Product Information: How to Create and Optimize All Relevant Information for Your Customers

Pia Heßler 8/18/2023

In this article, we explain to you what you should pay attention to in your product information, how to use software effectively, and what you should be careful about.

Table of contents
  1. What is product information?
  2. What is product information needed for and why is it so important?
  3. What kind of product information is there?
  4. What product information must be available?
  5. How can product information be optimized?
  6. What tools can you use to create and optimize your product information?
  7. Conclusion: A PIM provides simplicity and security

What is product information?

Product information provides consumers with information about a product, such as dimensions and any allergens and side effects. This includes any text related to the product, like manufacturing, marketing, logistics, and legal notices. Find out in this article why product information is so crucial, how you can optimize yours, and which tools can assist you.

What is product information needed for and why is it so important?

Product information informs about handy or even essential details. Just under 60 percent of all adult Germans consume them online, while only about 20 percent get their information from television or newspapers.

Produktinformationen Verbraucher.png

Source: Facts Office

That's why (online) product information is so important to consumers:

  • Part of product advice: The purchasing decision phase determines what product information consumers need.
  • Part of customer communication: Product photos, videos, descriptions, examples, and data sheets visualize products.
  • Linking product information: Display of alternative and supplementary products.
  • Influence on consumer behavior: Positive and negative reviews influence the purchase decision.
  • Building a basis of trust: High-quality and comprehensive product information builds trust in your company.
  • Influence on the margin: Consumers are willing to pay more when the shopping experience is convincing.

What kind of product information is there?

Every product needs product data. Providers are even legally required to state certain product data. The type of product information depends on who it is aimed at. The information should be created and kept up to date by professionals. Typical internal and external product information includes:

  • General product data: Item numbers, customer and supplier item numbers, runtimes or expiry dates
  • Dimensions: Length, width, height
  • Storage and packaging: Barcodes, length, width
  • Advertising: Product texts, benefits, teasers
  • Miscellaneous: Allergens, additives, hazardous substances

What product information must be available?

By clicking on the shopping cart, the desired product ends up in the shopping cart. Some information that consumers are shown during the ordering process is helpful, and some is even mandatory.

First, you should know that retailers must be aware of something already on the overview page: Consumers make a preliminary purchase decision on the overview page. Through the combination of product list and storage function, product advertising becomes a concrete offer. Mandatory information on the product detail page is not sufficient, as an order can be triggered directly from the overview page.

Consumers must receive this product information before the contract is concluded:

1. Prices: Basic prices, value-added tax and shipping costs (§ 5 Abs. 1 PAngV)

Retailers who distribute their products on online shop overview pages with or without a shopping cart function by weight, volume, length or area, stating the total price, must also state the basic price (price per unit of quantity). Special information obligations apply to overview pages with a shopping cart function in accordance with § 6 Abs. 1 PAngV. Price details must be marked with the note “incl. VAT plus shipping costs”. Retailers can choose whether to list this information under the product, marked with an asterisk, or placed elsewhere.

2. General mandatory information (§ 312d Abs. 1 BGB)

Retailers must provide some contract-related information dependent on the nature of the item for sale and the execution of the contract:

  • Features of the item for sale
  • Company identity
  • Delivery and payment terms
  • Delivery dates
  • Warranty claims

3. Preliminary cancellation instruction (§ 312d Abs.1 BGB i. V.m., Art. 246a § 1 Abs. 2 EGBGB)

Before a contractual statement is made, consumers must be informed of their statutory right of revocation. In the order overview, there is usually a link to the cancellation policy under the name “Information on the right of revocation”.

4. Food and dietary supplements (according to the European Food Information Regulation (LMIV))

Online retailers are generally encouraged to provide this product information:

  • Food designation
  • Ingredient list
  • Ingredient quantity or class
  • Net quantity
  • Country of origin
  • Usage instructions
  • Nutritional declaration
  • Company name and address

5. Textiles (Textile Labeling Regulation, Art. 16)

The regulation says that online retailers must inform consumers about the fiber composition. In multi-fiber products, the components must be named in descending order according to the percentage share.

6. Toys (European Directive 2009/48/EC, § 11)

The Product Safety Act - also known as the Toy Regulation - obliges retailers to provide warning notices. These refer to possible user restrictions (e.g. age classes) and safety information (“Caution” must precede these).

7. Chemicals (European CLP Regulation, 1272/2008)

The regulation states that all chemicals manufactured since 01.06.2015 and considered as dangerous substances or mixtures must have a hazard-specific label. This labeling must be visible on the product packaging and in advertising. These include:

  • Hazard pictograms,
  • Signal words (for example, “Danger” and “Caution”),
  • Hazard statements (for example, “Can cause severe eye damage.”),
  • Safety notices (for example, “Must only be stored in the original container.”)

A simple mention of the notices on the product detail page or on the order overview is not enough. Dangerous substances and mixtures (according to the CLP regulation) must already be marked on the overview page with notes, so that consumers can be informed about dangers even before clicking on the shopping cart symbol. This can be implemented in text form or as a clearly visible link (example link text “HAZARD NOTES” in capital letters).

8. Biocides (EU Regulation 528/2012, Art. 72)

Every advertisement for biocidal products must contain this notice: “Use biocidal products carefully. Always read the label and product information before use.” The term “biocidal product” may be exchanged in the formulation. The sentence must clearly stand out from the advertisement.

9. Energy consumption-relevant products (EU Regulation 518/2014)

Many electrical products are considered to be particularly relevant to energy consumption, forcing manufacturers and retailers to observe specific labeling regulations. Consumers must receive certain energy-related product information. The product representation is decisive: In advertising, the efficiency class is usually sufficient. Instructions for offers of electrical appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines as well as refrigerators and freezers are specified:

Display of the efficiency label and product data sheet (instead of an official efficiency arrow) is mandatory here. This can be done via a graphical representation or a nested display. In the case of the nested display, however, the term “product data sheet” must appear near the price. The nested display of the label must look like the efficiency arrow and must also be visible near the price. The color scheme is also clearly regulated: The exact color of the efficiency class must be used, and the same class and class spectrum must be written in white on the inside. The font size must be identical to the product price.

How can product information be optimized?

Product information should inform consumers about the things that are relevant to them exactly when they are called up. Take these 10 tips to heart and be sure to read our article for tips on optimizing product data.

  1. Define (part-)steps and responsibilities for creating your product information: Who has the expertise and how can the data be best brought together?
  2. Create a terminology database: Your team should use uniform terms and units.
  3. Set standards: What attributes, media, and specifications should your team consider for product information?
  4. Adapt product information to the target group: Different content and formats are relevant for each target group.
  5. Consider SEO aspects: Consider all search engine relevant aspects such as placing the right keywords and follow the specifications of the marketplaces.
  6. Create hierarchical structures: Ensure clear allocation (e.g., product groups and categories) and a consistent presentation.
  7. Observe legal requirements: Inform yourself about the labeling obligations that apply to you to avoid warnings, fines, and loss of trust.
  8. Apply standardized classification systems: Use cross-company (e.g., industry-specific) classifications.
  9. Use high-quality media: Your team should prepare both textual and visual product descriptions to a high standard.
  10. Prepare cross-channel: Create product information so that you can publish it across various channels and use it for all relevant touchpoints.

What tools can you use to create and optimize your product information?

For creating and optimizing your product information, you can use a PIM (Product-Information-Management-System). It helps you to implement structured data management and to design processes efficiently and transparently. The three main functions of a PIM include:

  • Centralized data and collaboration management
  • Media-neutral and channel-specific data maintenance
  • Automated data import

We have illuminated all PIM advantages for you in a separate article. OMR Reviews has compiled an extensive list of the most intuitive and best Open Source PIMs for you. Simply click through the verified user reviews in the Product-Information-Management-PIM category and find your favorite tool.

Also, take a closer look at these 10 PIMs:

Conclusion: A PIM provides simplicity and security

When creating and optimizing your product information, there are some things to consider. Otherwise, you risk losing not only (potential) customers but also violate legal regulations. A PIM helps you integrate optimal processes for targeted and search engine optimized product information maintenance into your company. So don't wait! Check out our o. g. product recommendation in detail and test the demo versions of your favorites.

Pia Heßler
Pia Heßler

Pia war mehr als 10 Jahre im Vertrieb und Marketing verschiedenster Unternehmen aktiv. Danach gründete sie ihr eigenes Unternehmen und betreibt dieses zusammen mit ihrer Geschäftspartnerin.

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