Create an Intranet in 7 Steps - Your Ultimate Guide

Nils Knäpper 7/28/2023

Do you want to create an intranet and offer your employees their own company platform? Here's how you do it!

Table of contents
  1. What is an intranet?
  2. Step 1: Planning phase
  3. Step 2: Concept and design
  4. Step 3: Technical implementation
  5. Step 4: Content creation and management
  6. Step 5: Test phase
  7. Step 6: Launch
  8. Step 7: Continuous improvement and further development
  9. Conclusion: What you should consider when creating an intranet

In our increasingly digitized world, effective communication and information structures play a decisive role. A powerful intranet can provide exactly that for your company or organization. But how do you, as an entrepreneur, even set up such a platform? We reveal this to you in our detailed step-by-step guide!

What is an intranet?

First, let's look at the basics: An intranet is an internal network that works much like the internet. Another difference from the World Wide Web is that your intranet is only accessible within your organization. It is, so to speak, a central portal through which employees can exchange information, collaborate, and use resources specifically relevant to their work.

An intranet can take on many forms and fulfil many functions. For example, it can contain documents, forms, and applications, provide forums for discussions and collaboration, disseminate internal announcements and news, or serve as a platform for personnel development and further training.

Why is an intranet important?

An intranet can be valuable in many ways. Firstly, it promotes communication and collaboration. Employees can quickly and easily access needed information, share their ideas, and work together on projects. It encourages your company culture of openness and exchange and can increase employee satisfaction and productivity.

Secondly, an intranet allows for centralized management of your resources and processes. Documents and applications can be stored and organized in one place, contributing to more efficient work practices. It can also serve as a tool for knowledge management, facilitating the collection, storage, and retrieval of expert knowledge.

Furthermore, an intranet offers potentially considerable security advantages. As access to your company or organization is restricted, you have more control over who can access stored information. This is especially important in a time when cybersecurity and data protection are of the utmost importance.

Now that you know how can contribute to your company, let's take a look at the individual steps with which you can create your intranet:


Step 1: Planning phase

In the planning phase, you lay the groundwork for the successful setup of your intranet. It consists of goal setting and requirement analysis, choosing the appropriate intranet software, and defining the budget and schedule:

Goal setting and requirement analysis

Before deciding on intranet software or creating a budget plan, you must first clearly define the goals and requirements of your intranet. A well-planned intranet is tailored to the specific needs and goals of your company. So, consider the following:

  • Goals: What do you want to achieve with your intranet? Should it improve internal communication, promote collaboration, serve as an information center, be used for further training - or all together?

  • User needs: What do your employees need from the intranet? Which tools and functions would be helpful for their daily work?

  • Technical requirements: What technical requirements does your company have for the intranet? For example, does it need to be compatible with specific software applications?

  • Involved persons: Who will ultimately set up the intranet, maintain it, and which stakeholders are involved here?

Choosing the right intranet software

Once you have clearly defined your goals and requirements, it is time to choose the appropriate intranet software. There are many different intranet solutions on the market, and choosing the right one is critical to the success of your platform. When choosing, you should consider the following factors:

  • Functions and performance: Does the software provide the required tools and functions? Is it flexible enough to adapt to the needs of your company?

  • Ease of use: Is the software easy to use? Is the design appealing, and is navigation intuitive?

  • Price-performance ratio: Does the price of the software fit into your budget? Does it offer good value for what it costs?

  • Customer support and service: Does the provider offer good customer support? Are there training resources and assistance with setup and maintenance?

Once you have answered these questions for yourself, you can already make a preselection of potential tools. For simplicity, we have brought along some of the most requested intranet software on OMR Reviews here:

If you want to learn more about each tool and software, check out the article by our guest author Nils: He introduces you the 7 best intranet software in detail.

Determining budget and schedule

Creating a budget and a schedule helps keep your intranet project on track. The budget should include all costs for the intranet software, technical setup, employee training, and ongoing maintenance and improvement.

The schedule should be realistic and allow enough time for the various phases of the project, including planning, technical implementation, the testing phase, and launch.

The planning phase can be laborious, but it is crucial to the successful setup of your intranet. Through careful planning, you can ensure that your intranet conforms to the requirements and goals of your company and becomes a valuable tool for your employees.


Step 2: Concept and design

After the planning phase, it is now about the concept and design of your intranet. The aim of this phase is to ensure user-friendly and appealing operability.

Creating a navigation concept

Navigation is a fundamental aspect of your intranet. It should be intuitive and easy to use so that employees can quickly and uncomplicatedly find the information and resources they need. When creating your navigation concept, you should consider the following:

  • Structure: The structure of your intranet should be logical and clear. Consider how the various pages and sections should be organized and linked.

  • Usability: Ensure that the navigation is easy to understand and use. Avoid complicated or nested menus and ensure clear, consistent labeling.

  • Search function: An efficient search function is essential for a well-functioning intranet. Users should be able to quickly and easily search for information.

Designing the intranet layout

The visual layout of your intranet must be attractive and functional. It should invite users to explore and use the platform. It should also highlight the most important information and functions. When designing the layout, you might consider the following:

  • Form follows function: The layout should be easy to understand and encourage users to use the intranet. Pay attention to a clear, tidy layout and avoid unnecessary design elements.

  • Customization: A customizable layout can help increase the acceptance of the intranet. Employees could, for example, be able to personalize their home pages, or save favorites for quick access.

  • Mobile optimization: Mobile first - this applies not only to your public website but also to your intranet! With the increase in mobile working, it is important that your platform also works well on mobile devices. Make sure that the layout works just as well on smaller screens as it does on desktop.

Adapting the design to corporate identity

Even though your customers won't see the intranet, the design should reflect the brand and culture of your company. This not only helps establish the platform as part of the corporate culture but can also help increase employee engagement and satisfaction. Be sure to include the following elements in the design:

  • Branding: The logo, colors, and fonts of your company should be prominently represented in the design of the intranet.

  • Company culture: The design should reflect the culture of your company. If your company has an informal, collaborative culture, for instance, the design could be more relaxed and interactive.

  • Values and goals: The design can be used to communicate the values and goals of your company. For example, quotes or images could be used to highlight these aspects.


Step 3: Technical implementation

Once the concept and design of your intranet are set, you can get started with the technical implementation. In this phase, your intranet comes to life. You need to consider various aspects, including the installation and configuration of the intranet software, data migration, and integration with other systems.

Installation and configuration of intranet software

The first step in technical implementation is the installation and setup of the intranet software. This typically involves configuring the server on which the software runs, and setting up the software itself:

  • Server setup: You need to ensure that the server is powerful enough to run your intranet software efficiently. This includes checking the system requirements of the software and adjusting the corresponding server settings.

  • Software configuration: When configuring the intranet software, you need to adjust the settings according to your specific requirements and goals. This could include setting up user accounts, defining permissions and access rights, and activating specific functions.

Data migration

If you already have existing data and content to be transferred to the new intranet, you will need to perform a data migration. This is a critical process that must be carefully planned and carried out to avoid data loss or damage. Here are some points you should bear in mind:

  • Data cleanup: Before migrating the data, you should clean and organize them. Remove outdated or redundant information and organize the remaining data in a way that matches the structure of your new intranet.

  • Migration tests: If necessary, conduct test runs before the actual migration to ensure that the process runs smoothly and the data is correctly transferred to the new intranet.

  • Backup: Be sure to create a backup of your data before the migration. This allows you to revert to the original data if any problems arise.

Integration with other systems

Your intranet should not be isolated, but integrated into your company's existing IT infrastructure. This could include integration with email systems, CRM software, project management tools, and other applications used in your company. When doing this integration, consider the following:

  • Compatibility: Ensure that the intranet software is compatible with the other systems you wish to use. This can involve checking APIs and other technical specifications.

  • Data consistency: The integration should be designed to ensure consistent data management. Changes made in one system should automatically be reflected in other systems.


Step 4: Content creation and management

An intranet lives off its content. After the technical implementation of your intranet, it's now about filling it with valuable and relevant content. This includes creating and maintaining content:

Creating content

Creating content for your intranet is a continuous process. It is important that the content is up-to-date, relevant, and appealing. Here are some points you should consider when creating content:

  • Target group orientation: Make sure that the content is tailored to the needs and interests of your employees, which you defined during the planning phase. Think about what information and resources this target group needs and design the content accordingly.

  • Quality: The content should be of high quality. This includes both the accuracy of the content and the language used. Avoid spelling and grammar mistakes and pay attention to clear and understandable language.

  • Variety: A varied range of content can help maintain interest and increase engagement. Think about how you can present different types of content, such as blog posts, news articles, videos, podcasts, or infographics.

Content management

The continuous maintenance of intranet content is just as important as its creation. Efficient content management helps keep the platform tidy and user-friendly. Here are some aspects you should consider:

  • Content planning: Create a content plan that specifies what content should be published when. This helps to distribute content evenly and ensures that the intranet is continuously supplied with new content.

  • Content update: Make sure that the content is updated regularly. Outdated or inaccurate information can detract from the user experience and undermine employee trust in the intranet.

  • Content archiving: Set rules for how and when content should be archived. This helps to keep the intranet tidy and ensures that only relevant and up-to-date content is visible.


Step 5: Test phase

The test phase is a crucial step in setting up an intranet. In this phase, you have the opportunity to put the intranet through its paces before going live. The goal is to identify and fix errors and problems to ensure an optimal user experience.

Functional tests

Before opening the intranet to all employees, you should first ensure that all functions work as expected. Here are some points to consider during the functional tests:

  • Navigation check: Check whether the navigation is intuitive and user-friendly. All pages and functions should be easy to find and use.

  • Link and button tests: Ensure that all links and buttons work correctly and lead to the right pages.

  • Form tests: Check all forms for functionality. Make sure they process the entered data correctly and forward it to the right places.

  • Search function tests: Test the search function to ensure that it delivers relevant and accurate results.

  • Getting feedback: Invite a small group of employees to test the intranet and given feedback. They can provide valuable insights and point out problems you may have overlooked.

Once you receive feedback and test results, you should work on fixing all identified problems before the intranet goes live.


Step 6: Launch

After all the preparations and tests, it's finally time: You can launch your intranet. But the end of the setup phase is just the beginning of a continuous journey. An effective intranet requires regular maintenance and constant improvements.

The launch

There are a few things to consider during the launch of your intranet:

  • Communication: Inform employees in advance of the upcoming launch. Let them know when the intranet is going live, what they can find there, and how they should use it.

  • Trainings: Offer tutorials to support employees in using the intranet. Such onboarding can help them get their bearings quickly and use the intranet effectively.

  • Support: Make sure support is available if employees have questions or encounter problems. This could be in the form of a helpdesk or an FAQ page.

Intranet maintenance

After the launch, the work is not done yet. Your intranet requires regular maintenance and updates to maintain its relevance and effectiveness. Here are some points you should consider:

  • Updates: Keep the intranet up to date by adding new content regularly and removing or updating outdated content.

  • Monitoring: Use analytic tools to monitor usage behavior and understand which content and functions are particularly popular or useful.

  • Technical maintenance: Ensure that regular technical maintenance is performed to ensure the intranet's security and functionality.


Step 7: Continuous improvement and further development

Now to the home stretch: Your intranet is not a static tool. It should constantly evolve and improve in response to changing needs and expectations of employees:

Collecting feedback

An effective way to learn how you can improve your intranet is to continuously solicit feedback from your employees. They are the main users and know best what works well and what could be improved. You can:

  • conduct regular surveys

  • hold feedback sessions

  • integrate a feedback function in the intranet

Analysis of usage data

Usage data can provide valuable insights into employee behavior and preferences. By analyzing this data, you can find out which areas of the intranet are used most, which content is most popular, and where potential problems may arise. This information helps you make informed decisions about which areas of the intranet should be improved or expanded.

Regular updates and improvements

Based on the feedback and analyses you've collected, you should make regular updates and improvements to your intranet. This can include adding new features, improving usability, or updating content.

Training and support

As your intranet evolves, it's important to ensure that your employees are able to keep up with changes. Offer regular training and support to familiarize them with new features or changes.

Continuous improvement and development of your intranet are crucial to its long-term success. Through constant striving for improvements and adaptations to the needs of your employees, you can ensure that your intranet remains a valuable and effective communication and collaboration tool.

Conclusion: What you should consider when creating an intranet

Admittedly: Setting up an intranet is no child's play, but it is definitely a rewarding task. With the right planning, implementation, and maintenance, your corporate platform can become a powerful hub for communication, collaboration, and information exchange for your colleagues.

But all the technical and organizational aspects during creation are only one side of the coin. The other is the culture and commitment of your employees. An intranet lives off the active participation and use by its users. Therefore, it is crucial to involve them in the process from the beginning, train them, and encourage them to use the intranet.

One thing is for sure: A well-planned, well-designed, and well-maintained intranet can become an invaluable resource for your company. So, get on with it!

Nils Knäpper
Nils Knäpper

Nils ist SEO-Texter bei OMR Reviews und darüber hinaus ein echter Content-Suchti. Egal, ob Grafik, Foto, Video oder Audio – wenn es um digitale Medien geht, ist Nils immer ganz vorne mit dabei. Vor seinem Wechsel zu OMR war er fast 5 Jahre lang als Content-Manager und -Creator in einem Immobilienunternehmen tätig und hat zudem eine klassische Ausbildung als Werbetexter.

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