Conducting a Webinar: The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide to a Successful Webinar

We show you how to successfully prepare, conduct and follow up on your webinar.

Webinar durchführen
Table of contents
  1. What is a webinar?
  2. What should you consider when preparing a webinar?
  3. How can I successfully conduct a webinar?
  4. How does the follow-up of a webinar work?
  5. Which webinar tools are suitable for conducting a webinar?
  6. Conclusion: Webinars are the events of the future

Nowadays many events are held online. Participants log in online, sit back and follow the event. In our ultimate step-by-step guide, we explain what a successful webinar entails and how you can run a webinar in no time.

What is a webinar?

A webinar is a seminar held over the web - the internet. It can include trainings, further education or information events. In short, webinars are events that take place online using video conferencing software. Thus, participants can attend the webinar from anywhere. The only requirement is a functioning internet connection.

In order to create and execute a successful webinar, it requires three steps: preparation, execution, and follow-up. Each of these steps is made up of further steps. We will explain exactly what you need to consider when preparing, executing and following up a webinar and how to make your webinar a complete success.

What should you consider when preparing a webinar?

Organising a webinar is tedious and complicated? Nonsense! We show you what to look out for in the preparation. It is the be-all and end-all of a successful webinar.

Step 1: Choose the topic of the webinar

Consider what topic you would like to conduct a webinar on. For this we recommend you to choose a topic that is relevant to your target group. The more interesting the topic is for your target audience, the more registrations you will get for your webinar. You can get inspiration on social media platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn. There, you can also research what your target audience finds exciting and what they would like to learn more about. Also, pay attention to an appealing title when finding a topic.

Step 2: Creation of the webinar concept

Once you have found a topic for your webinar, it's time to create the concept. This primarily involves creating a rough outline and a presentation. First, get an overview of your ideas and give the webinar a good structure. Consider not only the content for the presentation, but also possible questions from participants. 

Only when a common thread runs through the concept of the webinar should you start designing the presentation. Here, the motto is: less is more. Don't overload your presentation with information, and avoid full sentences. Ideally, use only keywords and limit the information to the most important aspects. The participants have registered for your webinar for a good reason. They want to learn something new by sitting back and listening to you or the presenters. The presentation should only be a support.

Step 3: Moderation of the webinar

Who will moderate the webinar? Are there multiple presenters? Who has expert knowledge? You should ask yourself these questions here. The person responsible for the moderation takes control of the webinar, keeps an eye on the time and looks after the chat. In the chat, participants can ask questions to the presenters at any time.

Step 4: Time planning for the webinar

Depending on the topic, a webinar should take between 30 and 90 minutes. Your webinar should not take longer, as the attention span of your participants is also limited. Don't just think about the actual presentation when planning your time, but also about the questions from the participants. Often the question-and-answer session at the end is the most exciting part. Therefore, budget enough time for this.

Depending on your target audience, you should also choose a suitable time for your webinar. If you want to reach people who work in an office, for example, lunchtime is suitable. If your target audience is a bit younger, the webinar could also take place in the late afternoon or evening. However, we still recommend you to avoid Friday evenings and Monday mornings as well as webinars at weekends.

Step 5: Technology for the webinar

There are already countless tools for successfully running a webinar. These tools not only support you in planning and execution but also in sending out invitations and communicating with participants.

Webinar tools, can facilitate a high number of participants and a recording and analysis feature. We have compiled the best webinar software on OMR Reviews and our users have rated them for you.

Apart from a suitable webinar tool, of course, you also need an internet-capable device, possibly a headset with a microphone and an internet connection. We recommend using a stable internet connection at home or in the office, rather than relying on public WiFi networks.

Step 6: Invitation and registration to the webinar

In order for participants to be able to register for your webinar, you first need to invite them. Social media can help you with this. You can create events and alert your target audience to the webinar on Facebook or Xing as well as on LinkedIn. If your target audience is staff or colleagues, you can also send invitations via email.

For the registration, we recommend that you set up a registration page on your website. To further animate your participants, you can talk about the content and possible presenters in more detail on the registration page. In addition, the date and time as well as a short registration form must not be missing. Don't forget to include a remark on the  GDPR.

Step 7: Reminder for the webinar

We advise you to create a participant list approximately one to two days before the webinar and send a reminder email to all participants once again. This way, no one will forget your webinar and the anticipation will increase.


How can I successfully conduct a webinar?

Once the webinar preparation is completed and the day has arrived, there are no obstacles to the execution of your webinar. We have prepared a webinar checklist for this part too. So you can be on the safe side.

Step 1: Technical check of the webinar

Before you start the webinar, you should do a technical check again. Make sure that both the headset, microphone as well as the access to the webinar tool are functioning and your internet connection is stable.

Step 2: Before the start

Upload the presentation to the webinar tool at the latest 30 minutes before the start. In this way, you can assure again that the software works correctly and you won't encounter any unpleasant surprises. We also recommend you to start the webinar about 5 to 10 minutes earlier.

You can break the ice and ask the participants about their company, their origin or simply their state of mind while all people are arriving. This relaxes the atmosphere and participants feel welcome. Don't wait too long for missing people. From experience, only about half of all registered participants actually participate in the webinar.

Step 3: Webinar introduction

Within the first minutes, you can introduce yourself, potential presenters and the topic. In addition, you can present the course of the webinar and point out the chat feature as well as the question and answer session at the end. Furthermore, you should already inform the participants at the beginning that the webinar is being recorded. This way they can give you their full attention without having to take notes.

Step 4: Webinar main part

Now it's time to get down to business. In the main part of your webinar, you or the invited experts delve into the topic. The presentation will further illustrate the most important points. When speaking, be sure not to beat around the bush, but to get straight to the point. If you stray too far from the topic, you may lose the attention of your participants.

Step 5: Webinar conclusion

As your webinar is slowly coming to an end, it's time for the farewell. At this point, you can announce upcoming webinars. For this, you might plan an additional slide in your presentation. You can also ask the participants for a brief feedback. Those who don't wish to answer questions in between, can collect them in the chat and address them at the end.

How does the follow-up of a webinar work?

Done! You have successfully conducted your webinar. Now it's time for the follow-up. You can go through the following steps in any order. However, it is important that you do not forget any of the steps.

Step 1: Sending the webinar presentation

Send the presentation and any additional documents to the participants. You can do this either directly by email or via social media. Also, inform the participants how they can access the recording of the webinar and how long it will be available. If you have a YouTube or video channel, you can also upload the webinar there. This way, you can reach many more interested parties.

Step 2: Building contacts

Have you established many new contacts during the webinar and possibly met future customers or partners? Great! Try to maintain contact with these individuals by sending connection requests to them on various platforms. In addition, you can ask all participants via email if they would like to receive your newsletter in the future. Even though your employees or colleagues may not be interested in the newsletter, a webinar serves as communication and strengthens your relationship with them.

Step 3: Evaluation of the webinar

Last but not least, you can evaluate your webinar. This way, you will find out how you have performed compared to previous and upcoming webinars. For this, you can compare the number of registrations with the actual number of participants on the one hand. On the other hand, you can analyze the feedback of the participants and incorporate it into your next preparation.

Which webinar tools are suitable for conducting a webinar?

Conducting a successful webinar not only requires extensive preparation. The key to success is also the tool used. Special webinar software not only makes it easier for you to interact with the participants, but also supports you in analyzing your performance. Here are the most popular webinar tools on OMR Reviews:

  • Google Meet: The software supports you with video conferences and screen presentations. You can also synchronize it with your Google calendar.
  • TeamViewer: TeamViewer allows you to conduct webinars with up to 300 participants. You can use the tool on your computers, tablets or mobile devices.
  • Webex: The software is considered an industry standard and impresses with its high video quality. Up to 40,000 participants can attend your webinars with this tool.
  • GetResponse: GetResponse describes itself as a powerful yet straightforward tool. With the software, you cannot only conduct webinars, but also increase online sales.
  • ablefy: Elopage is an all-in-one online selling platform. So you can create products and sell them online.
  • ClickMeeting: ClickMeeting is ideal for educational, business and non-profit organizations. With the software, you can conduct webinars to introduce products, pass on knowledge or make contact with customers online.
  • GoTo Webinar: GoTo Webinar serves to create and record webinars. The software also offers you integrated schedules and webinar templates.

Conclusion: Webinars are the events of the future

Regardless of whether you're organizing an event for your employees, colleagues or customers. With a webinar, you make it uncomplicated and location-independent for all participants. So what are you waiting for? Jump on the bandwagon and organize your first webinar with the help of our step-by-step guide.

Sarah Magdalena Huber
Sarah Magdalena Huber

Sarah ist sprachaffin und liebt Herausforderungen. Die gebürtige Österreicherin verfasst und übersetzt Texte in Deutsch, Englisch und Spanisch. Sie ist seit einigen Jahren selbständige Übersetzerin und Dolmetscherin und schreibt als freie Redakteurin bei OMR Reviews zu den Themen Software und Co.

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