How You Build a Successful Business with Whitelabeling

Carolin Puls 6/7/2023

How to implement white labeling for your online store

Table of contents
  1. How does whitelabeling work?
  2. These are the advantages of whitelabeling for your business
  3. What you should consider when implementing whitelabeling
  4. A few clicks to great success

You want to be successful with your own online shop, but don't want to invest huge sums to include well-known brands in your range?

Then Whitelabeling could be an interesting option for you. In this article you will learn how whitelabeling works, what advantages this type of selling brings with it and how you can implement whitelabeling in your online shop. Let's jump right into the topic.

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How does whitelabeling work?

Under a white label you can understand products or services that are produced by the original manufacturer, but are not sold under their brand. The producing company then hands these products over to another retailer - for example you - so you can sell them under your own brand. As a rule, white-label products are offered in large quantities with staggered prices in order to make this sales channel worthwhile for the brand company. For this reason, it is also referred to as B2B Whitelabeling. As the receiving company, you only have to worry about the marketing and distribution of the already produced articles. Whitelabeling exists in almost every industry: from food to electrical products and music to clothing and software.

If you want to offer your customers the option in your online shop to customize your white label products, we speak of a private label. Your customers can design their desired products, for example with their own motifs, names and other combinations as they wish.

These are the advantages of whitelabeling for your business

Why should you use whitelabeling for your business? After all, you could create products yourself or benefit from the image of larger brands shining onto your shop. Purchasing finished products without a brand label can be worthwhile for you because you don’t have to invest in your own product development. This can be time-consuming and nerve-wracking, depending on the industry. You can also reach new target groups through the lower price compared to the branded product and the personalization of white label products. Due to the low dependence between you and the producers, you can respond to product trends at short notice by adding new items to your online shop or removing them.

Another advantage is that with whitelabeling you can start into distribution and marketing directly, without having to make high initial investments. Moreover, you no longer have to worry about any necessary licenses, as the products reach your warehouse ready to sell. You are directly competitive and ready to go. If you already have your own well-known brand, you can just co-sell the new products under it. The popularity and experiences with your other products will automatically transfer to the new items in your online shop.

What you should consider when implementing whitelabeling

Although Whitelabeling sounds very simple, there are a few things that you should keep in mind when implementing it in your online shop. Using the example of Spreadconnect, we will go into this in more detail.

First, you must decide whether you want to send your white label products from your own warehouse, print-on-demand or by dropshipping . In addition, for a start, you will have to pre-select the products that you want to offer in your shop. This will determine which provider you should use for it. Perhaps you have already heard of Spreadshop. The free Full-Service-shop system you can use for creating and marketing merchandise, with Spreadshop handling complete order processing and logistics as well as printing and customer service for you. Spreadconnect is the print-on-demand dropshipping solution from Spreadshop which can be easily integrated into your shop system and the E-commerce marketplaces you use. Among others these include eBay, Etsy, OrderDesk, WooCommerce, Magento or Squarespace.


Another example of a print-on-demand dropshipping solution is Vanilla Mind.

With this whitelabeling solution you can create your own, completely individual product line in a short time. You can place your designs on over 200 products. These include all types of garments, home accessories, drinking vessels, wall art, bags, hats and caps, kid's and baby items, stickers, pet products, cellphone cases and plush toys.


Through the automatic synchronization with your online shop, you can then directly sell the new products to your customers. Once they order the item through your website, it is printed and shipped by Spreadconnect. No costs are incurred for you in this respect. This way, you can use Whitelabeling as a service from Spreadshop, but sell the products under your brand and in your shop.


By using Spreadconnect from Spreadshop you can implement your own product line.

In doing so, you will benefit from the provider's long years of experience in production and logistics. Another advantage of this tool is that you can always scale and optimize it, for example through an Instagram shop or the integration of the YouTube MerchShelf. Additionally, you receive support in setting up your marketing campaigns.

A few clicks to great success

Whitelabeling might be a good solution for your business in order to quickly establish yourself in the market. Since high initial investments are not necessary and your customers will be delighted with customizable products, you'll be able to make a rapid start. If you also do good marketing and branding, the positive effects of whitelabeling will positively affect your brand and contribute to the success of your online shop. As you see, you don't always have to reinvent the wheel. Sometimes it's enough to just give the child a new (brand) name.

Carolin Puls
Carolin Puls

Carolin ist freie Redakteurin bei OMR und mit ganzem Herzen Autorin. Als Brand Managerin war sie bereits bei verschiedenen Unternehmen aus der FMCG-Branche für das Marketing zuständig. Währenddessen hat Carolin berufsbegleitend Ihr Studium zur Marketing-Betriebswirtin abgeschlossen.

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