Remote access to PCs, servers, or entire systems in no time - via Remote Desktop

Read here how you can give software-supported work processes an efficiency boost with Remote Desktop, save time, and increase your customer satisfaction.

Table of contents
  1. What is a Remote Desktop?
  2. How does Remote Desktop work?
  3. What are the advantages of Remote Desktop?
  4. When does Remote Desktop make sense and who is the appropriate software suitable for?
  5. What needs to be considered when setting up Remote Desktop?
  6. What challenges are there in setting up Remote Desktop?
  7. Which tools are suitable for Remote Desktop?
  8. Conclusion

You're probably familiar with some of the following critical scenarios:

  • On an off-office day, crucial brainstorms for your current project pop into your head. You'd like to include them in your planning right away. However, annoyingly, you don't have access to your office computer, so the input has to wait or be recorded in a convoluted way.

  • Perhaps you're also an IT administrator responsible for a variety of PCs and servers and would like to save yourself some legwork for various system tasks.

  • Or do you manage a team of technicians with whom you have to crack minor and major system problems with customers on a daily basis? Getting out for diagnosis and software-based errors always costs you a lot of time.

For these and similar difficulties, there's an effective patent remedy:Remote Desktop. With the help of appropriate software, you can control PCs or servers and remotely maintain entire industrial systems. You save valuable working time and ultimately gain more freedom.

Find out what this means, how it works, whether remote desktop software is the right solution for you, and what you should be aware of when setting up and using it!

What is a Remote Desktop?

Translated into German, "Remote Desktop" means something like "remote-controlled desk". Of course, you shouldn't take the translation literally. Because obviously, "desktop" here refers to the home screen of a PC or Mac or other digital applications.

With the help of remote desktop software, you can remotely control these graphical work environments and the associated systems. This offers advantages in different application contexts.

How does Remote Desktop work?

A remote desktop connection is connected via a classic client-server model. In the typical case of use, you access computer desktops or server backends remotely. It doesn't matter at all whether the respective target application is stored in a server room next to you, in the data center of the neighboring major city, or in a cloud overseas.

With the help of the link, you hold the helm over all programs integrated into the target system and connected systems. The steering wheel can be your laptop in the home office, your smartphone in the field, or your tablet on a business trip.

  • The system to be controlled acts as a central computer on which all processes necessary for the respective task are executed.

  • The connected client (a PC, Mac, tablet, or smartphone) is connected via the internet or an internal network. It serves as a remote control (remote) for user inputs.

What are the advantages of Remote Desktop?

  • Work efficiency: With Remote Desktop, you remotely control connected devices and can use their software applications or other resources through an external device. With an appropriate tool, you get the chance to access all familiar data/documents and programs of your office computer via a (ideally) reliable, secure connection. This ensures high work efficiency at home or on the road. For support staff or technicians, it is very easy to control, maintain, or even repair customer systems via remote access.

  • Guaranteed Safety: If you or your company use remote desktop solutions correctly, you can benefit from specific security considerations. The mere fact that sensitive information is stored centrally and not on various employee devices provides enhanced protection. All files are securely stored on computers or servers that fully meet data security requirements.

  • Flexibility and Costs: If an employee's computer is damaged, a remote desktop solution can quickly continue working with a replacement device in the company system. To do this, IT only needs to set up the remote desktop. If employees or external forces are to receive additional system permissions, this can be managed promptly and centrally via remote connection, without having to go to their hardware. In many cases, no powerful and expensive computers are needed, as most of the computation work is done by the respective servers. Basically, all these benefits also mean cost savings.

  • Employee and customer satisfaction: The ability to practically work with and on internal or external software applications anytime and anywhere, thanks to Remote Desktop (not only in the home office context), considerably improves process efficiency. This ultimately also increases employee satisfaction. The potentially very fast and uncomplicated problem solutions via desktop remote connection significantly contribute to customer satisfaction. This is especially true in the context of support requests from software buyers or entire software-supported systems.

When does Remote Desktop make sense and who is the appropriate software suitable for?

If you and your colleagues see yourself in one of the following groups or requirement areas, remote desktop software is likely to offer you great advantages:

  • Home office, field service, business trips: Home office employees, field service employees, and business travelers can access the central technical infrastructure of their office workstations from anywhere via Remote Desktop. For companies where such activities are commonplace, it is probably worth purchasing a remote desktop solution.

  • Multi-user access: Another common application option for Remote Desktop is multi-user access to a program, for which there is only one or a few (expensive) licenses available. Such software located on a central computer can then be easily used by numerous employees via the remote connection. The introduction of a remote program is almost always cheaper in the long run than buying more licenses.

  • Support and service teams: Support and service staff get a practical tool with remote desktop software, which puts their work on a whole new level. They can solve problems without being personally on site by dialing directly to the systems to be serviced via the remote connection. Anyone offering such services for software-supported systems is almost guaranteed to benefit from a remote program.

  • Internal IT: A remote desktop program doesn't necessarily have to be used over long distances. In-house IT professionals can mainly use it for server and PC administration. Particularly for server work, a remote desktop connection is very advantageous. Because such computers do not have their own access periphery, i.e. keyboard, mouse, and monitor. This makes everything very convenient and efficient to organize from a central computer.

What needs to be considered when setting up Remote Desktop?

Connections to computers with Microsoft operating systems, i.e. Windows 10 or Windows 11, are very often made via Remote Desktop. To explain the technology in a practical way, we'll go through the steps typically required for its application at this point, step-by-step (other providers and use cases of remote desktop software may, however, plan differently):

  1. First of all, you should make sure you have Windows 10 Pro or an enterprise version of the operating system. A remote desktop access as described here is not possible with the Home Edition.

  2. Everything fits, give permission to the system that is supposed to be remotely controlled, first, the go for the remote desktop connection. Activate the option under "Start" > "Control Panel" > "System" > "Remote Desktop".

  3. Now you have to initiate the data between the client (access device) and the server (target application). Write down the name of the computer you want to connect to for this purpose, still under "Remote Desktop". After giving the remote permission, the name can be found under "So stellen Sie eine Verbindung mit diesem PC her".

  4. You then switch to the client device (PC, Mac, smartphone, or tablet). If it's a Windows device, it's fastest now by typing "Remote Desktop Connection" into the search field of the operating system and opening the feature of the same name. After selection, enter the name of the system that had been prepared for the connection under "Computer".

  5. Select "Connect" and open the Remote Desktop App (available for Windows, Android, or iOS in the respective app stores). Also, add the name of the system to be connected here.

  6. Finally, click or tap the name in the Remote Desktop App that you just added and wait until the link is established.

What challenges are there in setting up Remote Desktop?

You're probably thinking now: "Can the implementation and use of a remote desktop connection really be that easy?" The fact is, many of today's solutions are quite easy to handle for laymen, both in terms of setup and usage.

However, there are a few things you should be aware of to ensure optimum operation. The following challenges need to be planned for:

  • Internet connection: If you establish remote access to a desktop, you usually do this via the internet. If there are connection problems, usage options can be severely restricted or even completely thwarted. Therefore, you must ensure sufficient network connectivity when implementing and using Remote Desktop.

  • Hardware: The power of the remote desktop software also depends largely on the hardware used. For a smooth process, you should rely on current technology that suits the respective purpose on both sides (client and server).

  • Security: When you use a remote desktop software, you should follow common security best practices. Thus, you fend off malware, ensure compliance, and enable all stakeholders to have a security-focused user setting. The basis is always to install the latest updates. In addition, activating two-factor authentication and using a virtual private network (VPN) is advisable. Differentiated port management provides additional protection.

Which tools are suitable for Remote Desktop?

If you're looking for suitable remote desktop software today, you often have the spoilt for choice: There are numerous different tools and protocols that enable or support remote access between systems of all kinds. The program that suits you best mainly depends on the intended use.

You should also keep in mind that different providers integrate countless other features in addition to the option to establish a remote connection. So, certain functionality levels of Remote Team Work Software, Video Conferencing Software or popular collaboration tools are often provided too.

Here's a first overview of popular remote desktop solutions:


Many companies, employees, and ultimately also customers can benefit from the possibilities that Remote Desktop brings along. Those who have (regularly) employees in the home office, field service and/or on business trips, need to provide cost-efficient multi-user access to expensive software, want to support their technical support and service team, or give internal IT a boost, usually benefit particularly. The results are primarily more work efficiency, safety, flexibility, cost savings, and increased employee and customer satisfaction. The introduction and use are often even very easy – if you consider certain things.

Christian Wittemöller
Christian Wittemöller

Christian ist Absolvent der interdisziplinären Medienwissenschaft (M.Sc.) mit langjähriger Marketing-Erfahrung in unterschiedlichen Industrie- und Agenturdomänen. Während seiner Angestellten-Laufbahn wurde er zum versierten Hands-on-Worker in den Bereichen Content-Marketing, Content-Creation, Redaktion, SEO, Content-Management, Event-Management, Webdesign, Web-Engineering und Web-Controlling. Seit Februar 2017 ist Christian freiberuflich als praxisorientierter Online-Marketer in Vollzeit unterwegs. Seine fachlichen Schwerpunkte liegen auf den Gebieten Content-Marketing bzw. Content-Creation, SEO und praktisch allem, was mit Web-Works zu tun hat.

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