How to Succeed in B2B Software Marketing

Nils Knäpper 1/18/2023

We show you what to consider when marketing software to business customers.

Table of contents
  1. Software Marketing: What is it?
  2. Marketing B2B Software: More complex than B2C
  3. 5 Phases for Successful Software Marketing
  4. Summary
  5. The Best CRM Sales Softwares on OMR Reviews

Regardless of customer feedback, time tracking for employees or warehouse management - for every business challenge there seems to be a suitable tool these days. This puts software manufacturers in the position of standing out with their product in the provider jungle. After all, a software solution can only shine when it is used by users. However, your B2B software may have a long way to go before it ends up on your target audience's computer. How you approach this and what potential pitfalls lurk along the way, you'll learn in this article.

Software Marketing: What is it?

Software marketing refers to the process of selling or distributing software to a target audience. This process includes the development of a marketing strategy, the identification of the target audience, product positioning, the choice of distribution channels, and the execution of marketing activities to make the software known. The goal is to clearly present and communicate the benefits and benefits of your software so that potential customers notice the product and want to buy it. Successful software marketing requires thorough knowledge of the industry, target audience, and competitive environment. The goal is to build a positive image and trust in the product and increase demand.

Marketing B2B Software: More complex than B2C

Generally speaking, the marketing of B2B software is aimed at companies and organizations, while the marketing of B2C software is aimed at end consumers. Therefore, the target audience and the type of communication used for each type of software varies.

B2B software is often used by professionals in a particular industry or function, for example, financial software for accountants, CRM software for sales staff or project management software for project managers. It therefore usually requires a more thorough technical explanation and explanation of the functionalities.

Another difference is that the decision-makers for the purchase of B2B software are often executives or department heads who buy the product for their employees or departments. B2C software, on the other hand, is often purchased directly by individual consumers. Therefore, the sales strategy for B2B software is often more complex and requires greater effort in terms of contacting and convincing these decision-makers.

Another important difference is that the purchase of B2B software often requires long-term contracts and partnerships and the sales cycles are longer than for B2C software. In B2B software sales, there are often multiple decision-makers involved, and it takes multiple meetings and presentations to close a contract. In B2C software sales, on the other hand, the purchase process can often be completed directly online or through retail. For all these reasons, B2B software marketing is generally more complex and labor intensive than that of B2C software.

5 Phases for Successful Software Marketing

The marketing of your software solution consists of several phases. Of course, these can be broken down even more granularly; in our example, we'll stick to a total of 5 sections:

Target Audience Analysis and Positioning

In the beginning, it's about getting to know your audience and positioning your product according to their needs and desires. Important questions to ask here are: In what industry do your desired customers work? What company size, budgets, and challenges does your audience have? And how does your software help them cope with these? Upon determining this, the 4Ps of the marketing mix can help you optimally position your product for your target group. The 4Ps are:

  • Product: Refers to the features, design, packaging, brand and warranty of your software.

  • Price: The pricing policy determines what your software solution should cost in the end. The determination of this aspect is based on the audience analysis and of course your own production costs.

  • Promotion (Communication): Refers to communication with potential and existing customers, including advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and personal sales.

  • Place (Distribution): Refers to the availability of your software for customers, including the choice of distribution channels, such as retail, online sales, or direct sales.

Strategy Development

The selection of the right marketing strategy for B2B software depends on several factors, such as Your target audience, Your product, the competition, and Your budget. Some steps that can help you determine the marketing strategy include:

  1. Target Audience: Identify Your target audience accurately and understand their needs, challenges, and decision-making processes.

  2. Competition: Examine the competitive situation to understand who Your direct and indirect competitors are and what marketing strategies they use.

  3. Product: Understand the benefits and benefits of Your product and how best to communicate them.

  4. Budget: Set a realistic marketing budget and decide which activities are most important and which are best compatible with Your budget.

  5. Online Marketing: Use online marketing tools like SEO, Content Marketing, Social Media and Online Advertising to reach your target audience and make your product known.

  6. Offline Marketing: Additionally, use offline marketing tools like trade shows, events, press releases, and print advertising to reach your audience.

  7. Distribution Channels: Decide which distribution channels are best suited to your product and your target audience, such as direct sales, indirect sales, or sales through the online store.

  8. Success Measurement: Regularly measure the success of your marketing strategy to determine if the goals are being achieved and to make any necessary adjustments.

Marketing and Sales Activities

Once your marketing strategy is established, it's about implementing it. An important part of this is generating qualified leads by making potential customers aware of your products and getting them to contact you. This can be achieved through online marketing activities such as SEO, content marketing, social media, and online advertising. Once you have generated qualified leads, you should contact them to present the benefits of your products. This can be done through phone calls, emails, or personal visits. If there is interest in purchasing, you should create an offer as soon as possible that includes the details of the purchase, such as price, payment terms, and delivery times.

Contract Closing

Once an offer has been accepted, it's important to close a contract that sets the conditions of the purchase. After the contract is signed, you should support customers to ensure they are satisfied with the product and offer further assistance if necessary. There are also opportunities for up-selling and cross-selling by offering buyers additional products or services to increase sales. It's important to collect positive feedback from satisfied customers that can be used as references for potential users. You should also pay attention to market developments and the needs of the target group in order to adjust the marketing strategy and take it into account in product development. These processes are closely linked and require close cooperation between the marketing, sales, and product management departments.

Customer Support and Tracking

Customer support and tracking are important elements of B2B software marketing as they help ensure your customers are satisfied and may conduct further business. Once a contract has been concluded, it is important to regularly contact your buyers to ensure that they are satisfied with the software and that they can fully utilize all of its features and possibilities. Good customer support can help resolve any issues that users may have. It is also important to collect feedback to influence product development and ensure that the software meets the needs of the target audience.

Tracking customer activity and feedback is an integral part of customer support, as it helps measure customer satisfaction and quickly detect and resolve any problems. This can be achieved through the use of Customer Relationship Management Software (CRM) which allows you to collect and analyze information about customer contacts, feedback, and activities. By using CRM, you can quickly identify any problems that need to be resolved and take targeted steps to increase your user satisfaction.

Another important task in customer support and tracking is identifying up-selling and cross-selling opportunities. By following the activities and needs of your clientele, you can identify additional products or services that may be of interest and make corresponding offers. This can help increase revenues and strengthen long-term customer loyalty.

Overall, customer support and tracking are crucial for the successful marketing of B2B software. It allows you to measure customer satisfaction, quickly detect and resolve issues, and identify up-selling and cross-selling opportunities. By using CRM software and regularly monitoring customer activity, you ensure that you understand the needs of your buyers and provide them with the best possible service.


Marketing B2B software requires careful planning and execution to attract potential customers to your products and get them to make a purchase. An important aspect of this is generating qualified leads by making potential buyers aware of your products and encouraging them to contact you. This can be achieved through online marketing activities such as SEO, content marketing, social media, and online advertising. Once you have generated qualified leads, you should contact them to present the benefits and benefits of your products. This can be done through phone calls, emails, or personal visits. If there is an interest in purchasing, you should create an offer that includes the details of the purchase, such as price, payment terms, and delivery times.

Another important aspect is managing and monitoring your customers to ensure they are satisfied with your products and can make full use of all features and possibilities. Good customer support helps solve problems and ensure the products are used to their best potential. By using customer relationship management software (CRM), you can quickly identify any problems that need to be resolved and take targeted steps to increase your customer satisfaction. It's also important to collect feedback from users to influence product development and ensure that products meet the needs of your target audience.

The Best CRM Sales Softwares on OMR Reviews

We've put together a list of CRM sales software to help you foster and maintain your customer relationships in sales. They are the Most Popular CRM Sales Tools on our OMR Reviews platform - based on the verified customer ratings and experiences of our community:

Nils Knäpper
Nils Knäpper

Nils ist SEO-Texter bei OMR Reviews und darüber hinaus ein echter Content-Suchti. Egal, ob Grafik, Foto, Video oder Audio – wenn es um digitale Medien geht, ist Nils immer ganz vorne mit dabei. Vor seinem Wechsel zu OMR war er fast 5 Jahre lang als Content-Manager und -Creator in einem Immobilienunternehmen tätig und hat zudem eine klassische Ausbildung als Werbetexter.

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