Why Should Companies Invest in a Promotional Film?

We show you why image videos are so important and what you need to pay attention to during production.

Table of contents
  1. Definition: What is a corporate video? 
  2. What kinds of corporate videos are there?
  3. Why are corporate videos so important for companies?
  4. What benefits does a corporate video have for businesses?
  5. What goals are pursued with a corporate video?
  6. What components make up a good corporate video concept?
  7. What is the ideal structure of a corporate video for companies?
  8. What does a good corporate video cost?
  9. Should companies create their own corporate video or have it created?
  10. These tips should be taken into consideration when planning and shooting a corporate video
  11. 3 Examples of good corporate videos from companies
  12. What tools are suitable for creating a corporate video?
  13. Conclusion: Why a corporate video is worth it for businesses

In a world full of competition and an endless flood of information, it is more important than ever for companies to stand out from the crowd. The ideal solution for this is a corporate video: It increases awareness, targets the audience, emotionally binds customers, is essential for corporate branding, and ultimately improves the image. 

In the following article by expert Sebastian Knoll, learn everything about the benefits of corporate videos for companies and let our best-practice examples inspire you. 

Definition: What is a corporate video? 

A corporate video - also called an image video - is an effective marketing tool that companies, individuals or organizations can use to strengthen or redefine their image, reputation and corporate identity

Especially for companies, a corporate video has central importance as it conveys the strengths and advantages of the corporate identity in an emotional and appealing way. Plus: A well-made corporate video can help convince potential customers, business partners or investors. 

The definition of a corporate video also includes brand building and bonding (and thus also corporate branding). Because an emotionally appealing corporate video can strengthen the identification of the target group with the brand and increase the trust in the company and its products or services. 

If you want to know more about this, read on - later in the article we go into this topic in detail.  

What kinds of corporate videos are there?

Corporate videos are so exciting because they can be used in a variety of ways, to increase awareness. Whether for HR, for introducing employees, for environmental aspects, for local conditions or for introducing a product - corporate videos are suitable for the following areas:

Corporate video for companies

The most well-known corporate videos are those that are made specifically for companies. Very precise preparation and planning are the key to this: it should be clearly recognizable which values and goals the company pursues and which activities it carries out. 

There are different ways in which companies can implement their corporate video - here are a few examples:

  • Company portrait: In this type of corporate video, either the success story of the company can be presented or the focus can be primarily on values, philosophy, mission or goals. 
  • Employee portrait: This format can provide an authentic insight into the work of employees, or introduce individual people (keyword "diversity").
  • Presentation of products or services: Here, a specific product or service of the company and individual production processes are brought into focus.
  • Sustainability concept: This corporate video specifically addresses the issue of sustainability. What measures does the company take to operate in a more environmentally friendly way and to promote sustainability?
  • CSR corporate video: This is about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and thus questions such as: To what extent does the company commit itself to social and societal concerns? With which aspects does it contribute to improving various aspects of society as well as promoting a positive brand image?

Recruiting corporate videos

Recruiting corporate videos are short videos produced by companies to attract potential applicants - or to show, what the company has to offer as an attractive employer. They give viewers an insight into the company, show employees at work, report on the corporate culture, working conditions and career opportunities. 

In addition, recruiting corporate videos can be widely distributed: whether embedded on the website, published on social media, broadcast at trade fairs or made available in job portals. In addition, they are also used for employee training or as part of the application process. 

Corporate video for a local company

A corporate video for a local company can help make the company more known within the local community and strengthen the trust of (potential) customers. By portraying the company's identity and conveying its story and values in particular, it can also strengthen its reputation and its impact on the local economy.

By spreading the corporate video on various platforms and channels (e.g., website, social media channels, local TV stations), the company can deepen the connection to its existing customers and attract new customers.


Good to know: There are also corporate videos used specifically for cities and regions. These films present a city or region as an attractive place to live, work or visit.


Other types of corporate videos

In addition to the previously listed possible uses for companies, there are numerous other types of ways corporate videos can be used. These include among others: 

  • Trade fair films: A corporate video is shown at trade fairs and exhibitions to arouse the interest of visitors and present the company or product.
  • Event film: At events, corporate videos are a marketing tool to communicate a message quickly and efficiently. 
  • Corporate video for start-ups/crowdfunding: Corporate videos for start-ups help to position the brand and present the introduction of a new brand. In addition, they are ideal for use in crowdfunding campaigns. 
  • Corporate videos for cinemas: For regional, small and medium-sized companies, showing a corporate video in the local cinema can be particularly advantageous, as this is how the defined target group is optimally reached. 

As you can see, there are many ways to use corporate videos for your company. It does not depend on the size of the company: Even corporate videos for SMEs, i.e. for small and medium-sized enterprises with fewer than 250 employees, can help to increase awareness and establish themselves better in the market. 

Why are corporate videos so important for companies?

There are numerous reasons why corporate videos are important for companies: from improving the image, to brand awareness, to differentiation from the competition. These are some of the main factors: 

  • Brand building: A well-produced corporate video helps to increase brand awareness, as it gives the company a face, a personality and identity and conveys its own story authentically. Customers feel connected to the company and identify with its values and goals. 
  • Strengthening trust & increasing credibility: Through the portrayal of employees, the way of work and the products or services, corporate videos for companies convey transparency, trust and credibility as well as professionalism with both customers and investors
  • Improving the image: The clear, audiovisual communication of what makes the company unique can contribute to positively influencing outside perception and improving the image.
  • Competitive advantage: By highlighting unique features or services and fostering dialogue with the audience through an appealing and entertaining presentation, a corporate video helps to differentiate from the competition.
  • Time and cost savings: A corporate video can help to save time and costs by presenting a lot of information in a compact and efficient way and motivating potential customers to obtain more information about the company or its products or services. 
  • Viral marketing: A corporate video has the potential to go viral and spread quickly - this leads to a large reach and visibility for the company. It can also help generate positive word-of-mouth and thus arouse the interest of potential customers. 

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What benefits does a corporate video have for businesses?

A corporate video shows the human side of a corporation and builds trust. These are the advantages - at a glance:

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Numerous benefits make a case for the use of a corporate video for companies.

  • Precise target group approach: A corporate video is optimally tailored to the interests and needs of the target group.
  • Increase of brand awareness & reach: A well-designed corporate video can be spread and shared on numerous platforms: this not only achieves organic clicks and increases the reach, but also strengthens the employer branding
  • Easy communication of the company vision: Complex messages and the company vision can be communicated effectively and understandably.
  • SEO optimization: Increasing the dwell time, increasing traffic and increasing backlinks are just a few of the SEO factors that can be influenced by corporate videos.
  • Multimedia distribution: The targeted embedding on websites, social media or other platforms enables cross-media and wide distribution.
  • Increasing conversions: By conveying a positive image, strengthening the trust of potential customers in the company and the vivid representation of products or services, the conversion rate can be increased. 

What goals are pursued with a corporate video?

When creating a corporate video concept, it is important to always keep in mind the goals that want to be achieved with it. For example, the following objectives could be set:

✓ Strengthening the brand image

✓ Increasing brand awareness

✓ Presentation of products or services

✓ Delivery of information

✓ Customer retention

✓ Investor Relations

✓ Staff acquisition

✓ Sales support

✓ etc.

What components make up a good corporate video concept?

The most important thing in the creation is the concept. Different components within the concept ensure a meaningful and successful result. For a corporate video, these characteristics are decisive:

  1. Target group analysis: A detailed needs and target group analysis is essential to adapt the film to the needs and interests of the target group. Age and gender must also be taken into account here. 
  2. Message: Here it must be clarified which core message should be communicated succinctly. 
  3. Goal setting: How is the exact goal setting defined? How should the public perceive the company and what are the corporate goals in the next few years?
  4. Storytelling: What story can attract the attention of the viewers? What dramaturgy creates tension and keeps the bounce rate low? 
  5. Visualization: Which stylistic devices are used? Should the corporate video be produced and a professional film production agency be commissioned or should it be created by oneself? What camera, sound and cutting equipment is needed?
  6. Music and sound design: Which music and which sound effects are used to enhance the atmosphere and emotions of the film?
  7. Call-to-Action: What call to action should be communicated to the viewers at the end of the video?
  8. Distribution: On which channels will the corporate video be spread? What does the distribution strategy in general look like? 
  9. Budget: The costs of a corporate video can vary greatly - a realistic budget planning helps to keep the financial framework. 

What is the ideal structure of a corporate video for companies?

The structure of a corporate video basically consists of three parts, namely the introduction, the main part and the conclusion. Right from the start, it is important to build up suspense and arouse curiosity – ideally, the company and its work are briefly presented here. You are welcome to work with stylistic devices such as an unconventional perspective, an emotional anchor, a humorous narrative style or the inclusion of a question. However, it is important that the core message is already clearly visible at the beginning. 

In the main part, either the core statement is supported with examples or it is explained how certain products or services of the company can solve known challenges of the target group. Often, success stories are shown at this point that give an insight behind the scenes. Here positive customer feedback can also be integrated

Finally, at the end the tension arc is picked up again or the previously asked question is answered. Here, the use of a Call-to-Action: How should viewers act? Should they contact the company, see it as a potential employer or learn more about a product? 

The goal of a corporate video is to convey the central core messages of the company in the shortest possible time. The video should not be too long - three to a maximum of five minutes are sufficient, to maintain the interest of the audience as long as possible. 

What does a good corporate video cost?

When determining the price, it must first be clarified, wheter the corporate video is shot in-house or commissioned from a professional film production. The prices vary depending on the size and scope of the project – short corporate videos, which merely introduce a product and are shot in a studio, can already be produced for a few thousand euros. Longer corporate videos with many locations and an elaborate post-production move between several tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of euros.

The following factors are included in the costs: 

  • Number of locations/ shooting days
  • Size of the production crew
  • Equipment
  • License fees
  • Actors 
  • Post-production (editing, sound, visual effects)
  • Length of the film
  • Marketing

However, when determining the price, you must not lose sight of the fact that a corporate video is an important investment for companies. In addition, it can be played out on numerous platforms and lead to stronger brand awareness in the long term. 

Should companies create their own corporate video or have it created?

Production requires professional knowledge in the field, scriptwriting and storytelling, camera guidance, editing technique, sound design and animations. Therefore, it is advisable to commission experienced filmmakers or a video production company with the implementation.

Having a corporate video shot means having an extremely effective marketing tool at hand. In the long run and economically speaking, a professional video leads to more credibility and authenticity. Moreover, the creation is a time-consuming process that requires a certain experience and know-how.

The following considerations could help in deciding whether to produce or have a corporate video produced:

  • Does the company have the necessary skills, experiences and tools in film production?
  • How much resources (time, budget etc.) are available?
  • Are creative visions for the film already existing or is external expertise needed?
  • Do they know how it can best convey its core message to the outside world?
  • Is the target group clearly defined and is the know-how available to address it?
  • How important is the quality and the result and therefore also high-quality equipment?
  • How is the corporate video spread? Are there employees who can take care of the marketing strategy or social media strategy?

Overall, the decision depends on various factors that need to be closely examined and clarified in advance. If all necessary resources are available, the company can produce its corporate video itself. However, if several points are still not clarified, it can help the company to involve a professional film production company. 

These tips should be taken into consideration when planning and shooting a corporate video

When planning and producing, there are tips you should pay attention to ensure that the result is appealing and effective. Here are some important points:

Define target group: Before starting to shoot, it needs to be defined who you want to reach with your film. 

Clear concept: Your concept must have a clear line - how can messages, emotions and values be clearly conveyed?

Storyboard creation: A storyboard visually captures all scenes. It helps you plan the sequence of the corporate video precisely. 

Locationscouting: The choice of location is crucial for the atmosphere and style of the film. Make sure that the location matches the company or product and is staged accordingly.

Dramaturgy and expressive storytelling: Think about how you can best pick up your target group - with what story can you address them emotionally?

Corporate video cost: Do not skimp on the budget - a high quality stands for a professional appearance.

Bring in creativity: An original idea and creative implementation increases the recognition and prominence. Don't be afraid to think about unconventional approaches! 

Don't neglect post-production: Post-production is an important step in the creation - only with enough time can a really successful result be achieved here. 

The length of the corporate video: Make sure that your corporate video does not drag on too long and the message is conveyed clearly understandable (reminder: three minutes are considered optimal).

Targeted distribution & data analysis: Think in advance about where you want to distribute your corporate video, for example on which social media platforms. In the course of your video marketing strategy do not forget to track the click and performance data: What does the number of views look like? What interactions are taking place?

3 Examples of good corporate videos from companies

After extensive theory, let's now take a look at practice. We'll show you successful corporate video examples for businesses that can inspire you. The following three examples are at the top of our best-of list

Example of an original recruiting film by GRIMME 


The company GRIMME approaches the classic HR film in a different way: Instead of "only" recruiting employees, the place of work, Damme, is also introduced - and the double corporate video is born. Numerous awards such as first place at the international Economic Film Days speak for the original implementation. 

Dove casts a critical eye on social media with its corporate video 


Social media play a big role in the lives of young people, but retouching apps and the pressure to post the "perfect selfie" harm their self-esteem and self-confidence. In this corporate video, viewers learn about the "Dove Self-Esteem Project" - it shows how to love oneself and celebrate true beauty. 

The corporate video of Worldline awakens emotions


"Digital Payments for a Trusted Word" – the company Worldline shows in this corporate video how digital payment transactions can unite people. With a strong sound and impressive images, this video appeals to the emotions of the viewers.

In summary, all these examples convince with their originality - creativity and innovation are key factors here. They tell a story that arouses the interest of the viewers and touches them emotionally. This way these companies not only remain in memory, but also differentiate themselves from the competition and other corporate videos. 

What tools are suitable for creating a corporate video?

For those who want to create a corporate video themselves or are looking for practical tools such as video editing programs, we have a few more practical applications lined up. 

  • Brand Management Software & Tools: With brand management tools, companies can manage their brand identity and communicate it effectively and consistently across multiple channels. Be it the management of customer reviews and marketing campaigns or the organization of content – the tools considerably support everyday work. 
  • Video Editing Software & Tools: With these video editing programs video files can be adjusted, video cuts and corrections can be made, color grading can be used, or "sound and music" can be adjusted.
  • Video editing programs (free): If you are looking for good and free video editing tools, you will definitely find what you are looking for here. The programs are similar in handling to their paid counterparts – however, for high-quality corporate videos it is recommended to either choose the paid versions or to hire an expert. 
  • Social Media Monitoring Tools: With social media monitoring tools, companies can track their corporate video marketing strategy or use them for social listening. In addition, they can keep their competition in view and recognize trends with it. For all these tools, it is important that you select them according to your specific requirements and ensure that you have the necessary skills to use them efficiently. 

Conclusion: Why a corporate video is worth it for businesses

As you can see, a corporate video brings numerous advantages and is a long-term, important marketing instrument for companies to present their own brand and individual offer. A well-made short film conveys the identity and values of the company and establishes an emotional connection with the customers.

A professionally created corporate video touches the target group and shows why the respective company is of interest to me as a client, customer or even employee. The USPs (Unique Selling Propositions) of the company get a human face and the company shows in expressive images, how it differs from the competition. In general, it is worth for every company, regardless of its size, to invest in a professional corporate video to strengthen its own presence in the market and thus be successful in the long term.

Sebastian Knoll
Sebastian Knoll

Sebastian Knoll ist Geschäftsführer der Filmproduktion- & Live-Streaming-Anbieter Mainfilm. Er ist Experte für die Konzeption und Produktion von seriellen Content-Formaten. Vom Imagefilm bis zum Werbespot, vom Onlineevent bis zur hybriden Veranstaltung mit eigener Online Plattform. Gemeinsam mit seinem Team unterstützt er B2B-Kund*innen und findet die passende Full-Service-Lösung.

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