7 Reasons to Consider Using a DAM System

Chantal Seiter 12/5/2023

We'll tell you why your company should also invest in Digital Asset Management.

Table of contents
  1. Digital Asset Management not only relieves marketers
  2. Why DAM is not reserved for a specific industry
  3. 7 reasons for DAM in your company
  4. Content is King

Have you also searched for a file today that you need for work? And how long does it usually take until you have all the visuals for the next social post? Anyone who regularly works with digital assets such as images, videos, documents, and presentations has certainly had to search for one thing or another for a longer time. Although companies often rely on reasonably logical folder structures in services like Microsoft OneDrive or Google Drive. However, as soon as one ventures beyond the paths used daily, searching for the right file can become a challenge. And the larger the company, the more complex the departments, the more confusing and unclear the folder structures are often. This not only takes a lot of time, but often also nerves. We've all been there.

How good that there is a solution for this and many other problems: With Digital Asset Management, or DAM for short, all digital assets are within reach in one place. And this is not only a game changer for art directors and social media managers. That's why we will reveal to you why DAM makes sense for you and your entire company - regardless of industry and to-dos. Working with digital assets means much more than devising logical paths and naming folders sensibly. After all, files and documents must be kept up to date and new employees must be introduced to archives as efficiently as possible. It sounds banal at first: open the folder, new design in, old design out. But reality often looks different. You probably know that too.

The tool provider Wedia therefore gives you in its e-book seven reasons to convince your team(s) to introduce a DAM system. We have taken a look for you - so that confusing folder structures and file silos become a thing of the past.

Digital Asset Management not only relieves marketers

When you introduce a new design, old visuals should disappear, so far, so clear. However, it can quickly happen that files are not only located in the folder intended for them, but also in additional subfolders, in individual employees' repositories, and in different project management tools - 'they're easier to find there'. There is a great risk that old versions will circulate anyway. To avoid this, you should rely on Digital Asset Management. DAM not only supports your marketing teams in their daily work, but also always provides the right and most recent documents for other departments. That is, at a central location, without confusing folder structures and with logical and intuitive search functions.

A DAM system helps you with:

  • organizing different assets cleanly and sensibly and keeping them up to date.
  • increasing the efficiency of your teams by automated processes for recurring tasks.
  • maintaining brand consistency and providing the right brand content to all employees at all times.
  • improving the (online) experience of your customers with consistent brand content and increasing your recognition value.

Using and disseminating consistent content is not only important and sensible for marketers. Departments like sales and customer service also benefit from Digital Asset Management. By always having access to up-to-date versions of sales decks or info sheets, you ensure that (potential) customers get to know your company from its best side. Thanks to the easy access to all assets, your sales colleagues can also quickly and easily integrate these into their sales processes without a lot of inquiries and waiting. This saves time for everyone and allows them to act more independently.


In its e-book, Wedia explains why companies should rely on Digital Asset Management. We took a look.

Why DAM is not reserved for a specific industry

By the way, DAM is not just for certain industries. Rather, DAM systems can be used in a wide variety of areas - and should be, Wedia says. The tool provider recommends in its e-book especially these seven industries to rely on Digital Asset Management:

  • Retail: In retail, product images can be updated faster and brands can be presented more consistently with the help of DAM.
  • Consumer goods: Packaging designs can be managed efficiently, the introduction of products can be accelerated, and marketing materials are always at hand.
  • Banking, Finance, Insurance: Legal documents are available to all employees and can be updated quickly and easily.
  • Automobile Industry: Marketing materials such as product photos, videos, and content about technical data are centrally available, making collaboration with partners and agencies easier.
  • Production Economy: Technical drawings are quick and easy to find for everyone, and training processes can be made much more efficient.
  • Energy Sector: Quick and central access to image and video material of facilities is especially helpful for international energy corporations.
  • Pharmaceuticals: Product photos can be easily managed centrally and legal documents can be safely stored and updated.

7 reasons for DAM in your company

You notice: Introducing a DAM system is definitely sensible. This task is not to be underestimated, however, and can quickly become a challenge depending on the size of the company and the amount of existing assets. But once implemented, DAM is a useful and above all optimally scalable supplement, that keeps your company together.

Among other things, this is why investing in a DAM system is worth it:

  1. Photos and videos are always available in the right formats and thanks to meaningful tags and even AI, they can be found quickly and easily. Digital Asset Management is particularly suitable for images - but not only.
  2. Marketing content can be easily adapted to local conditions. This way, you can individualize international campaigns with just a few clicks.
  3. A central place that provides content for all other systems: Integrate your DAM system into your CMS or PIM tool and ensure that all other systems always receive the most recent assets from your DAM solution.

In its free e-book, the tool provider Wedia explains in detail the seven reasons for investing in a DAM system. On top of that, you'll learn more about possible applications for different industries and their challenges.

Content is King

Fact: Digital Asset Management grows with your company, thanks to scalability. If your company has already reached a certain size, but still does not rely on DAM, you should ask yourself why. After all, good content is essential for your brand appearance. This is not limited to a few Instagram pictures or a LinkedIn header. Rather, you should always ensure that all departments and employees present the right and most up-to-date content externally and also stay true to the brand internally. The best and most efficient way to do this is with a DAM system. This way, your teams will find what they need in the future and your customers will see exactly what you really want to show them.

Would you like to learn more about the reasons for Digital Asset Management in your company and in different industries? In its free e-book, the tool provider Wedia provides all important explanations.

Chantal Seiter
Chantal Seiter

Chantal ist Redakteurin bei OMR Reviews. Wenn sie gerade mal nicht in die Tasten haut, betreibt sie Café Hopping oder erkundet neue Städte. Am liebsten beides zusammen. Vor ihrem Start bei OMR Reviews hat die Eigentlich-Kielerin in Kreativagenturen und als Freelancerin gearbeitet. 2022 hat sie außerdem eine Weiterbildung zur Fashion Stylistin abgeschlossen.

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