With the Top 10 Keyword Research Tools for High Google Rankings

Nils Martens 4/17/2024

We show you which tools you can use to conduct your keyword research.

GIF: Keyword-Recherche-Tools
Table of contents
  1. Why should you do a keyword research and why do you need a keyword research tool?
  2. The 4 best free keyword research tools
  3. The 6 best paid keyword research tools
  4. Conclusion

The best place to hide a body? - Page 2 on Google!". In this popular joke among SEO managers, the punchline has a bit of truth in it. Nobody wants to end up on page two on Google or any other search engine, as less than 1% of all clicks occur on the second page of Google.

To rank on page one on Google, though, mountains have to be moved. If you know which ones, they quickly become like the light Styrofoam works from 5th grade. Advertisements at the very top of the search result is one option, using keywords in challenging content is another. Easier said than done: The right keywords are crucial. You can find these with good Keyword research tools.

But why do you need such software and is a keyword research really necessary? We answer these questions in this article. We also provide you with the four best free and six paid keyword research tools. With these, you can attack the top Search engine ranking positions on Google and Co.

Why should you do a keyword research and why do you need a keyword research tool?

Indirectly, we have already given the answer with the introduction. From a detailed point of view, keywords serve to be found in the mass of brands, websites and blogs by having Google play your websites as search results to users, increasing your website traffic.

Keywords are ultimately the terms that users enter into the search bar of search engines like Google. These keywords are divided into main keyword and secondary keywords. The main keyword gives the thematic focus of the respective website and the secondary keywords support this in content.

But it's unlikely you'll come up with all the keywords that relate to your topic and your target audience. Often, users search for other combinations in this context than you would do yourself. To discover new ideas for keywords, such keyword research tools are very useful and necessary. For they suggest to you the terms that users actually search for. With this list of suggestions, you can then delve deeper into keyword research and look for further keyword ideas.

In addition, keyword research is about much more:

  • Who and how big is the competition for a keyword?
  • How often is the keyword searched on Google per month?
  • What types of websites are usually displayed in the Google search results for the keyword?
  • How much website traffic can you expect from the respective keyword?
  • What related shorttail and longtail keywords are there?

A detailed Keyword analysis tells you exactly which keyword sets you should use for your project and which ones you should stay away from. This includes also questions, phrases and terms that consist of several words, but do not necessarily go together grammatically. If you don't do keyword research before setting up your website or your Content strategy, you're metaphorically just talking into the void. With a bit of luck, wandering users hit your article and thus your company. But this way is a waste of money and does not bring sustainable customers.

In short: A keyword analysis is an absolute must and keyword research tools help you to find and use the right search terms! With these relevant keywords you can then write your SEO texts.

We will show you now which ten keyword research tools are the best and clarify the frequently asked question of the advantages of paid versus free keyword tools. Unlike other software, there are actually significant differences here. Whether for free or for cash also depends a bit on how accurate your keyword analysis tool should be.

The 4 best free keyword research tools

1. AnswerThePublic

The source of AnswerThePublic is Google-Suggest. Called autocomplete by the internet giant itself, it shows the most frequently searched questions and terms related to the search entry at the same time as the search entry. Thus, Google-Suggest serves as an idea generator for each searcher. Since the suggestions always based on real search requests, the database behind it from A to Z is very useful for keyword research.

AnswerThePublic prepares the search queries matching your main keyword graphically as mind maps. In this process, you get questions and search terms delivered, which you can download as image or CSV file.

Up to this point, AnswerThePublic is extremely useful and free of charge. But if you need more data and a larger number of research per month, the keyword finder becomes a fee-based.


At OMR Reviews you can find an overview of the AnswerThePublic prices as well as the AnswerThePublic alternatives and can make a decision for a keyword research tool with the help of experiences and ratings from our users in the OMR Reviews Community.

2. Wordtracker

With Wordtracker, you can also do a free keyword research and get a lot more relevant data offered. If you enter your keyword in the search bar, you will get related terms displayed, which you can also analyze. In addition, you receive a list of suitable keywords including their trend development, the search engine results pages for corresponding search queries (SERPs), the search volume, the potential, as well as the number of websites on which the keyword occurs in titles or text blocks.

In addition, you can add further keywords to the research or exclude them. According to Wordtracker the sources of all data sets are third party providers. Therefore, the research results should be treated with caution. For a good overview of your search terms, Wordtracker is a good and above all inexpensive solution. Those who need more details and accuracy, rather stick to the paid keyword analysis tools.


An overview of the Wordtracker prices as well as the Wordtracker alternatives you can get at OMR Reviews. You will also get there verified user experiences and reviews to find the best keyword research tool for you.

3. Google Search Console

Of course, Google itself also plays a part in keyword research. The Google Search Console allows you to tap directly into the main artery of the internet. This way you get all the useful information about your website that will help you to further your Google ranking. This also includes keyword research – but of a slightly different kind than usual.

The search runs backwards: The Google Search Console shows you all search queries through which users have reached your websites. Here you can take note of the impressions as well as the true clicks. Based on these numbers, you can see which keywords rank well and which ones need improvement.

The Google Search Console is therefore a supplement to your research tool army, not a single keyword Rambo.


At OMR Reviews you can find an overview of the Google-Search-Console prices as well as the Google-Search-Console-Alternatives, and you can use verified user experiences and reviews to choose the keyword research tool that suits you.

4. UberSuggest

Utilize a keyword finder for free and while that, get revealed a lot of relevant SEO data? Sure, why not! According to UberSuggest, you learn more than just the usual info about your or other websites that could bring you further clicks. For this you just have to enter a random keyword, your domain or the one of your competition into the search bar and in exchange, you get an extensive analysis prepared. Included: successfully ranking keywords, trends, average cost per click (CPC), as well as the estimated monthly search volume.

Basically, UberSuggest could be described as an SEO keyword research tool. It shows you much more than just potential keyword ideas. However, you get only three research requests for free per day, after that you would have to upgrade or wait until the next day.


Price information for Ubersuggest you can get at OMR Reviews. You also want to get to know further Alternatives to UberSuggest? Then visit OMR Reviews. There you will get helpful SEO tool experiences and reviews from our users, so you can decide on a suitable keyword analysis tool.

OMR Insider Tip No. 1: Use multiple free keyword tools to optimize your keyword list. Because each tool has different priorities and works as a keyword-finder, suggest- or Google-tool differently.

The 6 best paid keyword research tools

1. Ahrefs

Stamping Ahrefs "only" as a keyword research tool would be more than inappropriate. It is a complete toolbox for SEO matters. It provides the most realistic data on the market, in our opinion. With the keyword explorer, you can discover all relevant search terms including search volume for Google, YouTube, Amazon, and other search engines. And everything known on the net about a keyword, Ahrefs has for you - including traffic potential, trends, and SERPs.

Your websites are also evaluated according to a health score, indicating where you still need to optimize your SEO. In addition, the cloud-based SaaS solution provides even more SEO tools like the rank tracker or the content explorer. Ahrefs is going to reveal so much to you about what you can do to rank better on Google & Co. that you'll have weeks' worth of work ahead - if not even months.


Now comes the catch to the story: Ahrefs comes with a price. But every single cent is well invested. The cheapest plan starts at 99 US dollars. The standard plan, which includes up to 10 websites, follows at 179 US dollars. Both plans are designed for one user. If you need more users to work with Ahrefs, you can add them for an additional 30 US dollars each or go straight for the Advanced solution for 399 US dollars. Agencies have an extra rate available, which totals 999 US dollars, but brings a lot of performance in return. All prices are to be seen monthly.

More info about the Prices of Ahrefs and user reviews referring to the prices, you can find at OMR Reviews.


At OMR Reviews you can find an overview of the Ahrefs alternatives and can use verified user experiences and reviews to decide on the keyword research tool best suited for you.

2. KWFinder by Mangools

The formerly free keyword research tool by Mangools has now mutated into an all-in-one SEO tool. With the KWFinder, you can locate short and longtail keywords, pull Google Suggest keywords, perform a SERP analysis, organize your keywords into lists, and so much more. Similar to Ahrefs, the KWFinder tries to deliver round-the-clock data that shows how you can improve your ranking behavior. This primarily includes the important SEO KPIs like monthly search volume, competition, and CPC.

In addition, keywords are judged by their difficulty. This gives you an immediate impression of what to expect when you try to outperform the competition in the search results for this keyword.


In terms of price, you are definitely more relaxed with the KWFinder but hardly give up relevant features and data. Mangools-Basic is available starting at 30 Euros per month. The premium variant for 40 Euros offers you more keyword searches and page views per month. If you have website projects that have more than 500,000 views, you're best grabbing Mangools agency. You can get the tariff for 80 Euros per month. All prices are for annual payment.

More info about the Prices of Mangools and user reviews related to the prices, you can find at OMR Reviews.


At OMR Reviews you can find an overview of the KWFinder-alternatives​ and get verified user experiences and reviews, so you can find the most suitable keyword research tool for you.

3. Semrush

According to the provider, more than 6 million users trust the tool – used by Tesla, Forbes and IBM, Semrush also shows you how your website's visibility is and which keywords rank how. Of course, you can also use the SEO tool for foreign websites. Semrush will show you numerous details, such as the respective search volume, expected website traffic or which of your sub-domains bring the most users to your website.

In addition, you can manage your link building, social media management or content marketing via the tool. In general, Semrush offers nothing less than showing you how to increase your visibility on the internet and the traffic.

Semrush Cost

For up to 5 managed website projects you pay 120 US dollars per month. If you operate on a larger scale, Semrush-Guru is recommended. You pay the tariff – also monthly – with 230 US dollars. This includes 15 projects, 1,500 trackable keywords as well as a content marketing platform. If you need the full Semrush program, only the Business package for 450 US dollars applies. Included: API access.

More info about Prices of Semrush and user reviews related to the prices, you can find at OMR Reviews.


At OMR Reviews you can find an overview of the Semrush-alternatives, and you can use verified user experiences and reviews to decide for the keyword search tool that suits you the best.

4. SE Ranking

SE Ranking is a comprehensive SEO tool that helps you optimize your online presence and improve your search engine rankings. It offers a multitude of functions that primarily support you in the keyword research.

One of the strengths of SE Ranking lies in its ability to perform extensive keyword analyses. The tool allows you to identify relevant keywords for a particular niche or industry. It provides a comprehensive database with keywords and their search volume, competitive strength, and suggested alternatives. This information is extremely valuable to make informed decisions when choosing the right keywords for your website or blog.

Furthermore, SE Ranking offers functions for analyzing the competition. It gives you a detailed insight into the keywords for which your competition is ranking well, as well as their ranking positions. This helps you to optimize your own keyword strategy and identify new opportunities.

SE Ranking-Costs

SE Ranking comes in three different pricing variants. These mainly differ with respect to the contingent of keywords that you can call up and check in a month. The cheapest version “Single” costs $39 per month and allows you to check up to 100,000 keywords. The “Advanced” version, on the other hand, costs $199 per month – but with it you can check up to 500,000 keywords per month, and the tool can be used in conjunction with an unlimited number of users. In the most expensive version “Pro”, SE Ranking costs $369 per month and provides for 1 million keyword checks per month – also included are optional company-wide training for optimal usage and the possibility for single sign-ons.

SE Ranking-Alternatives

At OMR Reviews you can find an overview of the SE Ranking-Alternatives, which can help you to find the suitable keyword research tool for you. Verified user experiences and reviews will support you in making based decisions and to choose the tool, that fits your individual requirements the best.

5. Quaro

Quaro is a cloud-based SEO tool that focuses on creating and managing keyword research. Quaro combines different data sources like Google, Amazon, Ebay and Instagram to provide you with comprehensive information. You can access "Suggests" and use data from "Google Ideas", "W-questions" and "Historical Search Volume" to find relevant keywords. The best thing about it is that you can consolidate these keywords directly in the tool without having to export them. Quaro stores your keyword research securely in the cloud and offers you a dashboard for analysis.

Quaro also supports you with automatisations in this process. It offers monthly updates of your research, categorization of keywords in Google product and service categories, as well as a clustering of keywords.


Quaro can be used in three different pricing versions. These differ mainly in terms of the quota of keywords that you can call up and check with it per month. The cheapest edition “Single” costs €59.99 per month and allows you to check up to 100,000 keywords. The version “Advanced”, however, already costs €199.99 per month – but allows you to check up to 500,000 keywords per month and the tool can be used in conjunction with an unlimited number of users. The most expensive version “Pro” costs €369.99 per month and provides for 1 million keyword checks per month – you will also receive a company-wide training on request for optimal use and the possibility for single sign-ons.


At OMR Reviews you get a compilation of Quaro-Alterntives, which can help you to find the suitable keyword research tool for you. Verified user experiences and reviews will support you in making based decisions and to choose the tool, that fits your individual requirements the best.

6. Sistrix

If you are dealing with search engine optimization in the German-speaking area, you have probably already heard of the analysis program Sistrix. The team around founder Johannes Beus introduced the visibility index already in 2008, as SEO success is closely linked to visibility. The visibility index is based on data from a large keyword pool and serves as a central metric for comparing SEO performance of different domains. With the SEO tool you can also analyze domains (over 100 million in total) at a deeper level, be it on domain, host, directory or URL level. In addition to the core SEO functions, Sistrix also offers modules such as Optimizer, Links, Ads, Social, and Marketplace. Already SEOs in over 30 countries are using Sistrix.


Sistrix comes in four different pricing versions. In addition to some comfort features and even more in-depth data, the higher-priced versions primarily offer a larger quota of possible projects, keyword checks per month and the number of users. In the cheapest version “Start”, the tool costs €99 per month and offers all basic functions for SEO beginners. For €199 per month, you get the “Plus” edition, which includes up to three user accounts and additional features. The “Professional” version for €349 per month also provides access to API interfaces and premium support from the provider. The largest “Premium” package costs €599 per month and also has extensive export credits, projects and keywords and extensive role and rights management for your users.


At OMR Reviews you can find an overview of the Sistrix-Alternatives, which can help you to find the suitable keyword research tool for you. Verified user experiences and reviews will support you in making based decisions and to choose the tool, that fits your individual requirements the best.

OMR Insider Tip No. 2: Use also multiple paid SEO tools to research as many keyword data for your list as possible. This consumes budget, but whoever has the most and most accurate data is at an advantage these days. This always pays off in the end!


With these ten keyword research tools, you are well equipped to carry out a comprehensive research and take on the search engine optimization of your website. Because only in this way you have the chance to rank with your website on the first page on Google & Co.

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Nils Martens
Nils Martens

Nils ist Gründer der Personal Branding Rebels und bereits einige Jahre im LinkedIn-Game unterwegs. Zusammen mit seinem Team unterstützt er Menschen und Unternehmen dabei, auf der Business-Plattform sowie darüber hinaus sichtbar zu werden. Die Rebels bilden dafür Mitarbeitende zu Corporate Influencern aus, übernehmen den Aufbau kompletter Personal Brands und educaten in Workshops.

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