What is Haufe HR Services?
Haufe is one of the leading providers of integrated corporate and workplace solutions in the HR sector. In addition to a wide range of HR-related information, Haufe has been developing smart HR software for years that makes HR departments ready to work efficiently - always up-to-date and legally compliant. The product portfolio includes the innovative software solutions Haufe Digital Personnel File, Haufe Personal Office and Haufe HR Assistant, as well as the multi-award-winning Haufe Certificate Manager. Brand new in the program are solutions for working time recording, personnel resource planning and time management.
Haufe HR Services is a brand of the Haufe Group based in Freiburg. Through consistent digitalization, Haufe has developed over the past decades from a specialist publisher to a specialist for digital and web-based services as well as agile and future-proof organizations. Haufe solutions are used in all DAX 30 companies as well as in numerous medium-sized companies.
Haufe People Operations:
Haufe People Operations is a comprehensive HR software solution for the digital management of personnel files and HR processes.
The solution is specifically designed to improve efficiency and transparency in HR administration while ensuring the highest data protection and security standards.
Haufe People Operations combines the power of personnel, workforce and document management in a comprehensive cloud solution. With modules such as document generation, eSignature or time management, Haufe People Operations covers all the important functions that a modern HR department needs.
Haufe People Operations offers you the following functions:
- Digital personnel file
- Digital document generation
- HR tasks & processes
- Employee Self Service Portal
- Electronic locker
- Ready time management
- Ready personnel resource planning
- Ready master data
Digital personnel file:
Haufe's Digital Personnel File is the leading core system of Haufe People Operations and offers everything needed for the administration of personnel data and HR documents.
The most important functions at a glance:
- Centralized document management: Simple storage and management of all personnel data and HR documents in one place
- Integrated search and filter function: Quick and easy provision of the desired information
- Secure and location-independent access: From any end device, with customizable rights and role concept
- Data and legal security: GDPR-compliant and audit-proof cloud storage of all data in an ISO 27001-certified data center
- Only from Haufe: Best practice file structure for fast enablement. Haufe provides a customizable best practice register and retention periods for HR documents
Haufe Certificate Manager:
With the Haufe Certificate Manager, users can effortlessly create legally compliant, high-quality references in significantly less time; simplifying their day-to-day work and making them more efficient. The Certificate Manager includes numerous tested templates and practical features. Line managers can also be easily integrated into the reference process. It is also possible to create English certificates in all certificate formats; all personal data remains in Germany. Other functions include a single sign-on connection, IP filter and REST interface for integrating master data and job descriptions.
Haufe HR Assistant:
The Haufe HR Assistant handles HR employee inquiries in a legally secure, quick, and efficient manner. More than 300 preformulated responses with legally secure and up-to-date content from the in-house, renowned editorial team are available.
Haufe Personnel Office:
The Haufe Personnel Office provides HR departments with legally compliant answers to questions relating to employment law, payroll accounting and personnel management. In addition to extensive specialist knowledge, users will find practical tools and digital generators. For example, a termination check, a certificate generator for up to 25 certificates per year, a warning letter generator, a wage and salary calculator, checklists, contract templates and more. In addition, the specialist database contains up-to-date online seminars and e-training courses that keep users up-to-date regardless of time and place. All content is updated on an ongoing basis and is presented in a way that is easy to understand and practical.
Haufe Ready Time Management:
Haufe Ready Time Management supports the administration of complex time management requirements.
The most important functions at a glance:
- Working hours and absences: Accurate recording and management of working hours to ensure that all hours worked are recorded correctly.
- Real-time transparency and workflows: Approval workflows for timesheets and absences for managers.
- Transfer to payroll accounting: Automatic transfer to existing payroll systems such as SAP, SAGE, ADP
Haufe Ready Personnel Scheduling:
Haufe Ready Personnel Scheduling serves as a digital assistant for creating optimal duty and shift schedules.
The most important functions at a glance:
- Automatic creation of demand-oriented duty and shift schedules: a digital assistant automatically creates duty and shift schedules based on qualifications, availability and demand.
- Seamless integration of all time management data: Time balances, vacation data, individual employee requirements are taken into account during planning.
- Self-service including shift swaps: Employees can take over and swap open shifts and are notified as soon as a new work schedule is published - all via any device.
All Haufe tools can be found on the overview page of the software manufacturer.