Sending Invoice Via Email – Everything You Need to Know

In this article, you will learn what to watch out for when sending invoices by email, what the EU has to say about it, and which invoice programs work particularly well.

Table of contents
  1. What do you have to consider when sending invoices by email?
  2. What mandatory information does an invoice by email require?
  3. What file formats can be used to send invoices by email?
  4. Advantages and disadvantages of invoice by email
  5. What should you pay attention to when sending invoices by email throughout the EU?
  6. Which invoicing programs are suitable for uncomplicated sending of invoices via email?
  7. Conclusion: Use the high acceptance and think ahead

Create invoice, print it, seal it in an envelope and send it by mail. Print invoice copy and file it - those who write a lot of invoices do it as efficiently as possible. Creating invoices digitally and sending them by email is therefore the more common technique. What you should pay attention to, what the EU has to say about it and with which invoicing programs this is particularly easy, you will find out in this article.

What do you have to consider when sending invoices by email?

When sending invoices by email, there are several points to be aware of. It is important to know that electronic invoices, including invoices sent by email, must meet the same requirements as paper invoices.

According to § 14 (3a) UStG, an invoice issued in electronic format must guarantee the authenticity of the origin of the invoice, the integrity of its content and its readability. But you don't need any complicated technology or signature, just a reliable internal process in combination with a suitable Invoice software.

Formal requirements for your email invoices:

  • Find out about the applicable legal requirements for electronic invoicing. Rules such as the recipient's consent to receive electronic invoices or the use of electronic signatures vary from country to country. Usually, the type of invoice delivery is regulated in the T&Cs that your customers agree to at the time of purchase.
  • Invoices contain confidential information, so it is important that the transmission and storage of the email and attachment are secure. Use appropriate security measures such as encryption to ensure that the data is protected against unauthorized access.
  • Create the invoice as a PDF document, as this format consistently displays the formatting and content of the invoice on different devices and operating systems.
  • Write a brief, concise accompanying message informing the recipients about the invoice in the attachment.
  • Make sure that the file size of the invoice is reasonable to avoid problems with receiving or opening the email.
  • Also make sure you use the correct email addresses of your recipients so that the invoices are delivered correctly.
  • Keep copies of all invoices sent and corresponding correspondence. You will need these for your accounting and as proof in case of disputes or audits. Make sure to avoid changes in media by archiving PDF invoices in the same format.

What mandatory information does an invoice by email require?

Invoices that you send by mail must contain the following details:

  • Invoice date: The date the invoice was created.
  • Invoice number: a unique number to identify the invoice. The number should be consecutive to avoid confusion.
  • Name and address of your company: The complete details, including name, address and tax identification number.
  • Name and address of the service recipient
  • The tax number or value added tax identification number of your company.
  • Exact description of the products delivered or services provided: Detailed breakdown such as quantity, unit price, description and possibly discounts.
  • The total amount of the invoice.
  • Tax rate and tax amount: applied tax rate (e.g. VAT) and the calculated tax amount.
  • Payment terms: The payment period within which the amount is to be settled and possibly information on cash discounts.
  • Bank details: The bank account of your company where the payment is to be made.

What file formats can be used to send invoices by email?

Although there are no general requirements, you should choose a format that cannot be changed. The most well-known format is PDF. It offers cross-platform compatibility and maintains the layout and formatting of the invoice. PDFs can usually be opened and displayed by most email clients and operating systems.

More and more companies are transmitting invoices via so-called hybrid formats. These include invoices as PDF or image file and additionally deliver structured XML or EDI data. While the image-like representation serves human readability, the structured information support the automated digital invoice processing.



ZUGFeRD and XInvoice

Especially the standard ZUGFeRD is gaining ground as a hybrid invoice format. ZUGFeRD stands for Central User Guide of the Forum for Electronic Invoicing in Germany and combines the visual image in the PDF/A-3 standard with a coded XML file. The format meets all legal requirements for electronic invoices and can be used by companies of all industries and sizes without restrictions.

However, it is different when it comes to invoice processing in public administration or public contracts. Here, since 2020, the XInvoice is mandatory. An XInvoice only provides an XML invoice. ZUGFeRD also meets this standard, but also ensures readability by the human eye and is therefore preferred.

Advantages and disadvantages of invoice by email

Sending invoices by email has many advantages and usually facilitates the entire invoicing process. However, there are also potential disadvantages. Here is an overview for you:

Rechnungen per Mail versenden Vorteile Nachteile

Invoices send by mail Advantages Disadvantages


  • Speed and efficiency: Sending e-mail invoices is usually faster than sending by post. The invoice reaches recipients immediately and can be processed quickly. The effort for printing, enveloping and mailing is eliminated.
  • Cost savings: Sending invoices by e-mail is cheaper than mailing. You don't have to bear any additional costs for postage, printing materials or shipping service providers.
  • Eco-friendliness: The electronic sending of invoices reduces paper consumption and CO₂ emissions compared to mailing. A plus for the environment.
  • Automated processing: Electronic invoices can be easily imported into accounting or ERP systems and processed automatically. This reduces manual data entry and avoid errors.


  • Delivery problems: Emails can end up in the spam folder or not be delivered due to technical problems. This can cause delays in invoice payment.
  • Legal requirements: When sending electronic invoices by email, you must meet certain legal requirements. These include mandatory information, retention periods and requirements of the GoBD (Principles of Proper Accounting and Retention of Documents in Electronic Form).
  • Recipient preferences: Not all customers or business partners prefer to receive invoices by email. Some companies or countries may have different policies that require invoices to be sent by mail.

What should you pay attention to when sending invoices by email throughout the EU?

European requirements for sending electronic invoices are set out in Directive 2014/55/EU. Similar to the aforementioned mandatory information, electronic invoices must have the following core elements:

  • Process and invoice identifiers
  • Billing period
  • Seller's information
  • Buyer's information
  • Payee's information
  • Information about the seller's tax representative
  • Order reference
  • Delivery details
  • Instructions for execution of payment
  • Information on surcharges or discounts
  • Information on the individual invoice line items
  • Total invoice amounts
  • VAT breakdown

From this directive it follows that electronic invoices must consist of structured invoice data and an unstructured image file, as represented in the standard ZUGFeRD. Scanned paper receipts, PDFs or invoice files consisting only of structured information are not valid.

The directive currently applies to public procurers in the European Union and their suppliers. This means that both public procurers who receive invoices from their suppliers and the suppliers themselves who issue invoices to public procurers are covered by the directive.

The aim of the directive is to promote and facilitate electronic invoice exchange between public procurers and their suppliers by establishing harmonized standards and regulations. At the same time, the EU regulation has the effect that invoices can only be issued electronically.

Which invoicing programs are suitable for uncomplicated sending of invoices via email?

Invoicing programs offer you the advantage of automated and efficient management of invoices, which allows for time and cost savings. They not only allow easy creation, sending and tracking of invoices, but also automatic generation of reports and give you an improved overview of the payment status.

With the following programs you manage your invoices including electronic dispatch with flying colours:

On OMR Reviews you will also find an overview of further Billing alternatives and can decide for the best invoice program with the help of verified user experiences.

Whether special software for Mac users, small business owners, service providers or craftsmen, also read the corresponding guides to find the best invoice software.

Conclusion: Use the high acceptance and think ahead

Sending invoices by email shows a growing acceptance and proliferation in practice. Companies and organizations are increasingly using email to send invoices to save costs, automate processes and act more environmentally friendly. The development of standards like ZUGFeRD and the legal recognition of electronic invoices contribute to further distribution. It is expected that the trend towards electronic invoice dispatch will continue to increase, while at the same time, security aspects and compliance with legal regulations play an important role. If you already adopt these standards today, even if you are not a federal supplier, you are one step ahead.

Margit Kustor-Neubauer
Margit Kustor-Neubauer

Margit Kustor-Neubauer ist enthusiastische Texterin und freie Redakteurin bei OMR. Mit Background in Online Marketing, Medien und Kommunikation konzipiert sie seit 15 Jahren Content im Einklang mit Zielgruppe und USP. Dank ihrer Expertise und Kreativität schraubt sie die Ergebnisse von Websites und Newsletter nach oben, bringt Redaktionskalender zum Glühen und Blogs zum Überlaufen. Mehr über Margit gibt es unter MKN Textdesign.

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