The Best ERP Systems for Commerce: An Overview of the System Landscape in the New Software Guide

We present the ERP systems that are suitable if you are active in commerce and compare the tools in terms of functions, user-friendliness, and customer support.

Table of contents
  1. These ERP systems are suitable for commerce and are included in the Software Guide:

With ERP systems companies can map complex relationships between resources such as capital, material, information, data points or processes. Depending on the type of company purpose, ERP therefore represents very broad, so-called "business transactions" in automated systems, with the ERP functionalities used sometimes differing greatly. For a manufacturing company, for example, a completely different ERP system might be suitable than for a trading company. The core of any ERP system, however, is always the unifying representation of the (core) business transactions.

In the new Software Guide from the OMR Reviews Team, we give you an overview of how the different ERP systems differ and which tool can best suit your requirements. We focus on ERP systems and ERP-related tools for trading, as a generic overview is (almost) impossible due to the wide range of business transactions, industries, industries and company purposes as well as the maturity of a company. Digital trade is in the foreground, but the briefing is also suitable for other trading companies.

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These ERP systems are suitable for commerce and are included in the Software Guide:

But of course that's not all. Together with ERP expert Dörte Kaschdailis we show you what to consider when selecting and implementing ERP systems in commerce. On top of that, as always, there are selected reviews, a table with function comparisons, a full ten personal brand voices and an exciting expert interview with Dörte.


So if you as a trading company are looking for a suitable ERP system or if you simply want to get an overview of the current landscape of ERP tools again, then you can download the Software Guide here for free. Have fun researching the tools!

Joel Menk
Joel Menk

Joel verantwortet bei OMR die Software Guides und kümmert sich um Whitepaper-Content auf OMR Reviews, unserer Plattform für Software-Bewertungen.

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Dörte Kaschdailis
Dörte Kaschdailis

Dörte Kaschdailis ist langjährige Executive Advisor und Gründerin von opexxia, vorherige Stationen waren u. a. Planet Sports, Otto und Hermes. Kaschdailis ist Expertin für strategisch-operative Geschäftsentwicklung und komplexes Umsetzungsmanagement im vernetzten Handel. Darüber hinaus ist sie als Mentorin und Investorin tätig. Sie spricht zu Themen rund um Digitalisierung, Automatisierung und Transformation im (digitalen) Handel. Privat gilt ihre Leidenschaft der Natur und dem Trailrunning in den Bergen. Mit ihrer Familie lebt sie in München.

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