New Customer Acquisition Strategy for More Customers and Higher Revenue

Carolin Puls 1/27/2022

Acquiring new customers - but how? We reveal tools & tips to support you in this!

Table of contents
  1. What is the meaning of new customer acquisition?
  2. How to create an appropriate new customer acquisition strategy
  3. What's important when acquiring new customers?
  4. These opportunities to acquire new customers exist
  5. Softwares can support you in your customer acquisition strategy
  6. With the right strategy, new customer acquisition is a piece of cake

Acquiring new customers is not always easy. Especially small and medium-sized companies do not always have the necessary resources at their disposal compared to the big competitors. But if you now think that your company should only focus on serving existing customers due to its size, we would like to disagree with you. Because customer acquisition is possible for every company size. What is needed? A customer acquisition strategy that suits you! You will learn everything you need to know about this in this article.

First you learn what you understand by the term customer acquisition and how to create a successful customer acquisition strategy. After that, we look at the important points when acquiring new customers and what possibilities there are to gain customers. Finally, we take a look at the tools that can support you in implementing your new customer acquisition strategy.

What is the meaning of new customer acquisition?

New customer acquisition in the B2B sector refers to all strategic measures that help your company to identify new customers, convince them of your products and finally bind them to your company. Acquiring new customers is important as it can secure the growth and thus the continuity of your company. When addressing customers, it is especially important that you communicate to them the problems your products can solve for them. The best sales folders with the wittiest advertising slogans are of no use to you if you do not have your target group in mind. If your offer is perfectly tailored to the needs of your potential customers, they are much more likely to choose you and your company over the competition's offers.

How to create an appropriate new customer acquisition strategy

Creating a new customer acquisition strategy may seem complicated and you don't want to make any mistakes as it is important for your company. But if you follow this checklist for acquiring new customers, you will have your customer acquisition strategy created in no time.

  1. Define your goals: You can only achieve goals that you have previously defined. Because goals form a point you can work towards together. A customer acquisition goal could be, for example, that you want to approach 20 potential customers each week or that you want to win at least two new customers for your company each month. The clearer your goals are formulated, the better their achievement can be traced. For this purpose, it makes sense to formulate your goals SMART (specific, measurable, attractive, realistic, timed).
  2. Define your budget: This applies to both your time and your money: How much can you spend to acquire new customers? Do these orders of magnitude match your goals? Both the available money and your time resources largely determine the contact channels and the frequency of contact that you can achieve.
  3. Define your target group: Before you start acquisition, you have to define who you want to approach. What does the target group look like that is interested in your products? This narrowing down eliminates various groups of people that you do not need to contact because their consumption behavior does not fit your offer.
  4. Develop a buyer persona: Once your target group definition is established, it is time to "humanize" it. With the help of a buyer persona you give your target group a face. You create a fictitious person who represents your entire target group. For this, you define the following characteristics: Name, age, profession, income, marital status, hobbies, beliefs, current challenges, requirements for products and companies. These will help you to better put yourself in the shoes of your potential customers and to choose the options in your communication through which you can achieve the most successful customer acquisition. In addition, you can ensure that the customer centricity is the focus for you and that you can deliver the right solutions to the consumers' problems.
  5. Choose the appropriate marketing mix: Since you already know the ways to best reach your new customers, you can easily choose the corresponding marketing measures. These can be online measures such as E-Mail-Marketing or Social-Selling or offline measures such as poster advertising and trade fair appearances. It makes sense to combine the measures of online and offline areas. It is important to document your carried out measures, track their results regularly and compare them to each other in order to further optimize them.

What's important when acquiring new customers?

You've defined your customer acquisition strategy and are itching to start – great! But first, we want to give you a few tips for your acquisition journey that might be helpful.

Since most people nowadays inform themselves online about products, services and companies, you should also be findable there (e.g. via SEO). A company website that highlights the advantages of your products and the problem solutions for your consumers is just as important as well-maintained social media appearances. Depending on your industry, the following platforms might be interesting for you:

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Xing
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube
  • Pinterest

If you share the right and important information online, potential interested parties can view this information at any time. This means that you don't have to chase them down, which might make them feel harassed in case of doubt. Through continuous communication, they gain their own positive image of your company. In this context, the use of testimonials can also be helpful. These are existing customers who support you with your new customer acquisition strategy through their ratings and opinions, which they make available to you publicly.

Furthermore, you should analyze the behavior of your target group on your online channels in order to draw further conclusions about their interests and requirements and adapt your customer acquisition measures accordingly. In addition, you should not lose sight of your existing customers during your efforts to acquire new customers. After all, they are the ones who are already loyal to your company. Don't neglect them, or they might switch to a competitor.

To determine the satisfaction of your customers, you can use the so-called Kano model. Last but not least, you should regularly motivate your employees. The acquisition of new customers can be tedious and exhausting. With a bonus, e.g. for the most recruited customers in a defined period of time, you can make your employees' work a little bit sweeter. This will noticeably affect their service mentality and thus the satisfaction of your new customers.

These opportunities to acquire new customers exist

There are different measures with which you can gain customers. Below we would like to introduce you to the five most common variants.

  • Telephone acquisition: For many industries, telephone cold acquisition is one of the most important measures for customer acquisition. However, contact by phone is only allowed with private customers if you have previously obtained their consent.
  • Postal acquisition: A personal letter can sometimes be more effective than the best written email, as your customers can hold the piece of paper in their hands and it can't land in their spam folder. Also, it can be an advantage if your new customers have a product flyer on their desk, as it is less likely to be forgotten than it would be with an email attachment.
  • Placement of print advertising: If you have identified that your target group enjoys reading print media, you should also place ads there. With them you generate a large reach and can benefit from a suitable target group approach and an ideal ad environment with trade magazines.
  • Social Selling: By transferring your advertising messages to social media, you can also reach new customers. Through an appropriate Content Marketing Strategy and the constant repetition of your product advantages, you can reach your target group again and again and build a relationship with it – and that usually without having to invest large amounts. If your followers identify the added value of your posts for themselves, they might even share your posts and information, allowing you to gain even more followers.
  • Placement of ads: By placing ads in search engines (SEA) you can reach potential new customers where they are looking for a solution for their problems. For this, you define keywords beforehand based on a thorough keyword research that you think describe the search behavior of your customers. If you place a PPC ad, i.e., a pay-per-click ad, you only pay if a customer clicks on your ad. In addition, you can define your target group for the campaign and thus do not generate any stray losses.

Softwares can support you in your customer acquisition strategy

Customer acquisition is a wide field in which the various departments of your company need to work hand in hand. Various tools can support you in this. On OMR Reviews you will find a multitude of tools, e.g. from the areas of customer service, CRM, SEO, SEA, e-mail marketing and social media. The detailed reviews of the users can help you choose the tool that suits you best for implementing your new customer acquisition strategy. In addition, we have compiled a list of the best customer service software for you.

For this article we have selected some software that we would like to introduce to you in more detail:



Flixcheck Screenshot



The software Flixcheck supports you in customer service through a digital assistant. By using it, you can send GDPR-compliant forms digitally in no time at all. Your customers can share signatures, documents and images with you without any installation. By experiencing the digital service processing, which your customers can comfortably experience from home, you increase their satisfaction and loyalty.

Flixcheck cost

The Smart rate of Flixcheck costs you 19 Euros per month for a term of 12 months. If you prefer a flexible contract term, you can choose the Flex rate for 29 Euros per month.

Flixcheck alternatives

On OMR Reviews you will find an overview of the Flixcheck alternatives. This way, you can decide on the customer service software that suits you best based on user reviews and their experiences.

Zendesk Support Suite

Zendesk Support Suite Screenshot



With the customer service software Zendesk Support Suite you can scale your customer service processes better and achieve optimal user-friendliness. You can integrate the supports via chat, email, WhatsApp or phone, as well as help center and community forums on your channels. The software learns continuously through AI-based automations and can reliably and effectively answer the requests of your customers. An integrated collaboration tool is available for internal communication.

Zendesk Support Suite costs

You can book Zendesk in three different forms. The Suite Team option costs 49 Euros per month and user and ensures reliable support across all channels through its ticketing system. The Suite Growth package costs you 79 Euros per month and user. It includes additional automations and a customer self-service portal. The prices for Suite Enterprise are at 150 Euros per month and user and include all the key elements for excellent customer support.

Zendesk Support Suite Alternatives

On OMR Reviews you will find an overview of the Zendesk Support Suite Alternatives. So you can decide on the customer service software that suits you best based on user reviews and their experiences.

Salesforce Service Cloud

Salesforce Service Cloud Screenshot



The Salesforce Service Cloud allows you to connect your customer service with your external sales staff, ensuring the efficient resolution of emerging problems at all times. The interaction with your customers at Salesforce Service Cloud takes place via a central platform, where the corresponding data is also organized. In addition, you can integrate self-service portals, AI-supported chat bots and direct interaction channels.

You want to learn more about the services of Salesforce? All tools and helpful articles on the products can be found on our company overview page of Salesforce.

Salesforce Service Cloud Costs

The Essential version of Salesforce Service Cloud is priced at 25 euros per month per user and provides you with an instantly usable CRM experience for up to 10 users. The professional option costs you 75 euros per month per user and provides you with a complete CRM for service teams of any size. With Enterprise, you get a CRM that can be flexibly adapted with extensive features for your customer service. The costs amount to 150 Euros per month and user. The fourth package is named Unlimited and brings with it unlimited CRM features for your customer service. It costs 300 Euros per month and user.

Salesforce Service Cloud Alternatives

On OMR Reviews you'll find an overview of the Salesforce Service Cloud Alternatives. So you can decide on the customer service software that suits you best based on user reviews and their experiences.

TecArt CRM

TecArt CRM Screenshot



To implement your new customer acquisition strategy, you can also use the CRM tool TecArt CRM. This includes various modules for customer and project management, automates tasks and manages contracts for you and organizes your contacts.

TecArt CRM Costs

You can test TecArt CRM for 30 days for free. Afterwards, the price depends on the scope of the functions you need. You can put these together individually on the TecArt CRM website.

TecArt CRM Alternatives

On OMR Reviews you'll find an overview of the TecArt CRM Alternatives. So you can decide on the CRM software that suits you best based on user reviews and their experiences.


CentralStationCRM Screenshot



CentralStationCRM supports you in the joint work on projects for your customers and the corresponding documentation of the individual steps. In addition, you can manage your tasks and contacts specifically.

CentralStationCRM Costs

The starter package you can use with 3 users and up to 200 contacts permanently free of charge. The paid versions, which include more contacts and additional users, amount to amounts between 18 Euros and 99 Euros per month.

CentralStationCRM Alternatives

On OMR Reviews you will find an overview of the CentralStationCRM Alternatives. So you can decide on the CRM software that suits you best based on user reviews and their experiences.

HubSpot Marketing Hub

HubSpot Sales Hub Screenshot



Another software that you can use for acquiring new customers is HubSpot Marketing Hub. With this software you can manage your leads, use various forms for your customer service and generate automated emails. You can trace back the emails from your shared mailbox in a targeted manner and also run a detailed ad retargeting.

HubSpot Marketing Hub Costs

There is a free version of HubSpot Marketing Hub available. For more extensive functions, you can choose between various paid versions, the costs of which amount to an amount between 41 Euros and 2,944 Euros per month.

HubSpot Marketing Hub Alternatives

On OMR Reviews you will find an overview of the HubSpot Marketing Hub Alternatives. So you can decide on the CRM software that suits you best based on user reviews and their experiences.

With the right strategy, new customer acquisition is a piece of cake

If you put yourself in your target group's shoes, identify the right buyer persona and define the corresponding measures, you are on a good way to do successful new customer acquisition. With the strategy that fits your company, you will continuously do the analysis and valuation of your acquisitions measures and thus learn how to better approach your new customers. Your potential customers will feel this, and feel well taken care of in your company.

Carolin Puls
Carolin Puls

Carolin ist freie Redakteurin bei OMR und mit ganzem Herzen Autorin. Als Brand Managerin war sie bereits bei verschiedenen Unternehmen aus der FMCG-Branche für das Marketing zuständig. Währenddessen hat Carolin berufsbegleitend Ihr Studium zur Marketing-Betriebswirtin abgeschlossen.

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