Optimize Your Recruiting Process With These 12 Tips

We'll show you how you can successfully improve your recruiting.

Table of contents
  1. This is how you successfully optimize your recruiting process
  2. These softwares help you optimize your recruiting process
  3. Conclusion

The shortage of skilled workers has grown and good candidates are only on the market for a short time - this is exactly a special challenge for many companies looking for suitable employees.

Just as a job seeker should get everything out of an application, you as a company should focus on your career page and the recruiting process. With a good recruiting process you can not only score points with the applicants, but also stand out from the competition.

In this article, we will show you with the expert knowledge of the software softgarden, how to optimize your recruiting process, thus hire suitable candidates more quickly and thus reduce the time-to-hire and the cost-of-vacancy. After all, a good recruiting process is characterized by the fact that you find suitable candidates in a short time and thus reduce the KPIs. We have collected numerous tips as well as suitable software solutions, that will support you.


This is how you successfully optimize your recruiting process

To support you successfully in the recruiting process, we have summarized a total of 12 tips for you. In the explanations of the individual tips, we rely on various scientific studies that are regularly conducted by the applicant management software softgarden with German applicants.

Use external range

According to one of the softgarden studies mentioned, 4 out of 10 candidates start their job search on online job exchanges, a total of 8 out of 10 people leave the job advertisement again without having applied. The reason is often that they do not find any information suitable for them and research on other company pages that contain further suitable positions. This rather sobering result shows that there is still a lot of room for improvement in the range of the recruiting process. We will show you how this can be done with these recommendations:

  • Multiposting with interfaces to relevant job exchanges is the basic requirement for targeted distribution of advertisements and subsequent success control.
  • The efficient use of job ads on job exchanges requires measurability and seamless reporting, because most of the applicants find out more about the employer on their career page.

Importance of your own channels

The main target group of applicants, who start their job search on Google, has an average age of 29 years. Especially the proportion of school students, students and career starters is particularly high here. This also means that you should orient yourself towards their usage behavior, which has a major influence on the entire applicant behavior. These tips will help you reach the right target group in the recruiting process:

  • The vast majority of candidates do not find the information in the job advertisement sufficient, so they search for more information on Google. A search engine optimization of your career page with the help of user-generated content (e.g. employer reviews) leads to a better placement on Google and gives you a competitive advantage.
  • Due to the increasing use of mobile devices the Google search engine increasingly evaluates websites according to their mobile page speed - the better it is, the better the placement in the search results. A fast loading time is especially essential for an optimal findability of your career page and an improvement of the candidate experience on mobile devices.
  • For most candidates, employer reviews play an important role in the decision-making process for an application. In addition, employer review platforms for relevant keywords usually appear in the highest Google search results. According to a softgarden study, most applicants only consider employers with an above-average score of at least 3.5 out of 5.
  • Nowadays, a large proportion of job search directly on Google, the majority of job seekers on Google prefer to look at job ads in the Google-for-Jobs search box. Employers whose jobs are not published on Google-for-Jobs are wasting potential.
  • About 38 million, i.e. almost half of German Internet users (46%), are present on social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. - and the trend is rising. This means that a company with 500 employees, each of whom has about 341 contacts, has a potential reach of over 150,000 possible applicants. Employee recommendations therefore represent a great potential for acquiring new employees - because 8 out of 10 applicants place great or very great trust in job recommendations from their own network.

Achieve conversions

The career page is the most trustworthy source in digital recruiting for most job seekers. Overall, 7 out of 10 people apply directly if all relevant information is included. Thus, the career page is the most important information channel for background research on the employer. But which information on career pages convinces job seekers to apply directly to you and not leave the page again? With these tips you can generate conversions successfully:

  • Tests have shown that the integration of employer reviews on the career page significantly improves the conversion rate. 6 out of 10 candidates prefer career pages with employer reviews.
  • When it comes to sharing recruiting KPIs, the opinions of job seekers and employers differ the most. The disclosure of the recruiting KPIs can serve to communicate at eye level with the applicants. After all, candidates also share highly confidential and personal data with you and invest time in the application.
  • If you want to optimize your candidate experience and thus the conversions, you should make sure to provide applicants with the content they have requested quickly and easily. If applicants find all the information relevant to them on the job advertisement, according to softgarden, 7 out of 10 of them will apply immediately. The integration of the career page on your company page is therefore imperative.
  • Salary information in job advertisements represents one of the greatest potentials for recruiting. Only 1 out of 10 employers provides salary information in the job advertisements - whereas the majority of applicants search for salary information in advance. No wonder job advertisements with salary information have a success rate of 70%. So include salary information in your job advertisements to avoid losing potential candidates.
  • The vast majority of applicants want to spend 10 minutes or less on the online application. Since 2014, this has increased by 37 percentage points and is an increase of 13.9 percentage points between 2019 and 2020. Make sure that you continuously analyze your recruiting process and keep it up to date with the latest technology.

You can find even more numbers, studies and statistics on recruiting on the softgarden homepage. Here you can download the white papers and read all the studies.

These softwares help you optimize your recruiting process

The foundation for a successful recruiting process is a suitable software, which can support you in the search for suitable candidates. An example of an applicant management software is softgarden, which we would like to introduce to you in more detail:

softgarden offers companies from all sectors software solutions for innovative recruiting. This enables employers of all sizes to win the right candidates for them. Designed as a comprehensive Talent Acquisition Suite softgarden includes offers for applicant management (ATS), sourcing and employer branding. softgarden is active in the DACH region as well as in other European markets such as Poland, Spain and France.

In addition, softgarden, as an internationally operating software-as-a-service provider (SaaS) in e-recruiting, is frequently awarded and certified for highest data security as well as innovations in recruiting.

The development of the software is constantly being driven forward in order to meet latest market trends, customer wishes, best practices and regulatory requirements. With the Career Page Pro you can implement a conversion-oriented career page. The Feedback Solution brings crucial plus points for online reputation: It allows to automatically generate and make visible authentic employer reviews from applicants and new employees.

More applicant management systems on OMR Reviews

In addition to softgarden, you will find many more applicant management systems on our platform OMR Reviews with verified experience reports and reviews.

You can take a closer look at these softwares:


To counter the shortage of skilled workers, you should not waste any time in the recruiting process. You can optimize it, for example, by increasing a conversion rate on your career page. Pay attention here above all to transparent communication about recruiting KPIs, salary information or employee reviews - the more open, the more authentic you appear to the applicants.

With these tips, you can gain a great advantage over your competitors and at the same time achieve a high quality in the recruiting process . You also don't waste any important time, because due to the shortened response time of the specialist departments and the associated faster hiring of suitable employees, the time-to-hire is also reduced.


Carmen Cichon
Carmen Cichon

Carmen ist Content Marketing Managerin bei OMR Reviews. Zuvor hat sie Content-Themen für einen Lebensmittelgroßhändler verantwortet sowie einen MA in Public Relations absolviert.

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