orgaMAX Buchhaltung
Ease of use
Average: 9
Meets requirements
Average: 9.1
Customer Support
Average: 8.9
Ease of setup
Average: 8.8
Global features
Setup & support
Data Privacy
orgaMAX Buchhaltung is part of the following Suites
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orgaMAX Buchhaltung Features
Performance and reliability
User, role, and access management
Output document generation
Reporting & analytics
Integration apis
Breadth of partner applications
Data import and export tools
Accounts receivable
Invoice customization
Ar automation
Accounts payable
Payment processing
Invoice customization
Payment processing
Back office
Purchase orders
Other functionality
Inventory tracking / ordering
Inventory pricing and costing
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orgaMAX Buchhaltung Reviews (290)
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- 1-50 employees
- Industry: PR & Kommunikation
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Chemicals
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- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Health, Wellness and Fitness
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Hallo Almut, besten Dank für dein Feedback. Wir freuen uns sehr darüber, dass du mit orgaMAX zufrieden bist und die Unterstützung durch unseren Support besonders hervorhebst. Zum Thema Rechnungsversand: Grundsätzlich ist das Versenden mehrerer Rechnungen gleichzeitig möglich. Dazu markierst du zunächst die entsprechenden Rechnungen. Anschließend kannst du sie über das Kontextmenü verschicken. Wenn es an dieser Stelle bei dir haken sollte oder du Hilfe benötigst, melde dich gern bei uns unter Tel. 05231-70900.
Viele Grüße dein orgaMAX Team
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Marketing and Advertising
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- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Retail
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Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Retail
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Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Marketing and Advertising
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- 1-50 employees
- Industry: E-Learning
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- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Building Materials
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Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Design
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