Our OMR Reviews Speakers Rely on These Tools

We asked - these are the tools of our speakers

Table of contents
  1. These are the tools that the OMR festival speakers trust
  2. Find your way in the software jungle

Fighting your way through the software jungle can be a real challenge. We at OMR Reviews have made it our mission to help you choose the right software and pave your way through the countless tools. What better way than to ask our speakers what software they rely on?

At this year's OMR Festival countless experts from the digital industry gathered and exchanged ideas on relevant online marketing topics. Especially on the stages, various speakers were able to share useful knowledge with the visitors. Our OMR Reviews colleagues Katharina, Marvin and Christian took direct advantage of this and caught up with the speakers directly after their lectures on stage!  They then asked the audience what software they use in their companies and what tool they cannot live without. We have summarized the answers for you in this article.

These are the tools that the OMR festival speakers trust

When asked what role tools played in the digitization of Hornbach, CTO Andreas Schobert emphasized one thing: No matter what tool is involved, it should always provide support:

"To provide people with reasonable support in their work and in the realization of their projects, we not only need good processes, but also good technology. In context, we do everything we can to make life easier for both our employees and our customers."


Céline Flores-Willers, Founderin und CEO, The People Branding Company

Céline Flores-Willers (left), founder and CEO, The People Branding Company with OMR Reviews content and project manager Katharina Iken

The People Branding Company is involved in personal branding and corporate influencing. Founder Céline Flores-Willers focuses mainly on the LinkedIn platform and launched her own video format there in 2018. She received a Top Voice award in the DACH region for her content.

Also the CEO of The People Brand Company was intercepted by Katharina after her lecture on the topic “More visibility through personal branding on LinkedIn”. On the question of which tools are used in her company, she replies: 

Which tool Céline could never do without?

TextBlaze is a software that allows users to create automated workflows using keyboard shortcuts. So whole text snippets can be stored behind one shortcut. The tool can be used for Gmail, Google Docs, LinkedIn or Salesforce, for example. 

For Céline, it is clear that she would be in trouble without the software. “I could never answer all my messages if I didn't have Text Blaze. There you can define shortcuts that then automatically generate the responses in LinkedIn,” says Céline.


Kati Ernst und Kristine Zeller, Founder & Managing Director, Ooia

Kati Ernst (left) and Kristine Zeller (middle), founders and managing directors, Ooia

Ooia is a Berlin-based company that sells period underwear and nursing bras. The two founders Kati and Kristine came across the new trend through a friend and developed their company from it. For the two Berliners, it is especially important to make a social contribution through their work and to focus on sustainability. Both of them also worked as executives in a consulting firm and at Zalando before founding Ooia.

Tools that the two founders at Ooia use are:

  • Miro – Collaboration tool
  • Klaviyo – Marketing automation software
  • Figma – Web design software

But Kati and Kristine each have one tool they could never do without. For Kristine, this is clearly Shopify Plus, while Kati would never ever want to live without Later again!

Shopify Plus is a cloud-based e-commerce platform that helps companies create their own online shop. The own products can be sold via the point-of-sale or on social networks. But also the classic online sales channels, like the company website or online marketplaces are supported in the areas of shop, marketing, design and payment. In the Plus version, additional functions are offered and the users are prioritized in support.

Later is a social media tool specialized in the functions of creating and scheduling posts. For different networks, such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest, posts can be timed exactly and then analyzed. The automated publishing of posts and the feature “Linkin.bio” are just two of the numerous features. The latter also helps with a detailed traffic analysis of the posts.

Kevin Indig, Director of SEO, Shopify

Kevin Indig (left), Director of SEO, Shopify

Shopify, as described in the section above, is a company for creating online shops. As Director of SEO, Kevin Indig focuses mainly on the growth of the software provider and increasing rankings and traffic. He also serves as a speaker at different fairs and events and was awarded as a top SEO expert in 2020 and 2021.

While Kristine from Ooia trusts the functions of Shopify, we asked Kevin Indig which tools the software provider itself trusts. After his talk “How to build a billion-dollar company with SEO” he reveals to us two tools he uses for his work: 

  • Google Workspace – Collaboration software with tools for emails, documents, presentations, etc.
  • Slack – Instant messaging software

Especially because of his passion for the topic SEO, it is no surprise that his go-to tool specializes in exactly this area. The use of Ahrefs is absolutely indispensable for him:
⁠“A nerdy answer from me as an SEO is a tool called Ahrefs. It just provides me with important content and data every day that I need for my work.”

Ahrefs is an SEO software for analyzing your own website and optimizing it for search engines. The cloud-based SaaS solution offers features such as keyword research, rank monitoring and tracking, and content creation and optimization. To analyze your own website, it can be crawled with the tool or a competitive analysis of organic traffic can be created.

Johannes Kliesch, Founder, SNOCKS

Johannes Kliesch (left), founder of SNOCKS, with the co-founder of OMR Christian Müller.

SNOCKS is a start-up from Mannheim that equips its customers with high-quality basic clothing. Johannes Kliesch founded the company with his cousin Felix in 2016 and marketed it via online disciplines of brand building and social media. The CEO focuses on sales and marketing activities.

For the co-founder of SNOCKS it is important to separate personal and professional communication. Therefore, the company uses the instant messaging software Slack for professional contexts. Two other tools that the start-up team uses are: 

  • Asana – Project management software
  • Google Workspace– especially for mails and as storage for folders and documents

Asana is not only used for teamwork. Johannes also uses the software privately to make his daily life productive.

Asana is a project management tool that aims to simplify and user-friendly the planning of individual projects by creating different boards and teams. For better planning, responsible persons, priorities and individual subtasks can be defined. Communication in the projects and questions about tasks are made transparent for everyone via the comment function.

In addition to project management software, the SNOCKS founder also relies on the Google Calendar from Google Workspace. This tool from the cloud-based collaboration software is specifically intended for appointments and planning important events. For Johannes, this is important for his own productivity as well as for the separation of work and leisure. The entire workspace combines the areas of Gmail, Docs, Calendar, Tables, Drive, Presentations, Meet and Chat and aims to optimize the workflow of users in one place efficiently.

When Christian asks whether SNOCKS has a productivity hack that Johannes can reveal, the entrepreneur answers:

"We in the company try not to hold meetings in the morning, but to start them around 1 pm. This doesn't always work, I must honestly say, but you have to find time to work focused."
Dr. Mirko Caspar, Co-CEO und Executive, Mister Spex

Marvin (team lead marketing of OMR Reviews) with Dr. Mirko Caspar (right), co-CEO and executive at Mister Spex

Mister Spex is a company founded in 2007, known as an online optician. Meanwhile, it has evolved into an international omnichannel company. The co-CEO and managing director Mirko Caspar was our guest on the Blue-Stage. The Berliner is responsible for the areas of marketing, category and product management, retail stores and international markets.

At Mister Spex, according to the co-CEO, colleagues work with the following tools:

Mirko Caspar recognizes the importance of tools for collecting, analyzing and processing data. However, he emphasizes that the knowledge and skills of the employees are decisive: “I would still say that you don't try to delegate intelligence to a tool. The intelligence has to stay with you. You have to know exactly what you want to do with the tool, what the objectives are and how I can measure success with the tool.” 

Not only are intelligence and insights important for Mr. Spex. When asked about his go-to tool, he mentions Rapidusertests. He particularly likes that he gets to see user behavior.

"Never forgetting the direct user perspective, but bringing it into the house in a simple way - that's a tool I wouldn't want to miss." 

Rapidusertests. is a tool that tests your own products for usability. The aim is to optimize and increase usability and the conversion rate. It offers different formats, such as the 5-minute quick test, 20-minute test, a moderated live test or an implementation with existing customers. Users can choose between a website, an app or a prototype on the testing platform.

Matthäus Michalik, Founder, Managing Director, Claneo

 Matthäus Michalik (left), Founder and Managing Director, Claneo

Claneo is an agency from Berlin, focused on international search and content marketing. Topics include SEO, content creation, digital strategy consulting or content marketing, among others. The agency regularly shares its expertise through articles and presentations. 

After his joint presentation with Peter Hartmann from Henkel, OMR co-founder Christian Müller catches the two speakers. First, Christian turns to Matthäus and asks him about his tools at Claneo, which are used in daily business. He particularly likes using the following applications:

However, there is one tool that the SEO expert cannot do without. Like Kevin Indig, he is a fan of the SEO analysis and optimization software Ahrefs.

"I find Ahrefs super exciting! Every software can do something really well. I would also say, there is no tool that can do everything perfectly. We use a wide selection internally and can get different data out of each tool."

When Christian asks him about his personal preference for his own productivity and project management, the Claneo founder laughs and admits: "I'm really bad at that! Was this question given to you by my co-founder? I'm definitely not the one responsible for project management." To counteract this, Claneo is currently introducing ClickUp.

ClickUp is a project management software for monitoring and planning tasks and projects. The workload and the percentage of target achievement is displayed in diagrams within a dashboard. Also, the tool provides lists, boards, tables, calendars, and Gantt charts for project planning. The integrated chat function and the creation of mind maps or whiteboards help with collating ideas and tasks. In addition, users can define automations, time tracking, or goals.

Peter Hartmann, Global-Digital-Marketing-Manager, Henkel

Peter Hartmann (right), Global Digital Marketing Manager, Henkel.

Henkel operates in the three business units Adhesive Technologies, Beauty Care, and Laundry & Home Care. Digital Marketing Manager Peter Hartmann focuses on content marketing, websites, SEO, and UX.  He was able to support the relaunch of 28 websites with his knowledge in 2021. He is currently working as a leadership position on the conversion of the company into a data-driven marketing organization.

Not only Matthäus is asked about his favorite tools. Of course, Christian also wants to know from Peter which software he and his colleagues work with. For their digital success, the team mainly uses:

In doing so, Peter places great value on communication, because the tool that the Düsseldorf-based man can no longer imagine himself without is
Microsoft Teams!

Microsoft Teams is a video conferencing tool with which users can plan and conduct online meetings. These are used as an appointment for teams, individual participants, or flexibly from a chat. During the meetings, there is the possibility to share screens, hold presentations, or use a whiteboard. Also, sharing data or using a chat is available in the software. For barrier-free handling, alternative texts, captions, and live transcriptions are available.

Find your way in the software jungle

Each expert relies on different tools depending on their own needs. Especially when it comes to the absolute must-haves that our speakers can't imagine life without, the selection is varied.

If you want to learn more about the different softwares, on OMR Reviews you will find the different categories and corresponding products. Also in our Content Hub there is a large selection of helpful articles that will help you navigate your way through the software jungle.

Jana Heckmann
Jana Heckmann

Jana Heckmann ist bei OMR Reviews im Bereich SEO, Content und Onsite tätig und begeistert sich für das Erstellen von Artikeln zu diversen Themen. Davor hat sie ein Studium im Medienbereich und Journalismus absolviert und hat für einen Erlebnisanbieter Text-Content erstellt.

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