These Are the 8 Best SEO Tools for Your Business

With these SEO tools, you will succeed in boosting traffic in the long term!

Table of contents
  1. What is SEO and how does it work?
  2. 10 advantages of search engine optimization
  3. Experts help you with the SEO tool choice
  4. What different types of SEO tools are there?
  5. These are the top 8 SEO tools on OMR Reviews
  6. 1. Seobility
  7. 2. Google Search Console (GSC)
  8. 3. Screaming Frog SEO Spider
  9. 4. SISTRIX
  10. 5. Ahrefs
  11. 6. SE Ranking
  12. Google Trends is a
  13. Semrush

You're looking for the best SEO tools for your business, but you're finding it difficult to find the right tool for your needs and your budget? Then you're in the right place! We present to you the top eight rated SEO tools and explain what you should pay attention to when choosing SEO software.

What is SEO and how does it work?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO), in German search engine optimization, refers to all measures that you can implement to increase the organic visibility of your website in the search engine. In other words, the goal of your SEO strategy is to be found for important keywords in the search engine and thereby generate traffic for your websites. And all organically, i.e., without spending money on ads.

In Germany, Google is by far the most important search engine with a market share of over 90 percent, which is why it is usually at the center of search engine optimization. Search engine optimization can be differentiated between on-page and off-page optimization:

  • On-page optimizations: These include all measures and improvements that you can implement on your own website. This includes things like writing texts or internal linking.
  • Off-page optimization: This is understood to mean all activities of search engine optimization that are not directly implemented on your own website, but have an indirect influence on Google and other search engine rankings. An off-page measure is, for example, gaining backlinks.

In order to successfully operate search engine optimization, SEO tools, such as are indispensable. This is because they create a good data base and offer useful features to analyze your own websites and competitors. From the insights gained, you can then derive and implement promising SEO measures.

10 advantages of search engine optimization

  1. Higher visibility in search engines: By optimizing the website for search engines, it is better placed in search results, leading to increased visibility
  2. Increase of organic website traffic: SEO helps to direct qualified organic traffic to the website by using relevant keywords and optimized content.
  3. Improved user experience: SEO aims to make the website user-friendly, which results in a better experience for visitors. This can increase dwell time and reduce bounce rate.
  4. Increased conversion rate (CR): By optimizing website elements, such as call-to-actions and forms, SEO measures can lead to a higher conversion rate.
  5. Stronger brand awareness: If a website appears frequently in search results, this increases brand awareness and user trust.
  6. Competitive advantage: With a targeted SEO strategy, a website can perform better than the competition and gain a competitive advantage.
  7. Long-term results: SEO is a long-term investment that also delivers long-term results. Unlike paid advertising, organic rankings do not disappear as soon as the budget is exhausted.
  8. Cost savings: Compared to other online marketing measures, SEO can be more cost-effective and offer a higher return on investment (ROI).
  9. Target group accurate approach: By optimizing for certain keywords, a website can specifically reach and address the desired target group, which also results in lower scattering losses.
  10. Measurable results: With the help of website analysis tools you can precisely measure and monitor the effects of SEO measures, thus enabling the strategy to be continuously optimized and adapted.

Experts help you with the SEO tool choice

The managing director of the Berlin search and content marketing agency Claneo, Magdalena Mues, is our expert for SEO software. She gives you helpful tips in the OMR Reviews SEO Briefing for deciding on a suitable SEO tool for you:

„There are many and good tools in the field of SEO, which have their different strengths and weaknesses and are aimed at different target groups. The following questions should be asked before choosing a tool:

  1. What questions should the tool answer, what data do I need?
  2. In which areas of SEO am I active (e.g. onpage, content…) and how deep is my know-how?
  3. Do I need a tool that has to cover several countries and if so, which ones are these?
  4. Is my competitive environment competitive, do I need to regularly conduct competitive analyses?
  5. Do I need the data visually prepared?
  6. Do I have to abide by legacy guidelines when selecting the tool?
  7. Am I working with an agency that has a tool set and can provide me with data from individual tools?

It is generally very useful to create a test account for potential SEO tools in advance and to try out the tool thoroughly during the test phase.“

If you want to receive more tips from her and other experts, you can download the OMR SEO Software Guide:

SEO-Software-Guide herunterladen

What different types of SEO tools are there?

A wide variety of tool types can be distinguished for SEO tools. There are both all-in-one SEO tools that cover a large number of functions needed for search engine optimization, as well as specialized SEO tools that focus on a specific task of search engine optimization. While all-in-one SEO tools are suitable for users who are looking for a multi-purpose tool, special tools often make meaningful additions due to their more in-depth functions in one area.

The following article deals with all-in-one SEO tools and specialized SEO tools.

These are the top 8 SEO tools on OMR Reviews

These are the eight most popular SEO tools based on verified reviews and experiences from the OMR community:

What distinguishes each individual SEO software, we explain to you now. You can find more helpful information and user reviews on OMR Reviews in the category SEO Software & Tools.

1. Seobility

Seobility is a cloud-based SEO software with which you can analyze, optimize and monitor your website. The tool offers functions such as crawling and on-page analysis of your entire website, insights into Google rankings including competitor comparison, a backlink analysis and link building tools as well as continuous monitoring and reporting. With you are well equipped for search engine optimization.

Seobility functions

  • On-page optimization
    • Analysis and evaluation of your entire website including linked pages
    • Determination of errors and problems as well as duplicate content
    • Continuous crawling for continuous optimizations
    • Monitoring function with direct email notifications, if serious errors or server problems occur
  • Rank tracking
    • Dashboard for a quick overview of your keyword rankings
    • On-page crawling data is included in the keyword analysis
    • Check local search results for local businesses and stores
    • Perform competitor analyses and comparisons
    • Email reporting and PDF exports
    • etc.
  • Backlink Analysis
    • Dashboard for monitoring backlinks
    • Unlock backlinks using link building tools
    • Analyze competitors' backlinks
    • etc.

Seobility costs

Information on Seobility prices, features of the individual price packages as well as user reviews with price reference can be found on OMR Reviews:





49.90 EUR / month

179.90 EUR / month

Seobility alternative

If you are looking for a Seobility alternative, just check out OMR Reviews. There you can make your decision for an SEO tool with the help of relevant and verified reviews.


2. Google Search Console (GSC)

The Google Search Console (GSC) is a free and cloud-based SEO tool from Google, which provides you with tools and reports to help you measure the performance of your websites in Google Search, fix occurring problems and derive measures from the insights. The special thing: In the GSC there are data directly from Google, which ensures the highest accuracy. The is therefore a must-have for every SEO manager and beginner in search engine optimization.

Google Search Console functions

  • Optimize content with search analysis
    • Search terms users come to your website with
    • Analyze impressions, clicks, click rates and positions in Google Search
  • Make content discoverable in Google
    • Sitemaps and individual URLs sent to Google for crawling
    • Check index coverage so Google knows the latest status of your website
  • Notifications about problems on your website for quick error fixing
    • Email notifications about problems
    • Find out which URLs are affected
    • Notification as soon as the problems are fixed
  • Monitor your website from the Google Search perspective
    • Detailed information about how your website is crawled, indexed and added to the search results
    • Direct information from the Google index
    • etc.

Google Search Console costs

The Google Search Console is a free tool by Google – more information on the prices of the Google Search Console and user reviews with price reference can be found on OMR Reviews.

Google Search Console alternative

If you are looking for a Google Search Console alternative, just head over to OMR Reviews. There you can make your decision for an SEO tool with the help of relevant and verified reviews.


3. Screaming Frog SEO Spider

Screaming Frog SEO Spider – short Screaming Frog – is a popular website crawler that you install locally on your computer. Unlike Sistrix or Semrush, for example, is a specialist tool used by SEOs and agencies for technical SEO site audits to perform onsite search engine optimization. The tool is suitable for you if you are already somewhat advanced in SEO and want to delve deeper into technical optimization.

Screaming Frog functions

  • Discover broken links
  • Analyze page titles and meta descriptions
  • Extract data with XPath
  • Generate XML sitemaps
  • Crawl JavaScript websites
  • Schedule website audits
  • Perform redirect audits
  • Discover duplicate content
  • Check robots and directives
  • Link with , the and Google Page Speed Insights
  • Visualize site architecture
  • Crawl and compare staging and production environments

Screaming Frog costs

Information on Screaming Frog prices, features of the individual price packages as well as user reviews with price reference can be found on OMR Reviews:




239 EUR / year

Screaming Frog alternative

If you are looking for a Screaming Frog alternative, just check out OMR Reviews. There you can make your decision for an SEO tool with the help of relevant and verified reviews.



SISTRIX is one of the most used cloud-based all-in-one SEO softwares in German-speaking countries, which can help you optimize your website for search engines. In addition, the tool allows you to perform competitive analyses to understand how high your organic visibility is compared to your competitors. For this, you can use, among other things, the visibility index developed by Sistrix. In addition to the classic Google SEO tool, also offers a module for Amazon SEO and an influencer search engine for Instagram, YouTube and TikTok.

SISTRIX functions

  • SISTRIX visibility index
    • Analyze websites of your competitors and compare
    • Historical data from over 100 million domains
    • Create own keyword sets to determine the project visibility index
  • Competitive analysis
    • Understand keyword strategies and discover new keywords
    • Analyze successful content formats and traffic sources
    • Find strongest link sources and most successful ads
  • SISTRIX Content Assistant
    • Ensure that you cover relevant keywords and topics
    • Take into account and address user questions and search intentions
    • Plagiarism check of content
  • SISTRIX Optimizer
    • Perform comprehensive website audits with explanations and improvement tips
    • Check monitoring of the core web vitals like load speed of your website
    • Mobile first and Javascript crawling
  • Further functions:
    • Rank tracking
    • Backlink check
    • Keyword research
    • Reports
    • Content discovery
    • API interface
    • Google Ads
    • Technology analysis
    • etc.

Sistrix costs

Information on Sistrix prices, features of the individual price packages as well as user reviews with price reference can be found on OMR Reviews:





99 EUR / month

199 EUR / month

349 EUR / month

599 EUR / month

SISTRIX alternative

If you are looking for a Sistrix alternative, just check out OMR Reviews. There you can make your decision for an SEO tool with the help of relevant and verified reviews.


5. Ahrefs

Ahrefs like Sistrix and Semrush a cloud-based SEO toolbox and thus a real all-rounder when it comes to search engine optimization. The SEO software offers numerous functions, which are divided into five tools - Site Explorer, Keyword Explorer, Site Audit, Rank Tracker and Content Explorer. From keyword research to competitive analysis to content optimization, the software from offers all the tools you need for search engine optimization.

Ahrefs functions

  • Site Explorer
    • Research organic traffic
    • Research backlinks
    • Research PPC keywords
    • Discover websites with the most backlinks and shares
    • Find outgoing links
  • Keyword Explorer
  • Site Audit
    • Perform comprehensive website audits
    • Test websites on more than 100 SEO factors
    • Filter data in a variety of ways and create new factors
    • Track your progress in implementing measures
    • Execute JavaScript during crawling
    • Crawl mobile websites
  • Rank Tracker
    • Ranking updates for desktop and mobile
    • Visualize SEO progress
    • Track and analyze SERP features
    • Sort keyword lists with filters and tags
    • Compare rankings with competitors
    • Analyze market share in search results
    • Advanced metrics
    • Receive scheduled email reports
  • Content Explorer
    • Discover popular articles from millions of websites
    • Combine advanced search operators to refine the search
    • Filter results to find matching content
    • Use statistics to delve deep into content analysis
    • Find broken links
    • Reverse engineer content marketing strategies of competitors
    • Discover content trends
    • Explore possible link targets
    • etc.

Ahrefs costs

Information on Ahrefs prices, features of individual price packages as well as user reviews with price reference can be found on OMR Reviews:





99 US dollars / month

179 US dollars / month

399 US dollars / month

999 US dollars / month

Ahrefs alternative

If you are looking for an Ahrefs alternative, just head over to OMR Reviews. There you can make your decision for an SEO tool with the help of relevant and verified reviews.


6. SE Ranking

SE Ranking is an SEO software that integrates several analysis and promotion tools and, according to its own standards, offers an All-in-one SEO platform for every project, level and budget. The tool is already being used by more than 25,000 companies according to SE Ranking. SE Ranking is able, among other things, to find weaknesses on selected websites and eliminate them directly. In addition to basic SEO tools, the platform also offers a number of additional features, such as white label or competitive analysis. SE Ranking functions

SEO Audit & SEO Monitoring

  • SEO alerts
    • SEO audit
    • Monitoring of SEO changes
    • Technical SEO
    • SEO Content & SEO Rankings
  • Link Building
  • Competitive Analysis
    • Data Visualization
    • Custom Reports
    • White Label
    • Ahrefs costs

Information on

SE Ranking prices, features of the individual price packages as well as user reviews with price reference can be found on OMR Reviews:



39 EUR / month

89 EUR / month

189 EUR / month

SE Ranking alternative

SE Ranking Alternative

If you are looking for an SE Ranking alternative, just check out OMR Reviews. There you can make your decision for an SEO tool with the help of relevant and verified reviews.7. Google Trends


free, web-based tool from Google. It shows users the frequency and popularity of the search terms entered in the search engine. These can be sorted by global search volume or filtered by regions. Thus, topics and keywords are queried over a certain period and analyzed according to popularity. Furthermore, with there is a selection of real-time data (i.e. from the last seven days) and non-real-time data (going back to 2004 and at most 36 hours before the search).Google Trends functions

Keyword research

  • Link Building
  • SERP Rank Tracking
  • SEO Reporting
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Google Trends costs

Google Trends is a free tool from Google – more information on the

prices of Google Trends and user reviews with price reference can be found on OMR Reviews.Google Trends alternative

If you are looking for a

Google Trends alternative, just head over to OMR Reviews. There you can make your decision for an SEO tool with the help of relevant and verified reviews.8. Semrush



states that it is a

cloud-based platform for online visibility and focuses on search engine optimization with Google. For that, tools in the areas of SEO, content, content marketing, and market research or competitive analysis are available to you in order to improve your rankings. Semrush also offers advertising and social media modules. Due to its wide range of functions, Semrush is a popular SEO tool for optimizing websites.Semrush functionsSEO

In a database of millions of specific, international and local keywords research

  • Conduct backlink audits and domain analyses
    • Perform detailed
    • technical SEO audits
    • Observe and analyze daily ranking changes Content Marketing Discover topics for your target group
    • Receive specific tips for improving content for readers and search engines
  • Improve content based on real-time metrics
    • Find out where you're mentioned online and who your content reaches
    • Market Research
    • Analyze traffic from other websites
    • Discover and understand advertising strategies of competitors
  • Get ideas for expanding your market share
    • Uncover keyword and backlink gaps
    • Further functions:
    • On-Page SEO
    • Local SEO
  • Rank Tracking
    • Link Building
    • Content Creation and Distribution
    • Market Analyses
    • etc.
    • Semrush costs
    • Information on
    • Semrush prices

, features of each price package as well as user reviews with price reference can be found on OMR Reviews:


119.95 US dollars / month

229.95 US dollars / month

449.95 US dollars / month

Semrush alternative

If you're looking for a

Semrush alternative

, just check out OMR Reviews. There you can make your decision for an SEO tool with the help of relevant and verified reviews.

Wenn du auf der Suche nach einer Semrush-Alternative bist, schau einfach auf OMR Reviews vorbei. Dort kannst du deine Entscheidung für ein SEO-Tool mithilfe relevanter und verifizierter Bewertungen treffen.

Empfehlenswerte SEO Tools

Weitere empfehlenswerte SEO-Tools kannst du auf OMR Reviews finden und vergleichen. Insgesamt haben wir dort über 150 SEO-Tools (Stand: Dezember 2023) gelistet, die dir dabei helfen können, deinen organischen Traffic langfristig zu steigern. Also schau vorbei und vergleiche die Softwares mithilfe der verifizierten Nutzerbewertungen:

Andreas Schmunk
Andreas Schmunk

Andreas ist Content Manager bei OMR Reviews, wo Ihr ab sofort die richtige Software für Euer Business findet. Zuvor absolvierte er seinen M.Sc. in Media and Convergence Management an der Universität Klagenfurt und war im Online Marketing beim Start-Up Grillido und bei SIXT tätig.

All Articles of Andreas Schmunk

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