These are the 8 Best SEO Analysis Tools for Your SEO Success

Denise Noetzel 5/30/2024

With these SEO analysis tools, you can really get started with your Google rankings!

Table of contents
  1. What is an SEO analysis tool?
  2. Why do you need an SEO analysis tool?
  3. How good are free SEO analysis tools?
  4. What should you consider when choosing an SEO analysis tool?
  5. These are the top 8 SEO analysis tools
  6. 1. Seobility for your SEO analysis
  7. According to Google, the Google Search Console (GSC) is supposed to help you measure your Google traffic and its performance as well as identify and resolve problems on your website. And we can confirm that. With the
  8. The SEO analysis tool Sistrix is an all-in-one SEO software that allows you to increase your visibility on Google and thus increase your website traffic. In addition, Sistrix allows you to analyze your competitors. So you not only see your own SEO performance, but also that of your competition.
  9. very varied.
  10. So the tool
  11. : Website Success, Search Success and Content Success.
  12. SEO measures
  13. Traffic Analysis

Are you looking for the best SEO analysis tool to find out the status quo of your current SEO performance or to check your SEO measures? Or do you need a suitable SEO tool to find the right keywords for your search engine optimized website texts and blog posts? But you are not yet quite sure which tools with which functions fit your needs?

No problem. We present you eight SEO analysis tools for different SEO areas and explain what you should pay attention to when choosing an SEO tool. 

What is an SEO analysis tool?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which translates to search engine optimization. So SEO is about optimizing your website for search engines like Google and for the users* of the search engine (your potential customers). The optimization means that your website is as user-friendly as possible, works flawlessly technically and is designed content-wise in a qualitative and value-adding way.

With corresponding SEO Tools you can find out how search engine optimized your website is currently designed and where you still need to take action. Such an SEO analysis tool analyzes your website and measures your SEO success.

The SEO analysis tools known on the market often have different focus points or SEO topic areas on which they focus. That's why there are so many SEO tools to get. If you find it difficult to choose an SEO Tool for your company, don't worry. That's how many of us feel. That's why we present here eight different tools for your SEO analysis in more detail.

Why do you need an SEO analysis tool?

The question of why you need an SEO tool at all is justified. If we now tell you that over 90% of the clicks take place on page 1 on Google and hardly anyone looks on page 2 in the search results, it quickly becomes clear why SEO is so important, doesn't it?

Now you might wonder why spend money on an SEO analysis tool when you could google yourself and as long as you find yourself on the first page of Google, everything is fine.

But beware, here (at least in thought) a common mistake is made: googling yourself.

Google is a data octopus and has stored quite a lot of data about you. At least if you have a Google account. So Google also knows your search histories and knows what you want to see when you google yourself. And since Google's goal is to satisfy its users and show them the best search results, Google will always show you when you search for yourself.

So your own Google search is not based on valid data or results. And much more important for you is that your potential customers find you - and under the right keywords. So avoid the mistake of googling yourself and drawing conclusions for your optimizations from it.

Instead, use an SEO analysis tool. As mentioned briefly before, such a tool examines your website and gives you - depending on the SEO analysis tool - different information about it. Based on these analysis results, you are able to make improvements to your website - with the goal of ranking on page 1 on Google (or another search engine).

So if you want to reach your target group via Google, you can't avoid SEO.

SEO erfordert zu Beginn viel Investment, dafür stellt sich der Ertrag langfristig ein.

SEO requires a lot of investment at the beginning, but the return on investment is long-term.

How good are free SEO analysis tools?

There are both free and paid SEO tools. But which is better? Unfortunately, there is no general answer to this and it always depends on the individual case. Generally, however, it can be said that most free SEO analysis tools are limited in functionality. In addition, the use of these tools is often limited. For example, with a free keyword research tool, you can only make a few keyword search queries per day. This does not necessarily have to be bad. It just depends on how you want to use the free SEO analysis tool for yourself.

Paid SEO analysis tools often have a much larger range of functions and sometimes also offer functions that you will hardly find in a free SEO tool. In addition, you can perform more detailed SEO analyses, which allows you to create a more targeted SEO strategy for yourself. The downside, of course, is that you have to pay for it once or monthly.

Whether a free SEO tool is sufficient for you or not depends entirely on what you want to use it for and to what extent, and how deeply you want to deal with the search engine optimization of your website.

What should you consider when choosing an SEO analysis tool?

Before you start looking for a suitable SEO tool, you should think about your application area and your SEO knowledge. Once you are looking for an SEO analysis tool that matches your needs and skills, it is important to keep an eye on the price-performance ratio.

1. Your application area:

Be clear about why you are doing SEO and why you need a corresponding tool for your SEO analysis. It is of no use to you to choose a tool that is recommended or hyped by many, but in the end does not solve your SEO problems. For this reason, you should know exactly what you want to investigate or analyze with the SEO analysis tool. Only in this way can you find a tool with exactly the functions that will help you.

2. These SEO functions can an SEO analysis tool have, for example:

  • Crawling of the website
  • Keyword research
  • Analysis of SEO performance and keyword rankings
  • Analysis of internal linking
  • Analysis of backlinks (incl. Backlink Audit)
  • Technical error messages
  • Analysis of page speed or the loading times of your pages
  • Support in content creation and / or content optimization (incl. Content audit)

3. Your SEO knowledge:

As just mentioned briefly, it is super helpful for you to choose an SEO tool that also fits your individual SEO knowledge level. The best tool is of no use to you if you can't handle it in the end or if you can't interpret and evaluate its analysis results. So choose an SEO analysis tool that fits your SEO know-how and that you feel comfortable with. Otherwise, you might get a tool that you don't use at all.

4. Price-performance ratio:

The ideal price-performance ratio varies for each of us and depends heavily on our own wishes and needs. In addition, your own appreciation for the right SEO analysis tool also influences the price you are willing to pay. So if you know exactly what you are looking for, what functions the SEO analysis tool should have and that the tool also harmonizes with your SEO knowledge, then you can much better assess the work relief gained and your willingness to pay.

These are the top 8 SEO analysis tools

For our top8 ranking of the most popular SEO analysis tools (based on the OMR score) we would like to introduce you to different SEO tools that follow different SEO focuses. You can find these SEO analysis tools also on OMR Reviews, including real and verified customer reviews.

1. Seobility for your SEO analysis

Seobility is a German provider of an all-in-one SEO tool, which combines tools for crawling, for onpage analyses as well as for backlink analyses in one package. Particularly noteworthy is the WDF*IDF function, with which you can take your content to a new level. With you are thus able to optimally optimize your website and thereby achieve better rankings. Seobility makes website optimization simple and effective.

Seobility functions

Seobility offers you with its all-in-one SEO tool quite a few functions and features with which you can significantly advance the search engine optimization of your website:

  • Website audit tool
    • Audit of your technical factors & meta information
    • Audit of your website structure
    • Audit of your website content
    • SEO analysis of your web pagesAutomated crawls incl. status report by email
    • Keyword ranking monitoring
  • Ranking dashboard
    • Keyword monitoring
    • Optimization suggestions
    • Local search results monitoring possible
    • Competitor monitoring
    • Email reporting
    • Backlink monitoring & analysis
  • Backlink dashboard
    • Linkbuilding tools for more backlinks
    • Backlink analysis of competitors
    • Free tools or features
  • (with limited functionality)Keyword research tool
    • WDF*IDF tool
    • Redirect check
    • SERP snippet generator
    • Seobility prices

Seobility offers three different service packages: Basic, Premium and Agency.

The Basic package is particularly suitable for beginners and is free of charge. With this package you can create one project and crawl up to 1,000 pages per project. In addition, you can monitor a total of ten keywords and three competitors per project. However, the ranking results are only available for desktop rankings and the localization of the ranking results is only at the country level (instead of city level). In the context of backlink analysis and backlink monitoring, you only get a preview of the detailed analysis, the data of which is updated weekly.

The Premium package is particularly suitable for professional websites and can be obtained for 49.90 euros per month with annual payment - including a 14-day trial period. With this package you can create three projects and crawl up to 25,000 pages per project (using automated crawls). In addition, you can monitor a total of 300 keywords and 20 competitors per project. The ranking results are available for both desktop rankings and mobile rankings and the localization of the ranking results is also on the country and city level. In the context of backlink analysis and backlink monitoring, you get a detailed analysis, which also gives you insights into new and lost backlinks and the anchor texts of the backlinks. In addition, a backlink analysis of your competitors is available to you as well as the linkbuilding tools. In the area of content analysis, Seobility also determines for you pages with duplicate content or with

keyword cannibalism.The Agency package is similar in functionality to the Premium package. However, the Agency package is suitable for large websites and agencies and is available for 179.90 euros per month with annual payment. With this package you can create 15 projects and crawl up to 100,000 pages per project (using automated crawls). In addition, you can monitor a total of 1,500 keywords and 30 competitors per project.

More information about the

Seobility prices as well as numerous user reviews with price reference can be found on OMR Reviews.Seobility alternatives

On OMR Reviews you can find an overview of various

Seobility alternatives. In addition, verified reviews and experience reports help you choose the most suitable SEO analysis tool for you.2. Google Search Console (GSC) as free SEO analysis tool


According to Google, the Google Search Console (GSC) is supposed to help you measure your Google traffic and its performance as well as identify and resolve problems on your website. And we can confirm that. With the

you have a powerful SEO analysis tool at your side, which works completely without cookie website tracking (unlike e.g. ). You get information about your clicks, impressions, click rates and rankings - and that on keyword, pages, countries and device level. So you can really delve into your SEO analysis. The Google Search Console should therefore be the first tool you get as soon as you have created and published your

website.Google Search Console functions

Even if the Google Search Console might seem a bit inconspicuous at first glance, you can draw many helpful and useful insights from it. The SEO analysis tool offers you the following functions:

Clear dashboard:

  • Provides information about performance, page coverage, usability and recommended improvements.URL check:
  • Find out how your current website status is on Google - are your websites already crawled, indexed and included in Google's search results? If necessary, the review or indexing of your desired webpage can also be requested.Overview of your Google search results performance:
  •  This way you find out, for example, through which search queries your users came to your website, what your click rates are and on which Google positions you rank.URL coverage:
  • Here the GSC provides information about how many of your websites are indexed on Google and which errors are present in the websites that Google could not or did not want to index.Sitemaps:
  • Using this function you can submit the sitemap(s) of your website or individual URLs to Google so that Google has the current status of your website and thus knows what needs to be crawled.Information and recommendations regarding your
  • Core Web Vitals, which also partly give you insights about your loading times Improvement suggestions regarding sitelinks search box, used snippets & co.
  • Information about security issues and manual actions
  • Overview of your internal and external links as well as your top referring websites (thus backlinks)
  • Settings incl. crawling statistics
  • Google Search Console prices

The GSC is a free SEO analysis tool from Google. User reviews with price reference for the

Google Search Console can be found on OMR Reviews.Google Search Console alternatives

On OMR Reviews you can find an overview of various

alternatives to the Google Search Console. In addition, verified reviews and experience reports help you there to choose the suitable SEO analysis tool.3. Sistrix for your SEO website check


The SEO analysis tool Sistrix is an all-in-one SEO software that allows you to increase your visibility on Google and thus increase your website traffic. In addition, Sistrix allows you to analyze your competitors. So you not only see your own SEO performance, but also that of your competition.

Using an onpage SEO analysis you can find out technical errors and therefore know where there is still potential for improvement for your website. So as you can already notice,

is a very extensive SEO tool for analyzing your website.Sistrix functions

Sistrix offers with its all-in-one SEO tool so many functions and features that you can carry out a meaningful SEO analysis of your website:

Website audit tool

  • Audit of your technical factors & metadataAudit of your website structureAudit of your website contentSEO analysis
  • of your webpagesAutomated crawls incl. status report by email
  • Keyword ranking monitoringRanking dashboardKeyword monitoringOptimization recommendations
  • Monitoring local search results possibleCompetitor monitoring
  • Email reportingBacklink monitoring & analysis
  • Backlink dashboardLinkbuilding tools for more backlinks

Backlink analysis of competitors

  • Free tools or features (with limited functionality)
  • Keyword research toolWDF*IDF tool
  • Redirect checkSERP snippet generator
  • Sistrix pricesSistrix offers three different service packages: Basic, Premium and Agency.
  • The Basic package is especially suitable for beginners and is free of charge. With this package you can create one project and crawl up to 1,000 pages per project. In addition, you can monitor a total of ten keywords and three competitors per project. However, the ranking results are only available for desktop rankings and the localization of the ranking results is only carried out on a country level (instead of a city level). As part of the backlink analysis and backlink monitoring, you only get a preview of the detailed analysis, the data of which is updated weekly.The Premium package is especially suitable for professional websites and can be obtained for 49.90 euros per month with annual payment - including a 14-day test phase. With this package, you can create three projects and crawl up to 25,000 pages per project (with automated crawls). In addition, you can monitor a total of 300 keywords and 20 competitors per project. The ranking results are available for both desktop and mobile rankings, and the localization of the ranking results is carried out at both the country and city level. As part of the backlink analysis and backlink monitoring, you receive a detailed analysis, which also gives you insights into new and lost backlinks and the anchor texts of the backlinks. In addition, a backlink analysis of your competitors is available to you as well as the link building tools. In the area of content analysis, Seobility also determines for you pages with duplicate content or with

keyword cannibalism


The Agency package is similar in functionality to the Premium package. However, the Agency package is aimed at large websites and agencies and can be obtained for 179.90 euros per month with annual payment. With this package you can create 15 projects and crawl up to 100,000 pages per project (by automated crawls). In addition, you can monitor a total of 1,500 keywords and 30 competitors per project.

More information about the

Sistrix prices

as well as numerous user reviews with price reference you can find on OMR Reviews.

Sistrix alternativesOn OMR Reviews you find a overview of various Sistrix alternatives

. In addition, verified reviews and experience reports help you choose the suitable SEO analysis tool.

4. Semrush as SEO analysis toolSemrush is a real all-rounder, because it offers various tool kits for the online marketing areas SEO, content marketing, social media and PPC campaigns. Within the individual tool kits various in-depth tools are integrated, which makes the SEO analysis in the SEO area of


very varied.

Semrush functions

Here to go into all the features of the Semrush SEO analysis tool

would be insane. There are incredibly many and each relevant SEO area is served with an SEO tool. That's why we are listing here "only" the individual SEO functions:

Backlink AnalyticsBacklink Audit ToolBacklink Gap

  • Bulk Analysis
  • Domain Overview
  • Keyword Gap
  • Keyword Magic Tool
  • Keyword Overview
  • Link Building Tool
  • Listing Management
  • Log File Analyzer
  • My Reports
  • Onpage SEO Checker
  • Organic Research
  • Organic Traffic Insights
  • Position Tracking
  • Ranks
  • Site Audit
  • Semrush prices
  • Semrush is available in three membership models that can either be paid annually or monthly. The prices mentioned here refer to the annual payment. The Pro version of Semrush costs 99.95 dollars per month and is designed for marketing newcomers and small in-house teams. The Guru version is aimed at SMEs, agencies and marketing consultants. The monthly costs for this subscription model are 191.62 dollars.
  • The Advanced version can be used by a user and is suitable for 308 dollars per month. A total of up to 25 projects can be created here. With the Enterprise version of Semrush, a user can work and set up 100 projects. The monthly costs are 374.95 dollars. The monthly prices mentioned here refer to an annual payment.

In addition to these three Semrush subscriptions, other packages can still be booked:

"Semrush .Local" for an additional 20 or 40 dollars per month (depending on whether Basic or Premium package)

"Semrush .Trends" for an additional 200 dollars per month per user

  • "Agency Growth Kit" for an additional 69 or 149 dollars per month
  • "ImpactHero" for an additional 200 dollars per month
  • If you are a large customer, you can also get an individual offer from Semrush.
  • Further information as well as user reviews with

price reference for Semrush

can be found on OMR Reviews.Semrush AlternativesOn OMR Reviews you can find an overview of various

Semrush alternatives

. In addition, verified reviews and experience reports help you there to choose the suitable SEO analysis tool.5. Screaming Frog as technical SEO analysis toolScreaming Frog is an SEO analysis tool that specializes in crawling websites. In addition, it is neither cloud- nor web-based, but has to be installed locally on your computer. With this tool you can either crawl your entire website or even individual webpages or URLs and display and also download as Excel file important SEO data (e.g. meta data, subheaders, link structure).


So the tool

is ideal for your SEO onpage analysis. Because with the obtained analysis results you can derive action recommendations for your website optimization.

Screaming Frog functionsWith the SEO crawling tool Screaming Frog you can use the following functions:

Find and fix broken links

Uncover redirects and redirect chains

  • Visualization of the internal link and URL structure is possible
  • Analyze page title and meta description - find out if they are too long or too short, if they are missing or if they are present double or multiple times
  • Uncover Duplicate Content
  • (both for URLs and for individual page elements)
  • Generate XML sitemapsDiscover blocked URLs (e.g. by robots.txt, meta robots, noindex, nofollow) and display canonical tags
  • Crawlings can be scheduled and connected with automatic reports
  • You can track your SEO progress to see what has improved between the crawlings
  • Integration with Google Search Console, Google Analytics and PageSpeed Insights possible
  • Screaming Frog Prices
  • Screaming Frog is free for crawling up to 500 URLs and includes a limited range of functions. If you want to examine more than 500 URLs and have all functions available, you need the Screaming Frog license. This costs 199 pounds per year.

Further information as well as user reviews with

price reference of Screaming Frog

can be found on OMR Reviews.Screaming Frog AlternativesOn OMR Reviews you can find an overview of the

Screaming Frog Alternatives

and can find the most suitable SEO analysis tool with the help of verified user reviews and experience reports.6. Ryte for your SEO website checkRyte refers to itself as the No. 1 platform for website user experience. Here, Ryte focuses the optimization of the website on six different pillars: search engine optimization, quality assurance, performance, sustainability, accessibility, and compliance. This results in the three main functions or main areas of the SEO analysis tool


: Website Success, Search Success and Content Success.

Ryte FunctionsBelow we briefly introduce the individual tool areas:

Website Success:

With this you can check your website from top to bottom and find out at which screws you still have to turn to improve your website user experience. For this website check, Ryte crawls your website once and then displays the analysis results already prioritized. This way, you know exactly where to first invest your capacities and resources. If you wish, you can also connect Ryte with your Google Analytics account at this point to match the prioritization with your previous traffic data.

  • Search Success: Here comes the SEO analysis into play. To improve your SEO performance, Ryte offers you various SEO analysis functions. These include, for example, segmentation of your pages and keywords, active keyword monitoring, various SEO A/B tests, analysis of keyword cannibalization, year-on-year comparisons and various reports. With these SEO tools you have everything necessary to take your SEO to a new level.
  • Content Success: This tool serves to create convincing content for your website. Both for your users and for the search engine (used by your users). You are supported here by the WDF*IDF analysis, keyword recommendations, a content editor, a integration and the possibility of an HTML export. All these aids support you in creating relevant content for your users.
  • Ryte PricesRyte offers a free trial version for ten days. Apart from that, Ryte has two different pricing models on offer: Enterprise and Partner. The Enterprise suite is intended for complex and extensive websites, while the Partner suite is aimed at agencies. The price for both Ryte offers is on request, as an individual offer is created.

Further information as well as user reviews with

price reference from Ryte

can be found on OMR Reviews.Ryte AlternativesOn OMR Reviews you can also find an overview of the

Ryte alternatives

and with the help of verified user reviews and experience reports you can find the suitable SEO analysis tool.7. Ahrefs as an all-in-one SEO analysis toolAhrefs is an all-in-one SEO analysis tool that wants to support you in optimizing your website for search engines, finding topics for your website content and tracking your


SEO measures

and -success. Accordingly has incredible databases, which are generated from ten different search engines and data from all over the world. The keyword index alone contains almost 12 billion keywords.Ahrefs FunctionsCertainly you have already noticed what a range of services Ahrefs offers you. Below you get another overview about tools and features, that Ahrefs offers in different performance packages:


Keyword rank tracker

Keyword research

  • BacklinksBacklink checker
  • Backlink monitorCompetitors
  • Competitor researchWebsite
  • Website AuditOnpage SEO checker
  • Monitor for site changesWorking with clientsWhite LabelReport Builder

Lead generator

Guest link

More features

Marketing planKeyword grouperSocial media analytics

Search volume checker

Index status checkerSEO potentialKeyword Suggestions


Traffic Analysis

Ahrefs Prices

Ahrefs offers four different price models. As with the other SEO tools, the price models also differ here in price and usage scope of the SEO software. In order to make the entry easier for you, you can test Ahrefs free of charge and without obligation for 14 days.

The Essential package is aimed at freelancers and is available in the annual subscription for 31.20 Euro per month. The Pro package is aimed at small agencies and teams and is available in the annual subscription for 71.20 Euro per month. The Business package, which is aimed at medium-sized agencies and companies, is in the annual subscription for 151.20 Euro per month. All three packages have the base functions included in different scopes. In addition, the Pro and Business packages include features that are not available in the Essential plan, such as the ability to include keywords in the advanced database, historical data on keywords and domains, or customer support.

In addition to the three standard packages, further packages can be booked in the areas of agency, content marketing and local marketing.

For further information and user reviews with

  • price reference from SE Ranking
    • you can find on OMR Reviews.
    • SE Ranking alternatives
  • On OMR Reviews you can find an overview of different
    • alternatives from SE Ranking
    • . In addition, verified user reviews and experience reports help you to find the suitable SEO analysis tool.
  • Mitbewerber
    • Mitbewerber-Recherche
  • Webseite
    • Webseiten-Audit
    • Onpage-SEO-Checker
    • Monitor für Seitenänderungen
  • Arbeiten mit Kund*innen
    • White Label
    • Report Builder
    • Lead-Generator
    • Gäste-Link
  • Weitere Features
    • Marketing-Plan
    • Keyword-Grouper
    • Social-Media-Analytics
    • Suchvolumen-Checker
    • Index-Status-Checker
    • SEO-Potenzial
    • Keyword-Vorschläge
    • Traffic-Analyse


Das SEO-Analyse-Tool SE Ranking bietet seinen Nutzer*innen drei verschiedene Pakete an, die sich im Leistungsumfang und in der Preisgestaltung unterscheiden. Um dir den Einstieg zu erleichtern, kannst du SE Ranking 14 Tage kostenfrei und unverbindlich testen.

Das Essential-Paket richtet sich an Freiberufler*innen und ist im Jahresabo für 31,20 Euro monatlich zu erhalten. Das Pro-Paket richtet sich an kleine Agenturen und Teams und ist im Jahresabo für 71,20 Euro monatlich zu bekommen. Und das Business-Paket, welches sich an mittelgroße Agenturen und Unternehmen richtet, ist im Jahresabo für 151,20 Euro monatlich zu erhalten. Alle drei Pakete haben die Basisfunktionen in unterschiedlichem Leistungsumfang enthalten. Zusätzlich sind im Pro- und Business-Pakete Features vorhanden, die es im Essential-Plan nicht gibt, bspw. die Möglichkeit, Keywords in die erweitertes Datenbank mit aufzunehmen, historische Daten zu Keywords und Domains oder ein Kundensupport.

Neben den drei Standard-Paketen können teilweise noch weitere Pakete im Bereich Agentur, Content-Marketing und Lokales Marketing hinzugebucht werden.

Weitere Informationen zu den Preisen von SE Ranking sowie Nutzerbewertungen mit Preisbezug findest du auf OMR Reviews.


Auf OMR Reviews findest du eine Übersicht von verschiedenen Alternativen von SE Ranking. Zudem helfen dir dort verifizierten Bewertungen und Erfahrungsberichte dabei, das für dich geeignete SEO-Analyse-Tool auszuwählen.

Empfehlenswerte SEO Tools

Weitere empfehlenswerte SEO-Tools kannst du auf OMR Reviews finden und vergleichen. Insgesamt haben wir dort über 150 SEO-Tools (Stand: Dezember 2023) gelistet, die dir dabei helfen können, deinen organischen Traffic langfristig zu steigern. Also schau vorbei und vergleiche die Softwares mithilfe der verifizierten Nutzerbewertungen:

Denise Noetzel
Denise Noetzel

Denise ist seit 2020 selbstständig und bietet SEO für Selbstständige und Unternehmer*innen an. Zuvor hat sie ihren Bachelor in BWL an der Uni Hamburg absolviert und anschließend in einer Online-Marketing-Agentur sowie bei OMR Reviews als SEO Managerin gearbeitet.

All Articles of Denise Noetzel

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