Run Google Ads and Reach Target Audience

With Google Ads, you can place advertisements on Google Search, in the Display Network and much more, thereby reaching your target group with the right hook.

Table of contents
  1. Running Google Ads: Making You Present
  2. What are Google Ads?
  3. Why run Google Ads?
  4. When should Google Ads be run?
  5. 12 Tips for Running Google Ads
  6. What else should be considered when running Google Ads?
  7. Which tools are suitable?
  8. Conclusion: Fixed place in the marketing strategy

Running Google Ads: Making You Present

Finding new customers through Google Ads? Yes, that's possible. When used correctly, Google advertising is an extremely powerful tool that can give your business more reach and revenue. Find out here when Google advertising pays off particularly well, which tips you should consider to create your ad campaigns successfully, and which software can support you.

What are Google Ads?

Google Ads is an effective way to advertise online and target potential customers. You can use it to increase your visibility, boost the visibility of your products or services, and achieve your marketing goals.

Google Ads in Google Suche.png

Google ads in Google Search / Source:

Ads is the informal abbreviation for the word "ads", which are used to advertise products, services, events, or ideas. Google Ads, simply put, is an effective way to advertise online and reach your target audience. However, you can run Google ads not only in Google search, but also activate them on other channels and platforms:

  • Google Display Network
  • YouTube
  • Google Shopping
  • Google Maps
  • Google Discover
  • Google Mail (Gmail)
  • App Advertising
  • Google for Business (Business Profile)
  • Discovery Ads

Google Ads, therefore, do not only consist of text, but also include images, videos, URL, price information, reviews, buttons, symbols, addresses an contact details and the like.

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 Google Ads Shopping Ad / Source:

In addition to the paid advertisement, the tool provided by Google is also referred to as "Google Ads". Google Ads is considered one of the most well-known and frequently used platforms for SEA. The powerful system supports you in marketing your online campaign and in the planning, optimization and analysis of your activities.

In addition to Google ads, Meta Ads, advertising on Facebook, is also an important component in online marketing.

Why run Google Ads?

According to the Wordstream Benchmarks 2023 Report, the invested euro doubles, thus achieving an ROI of 100%. Here are more reasons why Google advertising is worth it:

  • Reach and Visibility: Google is the most used search engine in the world. Every day, millions of people search for information, products and services on Google. By running ads, your business can increase reach and visibility among a large number of potential buyers.
  • Targeted Targeting: With keyword targeting, location targeting, demographic traits and other criteria, you can smartly target your audience.
  • Measurability and analysis: Google Ads offers comprehensive tools for measuring and analyzing campaign performance. As an advertiser, you can track how your ads are performing, how many clicks and conversions were generated, and what ROI you're achieving. This allows you to optimize your campaigns in real time and use your marketing budget efficiently.
  • Flexibility and Control: Advertising on Google gives you the flexibility to adjust your campaigns as needed. You can change your budget, bids, create new ads or edit existing ones. This allows you to react uncomplicatedly to changes in the market or business environment.
  • Quick Results: In contrast to some other marketing methods, Google Ads campaigns can be set up very quickly and often produce fast results. This is especially useful if you want to react quickly to seasonal demand or other short-term opportunities.
  • Competitive advantage: Since many companies run ads on Google, Google Ads gives you a chance to stand out from the competition. If the quality and appeal of your ads is right, they will likely be clicked first.
  • Scalability: Google Ads is suitable for small local businesses as well as large international corporations. Campaigns can be scaled according to the company's needs and goals.
  • Brand building: In addition to direct lead generation or sales promotion, Google Ads can also contribute to increasing brand awareness and brand loyalty, as ads are repeatedly present among users.

When should Google Ads be run?

Strategically used, Google Ads is always a powerful ad system for attracting new customers online. By using relevant keywords and appealing ads, it's almost a breeze to generate qualified leads. Here are some practical examples:

Introducing products and services

Let's imagine a startup company that has developed an innovative fitness app and wants to launch it to market quickly. The business creates targeted Google Ads campaigns that focus on keywords like "fitness app", "health training" and "personalized training". Additionally, they use demographic traits to ensure ads are only displayed to people within a certain age range and with certain interests. Using these Google Ads campaigns, the company reaches potential customers who are searching for fitness apps and directs them to install and use their app.

The Google Ads analysis tools allow the company to track ad performance and identify which keywords and ads are most effective. This allows them to continuously optimize their campaigns and maximize the success of their product launch.

Strengthen online presence

Another example concerns a small online retail company that sells handmade jewelry. Although the company has a website, it does not generate enough traffic to attract sufficient customers.

To strengthen its online presence, the company creates Google Ads campaigns that focus on relevant keywords like "handmade jewelry", "unique jewelry pieces" and "buy jewelry online". They also use geographic targeting to ensure their ads are only displayed in regions where they can deliver their products.

Through these Google Ads campaigns, the company significantly increases its online visibility. People searching for handmade jewelry now see the company's ads in searchresults and on other relevant websites. This leads to increased traffic on the site and potentially more sales.

Promote seasonal offers and events

Suppose a business is planning a big sale for the Christmas season and wants to ensure its offers are seen by a broad audience. The company sets up Google Ads campaigns optimized for key terms like "Christmas gifts", "Christmas deals" and "Christmas fashion".

In addition, the company uses demographic traits to target ads to people of a certain age and gender. During the Christmas season, users searching for gifts or Christmas fashion see the company's ads in search results and on other channels.

This leads to increased traffic to the site and more sales during the festive season, so the company successfully advertises its seasonal offers and events and increases revenues. Search Advertisin.png Search Advertising Benchmarks 2023 / Source and Copyright:

The Search Advertising Benchmarks 2023 graphic also shows the average CTR by industry. Arts and entertainment are the winners here at 11.78%, followed by sports and leisure at 10.53% and travel at 10.03%.

12 Tips for Running Google Ads

Running Google Ads is fun and brings success. However, planning a campaign requires a certain strategy that you may first need to develop. You will find here a few tips that will definitely help you set up a successful Google Ads campaign:

  1. Focus on the quality of the landing pages: The landing page is the extended arm of your ads. Make sure it provides relevant and compelling information that encourages users to perform the desired action. Fast load times and a user-friendly design are also important.
  2. Define clear goals: What do you want to achieve with your advertising campaign? More visitors on your website? More calls and consultations? Or the promotion of a certain product group? Clearly define your goals and define the metrics by which you can measure the success of your campaign.
  3. Keyword Research: Take enough time to determine the right keywords for your ads. Relevant keywords ensure that your ads meet the needs and interests of your target audience.
  4. Optimize Quality Factor: The quality factor is an important aspect in Google Ads and is rated on a scale from 1 to 10. It considers the relevance of your keywords, the quality of your ads, and the user experience on your website. A high quality factor often leads to lower cost per click (CPC).
  5. Use negative keywords: Use negative keywords to prevent irrelevant clicks and unnecessary impressions. This optimizes your ads, lowers costs, and improves the quality factor.
  6. Use Ad Extensions: Google Ads offers various ad extensions, such as sitelink extensions, review extensions, and call extensions. These extensions make your ads stand out and more informative, and also influence the click rate.
  7. Experiment with different ad types: Test text ads, image ads, and video ads to find out which ones work best for your potential customers.
  8. Use various channels: Google advertising is not just available for Google text search. Also use Google Shopping or the Display Network and vary or combine the channels depending on target and target group.
  9. Geographic targeting: If your business operates locally, use geographic targeting to display your ads only to people in relevant regions.
  10. Test bid strategies: Google Ads offers various bid strategies, including manual bids, automatic bids and cost-optimized bids. Test strategies to find out which ones suit you best.
  11. Keep an eye on competitors: Monitor your competitors' activities in Google Ads on a regular basis to gain insights into successful strategies and industry trends.
  12. Continuous optimization: The work on your Google Ads campaigns never stops. Regularly analyze your data, test new ideas and optimize your ads to continuously achieve better results

What else should be considered when running Google Ads?

The right keyword set forms the foundation of your Google Ads campaign. It influences relevance, cost, quality and effectiveness of your ads. Therefore, it is crucial to invest time and resources in keyword research and selection, and to constantly monitor and optimize these to increase the success of your ad campaigns.

There are numerous ways to find the right keywords. Brainstorming and competitive analysis are among the most important methods for generating ideas and identifying the needs of your target group. In addition, smart tools are available that assist you. They not only provide keyword ideas but also display search volume and competitive data. Here is a small selection. Click on the respective links to learn about the exact features of the tools:

Not only the selection of keywords, but also the design is decisive whether your ads are clicked. Try to find the right language and the appropriate perspective, use emotional address and differentiate yourself from the competition through clear measures.

Conversion tracking is another crucial part of your advertising strategy. Only through tracking, can you measure the success of your campaign and understand how effective your ads are at generating the desired actions on your website. In the OMR article Google Ads Conversion Tracking, you can read what this involves and how to properly set up tracking.

Search Engine Advertising (SEA) is not everything. Ideally, you should also deal with SEO at the same time to improve your organic visibility in Google search results in the long term. SEO is a long-term process that needs time to build organic rankings. However, the combination of Google ads and SEO allows you both immediate visibility and long-term presence in search results.

Additionally, you can use the insights from your Google Ads campaigns to optimize content and meta data. Conversely, you can also offset the poorer performance of certain pages through targeted search engine advertising. And, if you want to read again how to set up a Google Ads campaign step by step, you can find it in our Contenthub.

Which tools are suitable?

Google advertising is easiest to manage with software support. Conversion tracking, keyword research and selection, and the organization and optimization of your ads are made a lot easier. In the category SEA Software & Tools, we offer a wide range of providers, along with user reviews. Additionally, we provide useful Guidelines, with expert knowledge.

Conclusion: Fixed place in the marketing strategy

With Google Ads, you have the opportunity to present yourself to a broad and diverse online audience and effectively target potential customers. As a flexible and adaptable advertising tool, it has a firm place in the digital marketing landscape and can contribute significantly to achieving business goals. The prerequisite for this is that the ads are strategically set up, the targets are regularly reviewed, and the Google ads are continuously optimized. If Google advertising is integrated into a holistic digital marketing strategy that also includes SEO and other channels, it is undoubtedly a key to maximizing the reach and success of your business.

Margit Kustor-Neubauer
Margit Kustor-Neubauer

Margit Kustor-Neubauer ist enthusiastische Texterin und freie Redakteurin bei OMR. Mit Background in Online Marketing, Medien und Kommunikation konzipiert sie seit 15 Jahren Content im Einklang mit Zielgruppe und USP. Dank ihrer Expertise und Kreativität schraubt sie die Ergebnisse von Websites und Newsletter nach oben, bringt Redaktionskalender zum Glühen und Blogs zum Überlaufen. Mehr über Margit gibt es unter MKN Textdesign.

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