7 LinkedIn Post Ideas for Your Company

In this article, we are giving you 7 content ideas for your LinkedIn company profile, which you can incorporate into your LinkedIn content strategy.

Table of contents
  1. Why is it worth being active on LinkedIn as a company?
  2. What distinguishes LinkedIn from other social media platforms?
  3. What should be considered when creating LinkedIn content?
  4. product presentation
  5. The people in the company are the
  6. content
  7. your LinkedIn content:
  8. tips & tricks

The importance of LinkedIn as a communication channel for businesses has rapidly increased in recent years. The more users are active on the platform, the more attractive LinkedIn becomes as a platform for building corporate and employer brands. But after creating the company page at the latest, the question arises: What should you actually post on LinkedIn? In response to this question, our guest author Milena Maystorska gives you 7 ideas for LinkedIn content, which you can implement on your company page.

Why is it worth being active on LinkedIn as a company?

LinkedIn is the largest digital business network in the world. About 830 million people (of which about 18 million are in the DACH region) use the platform to network with colleagues and companies, search for jobs and share their professional experience with others. This makes LinkedIn a network where target groups can be reached particularly effectively - for example:

  • Industry experts and journalists
  • Employees of a company
  • Potential applicants
  • Decision-makers (Managing Directors and C-Level Executives)

Especially for companies with a B2B orientation, where the active and targeted approach is in focus, LinkedIn is a valuable platform. But also for other companies it can definitely be worthwhile to maintain a good LinkedIn appearance. In our article about LinkedIn Employer Branding you can read more about the topic.

What distinguishes LinkedIn from other social media platforms?

LinkedIn is, as mentioned above, a business network. Here mainly content with business relevance is shared - job changes, experiences from professional life or industry news. Compared to other platforms like Instagram or TikTok, users here don't appear as private individuals but more often as representatives of companies. This also makes the tone on the platform usually different from social networks used privately. After all, users here not only speak for themselves, but also (indirectly) for the company they work for.

What should be considered when creating LinkedIn content?

Unlike other social networks, LinkedIn is not a visual platform. Here contentual added value comes first and text content is the most important form of content on the platform. Nevertheless, images provide an additional boost in reach, especially if they support the content of the post. Heavily edited photos, like those often found on Instagram, do not fit the LinkedIn "Look & Feel" - for your LinkedIn posts you should rather use authentic, unedited snapshots. Here are three more points you should consider when creating and publishing LinkedIn content:

  • Formats: Unlike other platforms, short portrait videos on LinkedIn are not preferred by the algorithm. Performing particularly well were posts with photos, LinkedIn slides (analogous to carousel posts on Instagram) and LinkedIn polls. Less recommended are link posts, which lead to external websites. You can find more about this in our article with the most popular LinkedIn formats in 2022.
  • Posting times and frequency: As a business network, LinkedIn is mainly used during the week. According to LinkedIn itself, users are most active from Tuesday to Thursday. On weekends, your posts would accordingly get less visibility. The optimal posting times on LinkedIn are in the morning and shortly before the end of work between 5 and 6 pm. As for the posting frequency, between 2 and 4 posts per week are recommended for company pages.
  • Vote: Who acts as a company voice on LinkedIn carries a great responsibility. When writing your LinkedIn posts, you should always pay attention to how you communicate and what you communicate. No-gos are e.g. spelling mistakes, unprofessional tone, confidential company information or pictures of employees without consent. When in doubt, always double-check with management!If you need help creating your first post

take a look at our guide to creating LinkedIn posts.What can companies post on LinkedIn? LinkedIn is used significantly less frequently by companies for

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than networks like Facebook and Instagram. The focus here is much more on consolidating the company's expertise and making the employer brand visible. So what could be topics that are suitable for LinkedIn posts in a company profile? Company and industry newsIntroduction of employees

  • Introduction of specialist departments/teams
  • Insights into current projects
  • Insights into the company's processes
  • Product development and product launches
  • Events, trade fairs and events
  • Numbers and facts about the company
  • Looking back on the company's history
  • Creative job advertisements
  • Insights into the everyday life of the company
  • Social commitment / Corporate Responsibility
  • Memes / current trends
  • The trick is to think up
  • topics

, which can be played more frequently. Instead of writing a post on the topic once, a whole series of several posts can emerge from it. Let's now take a closer look at 7 of these content ideas using examples.7 specific LinkedIn content ideas for companies (with examples)1. Introduction of employees

The people in the company are the

face of the employer brand

. So why not show who they are, what their role in the company is and what personally drives them?This type of LinkedIn posts is for example suitable when a new person joins the team

or when someone celebrates a special company anniversary. It's important to note: You should always publish such posts only with the explicit consent of the person. 2. Introduction of specialist departments/teamsThe various

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within the company have their own tasks and workflows - often also a unique team dynamics. In LinkedIn posts you can provide insights into the working day of the various departments. This could be particularly interesting for potential applicants - to learn more about their future team in this way. You could show, for example: Insights into the everyday work of a person from department X Typical work processes or tools that department X frequently uses

  • Common activities/routines of department X
  • 3. Insights into current projects
  • Whether it's a website relaunch, event planning or marketing campaign: Every project in the company comes with
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, successes and learnings. You can use these for your LinkedIn posts and let your target group participate in the project. For example...5 helpful learnings from our website relaunch3 tips for successful trade fair planning from our event manager

  • How we were able to increase sales for client X by 50% in 3 months
  • 4. Product development and product launches
  • This kind of content is interesting for
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, that develop products themselves. From the different steps, different content ideas can be derived. For exampleInsights into the idea finding process

  • - design drafts, prototypes, color selection etc.Insights into the production
  • - interesting facts about materials, show work steps, tour of the production site etc.Insights into the marketing
  • - behind-the-scenes from the product shoot, design of advertising materials, show packaging etc. 5. Numbers and facts about the companyPeople are fascinated by
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. Use this to your advantage and share exciting and/or funny key figures about the company that make it more tangible. For example…Proportion of employees who have been with the company for more than X years

  • Number of completed projects since the company was founded
  • The amount
  • of coffee consumed annually in the officeIdeally, you should create a graphic

for each key figure that can be used for the post. The best thing about this - this idea can be used to create as many individual posts as you like.6. Insights into everyday company lifeThis type of content is often found on company profiles on Instagram or TikTok. But even on LinkedIn,

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insights into office life

are not necessarily out of place. On the contrary - they belong to the balanced content mix of a company profile and make the company more approachable. For example, you could do…Show the team during shared activities

  • Film an office room tour
  • Describe a funny situation
  • that recently happened in the office7. Memes / current trendsMemes should be
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handled with caution

on LinkedIn. After all, the level of communication on the business platform is much higher than in private networks. Nevertheless, memes are perfect as a comment on current trends and topics in the (business) world. Here are two examples:How to increase the organic reach of your company on LinkedInThe

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is interesting, the posting frequency is right, but your company posts hardly get any reach and interactions anyway? There are also some levers that can increase the visibility of your posts on the company page. Activate employees: The more of your employees are represented on LinkedIn and

  • interact with your posts, the higher the reach of the posts will be. As soon as a person interacts with the post, it is very likely to be played in the feeds of their contacts.Use hashtags (sensibly): Topic relevant hashtags can increase the
  • reach of the post and visually highlight the key words in the text. However, caution is advised when using them, because too many hashtags can impair the flow of reading and thus have the exact opposite effect. Currently, 3 to 5 relevant hashtags per post are recommended. Interact with the company page: It is quite advisable to comment on other people's posts with the company page. Comments under interesting posts are popular on LinkedIn and are therefore the perfect stage for anyone who wants to contribute with a
  • content-rich comment on the topic. Under each post, to the left of the "Like" button, you will find the option to switch profiles (only works in the desktop version at the moment).By the way: Company posts statistically receive less reach and interactions than posts on personal LinkedIn profiles. That's exactly why it's worth relying not only on the company page, but also on some

corporate influencers and personal brands from your own company to ensure greater visibility.Tools that support you in creating LinkedIn contentSocial media tools are a content marketer's best friends - including on LinkedIn. Here are three tool tips for you that support you in creating and managing

your LinkedIn content:

for the creation of image content. Whether graphics, LinkedIn slides or the occasional stock photo - Canva Pro is an intuitive

  • Canva Prographic design tool, which is ideal for those not familiar with InDesign. The extensive stock photo library is just one of many helpful features in the Pro version. for quick content approval. With project management tools like Asana, you can make posts quickly and efficiently available for your management and get them approved. Forget about lengthy email feedback loops! for planning posts in advance.
  • AsanaOrganic posts on LinkedIn can currently only be scheduled using third party apps . With content management tools like Hootsuite, you can schedule your content for a certain time in just a few clicks.Conclusion: With the right ideas to successful LinkedIn contentLinkedIn
  • Hootsuite is the platform of the hour when it comes to taking your employer branding to the next level. With the right strategy, the right content ideas and some

tips & tricks

you can increase the visibility of your company on LinkedIn in a sustainable way. auf das nächste Level zu bringen. Mit der richtigen Strategie, den richtigen Content-Ideen und einigen Tipps & Tricks gelingt es Euch, die Sichtbarkeit Eures Unternehmens auf LinkedIn nachhaltig zu erhöhen.

Milena Maystorska
Milena Maystorska

Milena bezeichnet sich als Online-Marketing-Generalistin mit besonderer Affinität für HR-Themen. Bei ihrem derzeitigen Arbeitgeber treibt sie die Digitalisierung von HR-Prozessen voran und sorgt für effektive Kommunikation innerhalb sowie außerhalb des Unternehmens.

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