With These 4 Tips, You Can Optimize Your Product Data

Carmen Cichon 6/23/2022

Why product data optimization is so important and what helps you with it

Table of contents
  1. That's why you should use product optimization
  2. 4 tips for product data optimization
  3. What a PIM software for product data optimization should bring
  4. Outlook: What will be important in the future for product data optimization
  5. Additional PIM software for better product data

You can't avoid a strategic approach to your product data today. No wonder, because the right strategy and optimization also brings a lot of profit. So, the worldwide online sales are expected to rise to over 3 trillion euros by 2025.

So it's worth taking a closer look at your product data - and this applies to all services and consumer goods. You should not only focus on the correct optimization of product images and labels, but pick up your customers at multiple channels.

You see, some things are important for product data optimization. We'll show you why this is and what tips will help you be successful in product data management.

Recommended Product Information Management (PIM) Software

On our comparison platform OMR Reviews you can find more recommended Product Information Management (PIM) tools. We present over 80 solutions that are specifically tailored to the needs of companies and brands that require efficient product information management. This PIM software offers comprehensive support in all aspects of product information management. Take this opportunity to compare the different software solutions, drawing on authentic and verified user reviews:

That's why you should use product optimization

Optimizing product data is not a new trend that has become more important in recent years. On the contrary, since there are computer systems, data is also of great importance. The challenge is therefore not to collect enough, but to ensure that the data is available to you both completely and in high quality.

Many retail companies often think that they alone have control over their product data, in reality this lies with the buyers. This is also underlined by a study, which shows that about 62% of buyers search for product information before buying. If they are not successful, they are already looking at the next offer or buying a similar product.

The decision is therefore influenced by the quality and scope of your data. Your customers rely on the descriptions, dimensions, images and other characteristics that you provide for your products. If these are wrong or incomplete, they can leave your shop faster - this applies to both online and stationary retail.

4 tips for product data optimization

We'll show you with these four tips how exactly you ensure that you adapt your product data regularly to the demands of your customers as well as current challenges:

1. Understand your data

Bad or incomplete data quickly leads to less customer interaction and especially less turnover. When optimizing your product data, make sure that you create different types and formats for your content and that they have suitable data science and taxonomy processes. This way you can adapt even faster and more flexibly to the different needs of your customers.

2. Connect your content

The true success of your product information lies in the fact that it is also connected to other data. It makes sense to define product units and link them to location and customer data. This gives you even more usable insights. You create a "golden data set" that helps you make decisions across all areas. In addition, you should ensure that the connection of your data happens in real time to ensure continuous updates.

3. Adapt content regularly

In order to understand which product content works well on your channels, you should regularly analyze and evaluate them. Use tools and PIM software that help you analyze. One of these is for example Syndigo, which analyzes more than one billion product pages every year. The result is already that product pages with improved content show an increase in success by up to 90%. The way you provide content for your products also has a strong influence on success.

An important experience that is repeatedly confirmed in product data optimization, is how important images are. A product headline alone is not enough for your product to be bought. With suitable images you can draw users' attention even more to a product.

4. Keep an eye on search engines

The first point of contact on the way to product search is the Internet in most cases. So that your products also appear in the search results of search engines like Google, your product description should always be complete and contain appropriate keywords that users search for.

We have summarized even more tips and advantages on the topic in this article on Product Information Management.

What a PIM software for product data optimization should bring

A suitable PIM software can support you in regularly optimizing your product data. On our Software review platform OMR Reviews you will find in the corresponding category some tools that you can compare on the basis of the experience reports and features.

The software Syndigo we will now introduce to you in more detail as an example. With the help of three important features, we show what is important in a PIM software for product data optimization:

  • Cross-team collaboration: The content for product data is usually created by several departments within and outside your company. The product design may come from an external creative department, while the nutrition labeling is maintained by another department. Syndigo combines this number of teams in its platform, so that simple publishing and updating of content can be assumed. Besides, you have the opportunity to make all changes within the software in real time.
  • Distribution of content: Another important step is that you can flexibly adjust and update your integrated product content. With Syndigo, you can check and integrate all specifications and requirements of suppliers. The software supports you with an automation of the updating of product detail pages and a suitable data configuration.
  • Analyze your data: Besides the creation and distribution of content, analysis is also an important prerequisite for PIM software in product data optimization. Syndigo offers you a platform with an analysis engine that can evaluate content structures, taxonomies and the thoroughness of the information in relation to the requirements of retail recipients. Based on these criteria, you can check in which areas the content meets the specifications and in which it can be improved. This helps you to plan your resources exactly where you need them most urgently. In this way, you can not only adhere to important regulations for your product data, but also improve and assure relationships with partners and colleagues.

Outlook: What will be important in the future for product data optimization

Finally, we will give you a few learnings that will be important in the future for product data optimization in e-commerce.

  • Mobile is crucial for your digital strategy: As mobile devices continue to increase as the primary digital channel, a static website alone is not enough today. Take this opportunity to adapt content to where your customers prefer to shop. For this, the PIM software Syndigo has launched the feature Device Targeting, with which you can implement and predefine content for different screen sizes.
  • Focus on high data quality: Outdated or incomplete product information can have negative effects on the entire e-commerce system. Therefore, rely on high-quality data from the start, so that you can save yourself the time-consuming and costly management from the beginning.

Additional PIM software for better product data

At OMR Reviews, you'll find more PIM systems, that can support you in optimizing your product data. Here are some of the most popular PIM solutions:

Carmen Cichon
Carmen Cichon

Carmen ist Content Marketing Managerin bei OMR Reviews. Zuvor hat sie Content-Themen für einen Lebensmittelgroßhändler verantwortet sowie einen MA in Public Relations absolviert.

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