Copywriting with ChatGPT: Why AI Text Generators Won't Make You a Good Copywriter

Max Schöbel 7/4/2023

In this article, you will learn more about the limitations of ChatGPT and how you can still use the AI for your benefit.

Table of contents
  1. What is copywriting and why is it so important?
  2. What is ChatGPT and what types of text can this tool write?
  3. What types of text cannot ChatGPT write?
  4. Can ChatGPT Replace Human Copywriting?
  5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using ChatGPT for copywriting?
  6. 3 tips for using ChatGPT effectively in copywriting
  7. How is AI content evaluated by search engines?
  8. 7 Best Practices of Prompts in Copywriting with ChatGPT
  9. What other tools can increase the effectiveness of your writing?
  10. Conclusion on copywriting with ChatGPT

Copywriting is completely on trend – and so is ChatGPT. And now many business owners and copywriters are wondering what the future of copywriting looks like. Will human copywriters still be needed or is ChatGPT enough?

In this article our guest author and copywriter Max Schöbel explains how you can use ChatGPT for your copywriting and why ChatGPT alone will not make you a good copywriter.

What is copywriting and why is it so important?

Copywriting (in German advertising copy) aims to prompt your readers to conclude a deal, make a purchase or take some other action through text. In many cases it can be said: Copywriting is sales in written form. For this to work, your texts need to hit specific emotions and be convincingly written.

But why is copywriting so important? Everything is text. Your website, your Facebook ads, your LinkedIn profile, your emails, your social media content, the script for your TikTok video. Everything really is text. And your text is everywhere – around the clock. Your target group sees and reads your texts all the time.

An example:

  • 100 users visit your website and read your text

  • 64 book an appointment with you or your sales team

  • The consequence? You pre-qualify and thereby relieve yourself or your sales team

  • Just that makes your time more efficient

  • The result? More revenue. Not once – but continuously.

And that's why copywriting is not a nice-to-have – but essential. And because everything is text, copywriting is the foundation for all your marketing.

If you want to read more about copywriting in general, then check out our article about Conversion Copywriting.

What is ChatGPT and what types of text can this tool write?

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Short description of what ChatGPT is and what it can do.

OpenAI ChatGPT is a free AI text generator from OpenAI, which can write texts for you in a matter of seconds. “The tool is set up like a chat and you can hold a dialogue with the AI.” And this dialogue is necessary because the AI can only write texts if you give it something: Information or inputs – so-called prompts. Let's try a prompt right away.

What is ChatGPT?

The AI can answer questions, provide support, provide information, give advice and much more. It was trained by machine learning by analyzing large amounts of text data to develop an understanding of human language and generate appropriate responses based on this. However, ChatGPT does have its limits and can sometimes provide incorrect or inappropriate information. It is important to view ChatGPT's responses critically and to conduct additional research if needed.

We'll return to more prompts at a later point in this article.

But what types of text can the tool write for you? Essentially all – but not all equally well. Let's start.

Blog articles, newsletters and emails

You can have entire blog articles, newsletters and emails written by ChatGPT. Depending on the medium, you will need a detailed briefing with keywords, text length and subheadings. Once the text is finished, it still has to be checked by a human and possibly shortened, because ChatGPT sometimes writes redundant information.

Rewriting texts

When it comes to rewriting text, ChatGPT is actually very suitable and can do this faster than a copywriter. Changing the address from du to Sie (you in english), removing frequent word repetitions or making a text more lyrical – all of this can be done by AI in a short time. You can have your entire website rewritten from Sie to du. You can also adjust the tonality. The text should be more provocative? No problem, ChatGPT does that for you. And especially for those who are not so eloquent, it is helpful to have the text rewritten with a better flow.

Text summaries

Give ChatGPT a link to a website, a PDF, copy a Word file in or whatever – the AI will give you a summary in continuous text or bullet points. You can even limit a summary to a word count. The disadvantage here, however, is that with particularly complex topics, sometimes information is overlooked. You have to keep this in mind.

Product descriptions

ChatGPT can also write product descriptions well, as long as you have a briefing. And even if you don't take the generated text verbatim, the ideas here are really good. There is one exception with luxury brands with luxury items. Here a specific kind of language is needed, which AI does not yet master.

Is that not enough for you? Here you will find more use cases in an article.

Keep in mind that it is essential to read and correct the texts generated by AI one more time. While blog articles by AI still forgive some unclear formulations, this is not the case with landing pages and advertisements. Because ChatGPT is not a copywriter and cannot write everything effectively.

What types of text cannot ChatGPT write?

For texts that need to hit your target audience's emotions specifically and precisely in order to convince them, for controversial topics or a text that builds on a genuine opinion, ChatGPT is currently not suitable. Because ChatGPT has no personality and accordingly cannot represent an opinion. The tool tells you that fairly enough when you ask about it.

In summary, ChatGPT is unsuitable for the following types of text:

  • Texts that are intended to convince/sell (copywriting)

  • Controversial opinions

  • Personal evaluations

  • Specialized technical jargon

  • Legal texts or medical advice

  • Specific localization or temporal currentness

  • Artistic or creative works

Why is this? Texts created by ChatGPT often lack the personal touch and the bite it takes. Therefore, you should also refrain from having your texts written by AI for social media content, without touching it up yourself. And be it only to replace headline, flow and individual words.

Can ChatGPT Replace Human Copywriting?

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ChatGPT has not yet reached the potential of a human copywriter.

A question that many are asking at the moment is whether ChatGPT can replace human copywriting. The tool is extremely hyped and there are few voices that objectively and neutrally consider the topic of AI copywriting. Because AI is completely on trend and some medium-sized enterprises are hoping that they no longer need copywriters.

This makes it very difficult for inexperienced companies or beginning copywriters to form a realistic opinion. Some are thrown into fear, others into blind optimism, and many lose resources in the process. So let's approach this topic realistically. In short: no, ChatGPT will not replace human copywriters.

In the previous section you read what texts the AI cannot write. Now we'll explain why you always need a human for copywriting.

1. AI does not understand emotions

A machine does not understand emotions and therefore cannot specifically target them. But humans do have emotions and it is precisely these that are targeted in a high-quality text so that the target group feels understood and supported.

Because that convinces and sells. In copywriting, it is important to address emotional pain as well as desire. And preferably in the language of the target audience – even individual words make a difference. ChatGPT cannot provide this.

2. Research comes before writing

ChatGPT can conduct research, but does not know whether the information is true or current. It also cannot read between the lines and recognize pain points and desires which are of great importance for the texts.

And proper analysis and interpretation in the correct context is also important here in order to recognize the appropriate patterns in the research. Keep in mind that a good text stands or falls with the research. That's about 80 % of copywriting.

3. Anything Extraordinary Always Needs Humans

You want original texts? You want to be a bit controversial, or need a strong, unique Brand Language? Possibly piercing language where individual words are extremely important?

Good. But that requires your knowledge of your industry, your target group and the zeitgeist in addition to your creativity. And ChatGPT also cannot provide this – no AI can.

And ChatGPT also cannot:

  • Generate original ideas

  • Check or research facts

  • It has no empathy and cannot include emotions.

  • It cannot include linguistic subtleties (like word play)

  • It cannot develop a consistent brand voice

As already mentioned, ChatGPT will not replace human copywriters in the foreseeable future. However, it can support you in designing your work more efficiently and saving you time.

And if ChatGPT could do all the points from the last section?

Then you would still need the strategy behind it. And usually only a capable copywriter can provide this. Because few companies manage to communicate their message clearly and understandably to the outside. Even fewer manage to communicate this message in such a way that it is noticed, stays in the head or convinces.

Why? Because they are operationally blind. Because basic communication skills are missing. And because there is a lack of understanding for text and its effect. But all of this is necessary to even have a solid basis for texts.

How do you plan to evaluate the outputs of ChatGPT? Do you know the effects of individual words – also in relation to each other? Do you understand how you really need to address your target group? Especially in terms of their state in the Customer Journey?

Even if copywriters no longer write texts themselves, they will remain relevant at the strategic level and possibly act as communication consultants.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using ChatGPT for copywriting?

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A scale symbolizes advantages and disadvantages of ChatGPT.

Like every tool, ChatGPT also offers advantages and disadvantages – especially in copywriting. Here it is important that you use the advantages and avoid the disadvantages. This is no problem, because we'll clarify you.


  • Save time (Text generation and summaries)

  • Generating content ideas

  • Automated text creation


  • Lack of creativity

  • Potential errors

  • You think less out-of-the-box

3 tips for using ChatGPT effectively in copywriting

As a copywriter, you can use AI tools to make your work more effective. Because even if you still have to write yourself, you can save a lot of time if you use these tools properly. Here are 3 tips on how to use ChatGPT correctly.

1. Brainstorming

Even if the texts from ChatGPT are nearly useless for convincing or sales-optimized texts, it can generate a lot of text from little input and thus give you many ideas. Instead of thinking for 2 hours until an idea comes to you, you now have your idea within a few seconds or minutes.

2. Text optimization

If you have a good basic text, you can give it to ChatGPT and have it optimized: more detailed, livelier, more concise, more provocative - even antisocial. But remember that the tool has its limits and always tries to remain neutral. The optimizations merely serve as a basis for you to correct.

3. Summaries

Give ChatGPT a link to a website, a blog or the text from a report and have the content summarized - also in bullet points. This saves you an enormous amount of time. Note: ChatGPT also makes mistakes. It can happen that the summary from ChatGPT is incomplete. And especially when much becomes clear from the context, you should enjoy the result with caution.

How is AI content evaluated by search engines?

Right now you don't have any disadvantage with search engines through AI content. However, it may be that the quality of your content decreases if you have texts written by ChatGPT and don't commission a content expert or copywriter. And lower quality definitely leads to a worse ranking.

“Our ranking team focuses on the usefulness of content, not how it's produced” — Danny Sullivan, SEO expert at Google.

Google may be able to recognize whether your texts were written by a human or an AI, however, this is irrelevant as long as you focus on the quality of your content. Bing even goes as far to integrate ChatGPT into their search engine. So you can be reassured: AI content does not in itself bring any disadvantage.

You can even benefit from AI in SEO. Whether keyword research, content optimization or data analysis - AI can help you here too. Our article Search Engine Optimization with Artificial Intelligence shows how you can use AI for your SEO.

7 Best Practices of Prompts in Copywriting with ChatGPT

Let's move on to a few prompts, i.e. inputs, with which you can work effectively with ChatGPT. In principle, you can write or chat with the AI like you would with a person.

Prompt 1: Write the text shorter

You wanted a summary of an article, but it is too long? With this prompt, ChatGPT will shorten the text. You can also limit the text to 100 words, with "Write the text in a maximum of 100 words".

Prompt 2: Create an outline for a presentation on copywriting

And already ChatGPT will create an outline for a presentation and name points that you would have never thought of.

Prompt 3: Translate the following text into English: "your text"

This makes ChatGPT competition for Google Translator and DeepL. Your advantage? Occasionally, not always, the translations by ChatGPT are better.

Prompt 4: Write the text more provocatively

If you want to polarize, then exactly the right prompt. But remember that ChatGPT is politically correct and accordingly provokes rather poorly. One can, after adjustment, let word jokes and irony through, but for a more provocative basis this is usable.

Prompt 5: Write the text in the Sie form and remove the gendering

You have a conservative target group? No problem, just have your text rewritten by ChatGPT. It also works vice versa.

Prompt 6: Create a list of keywords on the topic of luxury watches

And already you get a list with relevant keywords on the topic of luxury watches. Especially helpful for a copywriter if SEO is not your main area and you still have to write SEO optimized. However, this does not replace an SEO expert.

Prompt 7: Name 10 topics that are particularly popular in the field of employee recruitment

Now you get a list with topics that are relevant for your research. You can also ask about desires, pain points, problems and other things.

There are more prompts. In principle, they are infinite. But these are the most useful ones for copywriters, so you can meaningfully supplement your work with AI. And one request: Question the outputs of the prompts by asking ChatGPT follow-up questions. The biggest mistake you can make is to simply accept these and implement them.

What other tools can increase the effectiveness of your writing?

At OMR Reviews we have a large selection of tools that can support you in your work. The following tools will help you create AI-generated texts:

If you want to get to know the mentioned tools closer, then take a look at our best AI text autoamtion tools.

Conclusion on copywriting with ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a valuable tool to support you as a copywriter. Our tip for you: Use it as an assistant to save your time. Prepare texts, create ideas, have texts summarized and regard AI not as an enemy, but as a supplement. But it is just an assistant – not a copywriter.

However, using AI as a support does not mean that copywriters become redundant. On the contrary, they remain an irreplaceable resource for companies. Copywriters bring their expertise, their creativity and their ability to put themselves in the target group to the table. They can refine messages, create a unique voice and establish the emotional connection with the readers. These human aspects are decisive in order to create successful and convincing content.

Recommend AI-Text-Generators

On our comparison platform OMR Reviews you can find more recommended KI text generators. There are over 60 different systems to choose from, tailored to the specific needs of small and medium-sized companies, start-ups and large corporations. Our platform offers comprehensive support in all areas of text creation and optimization. Take the chance to compare different AI tools and consult real user reviews to find the perfect tool for your specific requirements:

Max Schöbel
Max Schöbel

Als Copywriter und Content-Creator bringt Max Schöbel komplexe Themen überzeugend und einfach auf den Punkt. Durch seine Expertise gewinnen Unternehmen Sichtbarkeit, Reichweite und Aufmerksamkeit. Und dadurch stärken sie ihre Marke, werden relevant für ihre Zielgruppe und bringen sich schneller mit Kunden ins Gespräch.

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