Create Electronic Signature - We Explain How It's Done

Creating E-Signatures is that easy!

Table of contents
  1. What is an electronic signature
  2. Types of electronic signatures
  3. What is a digital signature?
  4. How to create an electronic signature
  5. Softwares for creating E-Signatures
  6. Conclusion

You want to create an electronic signature (E-Signature) to digitally sign documents like PDFs and you're not sure how to do it? Then you're in the right place. We explain to you what types of electronic signatures there are, what the difference between electronic and digital signatures is and how you create electronic signatures. We've also put together an overview of E-Signature-Tools, like ContractHero

compiled that you need for creating electronic signatures.

What is an electronic signature

An electronic signature, also called an electronic signature, is a legally binding method that allows you to obtain or give consent to a digital document like a PDF - much like a signature on paper. Electronic signatures can therefore increase the efficiency of your processes and transactions and contribute to cost reduction. The legal framework for electronic signatures is set in the eiDAS regulation of the European Union. There are also defined the requirements for the different types of electronic signatures.

Recommended qualified electronic signature providers (QES)

On our comparison platform OMR Reviews you can find more recommended e-signature providers. We present over 70 solutions that are specifically tailored to the needs of companies and organizations. This e-signature software offers comprehensive support in all aspects of electronic signatures. Take this opportunity to compare the different software solutions, drawing on authentic and verified user reviews:

Types of electronic signatures

There are three different types of electronic signature: the simple, advanced and qualified electronic signature. We're now explaining what distinguishes these three types.

Simple electronic signatures

✓ Frequently used because they're quick and easy to use

✓ no particular requirements

✓ relatively low legal security, as it can't be traced whether anything was changed in the signed document afterwards

Examples of simple electronic signatures are signing a document using multiple clicks without identity verification, adding a scanned signature to an email, or signing on the display of a handheld scanner at a post office.

Advanced electronic signatures

✓ legally safer than simple electronic signatures

✓ for documents with higher legal risks

✓ stricter requirements for identity verification set in the eiDAS regulation

✓ higher probative value

Requirements according to the eiDAS regulation for advanced electronic signatures

  • Unique assignment and linking of the signature with the signatory
  • Identification of the signature provider must be possible.
  • Electronic data (e.g. documents) must be linked with the signature so that subsequent changes can be recognized.
  • Signature must be created with means only accessible to the signature provider (e.g. smartphone, tablet or computer)

Examples of advanced electronic signatures are uploading, checking and adding an identity document as a proof file. Adding a checkbox for readers of the document to understand this also counts as an advanced electronic signature. The various types of identity verification can also be combined to achieve increased legal security.

Qualified electronic signatures (QES)

✓ safest form of electronic signature/identification

✓ high requirements and must be also issued by a certification authority

✓ only for electronic data that requires the highest legal probative value including identification

✓ documents cannot be manipulated after signing

✓ is legally equivalent to the handwritten signature

Requirements according to the eiDAS regulation for qualified electronic signatures

  • same requirements as for advanced electronic signatures
  • Identity of the signatory must be validated
  • must be issued by a certification authority (in Germany: Federal Office for Information Security (BSI))
  • Signature key must be in a qualified signature creation unit (QSCD)

What is a digital signature?

A digital signature is a certificate-based type of electronic signature, which meets high legal requirements and with which the integrity of a document can be demonstrated and the signer can be clearly identified. Qualified electronic signatures are considered as digital signatures according to the eiDAS regulation.

How to create an electronic signature

If you often need to sign electronic documents or you want to start doing manually performed signatures digitally, you should think about using a E-Signature Software, like ContractHero. With the help of electronic and digital signatures, you can also speed up processes, make them more sustainable and save costs (postage, printing costs, paper).

These softwares for creating electronic signatures enable you to easily create documents and provide them with the desired electronic or digital signature. The E-Signature Softwares support the statutory requirements, provide you access to a variety of certification bodies and they even take over the delivery of signed documents for you.

Depending on the provider of the software for electronic signatures there are minor differences in creating electronic signatures. Usage usually works similarly. If you want to use a E-Signature Software to have a document like a PDF signed by others using an electronic signature, you can proceed as follows:

Creating an electronic signature in 5 steps:

1. Sign in to the cloud-based software for creating electronic signatures.

2. Choose the document or multiple documents that need to be signed.

3. Add one or more people who need to sign the document.

4. Define which fields should be used for the signature (signature field, date, etc.)

5. Send the electronic document to the signatories.

Dokument zum Signieren erstellen

In the E-Signature Softwares, you find many ways to quickly prepare documents for legally secure electronic signatures (Source: DocuSign)

When the signatory receives the document and is supposed to sign it, it goes like this.

Sign document electronically in 4 steps:

1. The document is received by the signatory via email.

2. If it's a new user of the E-Signature Software, they have to select one of the predefined signatures first. If the software for electronic signatures has already been used by the user, the previously used signature can be used again. Some tools even offer users the ability to draw their own signature on the smartphone or tablet.

3. The user then needs to fill out all the fields, sign the document and confirm the completion with a button.

4. Afterwards, everyone involved is notified that the document has been signed and can access the documents and download them.

elektronische Unterschrift auf dem Smartphone ausführen

You can easily sign a document on your smartphone in many E-Signature Softwares (Source: DocuSign)

Softwares for creating E-Signatures

There are a lot of software for creating electronic and digital signatures:

On our software comparison platform OMR Reviews you'll find more information as well as ratings and experiences to E-Signature Software with which you can compare the tools and find the best software for your requirements.


Creating electronic and digital signatures offers many advantages. These include speeding up processes, cost savings, and more sustainability. To ensure that all legal provisions are complied with, it's important to inform yourself about the different types of electronic signature and the difference between electronic and digital signatures. To professionalize the creation of electronic and digital signatures and comply with legal regulations, it's also worth reaching for a E-Signature-Tool.

Andreas Schmunk
Andreas Schmunk

Andreas Schmunk ist Growth Manager SEO & PPC bei OMR Reviews und prägte als erster, festangestellter SEO bei OMR die Entwicklung in diesem Bereich. Er beschäftigt sich intensiv mit allen Bereichen der Suchmaschinenoptimierung. Als echter Marketing- und Software-Nerd fühlt er sich aber in allen Bereichen des Online Marketings und der Technologie zu Hause. Sein Wissen teilt er gerne auf LinkedIn oder auf Konferenzen und schätzt den Austausch mit Marketeers und Nerds aller Fachgebiete.

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