Programmatic-Display-Advertising-Tools
  6. Conclusion

Programmatic-Display-Advertising has rapidly evolved in recent years and has become an integral part of digital marketing. This digital marketing tool also brings great success in personnel marketing. I will show you the basics, advantages, and challenges of Programmatic-Display-Advertising. From the automated purchase of ad space to the precise display of ads based on different targeting categories to possible tools, I give you a comprehensive overview of this exciting topic.


Digital World - Programmatic-Display-Advertising is a method of digital marketing where display advertising, videos, and native ads are automatically and digitized on websites and apps. The ad placement takes place in real time, i.e. within fractions of a second, using programmatic technologies that auction off ad spaces on websites and apps. These technologies are called Demand-Side-Platforms (DSPs) and Supply-Side-Platforms (SSPs). The auction process, which is conducted in real time, is known as Real-Time-Bidding (RTB). This method enables the precise targeting of target groups by using data and algorithms, thereby maximizing the effectiveness of advertisers' campaigns.

So if a potential customer or candidate is on a website, exactly there an advertising space can be used and a particular advertisement for a product or a job can be displayed.

While Programmatic Advertising serves to display ads on websites and apps,
SEA refers to the display of advertisements in search engines for matching search queries, for example on Google with Google Ads.

Categories of Programmatic-Display-Advertising

The shoe must fit - Candidate Targeting refers to the targeted approach and recruitment of potential candidates for vacancies of any kind. Various indicators are used here that suggest a match between the candidate and the open position. Databases, job portals, and other resources are used to gain information about geography (place of residence and radius), demography (age, biological sex, languages), environments (visited websites and apps with relevant content), target group data (interests, professions, education), and keywords used on websites and apps. This way, suitable candidates with the required skills, experiences, and qualifications for a particular job are identified and specifically addressed. This method optimizes the recruitment process and increases the likelihood that suitable candidates will become aware of open positions.
The Candidate Targeting has a very large potential range and is therefore also well suited for employer branding purposes.

Right time, right place - Geo Targeting is a marketing strategy where advertisers target their ads based on the geographic locations of users. This way, users can be specifically addressed who fit the ad due to local proximity. This strategy allows companies to use their marketing budgets more efficiently as they can only deliver their ads to individuals in certain geographic areas that are relevant to their business.

Ads for location-specific offers, events, services, and jobs that are tied to a specific job are displayed to those users who could be interested in the respective ad. Potential candidates for open positions are addressed where they are, for example at their workplace, at universities or on events.

Through Geo Targeting, a specific location can be determined; thus in personnel marketing, locations of the target group can be narrowed down to within a few meters based on addresses or GPS coordinates. This can, for example, specific targeting at events, trade fairs, or competitors' locations.

Constant dripping wears away the stone - Re-Targeting refers to a marketing strategy where advertisers specifically play out ads to individuals who have previously interacted with their brand or products. In personnel marketing, these are ads for open positions that a user has looked at but has not started an application process. This strategy is a subsequent measure to the first two methods of ad display.

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Source: iStock

The re-placement of an ad usually takes place on a different website or app than the first play-out and takes place via tracking technologies: Through cookies, pixel tags, log files, etc. the online behavior of users can be analyzed. If a user visits a website and performs certain actions there (for example, looking at a product without making a purchase, or reading a job ad without starting an application process), re-targeting can be used to present this user with targeted ads for exactly this product or this vacancy later when he or she visits other websites. Thus, potential customers or candidates are repeatedly addressed with relevant messages and thus encouraged to return and complete the action. The re-targeting strategy is also possible and sensible across devices, this is called cross-device re-targeting. Via a pixel in the ads or on the landing page, device information is recorded and extended by an algorithm to include additional end devices. This means that an ad is not only played out on the mobile phone where the initial contact was made, but also subsequently on the laptop or tablet. This improved targeting of users increases the performance of the campaign.

Advantages of Programmatic-Display-Advertising

That’s why - the biggest advantage of Programmatic Advertising is its targeting accuracy: The use of data and algorithms ensures a precise orientation of the ads to the desired target group.

In addition, the automated real-time process allows advertisers to save time, costs, and resources, as well as continuous optimization of the ads via performance data analysis.

Furthermore, an immense range is possible here, due to the amount of ad space and publishers. In personnel marketing, employer advertising thus becomes a positive side effect of a recruiting campaign. The ads are displayed to users before they have to actively search, so that passive users and candidates willing to change are also addressed.

The Programmatic-Platform

Technology behind - a Programmatic-Platform is a technology platform that allows digital ads to be bought, managed, and played out in real time automatically. Via this so-called Demand-Side-Platform (DSP), advertisers can specifically buy ad placements on various digital advertising inventories. The acquisition of ad spaces is designed efficiently through the functions for automated bidding on different sales channels. DSPs use data and algorithms to optimize ad placements, target group alignment, and campaigns.

Sell-Side-Platform (SSP), publishers (operators of websites and apps) offer their advertising spaces to make money. The DSP and the SSP are connected through the Ad Exchange server. This acts as a marketplace; here the auction of the advertising space takes place.

The data records of the users in the target group are organized via the Data-Management-Platform (DMP). This platform collects, organizes, analyzes, and finally activates data from various sources so that advertisers can use this data.


Now let’s get down to implementation - a DSP that offers various targeting options, including Hyperlocal Targeting, is LiquidM. Hyperlocal Targeting is a Geo Targeting that is suitable for determining very specific locations with accurate geographical coordinates or radius specifications in a very limited radius. This allows users in the immediate vicinity to be addressed.

A DSP with a myriad of targeting options is Google Display & Video 360 (DV360). It allows advertisers to specifically target their ads to certain audiences. These targeting options can also be used for Candidate Targeting, as advertisers with DV360 can define specific audiences for their ads, based on demographic characteristics, interests, behaviors, and other criteria.

DV360 also works with the Google-Display-Network (GDN). The GDN can be considered a Programmatic-Display-Advertising-Tool, as it allows advertisers to play out ads in real time on a wide variety of websites that are part of the Google network. By using automated auction strategies and targeting options such as Keyword Targeting, Placements (selection of specific websites for ad placement), Topic Targeting, Demographic Targeting, and Re-Targeting, advertisers can specifically deliver their ads to certain target groups. Moreover, the Google Display Network offers features such as automatic auction procedures and conversion tracking (evaluation of visit actions like Marketing-Attribution-Tools) to optimize the performance of the ads. This corresponds to the concept of Programmatic Advertising, where ad placements and bids are automated to improve the efficiency and relevance of the ads. Programmatic Advertising vs. Google-Display-Network: Programmatic Advertising covers the automated purchase and sale of digital advertising inventories across various platforms, while the GDN is a specific advertising network operated by Google which can only access the Google network and partner websites. Thus, Programmatic Advertising offers a broader reach than GDN and greater automation. Overall, both Programmatic Advertising and the GDN can offer effective ways to place digital ads. The choice between the two depends on the specific goals of an advertising campaign as well as the preferences and resources of the advertiser.


With Programmatic-Display-Advertising, you can display display advertising, videos, and native ads automatically and digitized on websites and apps in a targeted manner. This works with appropriate technology platforms that automatically buy the provided ad spaces in real time and then play out the ads on them. The use of data and algorithms of different targeting categories ensures a precise alignment of the ads to your desired target group and moreover an immense range. You can implement all this with tools like LiquidM, Google Display & Video 360 and Google-Display-Network.

Maik Eller
Maik Eller

Maik berät bereits seit sechs Jahren erfolgreich seine Kundinnen bei der KÖNIGSTEINER AGENTUR zu allen Fragen rund um Recruiting, Personalmarketing und Employer Branding. Sein Ziel ist es, treffende Arbeitgeberbotschaften zu den passenden Kandidatinnen zu bringen und so neue, nachhaltige Verbindungen zwischen Arbeitgeberinnen und Arbeitnehmerinnen zu knüpfen. Besonders spannend findet er in seinem Arbeitsumfeld die Themen HR-Tech, New Work, Diversity und moderne Modelle zur besseren Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Karriere.

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