With These Three Tips, You Can Improve Your Marketing Team Collaboration

Carolin Puls 5/29/2024

Which methods support you in the collaboration of your marketing team

Table of contents
  1. 3 tips to improve your marketing team collaboration
  2. Tip 3: Use a collaboration tool
  3. These content management systems support you in marketing team collaboration
  4. Collaboration makes your team better

To achieve great results with your marketing department, you need to work smoothly as a team. The close exchange of your team members generates ideas, solutions, and innovations. Also, your productivity and satisfaction of all participants increase significantly if you maintain a positive and goal-directed exchange with each other.

But how do you maintain this valuable exchange, even if you or your colleagues work remotely? For the Improvement of your marketing team collaboration and joint performance, we have put together some useful tips for you.

3 tips to improve your marketing team collaboration

How do you achieve outstanding marketing team collaboration? The magic word is: exchange. Share information, feedback, and all important steps with your colleagues to keep them up to date on projects. The following tips can help you with this:

Tip 1: Organize your content

If each person from your team sorts their documents differently, it can be difficult to find them as soon as a person might not be there. If your colleagues should continue working on these text or graphic files, unorganized storage can delay and complicate approval processes and decisions. Moreover, if you also work alone on a task and do not make it available to your team colleagues for additions or changes, this can lead to inconsistencies in your brand perception or brand building, as you do not speak a unified language. Therefore, agree among yourselves how you want to handle and share your created content in order to achieve the best results for your brand. For example, to always keep an overview of current content, you can use tagging systems or special search filters.

Tip 2: Implement feedback processes

Only those who seek feedback from others can constantly improve their own performance. Don't be afraid to ask your colleagues for their professional opinion on your work. In well-established structures, like regular feedback sessions you can take in suggestions and thus improve your own work. To ensure that every team member knows the current status of your projects, it's a good idea to hold regular status meetings. This way, all members know which tasks have already been completed, which ones are next and in which cases there may still be a need to wait for the contribution of others. In these appointments, you can also set standards for creating your content, to ensure a unified external appearance. You check the work done so far in these meetings also for adherence to these set rules. Analytical tools can support you in measuring the success of your implemented marketing measures.

Tip 3: Use a collaboration tool

To access all important information from anywhere and at any time, you need various technological platforms that include your measures and plans. The solution for the consistent pursuit of your strategies can be a collaboration tool. In this, you place your files, notes, and agreements so that they can be viewed by your colleagues if needed. Furthermore, You can exchange messages in team rooms, use digital whiteboards, or chat with each other via such software. No knowledge is lost in a collaboration tool, even if a person from your team should leave the company once. This makes it easier for you to continue the project and incorporate successors. The networking of your work will give you a better understanding of the overall picture emerging and ensure a smooth transfer of knowledge. This will be reflected in the result of your project or in your products.

These content management systems support you in marketing team collaboration

To improve your marketing team collaboration and joint preparation of your content, a content management system can support you. These include, for example:

Using the example of Storyblok as a headless CMS, we would like to give you the advantages of a CMS system for your company. By means of the version control you can see at any time which colleagues have made changes to the content. This way, you keep track of tasks already completed, and you can restore previous versions in an emergency.

If you notice points in the work of your team members to which you want to provide feedback, you use the practical in-engine comments. In this way, all feedback and change requests stay directly on the platform and can be traced. You can customize the workflows of Storyblok to suit your team. This makes it easy to oversee the various stages of your projects and determine who is responsible for which part.


With In-Engine comments, you can bring your teams up to date in Storyblok.

Such a tool combines the advantages of many different platforms at once, which in turn significantly facilitates your communication within the team and offers a maximum degree of flexibility simultaneously.

Collaboration makes your team better

The most important capital of your company continues to be the employees. Because you, with your individual skills, contribute significantly to the success of your company. This becomes significantly higher when you bundle your strengths and work together on your tasks. Good collaboration within your marketing team is the key to great content and an unparalleled brand experience for your customers. All you need for this are a set structure and practical features that make your work easier. In this way, you create the best result for you, your company, and your customers - a win-win-win situation.

Carolin Puls
Carolin Puls

Carolin ist freie Texterin und Pressereferentin mit einer Leidenschaft für das geschriebene Wort. Als ehemalige Brand Managerin in der FMCG-Branche hat sie umfangreiche Marketing-Erfahrung gesammelt und währenddessen berufsbegleitend ihren Abschluss als Marketing-Betriebswirtin gemacht. Heute erstellt sie PR-Texte, Pressemitteilungen und Social-Media-Inhalte, immer mit viel Kreativität und Herzblut.

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