Generate More Website Traffic - 10 Measures

Lisa Kubatzki 5/13/2024

In this article, we give you 10 tips on how to increase the traffic on your website.

Table of contents
  1. What is traffic and how can it be measured?
  2. Why is website traffic important for companies?
  3. 10 measures to increase the traffic on your website
  4. Which tools can be helpful in improving website traffic?
  5. Website traffic generation & maximization: The possibilities are numerous

Reach equals customers and customers mean revenue. If you run a website or an online shop, this is probably clear to you. But what if the number of visitors to your page is stagnating or hardly anything is happening in your shop?

Then it's time to draw more people's attention to you and your business. Your main goal, even if things are going well, should be to generate website traffic. What this means and how you can do it? You'll find out in this post!

What is traffic and how can it be measured?

In marketing, traffic (English for "traffic") refers to the data traffic or also the totality of accesses, visitors and/or activities on a website or in an online shop. This traffic can be measured using various metrics, for example page impressions, unique users, website clicks or website sessions. These data are measured by tools like Google Analytics or Hubspot Marketing Hub.

You can also distinguish different traffic sources:

  • Direct traffic (direct): This refers to when users enter the URL of your website directly into their browser.
  • Organic traffic (organic):If users find your website via search results in Google, Bing, etc.
  • E-mail traffic:Users come to your website via links in newsletters.
  • Social media traffic: Here, users click on a link in social media, for example in a YouTube caption.
  • Traffic from paid ads (Paid Traffic): The visitors who come to your website from paid ads, for example by clicking on a Google ad you paid for.
  • Traffic from links from external websites (Referral Traffic): A website that is not your own links to you. Referral traffic reaches your website through this link.

Why is website traffic important for companies?

The amount of traffic from websites provides information about how popular and attractivethey are for users. More website traffic usually also means that operators are getting closer to their business goals. That's why traffic generation is a constant task on their part.

A website without traffic is like a shop without customers. The shop can be decorated perfectly, offer the best products at top prices: If the number of visitors stays away, that's all for nothing and the owners of the shop will make losses.

Just as useless is when visitors do appear in large numbers in the shop, but buy nothing because they are not interested in the products. That's why it's important not just to generate more and more traffic, but to attract quality traffic, i.e. people who also belong to the target group and are willing to place orders or make other transactions. In the end, this also increases your conversion rate.

10 measures to increase the traffic on your website

If you want to increase your website traffic, you have several options. You can use different marketing channels to help. Especially the tools of search engine optimization, i.e. SEO, social media, e-mail marketing, search advertising (SEA), and content marketing, can help to increase website traffic.

In the following, I present you with 10 different methods to generate traffic and attract recurring leads for your goals.

  1. Improve organic visibility in search engines through SEO

    ⁠Without optimizing your website for search engines like Google, Bing or Ecosia, you would need to be very lucky to get organic traffic to your site. Running a website without
    SEO is almost unthinkable.

    ⁠What do you need to do to get visitors to find your website? Proceed like this:
    1. Do keyword research. Find out what search queries could be relevant for your website. You can do this with tools like ahrefs, SEMrush or even with ChatGPT. Once you have compiled a list of short and long tail keywords, optimize your page(s) for these keywords, create new content or rewrite existing content to meet the needs behind the keywords (user intent).
    2. Check the SEO health of your site. Make sure you don't link to 404s, i.e. broken links. Check that all pages are findable and all graphics are displayed. Google and Co. like 'healthy' pages best!
    3. Optimize your content for featured snippets and FAQs! Precise answers to search queries – That's what Google loves. To appear as a featured snippet for certain keywords, you should make sure that you don't ramble when writing your content, don't write endless paragraphs and pack the most important information in the most readable format (e.g. lists, bullet points, etc.). Also integrate a FAQ section into your site. If you are tech-savvy, you can also label this with schema markup and signal to search engines in a better way that this section exists in your content. This maximizes your chance of appearing in Google's "Similar Questions".

      Screenshot 2023-04-27 at 13.26.12.png
      Image: Google Search (Screenshot by the author)⁠

    4. Check your rankings & identify quick wins. Let's say a URL on your site ranks on the second page of Google, i.e. around position 10-20 for a particular keyword. Often, you only have to tweak the existing content a little, so maybe tweak the meta title or add a section to give it the final push into the top 10 for the keyword.
    5. Optimize headlines and SERP snippets. Small task with occasionally big effect. The H1, the meta title and the meta description are crucial elements in SEO. They should, if possible and sensible, contain the main keyword or a variation of it, for which you want to rank with a page. In the meta title you can also consider what would most likely make users click on your URL (mentioning discounts, for example, is a nice trick to draw attention to your search result!).

  2. Share links on social media

    ⁠Another method to generate traffic for your website or online shop is to be active on
    social media & guide your followers to your site via link.

    ⁠Research extensively on which platforms your target group is particularly active. There you can build a community. You can share links, for example in your description, via caption or story format.

    ⁠On the other hand, you should also embed social sharing buttons in your own content, so that enthusiastic users can share it in
    social media posts and also attract new visitors to your site. At OMR Reviews, we give you a good overview of social media tools.

  3. Launch Paid Ads

    You can also launch paid advertising to attract new visitors to your website. Paid ads can be launched either on social media (Facebook, Instagram and Co.) or on Google via
    search advertising.

    ⁠Google ads are the ads that are displayed on Google before organic search results. Accordingly, their click potential is pretty high.

    Screenshot 2023-04-27 at 13.28.11.png
    ⁠Image: Paid Ads (Screenshot by the author)

    ⁠In case of social ads, it's no different. These ads are played into the feeds or stories of your predefined target group.

    ⁠Here, however, you pay per click and you have to set aside some budget for these ads.

  4. Build external links

    ⁠Building backlinks is part of the Offpage SEO work. If you have interesting content, then you might be one of the lucky ones who build links from other websites without effort. This is also called
    link building. But also through partnerships and cooperations with large, topic-related sites you increase the potential for links to your website. Often, however, active outreach activities are required to build backlinks. ⁠⁠You can increase your traffic by getting the traffic from the external site to your website through this link.
  5. Expand offline presence

    ⁠Offline activities are supposed to help generate traffic? A clear yes.

    ⁠Offline marketing measures such as cooperations, trade fair appearances or lectures help you to increase your visibility. People who see you offline and are interested in you and your online business will also visit your website. This way you can secure direct and organic traffic.

  6. E-Mail Marketing

    ⁠With marketing e-mails and newsletters you have a direct line to your target group. You can use this to increase your website traffic.

    ⁠The advantage is that recipients of your e-mails have already expressed interest in your company by signing up for your list. They are therefore likely to click on links to your content or a CTA button to your target page.

    E-Mail Marketing is in contrast to other channels, whose performance is strongly dependent on external factors, a channel over which you have control. ⁠Prerequisite for generating more traffic with your e-mails is of course a well-developed list. You should regularly maintain this, i.e. sort out inactive leads or reactivate them. You can build up the list, for example, via a registration form on your website.
  7. Create content that attracts audience

    ⁠Create content not because you have to, but so that it interests other people. That means your
    content marketing strategy should be a good mix of evergreen content that is informative and helpful, and content that could 'make headlines', attract new users and perhaps gain you a few mentions or backlinks from other pages.

    ⁠On one hand, good content can bring new traffic to your website, on the other hand, its quality also determines whether visitors stay or come back.

    ⁠It's also important not to flood your site with generic or superficial content. Always keep in the back of your mind the user's intent which may change from time to time. Regularly give your pages a checkup and don't hesitate to overhaul old content and reuse or even merge and redirect multiple content.
  8. Cooperate with influencers & guest authors

    ⁠By collaborating with other influencers or guest authors for example for your blog, you can draw their traffic to your website. So to speak, you benefit from their reach. It doesn't matter whether you do something for them, like writing a
    blog post for them or sponsoring them, or whether they can do something for you, for example hold a webinar that you host via your site or place an ad in their newsletter.
  9. Try new channels

    ⁠To maximize traffic generation for your website, you should not only rely on your trusted channels and methods, but also think about trying new platforms.

    ⁠Have you ever thought about whether your content is also suitable for a YouTube or Pinterest presence? Here, you can get surprisingly a lot of reach. Through links to your website in a YouTube description or your Pinterest Post, you then get new traffic.

  10. Build an affiliate marketing program

    ⁠The goal of having your own affiliate marketing programs is to generate traffic and conversions from external sites that promote you, your products or your service and receive a commission for it.

    ⁠Even though this online marketing method is connected with money exchange, it is still suitable for generating traffic.

Which tools can be helpful in improving website traffic?

If you want to generate more traffic and give your website a real boost, you're not on your own. The following tools aid the above-mentioned traffic-generation measures.

SEO Tools

  • Ahrefs: A tool that, for example, helps you with keyword research, tracking your rankings, backlinks or content ideas is Ahrefs. It is also one of the most widely used tools among SEOs.
  • Google Search Console: Google Search Console is a free tool from Google developers that you can use to optimize your rankings in Google search results. There, you get precise information about the performance of your website and potential problems that Google has discovered on your pages. For example, you can see for which keywords you rank with which landing pages and you can also submit new URLs for indexing so that Google has them on its radar as quickly as possible.

Content Marketing

  • Neuroflash: With the AI tool Neuroflash you can automatically create texts and images. Instead of creating your content completely based on AI, you can use the tool more as a complement to your own content creation processes, i.e. for idea finding and optimization of your texts.
  • ContentStudio: With ContentStudio you can manage marketing and social media content. The tool offers you features like a content calendar, social analytics, paid ads and a content planner. This way you can plan your content across channels for several months in advance and keep an overview of all your lead campaigns with which you can generate more traffic.

E-Mail Marketing Software

  • rapidmail: Rapidmail is also a recommendable e-mail marketing software with origins in Freiburg. Among the numerous features and tools for your e-mail campaigns you get access to 250 templates and over 800,000 free images for integration in your newsletter.
  • GetResponse: The e-mail marketing software from GetResponse offers you, apart from an intuitive e-mail creator and over 150 free templates for newsletters, many other online marketing tools that could be helpful for your traffic generation campaign. Among them are paid ads, a landing page creator and newsletter registration forms. Supporting the normal e-mail marketing functions, AI subject line and newsletter generators help you compose your marketing mail.

Social Media Management

  • Hootsuite: With Hootsuite you can pre-plan and analyze social media posts. It is connected with all the major platforms you will probably use for your campaigns. You even get access to a central inbox where you receive all messages from the various platforms. This way, your entire team can access the messages and you won't miss any more inquiries.

Search Advertising

  • Google Ads: If search advertising is your chosen method to generate more traffic for your website, then Google Ads is an indispensable tool. There you can place paid ads that are displayed on Google. In addition, you keep an overview of your budget and the performance of your ads in Google Ads.

Affiliate Marketing

  • Channable: If you want to generate more website traffic through affiliate marketing, the tool Channable is worthwhile. There, you can present your company or your products on over 2,500 advertising websites. The tool is also helpful for your SEA efforts, as you can automate your own dynamic ad campaigns based on your product data feeds with Channable.

Website traffic generation & maximization: The possibilities are numerous

As you can see, the methods to increasing traffic to your website are almost endless. Admittedly, it takes a little creativity and courage to test new traffic sources and design effective campaigns. But to simply sit back and let things run their course is not an option (unless you have a particularly lucky hand for SEO).

Remember: No matter what you do, you can't lose in the end. Because even if you only get a handful of new visitors to your website with your Google Ad or your social media post, it is a step in the right direction to maximizing your website traffic.

Recommended SEO Tools

You can find more recommended tools SEO-Tools on OMR Reviews and compare them. In total, we have listed over 150 SEO tools (as of December 2023) that can help you increase your organic traffic in the long term. So take a look and compare the software with the help of the verified user reviews:

Lisa Kubatzki
Lisa Kubatzki

Lisa ist die die kreative SEO-Strategin für den deutschsprachigen Raum bei GetResponse. Ihre facettenreiche Karriere führte sie bereits durchs Influencer Marketing und Social Media, doch durchs Content Marketing und SEO entwickelte sie eine wahre Passion für Online-Marketing-Themen, die sie nicht nur auf dem deutschen GetResponse Blog, sondern auch in inspirierenden Webinaren als Speakerin und als Gastautorin auf anderen Plattformen unter Beweis stellt. Lisa lässt ihr Interesse an Popkultur gerne in den Kontext ihrer Marketingarbeit einfließen und setzt sich gleichzeitig für female Empowerment ein.

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