Media Asset Management: How the Gamechanger Works for Your Media Administration

Chantal Seiter 4/28/2023

We explain to you everything important about Media Asset Management and provide you with helpful tools for your media management.

Table of contents
  1. What is Media Asset Management?
  2. Why you should rely on Media Asset Management
  3. These software solutions support you in Media Asset Management
  4. How Media Asset Management works with
  5. Next-level efficiency thanks to clever Media Asset Management

Perhaps you know the situation: Your colleague asks for that very specific picture from the event a few weeks ago - that would be great in the next blog post. And then the search begins. Even those who have a sophisticated folder structure often have to click through several paths now. The search function helps in simple cases, but it also quickly comes up against its limits. Frustration preprogrammed. Especially when it turns out in the end that the image is stored on someone's hard drive and not in the cloud at all.

What helps - besides properly named folders and a sensible structure? A media asset management system (MAM system). With such systems, you can tidy up your company's media confusion and thus enable your team to work more efficiently. Media management sounds banal at first, but it's a real game changer - and not just for agencies.

In this article, we'll explain what media asset management is and how it works. On top, you'll get some tools that your MAM can run smoothly.

What is Media Asset Management?

Media Asset Management (MAM) is the management of media content such as audio and video files or images. With a MAM system, you can easily organize these files and make it much easier for your team to find important assets and organize them. Many systems, for example, offer you the possibility not only to keep an eye on the files themselves, but also to manage their metadata or share them with other users. Often you can also link your MAM system with other tools and software.

Media Asset Management is part of Digital Asset Management (DAM), which deals with the entire management of all digital assets of a company. In addition to pure media content such as images and videos, this includes for example:

  • Contracts
  • Design documents
  • Text documents
  • Presentations
  • PDF files
  • Tables

There are both pure MAM tools and extensive DAM tools. We will help you to find out which one is right for your needs. One thing is clear, however: wild folder structures and the tireless search for important files are a thing of the past thanks to Media Asset Management.

Why you should rely on Media Asset Management

Media Asset Management makes it much easier for you and your company to work every day. It is especially useful for companies and agencies that often work with media content. But the use of a MAM system is also worthwhile in many other cases - no matter how big or small your company is. Because: with MAM, you can effectively organize, manage and use your company's media content in a cloud. This saves a lot of time and resources in the long run and allows you and your team to work efficiently.

MAM systems ensure optimal workflows around the files in your company or your agency. They facilitate teamwork, cooperation with freelancers and, thanks to helpful comment functions, also feedback processes with customers. By easily sharing files and setting access rights, MAM tools like pixx.ioare an efficient interface to the outside. In other words: no more confusing email traffic, compressed attachments, and colleagues who have no overview of feedback loops.

Thanks to Media Asset Management you can also:

  • Quickly find what you need: Many tools offer you advanced search functions and the management of metadata.
  • Ensure consistent branding: Thanks to centralized storage and management, you can ensure that all files are up to date and that only the latest assets are really used. This is particularly important when it comes to brand visuals.
  • Keep track of licenses and save costs: Many MAM and DAM tools offer you the possibility to store information about the licenses of certain assets. This way everyone has an overview of how media content can be used and when licenses may expire. Properly managed and easily discoverable files also prevent licensed content from being purchased twice, saving unnecessary costs.
  • Control and protect content: With MAM and DAM tools, you can determine who can access the stored files to what extent. This protects confidential content and files are only edited by those who are authorized to do so.

These software solutions support you in Media Asset Management

Probably your files are already stored in an office cloud, a Google Workspace or a similar storage location. The idea of moving all these assets into a new system is probably initially daunting. However, it is worth introducing a media asset management system in the long run. What initially sounds like a lot of work is actually quite straightforward with many tool providers: they offer slim and intuitive integration processes, which makes implementation very pleasant.

The functions of most tools go beyond pure Media Asset Management. Rather, you get comprehensive DAM solutions that help you revamp your entire file management - if desired. We have picked out a few MAM and DAM tools for you that make this easy and introduce one of them in detail:

How Media Asset Management works with is a comprehensive digital asset management tool that allows you to manage and organize all your digital assets. But the software is also a real game changer for pure media asset management. With you can, for example, prepare content for various platforms directly from the tool and always have the suitable formats at hand. Thanks to interfaces to creative tools like Adobe Photoshop or Adobe InDesign you have access to your assets and they are updated directly in after editing. Via the integration with Canva or Microsoft PowerPoint you always have your files at hand and add them with one click in the correct format to your designs or slides.

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The DAM software made in Germany is suitable for a wide range of use cases and teams - no matter whether you are part of the PR department, e-commerce manager or social media manager. With, all colleagues have access to the assets they need for their daily business. Useful features include a keyword-based search function that also relies on AI and individually defined access rights. You can also share content with people outside your company, making feedback loops efficient and clear.

With you can also:

  • Set up media portals and thus easily and securely make press or brand materials accessible to outsiders.
  • keep track of licenses.
  • Store format templates and enable easy conversion for different platforms and use cases.
  • ensure that updated assets are always available to those who need them or should work with them thanks to integrations with creative software, but also tools like akeneo for your PIM, Hootsuite for social media management or WordPress for your website.
  • manage your files in compliance with GDPR - on German servers and according to ISO 27001. is suitable for a wide range of use cases and requirements. The prices for using are based, among other things, on the size of your team and your needs. This way, every company gets the usage options it really needs. It starts at €9 per month for one user.

Next-level efficiency thanks to clever Media Asset Management

Media Asset Management is the game changer for everyone who has to handle (many) files every day. Helpful tools ensure tidy and excellently organized databases. So everyone always finds what they need. Media asset management tools are not only suitable for large companies or agencies, but for everyone who likes to work efficiently - and that's probably most people.

Especially helpful: Most media asset management systems are actually much more comprehensive and are suitable for your entire digital asset management. This way, in addition to pure media content, you also keep track of files like contracts, text documents, or Excel spreadsheets. On OMR Reviews, you can take a closer look at many practical tools for your digital asset management.You're probably thinking, if only you'd known earlier. The good news is that many MAM and DAM tools like can be easily integrated, so you can start a workday without file frustration at any time. einfach integrieren lassen und du so jederzeit in einen Arbeitsalltag ohne Datei-Frust aufbrechen kannst.

Chantal Seiter
Chantal Seiter

Chantal ist Redakteurin bei OMR Reviews. Wenn sie gerade mal nicht in die Tasten haut, betreibt sie Café Hopping oder erkundet neue Städte. Am liebsten beides zusammen. Vor ihrem Start bei OMR Reviews hat die Eigentlich-Kielerin in Kreativagenturen und als Freelancerin gearbeitet. 2022 hat sie außerdem eine Weiterbildung zur Fashion Stylistin abgeschlossen.

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