Product Management Tools & Software Comparison

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(282 reviews)
Price: From 0.00 €
Confluence is a collaborative work tool for remote use by Atlassian, with integration to over 3000 apps. It offers data protection and a free version for small teams.


In-content feedback

plus 7 more

Google Kalender
(67 reviews)
Price: From 0.00 €
Google Calendar enhances planning with shared calendars, task tracking, and email based event additions. Part of Google Workspace offering both free and premium features.
(52 reviews)
Price: From 0.00 €
Wrike is a cloud-based software for project management and collaboration, suitable for any business size. It's used by over 2 million users globally.

Creation & assignment

Due dates

plus 13 more

(16 reviews)
No price information
Eggheads is a Product Information Management software for effective organization and management of product data.

User, role, and access management

User, role, and access management

plus 28 more

(13 reviews)
Price: From 6.00 € / User/Monat
Smartsheet is a scalable, code-free platform that unifies an organization's workflow, enables automation, and connects all data systems and productivity apps.

Creation & assignment

Due dates

plus 13 more

Zoho Projects
(9 reviews)
Price: From 0.00 €
Zoho Projects optimizes team collaboration with features like task management, Gantt charts, and real-time collaboration. It suits businesses, teams, and freelancers.
(10 reviews)
Price: From 12.00 $
Favro is an agile project management tool offering planning boards, phase sheets, and roadmaps for collaborative work. Used by over 5000 companies, it has three pricing packages.

Creation & assignment

Due dates

plus 13 more

(6 reviews)
Price: From 69.00 € / User/Monat
Airfocus is a modular product strategy platform enabling vision to delivery. Features lean roadmap creation, objective scoring models, and central feedback channels.

Customer ideation

Work capacity

plus 13 more

(5 reviews)
No price information
Productboard boosts team productivity with centralized customer feedback, effective product development, and AI-assisted decisions. Offers a free 15-day trial.
(4 reviews)
Price: From 0.00 €
Branchbob is an e-commerce platform, ideal for creating personalized online shops with features for product, warehouse, order management, and supports 160+ currencies.
(2 reviews)
Price: From 0.00 €
OpenProject is an open-source project management software optimizing team collaboration and covering entire project life cycle.
(3 reviews)
Price: From 0.00 €
Coda is a versatile document editor offering features like spreadsheets, presentations, and meeting tools. Best for integrating third-party services and automation.
(2 reviews)
Price: From 49.00 $ / User/Monat
Alchemer is a feedback management software offering NPS feedback, risk assessments, and customer engagement, enhancing sales experience.
(1 reviews)
No price information
Riversand is a cloud-native PIM and MDM platform providing scalability, powerful data scaling, and AI analytics. Offers unlimited apps and customizable pricing.
Talon One
(1 reviews)
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Talon.One is an All-in-One Promotion platform for managing coupons, discounts, gift cards and more. Integrates user data, schedules actions and triggers them effectively.
Lucky Orange
(1 reviews)
Price: From 0.00 €
Lucky Orange is a GDPR compliant tool for boosting website conversion rate with heatmaps, session recordings, live chats, and customizable dashboards.
InVision Studio
(3 reviews)
No price information
InVision Studio enhances collaboration in workflows, improving processes with features like visual canvas and wireframing.
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No price information

More about Best Product Management Software & Tools

What is Product Management Software?

Product Management Software is a specialized digital solution that assists businesses in effectively organizing, planning, and executing product management tasks. These product management tools offer a comprehensive range of features that enable product managers and their teams to manage the entire product lifecycle, from ideation and requirement definition to market introduction and continuous improvement.

General benefits of Product Management Software:

  1. Product management: Product Management Software enables efficient product development and management. The central management of product information, requirements, roadmaps, and feedback makes the entire process more transparent and better coordinated.
  2. Consolidation: With Product Management Software, companies can consolidate various aspects of product management into one single platform. This simplifies collaboration among different teams and reduces the necessity of switching between different tools or systems.
  3. Transparency: A significant strength of Product Management Software lies in its ability to create transparency in the form of a single source of truth. Through clear presentation of product roadmaps, progress reports, and resource allocations, all relevant stakeholders can maintain an overview and base their collective action on uniform information.

Who are Product Management Tools intended for?

Product Management Tools are targeted at a variety of user groups involved in the product development process. Each group can benefit from the functions and advantages of these tools:

  1. Product managers: Product managers can benefit from Product Management Tools as they help manage the entire product lifecycle. The tools enable effective capturing and prioritizing requirements, creating and managing roadmaps, and monitoring project progress. Product managers use the tools to plan their product strategy, allocate resources, and analyze product performance. This enables them to make informed decisions and ensure the product meets market and customer needs.
  2. Product teams: Product teams, consisting of designers, developers, testers, and other professionals, can benefit from Product Management Tools as they facilitate better collaboration and communication. The tools make task management, assignment, and tracking more manageable, allowing team members to keep track of their responsibilities. Storing product information and documents centrally makes access and collaboration easier. Through the integration of feedback and collaboration tools, product teams can effectively include customer requirements and feedback and develop innovative solutions.
  3. Executives and stakeholders: Executives and other stakeholders can benefit from Product Management Tools as they provide comprehensive insights into the product development process. The tools offer reporting capabilities and analytics dashboards that provide essential metrics and performance information. This enables executives to evaluate the product strategy, monitor progress, and make informed decisions. The transparency created by the tools allows stakeholders to better understand the product's status and direction and effectively communicate their concerns.

Functions of Product Management Software

The feature set of individual tools on the market varies from provider to provider. However, many software include the following features for organizing and executing well-founded product plans:

  1. Requirement management: Product Management Software enables the collection, documentation, and prioritizing of customer requirements, market needs, and internal objectives. It aids in structured management and tracking of requirements throughout the entire product development process.
  2. Idea and innovation management: This function enables the collection and evaluation of ideas and innovations. It promotes collaboration and idea exchange within the team to generate and evaluate new product concepts.
  3. Product planning and strategy: Product Management Software assists in creating and managing product roadmaps, strategic plans, and release cycles. It enables the definition of product goals, task assignment, resource planning, and prioritizing features and projects.
  4. Roadmapping and release management: This function facilitates the visualization of product roadmaps, including planned features, milestones, and schedules. It assists in coordinating releases to ensure products are brought to market on time and according to requirements.
  5. Task management and assignment: The software allows for the creation, tracking, and assignment of tasks and activities related to product management tasks. It provides a transparent overview of progress and responsibilities to enable efficient collaboration.
  6. Document management: This feature enables central storage and management of product documents, such as specifications, designs, presentations, and reports. It ensures easy availability and collaboration on relevant documents.
  7. Reporting and analytics: These features offer product managers extensive reporting capabilities and analytics dashboards. They provide essential metrics and data to monitor product performance, make decisions, and continuously improve the strategy.

Trends and Potential Future Developments

The area of Product Management Software is constantly evolving, and there are a number of trends and potential future developments that could further advance product management:

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI and machine learning have already started to make their way into Product Management Tools. In the future, these technologies could offer even more sophisticated analyses, automated recommendations, and predictive models. AI-driven assistant systems could help product managers make even more informed decisions and gain data-driven insights.
  2. Agile Methods and DevOps Integration: Agile methods like Scrum and Kanban have already established themselves in the area of product management. In the future, Product Management Tools could be even more focused on supporting agile processes. Close integration with DevOps tools and practices enables seamless collaboration between development, testing, and deployment, further shortening time-to-market.
  3. Advanced Analytics and Business Intelligence: Product management tools are likely to offer even deeper integration of analytics and business intelligence functions. By linking product performance data with customer feedback, market analysis, and other external data sources, product managers can gain comprehensive insights. These insights enable data-driven decision-making and continuous optimization of the product strategy.
  4. Integration of Ecosystems and APIs: The integration of product management into other enterprise systems and platforms is becoming increasingly important. APIs allow for smooth data exchange between different tools and systems. The integration of CRM systems, helpdesk solutions, marketing automation tools, and other relevant systems creates a continuous data structure and improves collaboration between various departments.

Cost of Product Management Tools

In the field of Product Management Software, costs and pricing models vary depending on the provider, feature set, and terms of use. There are various aspects that can influence the cost of such tools:

  1. Feature set and scalability: The costs of Product Management Software often depend on the feature set. More extensive tools that offer a broad range of features such as roadmapping, requirement management, prototyping, and analytics can typically be more expensive. Moreover, scalability is important, as some tools may charge additional costs for use in larger teams or companies.
  2. Licensing and usage models: Most Product Management Tools offer various licensing options. Some providers require a one-time payment for a perpetual license, while others offer a subscription model where costs are incurred monthly or yearly. There are also Freemium models, where a basic version is free, but additional features or extended usage rights are at a cost.
  3. Number of users and team size: Many product management tools structure their pricing according to the number of users or team members. In some cases, the price per product manager may increase as the team grows. It's important to consider the current and future need for users and team size to accurately estimate costs.
  4. Integrations and extensions: Some Product Management Tools offer the possibility to establish additional integrations with other tools and systems. These integrations may incur additional costs. It's important to check whether the desired tool can be integrated with other crucial systems such as CRM, development platforms, or project management tools, and if additional costs are associated with this.

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