6 Fundamentals of Project Management

Learn in our blog post the 6 fundamentals of project management that you should know in order to successfully plan, execute, and complete projects.

Table of contents
  1. The importance of project management
  2. 1. Define project goals
  3. 2. Resource planning and management
  4. 3. Risk management
  5. 4. Communication and stakeholder management
  6. 5. Project controlling and monitoring
  7. 6. Lessons Learned and Project Evaluation
  8. Conclusion

Project management is an essential foundation for success in today's digital world. In our blog post, you'll learn how to effectively define project goals, plan and manage resources, successfully clear obstacles, and how effective communication and stakeholder management significantly influence project success. So, buckle up and let's dive into the exciting world of project management!

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The importance of project management

Project management is the process of achieving goals through planning, organizing, and monitoring resources. A structured project management is therefore crucial to ensure that your projects are completed on schedule, within budget, and with the required results. Effective project management significantly contributes to increasing your efficiency, minimizing the risk of errors and bottlenecks, and optimizing resource utilization. It is also an important tool to improve communication and collaboration among team members and ensure stakeholder satisfaction. Project management is therefore an indispensable discipline that helps you achieve your goals and assert yourself successfully in an dynamic environment. In the following, we will look at the most important steps of these processes:

1. Define project goals

The project goals are the foundation of every project and significantly influence the course and success of your project. It is crucial that you define the goals clearly in order to give a precise direction and ensure that all participants are pulling in the same direction. When defining project goals, it is important that you observe the SMART criteria - the goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound (or in English: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound, short: smart).

Another important aspect of goal definition is the inclusion of all relevant stakeholders to ensure that the goals meet the needs and expectations of all those involved. Transparent and participatory goal definition strengthens acceptance and support for the project.

It is also essential that the goals are prepared in hierarchical form. This involves dividing overarching goals into subgoals and these in turn into concrete tasks. This allows for clear structuring and facilitates the implementation and monitoring of goals during the course of the project.

Setting milestones on the way to achieving the goal is a crucial measure to monitor the progress and achievement of goals and make adjustments where necessary. This allows you to detect deviations at an early stage and correct them before they become larger problems.

2. Resource planning and management

Resource planning and management in project management is paramount. You have to deal with identifying, assigning and managing resources - be it personnel, budget or materials. Careful planning and effective management of these resources are crucial for the success of your project.

Start by creating a detailed resource plan that records the requirements for personnel, budget and materials. Pay attention to realistically assess the available resources and, if necessary, to acquire external capacities in a timely manner. Clear allocation of responsibilities and duties is also of great importance.

Remember that resource management also includes the continuous monitoring and adjustment of the resource plan during the course of the project. It's important to detect potential bottlenecks at an early stage and take appropriate measures. Keep close contact with your team members and stakeholders to ensure effective usage and address issues early on.

3. Risk management

Risk management is another crucial part of your project management. Here you are concerned with identifying, assessing and dealing with risks that could endanger the success of your project. By proactively dealing with potential risks, measures can be taken at an early stage to minimize negative impacts.

The first phase of risk management involves identifying risks. This is followed by the development of risk management strategies to be prepared for possible problems. You must assess the risks based on their probability of occurrence and their potential for damage.

It's important that you keep your risk management in focus consistently, as new risks may arise depending on the phase of the project and already identified risks may change. Therefore, these factors should be reviewed and updated at regular intervals to ensure that current developments are taken into account.

Effective risk management makes a significant contribution to the successful implementation of your projects, as it ensures that potential stumbling blocks are identified and reduced at an early stage. You can thus act proactively and minimize the likelihood of unforeseen problems.

4. Communication and stakeholder management

Communication and stakeholder management also play a central role in project management. You must understand the needs and expectations of stakeholders to ensure that the project is successfully implemented. Transparent communication is key to effective collaboration with stakeholders. It's important to deliver the relevant information in a suitable form at the right time to the right people. This creates trust and transparency during the project.

Stakeholder management refers to the identification, analysis and involvement of all those affected by the project. This includes clients, team members, customers and other external stakeholder groups. You need to manage stakeholders intentionally to take their concerns into account and avoid or resolve conflicts early on.

Communication and stakeholder management should be integrated into the project from the start. Regular meetings, reports and updates as well as clear communication pathways contribute to managing the expectations of stakeholders and identifying potential risks early on. Open and transparent communication strengthens trust and minimizes the likelihood of misunderstandings or misinterpretations.

5. Project controlling and monitoring

Project controlling and monitoring is a crucial aspect for you as a project manager. At this stage of the project, you need to monitor whether your endeavor is proceeding according to the defined goals, schedules and budgets. The controlling ensures that you and your team keep all aspects of the project in view and make adjustments as needed to ensure that the project is successfully completed.

The monitoring refers to the ongoing tracking of project progress. Here, you need to monitor milestones, resource usage, and timelines to ensure that the project is proceeding as planned. Effective monitoring allows you to detect potential discrepancies at an early stage and take appropriate countermeasures.

Project controlling and monitoring enables you to understand the current status of the project, identify potential risks, and ensure the quality of the project work. This ongoing process is crucial to ensuring that the project stays on track and can be successfully completed.

At this stage, you also need to intensify communication and coordination with stakeholders to ensure that all relevant parties are informed about the current state of the project. Regular reports and presentations play an important role in providing stakeholders with transparency and maintaining trust in the project progress.

6. Lessons Learned and Project Evaluation

In the phase of Lessons Learned and Project Evaluation, the focus is on reflecting and analyzing the completed project. Here, the collected insights and experiences are documented to be used for future projects. The process begins with conducting a thorough project review, in which the project participants share and discuss their impressions, both positive and negative.

The collected information is then critically evaluated to identify weaknesses, success factors and recommendations for action. It is important to understand the causes for any problems in order to derive effective measures for improving future projects.

A central component of the follow-up is the documentation of the Lessons Learned. This includes both the identified problems and the successful approaches discovered during the course of the project. The insights should be recorded in an understandable and usable form to make them easily accessible for future projects.

Project teams should apply the gained insights specifically in similar future projects to avoid recurring challenges and increase success. Continuous development through the application of best practices is a central element of professional project management.


Project management is an essential discipline to ensure project success. By mastering the basics of project management, you lay the foundation for effective planning, resource use, risk management and communication. With clear goals, efficient resource planning and proactive risk management, you can identify and circumvent stumbling blocks at an early stage. Continuous communication with stakeholders and effective project controlling ensure that the project achieves the desired success. However, the completion of a project does not mean the end of learning. Through thorough follow-up and recording of Lessons Learned, you promote continuous improvement and development in future projects. Master the basics of project management and use them as a springboard to take your projects to the next level.

Kira Schreiberling
Kira Schreiberling

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