Why is professional web design important and what should you pay attention to.

Jette Harm 1/18/2022

We show you what matters in professional web design and give you a few additional tools to help with that.

Table of contents
  1. Benefits of professional web design
  2. What should you pay attention to in professional web design?
  3. Responsive Design
  4. SEO Optimization
  5. Hire an agency or use a template for professional web design?
  6. These tools support you in your professional web design
  7. Conclusion

Clicked, scrolled and gone. Everyone knows it, we search for an answer to a very specific question or service and have to slog through websites that often no longer show the forest for the trees. Professional web design brings light and structure where otherwise there is only chaos. Simply put. Professional web design leaves out unnecessary things and reduces itself to the essentials. Wonderful!

But a good structure is not the only important thing. The internet is fast-moving. To assert yourselves against your competitors, you must retain your visitors. User-friendliness, performance and clarity are the keywords here. Paired with a little twinkle in the eye (the whole thing should also be fun), it offers the perfect combination to win your visitors for you.

We show you what it takes for professional web design and give you a few additional tools.

Table of Contents

1. Benefits of professional web design

2. What does it depend on?

3. Agency or Template

4. These tools support you in your professional web design

5. Conclusion

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  • Benefits of professional web design

    Raising your web design to a professional level brings several benefits. These are for example:

    • Arouse interest
    • Stand out from the competition
    • Increase of user-friendliness
    • Creating experiences
    • High ranking and visibility through SEO

    There are many advantages for professional web design. Whether it's a fast loading time, a high ranking on Google or simply creating an experience for your users. In short, it's about the
    first impression!

    Whether with a professional agency or on your own with the right template to the goal: there are many possibilities. But there are also some things to consider. In the following, we show you the most important points and give you a compact overview. This way, you are guaranteed to manage the first and decisive seconds to keep visitors on your website!

    What should you pay attention to in professional web design?

    Which color, which font and what is actually a Responsive Design? There are quite a few things to consider for creating a professional web design. A good design conveys in the shortest possible time what your website is about. Create reasons why customers should engage with your website, Design and a graphic eye are also important. Here we introduce you to the main points you should definitely take into account. The first impression is the most important one after all!

    Colors and Typography

    The right choice of color and font is essential for a pleasant and good reading flow. The motto here is less is more. Keep it simple and use simple fonts, which guarantee good readability. Only use highlights for important information to emphasize them. It is also important to have a high contrast between typography and the respective background. The sight of a green website with red font has probably met everyone already. Two minutes and the eyes hurt. Result: The customer leaves your website. Also pay attention to sufficient spacing between headings and flowing texts. This also helps you generate a good and pleasant reading flow.

    First of all, you should work with your corporate color. Stick to your CI and you have covered the point of recognition. Set conscious accents and pay attention to a harmonious picture. User-friendliness is the be-all and end-all. Again, less is more!

    UI and UX Design

    UI Design, or User Interface, includes all visual aspects of a website. Whether buttons, switches and texts. This is about efficiency and effectiveness. The intuitive use for your users is crucial.

    With UX Design, the UserExperience, it's about the feeling that users should experience when using the website. Create an experience and evoke a distinctive first impression. UI and UX Design should always go hand in hand. This can make it possible for you to create a unique and successful website for your visitors.

    Responsive Design

    "Mobile first" - this sentence should probably be known to everyone. About 80% of the search volume runs over mobile terminals and the numbers are rising. In short, this is about the adaptation of your website. Means, the contents of your website behave flexibly to the size of the browser window. Content like images, texts and videos are size variable and adapt to the respective device of the customers. Here, unlike with the fixed layout, you work with a fluid grid.

    With a responsive web design, you thus have the possibility of device-independent communication. You can reach your target groups and customers quickly and everywhere.

    SEO Optimization

    This is about search engine optimization. Means, here the rankings of your website are optimized and thus the visibility in the result lists of e.g., Google, is increased. In short, it's about "qualified traffic". The better your website is optimized with relevant content, the more you can convince your visitors and search engines of yourselves.

    How do you now manage to increase your visibility with good SEO optimization? For this, first of all, you should analyze the search behavior of your target group. It is also important to equip your website and all topics on it with relevant keywords. For the success of your website, it is important to look at SEO long term and regularly. You achieve this with the technical structure of your website, as well as with appropriate content.

    OMR Reviews, we give you an overview of various SEO software & tools. These can help you to analyze your website and equip it with the right keywords.

    Hire an agency or use a template for professional web design?

    The question now is whether you want to develop your web design using a template or a professional web design agency. We have compiled a few arguments for both variants for you.


    With a professional advertising agency, you can have all your wishes and goals implemented individually. Here you have a complete team, which is not only familiar with HTML and CSS, but also provides consultants and SEO experts. Your company and your target group will be analyzed in detail. Thus, through professional advice and an expert team, you receive a fully individual and customized website for you and your target audience. The costs are initially a bit higher, but fulfill your goals afterwards. With a coordinated website, you will achieve more web traffic in the long run and can stand out from your competition.


    Developing your own web design with a pre-made template is initially cheaper and faster to implement. There is now a wide range of individual designs. Plus, you don't have to be pros in web design. The templates offer you all the basics to develop a professional and solid website. Most of these tools are built on a modular system and allow for easy and quick implementation. Thanks to the simple handling and self-explanatory structure, you do not have to be web designers.

    The disadvantage here is the restriction in individuality. Here, you get a good standard solution.

    These tools support you in your professional web design

    On OMR Reviews you'll find an overview of tools that can support you in your professional web design. Also web analytics tools, to receive data of yours and your competitors. Also you will find exciting reviews from verified users. We have compiled a small selection of tools for you here:


    A professional web design is essential for the success of your company. There are some points to consider. If you keep these in mind, you will succeed in a professional design. Tailored to you and your goals. Stay true to yourself, create an experience and assert yourselves with your uniqueness!

    P.S. Keep in mind your SEO!

    Jette Harm
    Jette Harm
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