These Are the 7 Best SEA Tools

Katharina Iken 6/18/2024

We introduce you to the 7 best and most popular SEA tools

Table of contents
  1. What is Search Engine Advertising (SEA)?
  2. What is the difference between SEA & SEO?
  3. How much does SEA cost?
  4. 1. Google Ads
  5. 2. Google Keyword Planner
  6. 3. Channel Pilot Pro
  7. 4. Channable
  8. 5. Finch
  9. 6. adSoul
  10. 7. Adspert
  11. More SEA tools on OMR Reviews

Good rankings on the most popular search engine Google are nowadays a permanent part of the online marketing strategy for most companies. However, you probably also know that this doesn't work overnight. If it still has to be done quickly, SEA (Search Engine Advertising) might be the solution. Because Google not only delivers the organic results, but also places up to four ads with each search query. SEA-Tools can support you in managing, controlling and optimizing paid search engine advertising.

What is Search Engine Advertising (SEA)?

Search Engine Advertising, short SEA, translated means search engine advertising and covers the placement of ads in search result pages - short SERPs - like for example Google, Yahoo or also Bing. You can book these ads in the form of text on pre-set keywords and play them out. The goal of paid advertising in search engines in most cases is to increase traffic on a company's website and achieve as many conversions as possible, such as inquiries, purchases or newsletter registrations. Another goal of SEA can also be to make your own website discoverable in the first place.

Recommended Search Engine Advertising (SEA) Software

You can find recommended Search Engine Advertising Software on our software comparison platform OMR Reviews. There we have listed over 40 SEA tools that you can use to support tasks in the area of search advertising campaign management. So take a look and compare the software with the help of authentic and verified user reviews:

What is the difference between SEA & SEO?

The biggest difference between SEA and SEO is probably that SEA is paid and SEO is earned. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, therefore takes much longer and represents a long-term commitment. In return, no direct costs are incurred by the search engine operator. Booking an ad, i.e. SEA, can also be implemented in the short term, but is also associated with higher direct costs.

How much does SEA cost?

The costs of SEA can't be summarized in a single sentence, because there are different SEA costs. First and foremost are the costs that are directly due for the ads to the search engines. These can vary greatly, depending on the keyword on which the ad is to be placed. On Google, a click usually costs between 0.04€ and 4.00€. If you don't want to take your SEA into your own hands, additional costs for a professional agency are also incurred. Here, too, prices vary greatly depending on the effort and number of advertising campaigns you want to run. If you also want to use a SEA tool, there are also costs for this. SEA-Tools usually start at 100€ per month, but here too the prices vary and depend mainly on your monthly advertising expenses.

These are the 7 best and most popular SEA tools according to OMR Reviews:

1. Google Ads

Google Ads , known to some possibly under its former name Google AdWords, is Google's online advertising system. The tool allows you to target ads on keywords for offers, goods or services. Users can use Google Search and the rest of the network to convince potential customers of their products. The automated bid management for keywords and a budget management help with ad placement.

Google Ads Functions

  • Reports and recommendations on ad performance and costs
  • Optimization of paid keywords
  • Creation and editing of ads
  • Targeting options
  • Ad and landing page planning
  • Ad and conversion tracking
  • Notifications
  • Customization
  • User and rights management

Google Ads Costs

Google Ads can be used as a tool and service for free. Costs only arise when ads or ads actually receive clicks. These are user-defined depending on the budget and keyword.

Google Ads Alternatives

If you are looking for a Google Ads Alternative , take a look at our software review platform OMR Reviews. There you will find experiences and reviews of other users that can support you in the tool decision for a suitable SEA tool.

2. Google Keyword Planner

As part of Google Ads, the Google Keyword Planner supports users in finding the right and relevant keywords through self-research and suggestions. In addition, the search volume for these can also be analyzed. To get a first overview of the prices and offers, the tool provides bid estimates. Based on these, users can determine a keyword plan as well as the budget for the ad to be played out for their campaigns.

Google Keyword Planner Functions

  • Keyword research for relevant words and word groups
  • Determine search volume
  • Show history of search volume
  • Retrieve bid estimates to determine advertising budget
  • Create advertising plan

Google Keyword Planner Costs

The Google Keyword Planner is part of Google Ads. The prices here are individual and depend on the campaign and keywords.

Google Keyword Planner Alternatives

If you are looking for a Google Keyword Planner Alternative , take a look at our software review platform OMR Reviews. There you will find experiences and reviews of other users that can support you in the tool decision for a suitable SEA tool.

3. Channel Pilot Pro

Channel Pilot Pro is a cloud-based product data management tool for online retailers, brands, agencies and B2B companies. The feed engine can automatically export products to over 2,500 distribution platforms, social networks and marketplaces worldwide. In addition, the competition can be monitored by a module. Here, the focus is mainly on observing changes in market prices on all channels and adjusting their own product prices. Overall, the multichannel tool offers eight modules that help companies to control their digital business.

Channel Pilot Pro Functions

  • Feed management for the entire product catalog
  • Marketplace connections
  • Product data optimizations
  • Performance strategies
  • Marketplace analysis
  • Dynamic Pricing
  • Supplier connection
  • SEA automation for text and shopping ads

Channel Pilot Pro Costs

The prices of the tool are determined individually. Depending on the size and quantity of the fees, number of modules and scope of the features, the price is adjusted.

Channel Pilot Pro Alternatives

If you are looking for a Channel Pilot Pro Alternative , take a look at our software review platform OMR Reviews. There you will find experiences and reviews of other users that can support you in the tool decision for a suitable SEA tool.

4. Channable


Channable is a tool for feed management and SEA automation, with which products can be sent to more than 2,500 marketing channels and ads can be created for Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising. The goal of the tool is to give visibility to products, manage data feeds, automate SEA campaigns and attract new customers. The tool is aimed at a wide range of industries - from e-commerce to tourism to marketing agencies. In the SEA area, you can set up campaigns with Channable, benefit from relevant ads, identify longtail keywords and optimize your ads. The SEA tool can also be integrated with numerous other tools like Google Ads, Google Shopping, Microsoft Advertising or Search Ads.

Channable Functions

  • Generate campaigns: With the SEA tool, you can create search, display and shopping campaigns and update these automatically based on the product feeds.
  • Create relevant ads: Based on dynamic or static product information, you can design powerful SEA campaigns for Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising with Channable. You can also optimize ads, pause or make changes with the help of the SEA tool.
  • Generate longtail keywords: The tool is supposed to save you time and automate the entire keyword creation process.
  • Optimize ads: Channable gives you a if-then rule system with which you can optimize ads automatically. This ensures a dynamic connection to your product data and maintains full control over your ad content.

Channable Costs

The tool Channable offers different price plans. Also the price is also depending on the desired package, like how many items, projects and export channels you have. The SEA functions of Channable are only available in the price plan „Professional“. For the package Medium with 5,000 items, 2 projects and 6 export channels the „Professional“ plan costs 99€ monthly. With 15.000 items, 3 projects and 15 export channels 199 € monthly are due.

More information about the prices of Channable and user ratings with price reference you can find on OMR Reviews.

Channable Alternatives

If you are looking for a Channable-Alternative , take a look at our software review platform OMR Reviews. There you will find experiences and reviews of other users that can support you in the tool decision for a suitable SEA tool.

5. Finch

Finch refers to itself as a data-driven eCommerce platform that automates and optimizes digital advertising activities. The SEA tool provides detailed, actionable insights for all channels and advertising platforms. These include primarily campaigns in Paid Search, Shopping and Display and channels like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook and Demand-Side-Platforms. The functions of the SEA tool lie in campaign optimization, reporting and collaboration with other team members. The tool provider also offers strategic consulting, based on which users should be able to increase their sales.

Finch Functions

These are the most important functions of the SEA tool Finch:

  • Campaign optimization: The SEA tool automates and optimizes paid search, shopping and display campaigns across different channels. Here, granular data from existing campaigns are used to improve the performance of new campaigns. With the tool, revenue growth, Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS) and corresponding KPIs can be controlled and optimized. The SEA tool also offers cross-channel audience recognition and automated keyword extensions, which should increase a company's brand awareness.
  • Insight Reportings: The tool also centrally bundles data from all paid media channels and ad platforms. This is intended to provide users with actionable insights that can be divided and combined as desired. Dashboards, summary reports and individual reports for digital advertising campaigns can be created, saved and shared. The reports can also be adapted to the requirements of a company.

Finch Costs

The costs for the SEA tool Finch are not given on the company website. Only a contact form is provided, with which you can send a first request to the company.

More information about the prices of Finch and user ratings with price reference can be found on OMR Reviews.

Finch Alternatives

If you are looking for Finch-Alternative , take a look at our software review platform OMR Reviews. There you will find experiences and reviews of other users that can support you in the tool decision for a suitable SEA-Tool.

6. adSoul

 adsoul is an automatic search engine marketing tool aimed at making your SEA automatically more successful and, unlike most previous tools, specializes only in SEA. The software automates the most time-consuming manual steps. In addition, adsoul always offers the possibility to intervene manually and target search engine marketing. The marketing activities can be continuously expanded and thus scaled. Users can measure their performance at the most granular level in order to make fast and data-driven decisions. Another function of the tool is machine language processing, which is intended to assist in growth in other countries and languages.

adSoul Functions

These are the most important functions of the SEA tool adSoul:

  • Entity detection: With constantly evolving language processing and artificial intelligence methods, the tool promises to reliably categorize large amounts of keywords thematically. The provider promises an automated assignment of perfectly matching content to any word.
  • Keyword booking: With the help of API interfaces, adSoul can automatically book keywords directly into the Ads accounts of Google and Bing. In addition, the entity detection and the corresponding division of the keyword components help to clearly and uniquely book each keyword in the account. The independence should make it possible to upload and book any keyword files in adSoul. The selection of the keyword options in which the keyword is booked is customizable.
  • Account structure: The booking of keywords takes place in a uniform and structured structure. The account structure ensures easy orientation within the accounts and the granular campaign structure supports the depositing of suitable ads and target ads for the keywords.
  • Ad generation: The SEA tool uses the components of previously interpreted keywords for automated creation of uniform ad texts and supplements them with suitable site links. For each keyword, several specific ads are created in the Ads accounts with Google and Bing. All common ad formats are supported.
  • Landing page determination: The tool has a selection of landing pages, which can be assigned to the keywords with the help of entity detection. The landing pages relevant for a keyword then go through a scoring process to determine the best possible landing page. As landing pages, content pages such as category or brand pages as well as entry targets into the internal search can be used. The keywords receive their own specific landing page, so that the user intention is optimally answered.
  • Quality management: The booked keywords are checked daily by the SEA tool and every landing page is checked for accessibility, availability and offer and the result is synchronized with the Ads accounts.

adSoul Costs

For adSoul no prices are visible on the website. Only a contact form is provided, via which you can make a first request.

More information about the prices of adSoul and user ratings with price reference can be found on OMR Reviews.

adSoul Alternatives

If you are looking for adSoul-Alternative , take a look at our software review platform OMR Reviews. There you will find experiences and reviews of other users that can support you in the tool decision for a suitable SEA-Tool.

7. Adspert

Adspert refers to itself as a solution for performance-oriented advertising for e-commerce as well as search and display advertising. The software automates online ad campaigns for platforms like Amazon, Google, Bing, and Yandex. The 'Adspert algorithm' optimizes and adjusts bids for keywords, products, and placements several times a day automatically. The SEA tool also promises a maximum competitive advantage and efficient resource use by automating all processes around keyword maintenance, campaign optimization, and bid changes. The tool also advertises with transparent decision-making processes and support from experts in the form of account managers.

Adspert Functions

These are the most important functions of the SEA tool Adspert:

  • Google Ads: The SEA tool Adspert optimizes every type of campaign (incl. remarketing, shopping, search, display, Gmail, and combinations thereof), targeting, bid changes, conversion type, and target group to ensure that users of the tool achieve their objectives effectively.
  • Amazon PPC: Bids for Amazon Advertising can also be automated with the help of the SEA tool. The automations are based on an AI that should take into account more than a thousand data points. Based on this, users can gain insights and play through scenarios in order to use their respective budget efficiently.
  • Microsoft Ads: Microsoft Advertising - previously known as Bing Advertising - can also be covered with the SEA tool Adspert. The functions here also lie in adjusting and optimizing campaigns.
  • Yandex PPC:Also for Yandex - the leading search engine in Russia - you can control search and network ads with Adspert and optimize your advertising budget for this platform.

Adspert Costs

The SEA tool Adspert offers three different price packages: The package 'Lite' covers a monthly ad budget of up to 4.000€, offers access to all supported platforms and is at 99€ per month. The price package 'Standard' can automate and optimize ads for an unlimited budget using the tool, but here percentage additional spend for assigned purchases on Amazon (1.5%) and optimized advertising spend (2.5%) are also due. 'Standard' is at 399€ per month. For enterprise customers, there are personalized price packages, the costs are also determined individually.

More information about the prices of Adspert and user ratings with price reference can be found on OMR Reviews.

Adspert Alternatives

If you are looking for Adspert-Alternative , take a look at our software review platform OMR Reviews. There you will find experiences and reviews of other users that can support you in the tool decision for a suitable SEA-Tool.

More SEA tools on OMR Reviews

Of course, there are also other SEA tools: On OMR Reviews you can find a large selection of SEA solutions and compare them with each other. A total of over 15 SEA tools are listed there that allow you to manage your search campaigns. So drop by and compare the tools using authentic and verified user reviews:

Katharina Iken
Katharina Iken
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