Mit TikTok Geld verdienen: Mit diesen 3 Tipps klappt’s

Everything you need to know about making money on TikTok

Geld verdienen
Table of contents
  1. Can you earn money with TikTok?
  2. Starting from 18 years of age, for example, you can go live on TikTok to receive donations from your viewers. You don't have to meet any follower requirements for this. Brands often also cooperate with so-called nano-influencers starting from 1,000 followers.
  3. However, you can monetize this reach much better through collaborations with brands. More on that later.
  4. 39% of brands choose nano-influencers (1,000-10,000 followers) as their most likely partners, while 30% opt for micro-influencers (10,000-100,000 followers).
  5. Especially when your account is still small, you often have to take the initiative and contact the companies yourself. To make a professional impression, you can create a small press kit in the form of a presentation. Here you briefly explain what kind of content you produce, share metrics about your account and possibly give insights into your internal data. This insight can be a major plus as it can show that your followers are real and not bought.
  6. Figure 6: Infographic on the topic of consistency on TikTok
  7. Fazit

TikTok is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms in the world. The app has now attracted over a billion users worldwide who watch and upload millions of videos daily.

But is it possible to earn money with TikTok? In this article, we'll explain everything you need to know about making money on TikTok, and give you three practical tips to monetize your TikTok activities.

Can you earn money with TikTok?

Yes, you can make money with TikTok. As early as 2022, there were nearly 17 million users in Germany on TikTok..Accordingly, TikTok is a very attractive advertising platform for businesses and there are also numerous opportunities to make money on TikTok.

All these possibilities boil down to four essential sources of money:

Direct financial support / remuneration by TikTok

  • Promotion and sale of own products

  • Payments from companies for advertising deals, content production, or expertise

  • Payments from fans in the form of donations

  • Figure 1: Potential money sources for content creators


Each of this source of money has advantages and disadvantages that you should be aware of.



Direct support from TikTok

You don't have to invest time in looking for advertising partners.

  • You don't need a financial investment.
  • You're independent of advertising partners.
  • You have to meet certain requirements such as a certain number of followers.
  • You're dependant on whether ByteDance continues to support its creators via the Creator Fund in the future.

  • Own Products

You are independent from a single platform.

  • You build another asset in addition to your TikTok channel (your shop).

  • A successful shop has a good potential to scale.

  • The time required for the shop and TikTok channel is significantly higher than if the TikTok channel is monetized in another way.

  • You have a comparatively high financial risk compared to the other methods.

  • Cooperations with companies

Aside from the daily business of your TikTok account, you have relatively little effort for the cooperations. 

  • Not all content creators and not every topic is suitable for cooperations. Especially creators of political content have difficulties here.

  • Fans

  • The entry requirements are very low. As long as you are over 18, you can receive donations from your viewers during TikTok live streams.

You have a very high competition. If you don't already have many followers, it will be difficult to reach a high number of viewers.

  • You need a high number of viewers to earn a considerable sum, as not all viewers donate and 50% of the proceeds are retained by TikTok.

You often hear the number 10,000 followers with respect to this question. However, this is only partially correct and applies to the Creator Fund. There are still other ways you can make money on TikTok.

Starting from 18 years of age, for example, you can go live on TikTok to receive donations from your viewers. You don't have to meet any follower requirements for this. Brands often also cooperate with so-called nano-influencers starting from 1,000 followers.

How much can you earn with TikTok?

How much you can earn with TikTok depends on various factors such as the number of your followers, the quality of your content and the type of collaboration with brands.

How much money do you make with TikTok per 1,000 views?

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You earn between 0.02 and 0.04 euros per 1,000 views through the Creator Fund. For 100,000 views, you can therefore earn between 1 and 2 euros.

However, you can monetize this reach much better through collaborations with brands. More on that later.

So how much do TikTokers earn in total?

This question cannot be answered clearly. However, it is certainly possible to make TikTok your main source of income. Steuerfabi the TikToker, for example, was previously a full-time tax consultant and now earns his income mainly through TikTok.

Figure 2: Screenshot - TikTok account Steuerfabi (Source: the way, you can get an impression of how much your reach on TikTok is worth with the TikTok Money Calculator. The tool estimates the amount that can be charged for the creation and publication of a post based on the number of followers and the engagement of an account - of course without guarantee that influencers actually get this amount from companies.What do you need to consider if you want to make money with TikTok?

If you want to make money with TikTok, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First of all, you need to make sure that you comply with the TikTok guidelines so as not to lose your account.

Also, you must register a business and inform yourself about the relevant tax regulations.

Finally, you should ensure that you are transparent and honest towards your followers and the brands you work with. This is the only way to build a loyal community of followers and advertising partners.How can you make money with TikTok?There are various ways to make money with TikTok. One possibility is to work with brands and create sponsored content. This can either be done through a direct cooperation or via the Creator Marketplace. Also, you can get paid directly by TikTok for views of your videos through the Creator Fund.


Partnerships with brands and sponsorsOnce you have built a certain fan base, you can form partnerships with brands and sponsors. You don't need to have amassed a huge number of followers to attract interest. In fact, according to the  

Influencer Marketing Benchmark Report

39% of brands choose nano-influencers (1,000-10,000 followers) as their most likely partners, while 30% opt for micro-influencers (10,000-100,000 followers).

Nano-influencers have a relatively small, but engaged and loyal fan base. Despite their smaller reach, they are highly sought after by brands because they often have more authentic engagement and a closer relationship with their audience.

A collaboration with brands is therefore possible from as little as 1,000 followers.


Especially when your account is still small, you often have to take the initiative and contact the companies yourself. To make a professional impression, you can create a small press kit in the form of a presentation. Here you briefly explain what kind of content you produce, share metrics about your account and possibly give insights into your internal data. This insight can be a major plus as it can show that your followers are real and not bought.

Figure 3: Brand preferences for account size of Influencers (Source:

Use the Creator Fund and the Creator Marketplace

The Creator Fund is a sponsorship program from TikTok to support creators. If you meet the criteria below, you can apply for the program. However, you should not expect large payouts from here as you only get about 18-36€ for one million views.In order to participate in the Creator Fund, you must meet the criteria outlined in the graphic for the Creator Fund and also live in a country where the Creator Fund is available. Currently those are the USA, the UK, France, Italy, Spain and Germany.In Germany, you can receive the money from the “Creativity Fund” via PayPal. You must have reached a sum of 100€ for it to be possible to pay out.

The Creator Fund is unlikely to be your main source of income as a content creator, but it does offer a nice “TikTok salary” independent of brand cooperation or selling your own products.

Figure 4: Criteria for participation in the TikTok Creator Fund

The functioning of the Creator Marketplace is slightly different. Here, TikTok does not directly support you, but offers a platform that simplifies cooperation between content creators and brands. There is no exact information from TikTok about the access criteria for the Creator Marketplace, but it is speculated that the criteria are similar to those for the Creator Fund.Figure 5: Screenshot webpage of the TikTok Creator Marketplace (Source:


If you have received an invitation and gained access to the Creator Marketplace, you are only a click away from thousands of advertisers and potential partners.The Creator Marketplace has these advantages for you as a creator:It is easy to use. For many brands, it is therefore the preferred way to get in touch with TikTok creators. The demand for your services is correspondingly high on this platform.

Access is restricted. This way you have less competition from other influencers. The offer is accordingly limited. This advantage of course only applies to creators who meet the access criteria. 

The combination of high demand from the brand side and comparatively limited supply of creators leads to an attractive market environment for you.3 tips to earn money with TikTokThere are some tips that can help you make money on TikTok. Here are my three favorites for building and monetizing a TikTok account.

Tip 1: Talk about a topic that you are passionate aboutThe first step to making money with TikTok is to build a large following. The more followers you have, the more likely you are to be interesting for brands and sponsors. To build this fan base, you need to create engaging content that resonates with your audience.So you should first think about what your strengths and interests are. If you are passionate about a subject, it will be much easier for you to create exciting content and excite your viewers. Your profession can also be a good source for inspiration. Some TikTok accounts, like DocFelix or Mr. Lawyer, have built a very large reach with such job-related content.

Once you've found a topic you're passionate about and have created initial content on it, you can look for like-minded creators.

You can collaborate with these creators to increase your visibility. Especially if your contents and thus your followers match each other, such a collaboration with other creators can give your reach a huge boost. You'll be surprised how many even larger accounts are willing to work with you if you're friendly and produce high-quality, relevant content.

Abbildung_4_TT Creator Fund Kriterien.png

Tip 2: Consistency is King

One of the secrets to success for successful creators, both on TikTok and other social media platforms, is the consistency with which they produce content. Depending on the platform, the required frequency of content production is slightly different. On YouTube, depending on the content, producing 1-5 pieces of content per week is enough, for TikTok it should ideally be one video per day. Regardless of your frequency, your consistency is even more important.This consistency refers to several factors:How often you post content


On which days of the week you post contentThe kind of content you're postingAn example of someone who has successfully grown their account with consistency is 'Steuerfabi'. He posted daily content on the subject of taxes and thus was consistent in both frequency and subject. Despite the niche topic of taxes, he was able to build up a following of 745,000 followers.

If you want to learn more about 'Steuerfabi' as a creator, you can listen to the OMR Education Podcast on this topic.

As mentioned in Tip 1, you should produce content that matches your interests. In order to be consistent, you should focus on 1-2 thematically matching topics.Why is this so important?

  • Viewers see multiple pieces of content from you. If users perceive that all of your videos deal with a topic of interest to them, they'll follow you. If the topics are too different, it's more likely that the diverse topics aren't all of interest to the users, and they're less likely to follow you.

  • Therefore, most successful channels are monothematic and thus consistent.

The second factor is the consistency of frequency. If you don't manage to post a video every day, you should focus on certain days. For example, you could post a video every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Figure 6: Infographic on the topic of consistency on TikTok

Tip 3: How to optimize your content production

The best way to optimize your content production and post daily videos is to pre-produce content. If you've already shot a few videos, you probably know the situation where setting up the setup and getting into the shooting takes longer than the actual recording time.

The alternative is to set a day when you're entirely focused on creating content. Ideally, you should plan at least 4 hours for this day, making the weekends suitable for most people.

During the week, write down all your ideas and fill your content planner with 7 video concepts. On the weekend, you can then shoot all the videos in one go, with the videos going faster and faster as you progress. There are some tools that can help you plan your content such as Content Management Systems (CMS).


TikTok offers a variety of ways to make money, but it takes time, commitment, and hard work to be successful. Therefore, especially at the beginning, earning money should not be the main focus, but rather the enjoyment of creating the content. Apart from your hard work, social media marketing tools can also help you.

Therefore, if you consistently produce content that you are passionate about and bring some patience, you have a high chance of successfully earning money on TikTok. 

Eines der Erfolgsgeheimnisse erfolgreicher Creator*innen, sowohl auf TikTok, als auch auf anderen Social-Media-Plattformen, ist die Konsistenz, mit der sie Inhalte produzieren. Je nach Plattform ist die benötigte Frequenz der Content-Produktion etwas anders. Bei YouTube reicht es je nach Content 1-5 Inhalte pro Woche zu produzieren, bei TikTok sollte es schon eher ein Video pro Tag sein. Unabhängig von deiner Frequenz ist deine Konsistenz aber noch wichtiger.

Die Konsistenz bezieht sich dabei auf mehrere Faktoren:

  • Wie häufig du Content postest

  • An welchen Tagen der Woche du Content postest

  • Um was für Inhalte es in deinem Content geht 

Ein Beispiel für jemanden, der seinen Account mit Konsistenz zum großen Erfolg geführt hat, ist Steuerfabi. Er hat täglich Inhalte zum Thema Steuern veröffentlicht und war damit sowohl in der Häufigkeit als auch im Thema konsistent. So konnte er sich trotz des Nischenthemas “Steuern” eine Followerschaft von 745.000 Follower*innen aufbauen. 

Falls du mehr über Steuerfabi als Creator erfahren möchtest, kannst du dir den OMR Education Podcast zu dem Thema anhören. 

Wie in Tipp 1 bereits erwähnt, solltest du Inhalte produzieren, die zu deinen Interessen passen. Um konsistent zu sein, solltest du dich auf 1-2 thematisch passende Themen fokussieren. 

Warum ist das so wichtig?

Die Zuschauer*innen sehen mehrere Inhalte von dir. Wenn die Nutzer*innen merken, dass all deine Videos ein für sie interessantes Thema betreffen, dann folgen sie dir. Sind die Themen zu unterschiedlich, ist es wahrscheinlicher, dass die verschiedenartigen Themen die Nutzer*innen nicht alle interessieren und damit sinkt auch die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass sie dir folgen.

Daher sind die meisten erfolgreichen Kanäle monothematisch und damit konsistent. 

Der zweite Faktor ist die Konsistenz der Häufigkeit. Solltest du es nicht schaffen, täglich ein Video zu veröffentlichen, solltest du dich auf feste Tage konzentrieren. So könntest du beispielsweise jeden Montag, Mittwoch und Freitag ein Video posten.


Abbildung 6: Infografik zum Thema Konsistenz auf TikTok

Tipp 3: So optimierst du deine Content-Produktion

Die beste Möglichkeit, deine Content-Produktion zu optimieren und täglich Videos zu posten, ist es Content vorzuproduzieren. Wenn du bereits erste Videos gedreht hast, kennst du sicher die Situation, dass der Aufbau des Setups und das Einfühlen in den Videodreh länger dauert als die tatsächliche Aufnahmezeit. 

Die Alternative dazu ist es, einen Tag festzulegen, an dem du dich voll auf das Erstellen von Content konzentrierst. Am besten solltest du an diesem Tag mindestens 4 Stunden Zeit einplanen, womit sich für die meisten das Wochenende anbietet. 

Im Laufe der Woche schreibst du dir alle Ideen auf und füllst deinen Content-Plan mit 7 Videokonzepten. Am Wochenende kannst du dann alle Videos am Stück drehen, wobei dir die Videos nach und nach immer schneller von der Hand gehen werden. Einige Tools zum Thema Content Management Systeme (CMS) können dir bei der Planung des Contents helfen.

Empfehlenswerte Social-Media-Softwares

Auf unserer Vergleichsplattform OMR Reviews findest du weitere empfehlenswerte Social-Media-Softwares. Wir stellen über 100 Lösungen vor, die perfekt abgestimmt auf die Bedürfnisse von KMUs, Start-ups und Großkonzernen, bereitstehen. Unsere Plattform unterstützt dich in allen Bereichen des Social-Media-Managements. Nutze die Gelegenheit, verschiedene Softwares zu vergleichen und ziehe dabei echte Nutzerbewertungen zurate, um die ideale Lösung für deine Anforderungen zu finden:


TikTok bietet eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten, um Geld zu verdienen, aber es erfordert Zeit, Engagement und harte Arbeit, um erfolgreich zu sein. Gerade am Anfang sollte daher nicht das Geldverdienen im Vordergrund stehen, sondern der Spaß am Erstellen der Inhalte. Neben deiner harten Arbeit können auch Social Media Marketing Tools dir unter die Arme greifen.

Wenn du daher konsistent Inhalte produzierst, für die du dich begeisterst, und etwas Geduld mitbringst, hast du eine hohe Chance, erfolgreich bei TikTok Geld zu verdienen. 

Matthias Hentschel
Matthias Hentschel

Matthias Hentschel arbeitet seit 7 Jahren im Performance-Marketing und lebt in Berlin. Seit seinen Stationen beim InsurTech (Teil der CLARK Gruppe) und C&A liegt sein Fokus auf dem Bereich Paid Social. Er konnte sowohl im Lead Generation als auch im E-Commerce Bereich vielfältige Erfahrungen sammeln. Bei AdStrive arbeitet er nun auf Agenturseite und unterstützt dort Kunden aus verschiedenen Bereichen.

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