This is How You Find Your SEO Workflow for Consistent and Scalable Results

Daniel Andres 4/17/2023

In this article, you'll learn how to create your own SEO workflow and what an SEO workflow entails.

Table of contents
  1. What is meant by an SEO workflow?
  2. What are the advantages of an SEO workflow?
  3. How can an SEO workflow help save time and resources?
  4. What is the purpose of an SEO workflow?
  5. What could a successful SEO workflow look like?
  6. How do you find your own SEO workflow?
  7. Step-by-step - what steps should an SEO workflow include?
  8. How can you adapt an SEO workflow to the specific needs of your website?
  9. How can you ensure that the SEO workflow is continuous and effective?
  10. How can you measure and evaluate the success of an SEO workflow?
  11. Which tools are suitable for an efficient SEO workflow?
  12. Conclusion

Anyone looking to improve their market visibility must firmly implement SEO into their business. Search Engine Optimization helps businesses optimize their websites for both their target audience and the search engine, generating more organic traffic and ranking in the top results.

However, for SEO to work effectively, it requires a functioning SEO workflow. No other process than search engine optimization is so crucial that individual work steps happen in a certain order and build on each other exactly.

Our guest author Daniel Andres explains how to find your own SEO workflow in this article. We first go into what an SEO workflow is, what advantages it offers and which steps must absolutely be included in your SEO workflow.

So you will be well prepared and can use search engine optimization effectively and sustainably for your successes.

What is meant by an SEO workflow?

The SEO workflow is a kind of guide that breaks down the complex system of search engine optimization into small, manageable steps, so that you can achieve certain results in a coordinated way.

Integrated into your daily routine, it helps you develop a stable, functioning SEO strategy, identify and reduce errors in your company's way of working, and monitor your success.

The SEO workflow focuses on handling SEO projects. For search engine optimization to work, various steps need to be completed in a certain order. From keyword research to uploading content, there are specific sequences to follow in order to generate the right organic traffic. SEO managers are responsible for developing the SEO strategy.

Search engine optimization is a complex process that is strongly interconnected in all areas of your company. The SEO strategy can only be created in collaboration with the content and social media team, the technology team and web designers.

What are the advantages of an SEO workflow?

An SEO workflow is therefore an individual step-by-step strategy for increasing efficiency in the company. The advantages include:

  • defined roles and responsibilities
  • clear steps
  • quality and productivity increase
  • transparency between teams
  • error prevention
  • consistency
  • improved ranking
  • simplified tasks
  • focus and priority setting
  • increased traffic
  • conversion optimization
  • revenue generation
  • avoidance of unnecessary work steps

How can an SEO workflow help save time and resources?

Your SEO workflow should focus specifically on project management with clearly defined work steps and set time frames. This promotes transparency in the company and prevents misunderstandings by coordinating work processes and making project progress visible to all team members.

In this way, processes are seamlessly chained together, deadlines are better met, and unnecessary work steps are avoided. SEO tools support in automating time-consuming tasks such as keyword research and running processes in parallel. This allows projects to be completed faster.

All-in-one tools also provide an overview of available resources to avoid exceeding limits and ensure efficient resource management.

What is the purpose of an SEO workflow?

Essentially, an SEO workflow aims to improve a website's ranking, usability, and performance. The main purposes include:

Increase visibility: By applying SEO strategies, a website becomes more visible in search engine results, leading to more organic traffic and potentially more customers.

Improving the user experience: An SEO workflow includes improving content, design, and usability to ensure a positive user experience.

Improving Authority and Trust: By building high-quality backlinks and creating valuable content, an SEO workflow enhances a website's authority and trust.

Boosting conversion rates: By better aligning a website with the needs of the target audience, an SEO effort can increase the likelihood of conversions (e.g., sales, newsletter signups, downloads).

Long-term competitiveness: Thanks to a well-thought-out SEO workflow, a company can quickly adapt to market changes and search engine algorithm updates to remain competitive in the long term.

Data-driven decision-making: Through the analysis of key performance indicators and the use of SEO tools, an SEO workflow enables informed decisions based on performance data.

Effective collaboration and communication: A structured SEO workflow encourages collaboration between team members and ensures all involved are informed about progress and results.

Continuous Optimization: An SEO workflow identifies improvement potentials and allows ongoing adjustments to achieve the best possible results.

Overall, an SEO workflow aims to optimize a website's online presence for better search engine rankings, more traffic, higher user satisfaction and, ultimately, better business results.

What could a successful SEO workflow look like?

A successful SEO workflow consists of a series of steps that are carried out systematically and continuously.

Using an example, we show you what a successful SEO workflow might look like.

SEO Workflow: Creating SEO Content

The content of your website is essential for the success of your company. It is, so to speak, the figurehead of your company. In this context, content is one of the core areas of search engine optimization.

And here's how you could create your own SEO workflow for SEO content:

Let's create a content team

None of this works without a responsible content team with the following members:

  • SEO managers: provide the content strategy and carry out the keyword research
  • Content Writers: Create the content
  • Web designers and developers: Implement the content correctly on the website and perform On-Page SEO

2. Define goals for digital marketing

So that the content team knows in which direction it should strive, set goals are important. These are usually:

  • Increase in traffic
  • Improving organic search
  • Reducing marketing costs
  • Generating leads and sales
  • Increasing brand awareness

3. Content idea finding

The content strategy should now be looked at to highlight focus keywords on which the content should concentrate. At this point, a keyword research along with a Keyword Mapping is recommended.

4. Plan content in detail

Once the first three steps have been done, the content managers should conduct a team meeting where the individual roles of the team are distributed and the target group is precisely introduced. Each team member has different skills in certain activities. The allocation of tasks should therefore be based on personal abilities.

In addition, a timeframe is important, within which the content should be created and the individual projects should be completed.

5. Write detailed synopsis for content to be created

As part of an SEO workflow, it is crucial to create a detailed structure. A structured outline helps you identify relevant supporting keywords and topics, and optimize your content accordingly. A clear synopsis not only simplifies writing, but also helps to keep the goals and needs of your target audience in focus.

6. Review content

Before you publish the content, it should be thoroughly proofread. You should pay attention not only to grammar, spelling and formatting, but also make sure that the text is written consistently and understandable. In addition, all facts must be correct and the sources checked.

7. Publish content

After you have reviewed your content, you can now publish it. It is important to share your content in different formats and on different channels to arouse the interest of your target audience and to be more visible.

8. SEO optimization

When the content is online, it's now time to monitor and measure how it's received by the target audience. Based on the collected data, possible optimization measures for the subsequent content can be defined. Monthly reports are useful here, showing you the success rate of your content over a longer period of time.

How do you find your own SEO workflow?

Admittedly, the development of one's own SEO workflow seems to be an endlessly complex issue with all the components to be considered. Here are 5 tips on how to focus on creating your own SEO workflow:

1. Define goals

Start with clearly defined, specific goals to lay the foundation for your SEO workflow. Consider what results you are aiming for and how these can be achieved. The decision for certain priorities is essential for the focus of your SEO workflow. After all, this serves as a guideline that steers you in the desired direction.

2. Develop strategy

Break down your goals into manageable tasks and prioritize them by complexity and cost. Create a plan that shows how each task can be fulfilled without neglecting the requirements of your website.

Develop structures for recurring SEO projects to ensure consistency and measurable progress. Create a list of annual projects, mark those that should be integrated into the workflow, and sketch the typical development process.

3. Distribute responsibilities

Define stakeholders and their roles to effectively distribute tasks. Introduce your SEO workflow in a team meeting, explain goals and visions and clarify the tasks to be done. Distribute responsibilities according to the abilities of team members to avoid misunderstandings.

4. Start processes

Put the defined tasks into practice and closely observe the development of each process. Evaluate the success rate of the projects in different phases and give feedback to the teams so they can adjust their way of working. Note that SEO requires continuous optimizations, patience and incentives for good performance.

5. Measure results

Monitor and analyze collected data to identify effective SEO methods. Monitoring and evaluation are crucial for successful search engine optimization. They help to find out and implement the best practices.

Step-by-step - what steps should an SEO workflow include?

A successful SEO workflow includes the following steps:

  1. Setting Goals: Formulate precise, measurable goals that are aligned with the requirements of your website.
  2. Keyword Research: Identify relevant keywords to create content tailored to your audience.
  3. On-Page Optimization: Improve the content structure, meta tags, headings and internal links for optimal user experience and crawler accessibility.
  4. Technical SEO: Increase the load time, mobile user friendliness, indexing, security and crawling of your website.
  5. Off-Page SEO: Create high-quality backlinks to strengthen website authority and use social media for increased visibility.
  6. Content Creation: Continuously generate high-quality, relevant and appealing content, optimized for users and search engines.
  7. Monitoring and Analysis: Use SEO tools to monitor success and analyze key metrics.
  8. Continuous Optimization: Identify potential improvements and regularly adjust strategies to achieve the best results.
  9. Up-to-date: Stay up to date on SEO trends and techniques and adjust strategies accordingly.
  10. Communication and Collaboration: Work closely with your team to ensure an efficient workflow and inform all involved about progress and results.
  11. Documentation: Record all aspects of the SEO workflow to trace progress and assess effectiveness over time.
  12. Flexibility: Show openness to change and be ready to adjust strategies when needed to respond to market changes and algorithm updates.

By implementing these steps in the SEO workflow, better search engine rankings and a more satisfied target audience are possible in the long term.

How can you adapt an SEO workflow to the specific needs of your website?

To adapt an SEO workflow to the specific needs of your website, you should conduct a thorough analysis of the website. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your website as well as the desires and needs of your target audience. Factors such as your competition and technical aspects such as load times and meta-tags should be taken into account. Based on this information, you can then develop your individual SEO strategy that is tailored to the needs of your website.

How can you ensure that the SEO workflow is continuous and effective?

A continuous, effective SEO workflow requires the following:

  • regular goal review
  • monitoring and analysis using SEO tools
  • continuous optimization of content and meta tags
  • following of SEO trends
  • close cooperation and communication within the team
  • comprehensive documentation of strategies, measures and results
  • a high degree of flexibility to adapt to market changes and algorithm updates

By implementing these steps, you ensure an efficient SEO workflow that contributes to achieving your website goals.

How can you measure and evaluate the success of an SEO workflow?

To assess the success of your SEO workflow, it is crucial to monitor various key performance indicators (KPIs) and analyze their development. Here are some helpful KPIs and methods:

  • Organic Traffic: Use Google Analytics to track organic traffic. An increase shows successful SEO measures.
  • Keyword Rankings: Check keyword positions in search results with Ahrefs, Semrush or Google Search Console. Improvements indicate successful SEO optimizations.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): A high CTR shows appealing and relevant meta titles and descriptions.
  • Bounce Rate: A low bounce rate points to convincing content and user friendliness.
  • Pages per session and average session duration: Increasing values show interesting and relevant content for visitors.
  • Number and Quality of Backlinks: Ahrefs or Moz Pro help to analyze the influence of backlinks on your SEO performance.
  • Conversions and Conversion Rate: An improvement in Conversion Rate shows positive impact of your SEO workflow on website performance.

By regularly checking and analyzing these KPIs, you can measure and evaluate the success of your SEO workflow. Remember that SEO is a continuous process and you should constantly optimize and adjust your strategy based on these data.

Which tools are suitable for an efficient SEO workflow?

There are different SEO Tools, which can be very useful for an efficient SEO workflow. We recommend you not to work with too many different tools as this can lead to complications and confusion. Focus on a few, powerful tools that support your work sustainably.

Data Tools: Data Tools determine how visitors get to your website. They investigate which keywords lead your target audience to your website, how many people come from search engines and which of the visitors are most valuable to your company. They also determine how people interact with your website and track KPIs. Well-known data tools include Google Analytics, Search Console, SEMrush and Ahrefs.

Project Management Tools: Project Management Tools especially support you in the SEO workflow, task management and project management. They help you create, manage and assign tasks to individual team members. They are especially helpful in organizing projects and keeping imposed deadlines in view. Here Jira, Asana or Trello are recommended.

In addition, there are various tools for Content Creation and Optimization. Here you should test yourself a bit if you are interested. Find out which tool suits your way of working and style best. After all, your content should be authentic.

All-in-one SEO Tools are a nice solution to cover as many areas of search engine optimization as possible in a clear way in one system. Here you can track your working hours, book hours, view available resources, distribute tasks, analyze data, and much more.

Recommended SEO Tools

You can find more recommended tools SEO-Tools on OMR Reviews and compare them. In total, we have listed over 150 SEO tools (as of December 2023) that can help you increase your organic traffic in the long term. So take a look and compare the software with the help of the verified user reviews:


A detailed and logically thought-out SEO workflow is essential for consistent and scalable results. Serving as a kind of guide, the SEO workflow in form of a step-by-step strategy helps your company develop a stable SEO strategy, reduce errors and monitor progress.

Complex search engine optimization tasks are broken down into small, manageable steps and assigned very specifically to individual team members. In this way, an SEO workflow prevents misunderstandings between different teams and helps your company to achieve previously clearly defined goals quickly and efficiently.

Create your individual SEO workflow now and rank in the top positions!

Daniel Andres
Daniel Andres

Daniel bietet als Geschäftsführer der Werbepresse innovative und zukunftsorientierte SEO-Dienstleistungen für den langfristigen Erfolg an. Spezialisiert auf Content Hubs positioniert die Werbepresse ihre Kund*innen nicht nur als führende Themen-Autorität in ihrer Branche, sondern verbessert auch signifikant ihre Suchmaschinenrankings und stärkt die Brands mit der Web-Präsenz. Mit Product Hubs geht die Werbepresse noch einen Schritt weiter: Hier steht nicht nur die Expertise im Vordergrund, sondern das Ziel, Leser*innen durch vielfältige Content-Formate umfassend über spezifische Produkte oder Dienstleistungen zu informieren und zur Conversion zu leiten. Diese SEO-Strategie hilft Unternehmen, ihren Vertrieb im Umsatz- und Businesswachstum entlang der Customer Journey zu unterstützen.

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