Instagram Threads: Definition, Benefits, and Strategies for Effective Use

Guest author Mihaela explains how Instagram Threads is changing the social media landscape and what strategies are successful on this emerging platform.

Table of contents
  1. What is Instagram Threads?
  2. What features does Threads offer?
  3. What makes Threads so special?
  4. Is Threads available in Germany?
  5. What are the differences between Threads and X/Twitter?
  6. What are Threads' positive features?
  7. What are the advantages of Threads for me?
  8. What critical challenges does Threads face?
  9. What does the future development and perspectives of Threads look like?
  10. What strategies can you pursue with Threads?
  11. Conclusion

Instagram's Threads is currently revolutionizing the social media world and fundamentally influencing the behavior of its users! We want to take a closer look at and examine this bold thesis today.

Although the platform is increasingly creating buzz, many are still skeptical about how exactly it works and the benefits it offers. On the other hand, those who enthusiastically embraced it from the start have built up strong communities in no time and can hardly imagine life without Threads.

Before we turn to current developments and strategic considerations, let's first take a closer look at the basics: What makes Threads so unique, and why is this new app from Meta so important in today's digital landscape?

What is Instagram Threads?

With the introduction of Threads - a short message app, the internet giant Meta, founded by Mark Zuckerberg, creates the perfect addition to Instagram. While Instagram shares photos and videos, Threads allows the free expression of creativity, thoughts, and ideas in text-based form. The focus is on current Threads posts that provide entertainment and spontaneous exchange.

A central aspect is that Threads primarily thrives on conversations and not just passive content consumption. The platform's dynamics enable users to build and maintain close relationships with their community through focused discussions.

What features does Threads offer?

To publish posts on Threads and actively interact with other users, a regular Instagram account is required first. Users can sign up for Threads via this. The use of Threads is intuitive and easy to understand.

Users have the option to share short texts (up to 500 characters), videos, photos, voice messages, links and gifs. They can read other people's posts, comment on them, quote content, and repost in their own feed.

The number of comments and likes is displayed and cannot be hidden. Currently, there are no detailed statistics and no hashtags - only topic tags (only one tag per post).

However, it should be noted that the platform is continuously being developed and gradually introducing new features. Verification (the blue tick) is automatically taken from Instagram and is also visible at Threads. Posts on Threads can be easily shared with other social networks such as Instagram and Facebook thanks to seamless integration.

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What makes Threads so special?

To answer this question, let's briefly look at the term "Fediverse".

The Fediverse forms a network of decentralized, independent social media platforms where cross-platform interactions can take place. It enables seamless connection and integration between different social media networks. Users of these platforms, including Mastodon, Misskey, Pixelfed, and PeerTybe, can transfer their followers and experiences from one platform to another.

The interesting thing is that Threads - as the first Meta platform - will soon become an active part of the Fediverse! According to statements by Adam Mosseri, the Instagram chef, the integration of Threads into the Fediverse is already in planning.

This means that Threads users will soon be able to intensify their relationship with their audience. Seamless switching between platforms, borderless communication and control over their own followers will be a reality in the foreseeable future.

Is Threads available in Germany?

Yes, Threads has been available in Germany since December 14, 2023.

Since its launch in initially 100 countries in early July 2023, the social media app has achieved some presence in the European Union, including Germany.

According to current statistics (Source: Social media expert Alex Khan) Threads currently counts 873,543 active users in Germany. However, it remains to be seen whether the download numbers and the use of the app remain constant and whether the platform will be successful in the long run.

What are the differences between Threads and X/Twitter?

There are a few differences between Threads and X/Twitter worth mentioning:

Threads is often compared to X and considered Meta's problem child. However, the platform has two big sisters to support its growth. Threads posts are shown and promoted on both Facebook and Instagram. In this way, Meta uses the reach of the social media giants to promote Threads. This benefits not only Threads itself but also all active Threads users.

Although the two text-based apps are very similar in structure, there are also some differences in functionality:

At X, users can post text messages up to 280 characters long. Only X Premium subscribers can post messages up to 4,000 characters long. There are currently no premium options at Threads. The same rules apply to all users. Although communication at Threads is based primarily on texts, images, gifs, and videos are also happily shared.

What are Threads' positive features?

Instagram Threads has some positive features that should not be overlooked:

  • Threads currently offers a strong organic reach, making it possible for anyone to quickly build a community. Since Threads and Instagram accounts are linked, newly gained visibility on Threads can also be transferred to Instagram.
  • Like any new beginning, Threads also creates a lot of enthusiasm and euphoria. The platform is also very dynamic and fast-paced, leading to authentic real-time communication.
  • The fact that Threads currently does not serve any advertising means that the focus is solely on the content. Although content marketing strategies need to be reconsidered, Threads offers a great opportunity to promote brand loyalty on a personal and informal level.
  • Threads is in the process of establishing a completely new social media culture that translates to overall social media communication and leads to cross-platform networking of users.
  • Threads can also be viewed as a cost-effective and quite effective variant for market research. Both brands and individuals can benefit from the factual discussions and learn more about their target audience.

What are the advantages of Threads for me?

To answer this question, we prefer to let the Threads community speak. Why? Because everyone pursues different intentions with their online presence and has different expectations for a social media platform. The voices of the users make it very clear:

"The ease with which to start conversations with people is extremely pleasant."

"Threads is fun - it's both nostalgia and a breath of fresh air. A successful change & making new contacts!"

"Through Threads Instagram onboarding roots, I find not only the same "old social media hares" but also a part of society that I otherwise don't have on my radar. An unbiased look at this reality is enriching. The platform is open to all, scales and is easy to use."

"As online retailers, Threads gives us the opportunity to make younger people aware of our offer. It's exciting to get insights into the interests of Threads users and to participate productively in communication. You can learn a lot of new things here."

"Threads is a good opportunity for me to get to know people without having to have immediate sales intentions."

"It goes smoothly, is not too heady and unfinished thoughts have their place at Threads."

"The Threads algorithm pushes small channels as well as big ones. If you show yourself and start writing, you get attention and are played out."

"I have met far more exciting and impressive personalities on any other social media platform in such a short time as on Threads and at the same time had so much fun. That is what makes this platform and the people here so lovable for me."

"Threads feels like the hot woman you've been waiting for, who's funny and even laughs at your blunt jokes. The one who gives you a good feeling and you spend a lot of time with her."

"I actually meet great people with exciting topics on Threads. I'm enjoying that right now and I'm happy about the exchange with people who share the same values, have similar interests and enrich me with their views."

"Threads is simply the social media platform I never knew I needed - and now I don't want to miss it anymore. Every day I am fascinated by how I can build a relationship with so many and have exciting conversations here just through the written word."


What critical challenges does Threads face?

Meta's goal is to build a community with over a billion members. Whether and when this goal is achieved, of course, depends on the users of the app. They set the tone and are responsible for possible growth. According to Meta CEO Zuckerberg, Threads has grown relatively quickly, reaching 100 million users in five days.

The integration of Threads into the Fediverse poses another challenge that will not be easy to master.

What does the future development and perspectives of Threads look like?

As the initial hype slowly dies down, Threads is gradually becoming quieter. The first users who became aware of the app are mainly from the Instagram community. This target group is used to communicating predominantly visually (through pictures and videos).

However, a successful presence on Threads requires more text-based content. Therefore, users first have to find their own voice, produce new creative content and check whether they can provide long-term value.

Although Threads poses a challenge for some, the app offers others an excellent opportunity to attract attention and sustainably build a community. There are enough people who focus more on words than on pictures.

What strategies can you pursue with Threads?

What can be said for sure at the moment is that there is no other social media platform where authenticity, personality, approachability, and honesty play such a decisive role and are in the foreground as in Threads.

To really understand Threads, one must experience the platform oneself, take the time to properly get to know it and the people there. Threads users want content that is different and not simply aimed at direct sales. This will be the biggest challenge for both brands and personal brands if they do not just want to use the platform for entertainment and pastime.

For this reason, a test phase (the so-called Threads familiarization) is advisable and crucial for the content strategy and production. Only by testing various contents that fit one's own brand purpose can you find out what works best with the target group.

The most effective way to grow on Threads and build a community is to actively participate in discussions by leaving meaningful comments. The algorithm not only pays attention to the users' postings but also to their behavior, how actively they comment, quote, and repost other posts.


Threads is comparable to a daily newspaper where you are simultaneously a reader and an editor. The contents remain relevant for 1-2 days but are visible in the long term. The platform's dynamics and the users' openness offer many opportunities that anyone can use for different purposes.

The further development of the platform is hard to predict. However, it is certain that Threads bears enormous potential and those who are active from the start can build a strong Threads community most quickly and easily. The value of such a community is known to us all.

Mihaela Nompleggio
Mihaela Nompleggio

Mihaela ist studierte Germanistin, die seit über 11 Jahren im Online Bereich als Bloggerin, Content Creator und Personal Branding Mentorin tätig ist. Ihre Mission ist es, die digitale Kompetenz und Präsenz von Unternehmer*innen und Unternehmen zu stärken.

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