Boost Brand Awareness - Here's How You Can Do It

Pia Heßler 1/19/2023

Find out why brand awareness is so important for your company and how to implement it correctly.

Table of contents
  1. What is Brand Awareness?
  2. Why is it important to increase your Brand Awareness?
  3. 6 measures for high brand awareness
  4. The Brand Awareness Success Story of Ikea
  5. How can you measure your brand awareness?
  6. With which tools can you measure and increase your brand awareness?

What was the last product you purchased and why did you choose it? Was the packaging design an eye-catcher? Due to your previous positive experience, do you trust that this product also has quality? Can you answer these questions with a yes? Then the brand you chose has succeeded: their brand awareness is on point. In this article, you will learn how to stay positively in the minds of your (potential) customers.

What is Brand Awareness?

Brand Awareness expresses the brand awareness of a company in percentages. As it is an important purchasing criterion, it plays a central role in marketing: Most people prefer to rely on tried and tested, rather than trying something new - this is also the case when purchasing various products and services.

Why is it important to increase your Brand Awareness?

More and more people are starting an online coaching business or selling mass-produced goods via Amazon or in short: The competition is gigantic and continues to grow. In addition, many purchasing decisions are made impulsively - no matter what industry you are in.

It's difficult to stand out among a multitude of providers. Clear winners are companies with high brand awareness, as they have already earned the trust of their consumers. This entices not only those buyers who shop for themselves, but also those who are looking for gifts.

The "quality seals" give them the feeling of having made the best choice. This also applies to so-called "Low-Involvements", where buyers are critical or pay little attention to a product. Competitive products are no longer competition, as they play in a different league. According to a GfK study on no-name products consumers even prefer to change retailers rather than switching to a competitor's product.

High brand awareness has many positive effects:

  • It increases brand value and share price.
  • It enables companies to price high.
  • It increases customer loyalty and social influence.
  • How can you increase your brand awareness?

6 measures for high brand awareness

Brand Awareness Massnahmen im Funnel dargestellt

Brand awareness measures displayed in the funnel (source: Getabovethefold)

⁠To increase your brand awareness, consumers must know your brand and, above all, trust it. This doesn't happen overnight, so you need efficient brand management and a sustainable marketing strategy. OMR Reviews explains how to
successfully implement a digital marketing strategy.

1. Use the power of corporate branding

A strong company brand conveys to outsiders visibly (e.g. through your logo or your jingle) and tangibly (e.g. through your values) what your company stands for.

You can see the positive effects of corporate branding with Tempo, Pampers & Co. Their product names have almost completely erased common terms (such as tissue and diapers) from our vocabulary. In the Contenthub you will also find tips on how to implement your corporate branding correctly.

2. Tell your story

Branding is about giving your company a personality - an identity of its own. Let's say: The goal is to give your company a face. Tell why you're at the point where you are and report the obstacles that made you stronger.

Human characteristics such as fears, mistakes, and weaknesses narrow the gap between the seller and the buyer. You are on equal terms with your customers.

3. Be close to your target group on social media (Social Selling)

The Digital 2022 Report shows that users spend nearly 1.5 hours a day on social media. This gives you plenty of time to connect with your (prospective) customers. The biggest advantages of social media are the private level of communication and the fast building of relationships. Here you don't have to and shouldn't have sales talks. You just have to be human.

4. Develop a content strategy

You have a huge range of marketing measures at your disposal that can provide your customers with a real experience in the digital world. Therefore, it is worth creating personas and designing a cross-channel customer journey according to target groups and company values using these marketing measures:

5. Support organizations and institutions that you care about

Is there a better gesture than supporting exactly those organizations that advocate for your heart's issues? In business just like in private life - what you say is important. But what you do is even more important! So let your actions speak for you.

6. Air reminder advertising

Have you ever wondered why Nutella advertising is still running on TV? Even though everyone now knows the most popular bread spread worldwide, the company is investing in expensive commercials. There is a good reason for this: Reminder advertising ensures that the brand remains in mind, which leads to Nutella jar being grabbed in the supermarket.

You don't want to establish a brand for a company, but build a personal branding? It's especially important to have a personal branding strategy for your LinkedIn appearance. OMR Reviews shows you what to focus on!

The Brand Awareness Success Story of Ikea

Let's take a closer look at how the furniture giant Ikea achieved and continuously builds its great brand awareness.

"Are you still living or are you already living?" - when it comes to corporate branding, Ikea is at the forefront. Despite its low-price segment at discounter level, the furniture store has succeeded in creating an incredibly high-quality impression through its corporate language - its secret of success lies in its corporate design, corporate behavior, corporate communication and, last but not least, corporate wording.

In an image video you can learn about Ingvar Kamprad's first shed, which served as storage. It shows the challenges that Ikea had to fight, how the founder overcame them, and how it happened that the customers themselves took their goods from the shelves (which they still do today).

Ikea used to print over 200 million copies of their furniture catalog per year - now the cult catalog will be digital. This is just one example of many that show us: Ikea has a persona in mind and knows exactly how it lives.

Brand Awareness Beispiel Ikea Katalog

Brand Awareness Example Ikea Catalog (Source: ad-magazine)

How up-to-date Ikea is shows the Swedish company also with the "Square Meter Challenge". The challenge includes various YouTube videos and blog posts that provide furnishing tips and inspirations for life in the big city.

Ikea's entire content marketing is brilliantly designed. With Ikea Live, for example, you can admire furnishing ideas from people all over the world and Ikea Family actively involves their community: anyone who pays with the Ikea Family card can win a trip to Sweden every month. On social networks, Ikea keeps its followers on their toes with various actions such as "get this out". If you had to sum up Ikea's content marketing in one sentence, you could say: "It's funny, original, and speaks from the hearts of its followers".

Ikea is also active in PR: The Ikea Foundation promotes initiatives to improve housing and living conditions for children and teenagers.

How can you measure your brand awareness?

Brand Awareness steigern - die einzelnen Stufen Unaware of Brand, Brand Recognition, Brand Recall & Top of Mind

Increasing brand awareness - the individual stages (source: allairt)

The most common way to determine the brand identity of your company is market research by external providers. If that is too expensive, you can also take active measures. In most cases, it is most effective to track the numbers of your SEO tools and conduct additional surveys at regular intervals.

Telephone surveys

Almost all strong brands regularly commission market research companies to measure their brand awareness. In telephone surveys, consumers and entrepreneurs have to answer a few questions or solve tasks. Participants have to, for example, assign brands, slogans, or logos to each other. Most of the time, the brand awareness to be determined is divided into three stages:

  • Top-of-Mind: Your brand is mentioned directly by the people surveyed
  • Unaided-Recall: After a while, your brand comes to the minds of the persons surveyed
  • Aided-Recall-Recognition: Your brand has to be mentioned so that the persons surveyed remember it

Website Traffic

SEO tools tell you how many visitors landed on your website via the direct input of your company URL and who mentioned or linked your company in the digital world. If you have conducted specific campaigns, you can track who came to your homepage via which advertisement. In addition, a high traffic on your website (without URL input or other direct attribution) is an indicator of high brand awareness.

Content Engagement

No matter whether you run a blog or are present on LinkedIn, Facebook, or TikTok, social media KPIs for analysis like your follower count, comments, and likes tell you more about how your company is perceived.

With which tools can you measure and increase your brand awareness?

There are many tools that can help you measure and increase your brand awareness. With SEO tools, you can first collect data like

  • the (direct) calls to your website,
  • the search queries for your brand,
  • your click-through rate (CTR),
  • your social media interactions and
  • possible brand keywords

identify. This information does not give you a 100% indication of your brand awareness, but it tells you if you're moving in the right direction.

These are currently the most popular SEO tools on OMR Reviews:

You can then use brand management software to, for example, create and update brand and product information, store data and digital resources, and work on projects with your team.

These are currently the most popular Brand Management Software on OMR Reviews:

You can find details such as the scope of functions, prices, and all pros and cons of the software on OMR Reviews. The verified user reviews help you find the right tool for your company.

Pia Heßler
Pia Heßler

Pia war mehr als 10 Jahre im Vertrieb und Marketing verschiedenster Unternehmen aktiv. Danach gründete sie ihr eigenes Unternehmen und betreibt dieses zusammen mit ihrer Geschäftspartnerin.

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