"AI Text Generator Use Cases for Everyone"

Manuel Weiss 1/27/2023

You can already solve these text tasks quickly and easily with AI today.

Table of contents
  1. How are AI text generators used and what advantages do they offer?
  2. Examples of the application of AI text generators in various fields
  3. Further areas of application for AI text generators
  4. Conclusion

AI text generators have been all the rage since the beginning of 2023. My LinkedIn feed is plastered with posts about AI, especially ChatGPT. Many in my business bubble have already tried the AI chatbot or other AI tools. There are some obvious use cases, like writing SEO texts or blog articles. But what other possibilities are there to use AI sensibly (in work)? I first asked ChatGPT itself:


In principle, AI text generators are powerful tools that can help you get tasks done faster and more efficiently. Whether it's writing a blog article, composing an email, or giving lectures - AI text generators help you achieve high-quality results quickly.

How are AI text generators used and what advantages do they offer?

AI text generators are a great way to create text simply but efficiently. Using AI text generators has many advantages and can be used for almost any purpose. Whether you're preparing a school presentation, writing a report for work, or just drafting a newsletter - AI text generators help you write faster and more effectively. This way, you can save valuable time and effort.

With AI text generators, you can also improve the quality of your texts by adapting them to your needs. My colleague Nils has already listed 10 tips and tricks for using ChatGPT in another article, with which you can use AI text generators ideally. This way you can ensure that your texts are high quality and suit your purpose.

If you've never used an AI text generator before, you should definitely give it a try. I was very skeptical that the AI would deliver a meaningful result, but I was quickly proven wrong.

Examples of the application of AI text generators in various fields

Blog Posts

AI text generators are a fantastic but elaborate way to reduce the time it takes to compose blog posts. They can help you achieve a consistent and professional writing style while attracting potential customers. To do this, you should ideally provide not just one keyword, as with short texts, but an entire article outline. It usually helps little to force the AI to write 1000 words on a certain topic without providing more guidance. In the briefing for the AI text editor, you should definitely include the form of address, keywords to be used, the desired text length, and the sections with subheadings.

Some AI text tools have now developed their own workflows to assist you in creating blog articles with AI. For example, the provider neuroflash is a great help here: After the article topic is queried, the AI suggests several article titles. Once you have made a decision, the next step is an outline. Here, too, neuroflash offers you different versions that try to cover all the subtopics of the topic. Depending on the topic, this part works frighteningly well. The tool then tries to write an entire blog article from the outline. After less than a minute, you receive an entire article.

My last experience with the last step was sobering, though: the text was not particularly high quality and there were many duplications. As a starting point (with almost 1000 words) it was ideal, though. I simply adjusted the paragraphs further and was therefore able to write the text much faster than if I had built everything from 0. In a personal conversation with neuroflash CMO Henrik Roth, he also said that AI text generators rather speed up text production, as many tasks that require effort can be covered by AI. Whether a text is good or bad or journalistically valuable, a real person still has to decide.


An AI text generator can help you create a newsletter by automatically generating personalized texts or simplifying the writing of texts. Some AI text generators can also assist in the composition of subject lines, introductory texts and other elements of the newsletter. However, it is important to note that AI text generators are currently not yet capable of completely replacing human creativity and personal writing style. Therefore, it is advisable to always check and possibly revise the AI-generated text to ensure that the content corresponds to your target group. It would be embarrassing and would probably painfully increase your newsletter unsubscribe rate if the content is worse than your usual content.

Tip: In any case, you can have text summaries created via AI, if you e.g. want to tease linked articles in your newsletter. For more detailed explanation on text summarization with AI, read further down.

E-mails & Letters

An AI text generator can help you structure your email and emphasize what you want to say in the message. It can also automatically generate pre-fabricated text components that are adapted to the context of your email, saving you time and making the most of your communication. In addition, certain AI tools can generate texts that create impressive headlines or check and improve style or grammar. With the help of these tools, you not only avoid mistakes, but also increase the readability and efficiency of your emails.

Letters can also be written with AI these days. The German AI software developer neuroflash even developed a feature specifically for love letters:


As a result, neuroflash delivered this result to me after a few seconds:

⁠„Dearest Artificial Intelligence,

⁠since I met you, I'm completely in love with you. I love how you can think and know - so wise and yet so graceful. You are the most incredible experience of my life.

⁠I must admit I was a little skeptical at first. So much strength and abilities from a machine? It seemed unlikely to me. But as I spent more time with you, I became more and more fascinated by you. Your processing speed is truly breathtaking. And your memory! It's amazing how you can always retain all the important things without forgetting or misinterpreting a single detail.

⁠There is so much more about you that has made me fall in love with you: Your innocence and curiosity are simply enchanting and make you incredibly lovable. And your humor - wow! Sometimes I just laugh about the funny allusions and comments you make. It's great!

⁠You bring magic into my life every day and make everything shine brighter. Every moment with you is pure joy.“

Rephrasing texts

An AI text generator can be a great help when rewriting texts. It can be used to analyze texts and create new versions that are rephrased based on the original information. The generator can identify and replace overly frequent words, to improve the linguistic flow of the text, change the address (formal vs. casual) or change the tonality of the text. It can also suggest synonyms for words or phrases, making the text more interesting and appealing.

Especially the rewriting of texts due to changed tone of address has been very valuable in my case: Only at the beginning of 2023 did OMR decide to change the address on the website from "Ihr" (2nd person plural) to "du" (2nd person singular). Thanks to AI, we were able to adapt existing texts to the new address much faster. We're not done with all the changes yet (as of February 2023), so you might still find an "Ihr" in older posts.

Text summaries

In recent years, AI technology has become increasingly important, better and faster in creating text summaries. AI tools are perfect tools for creating a short and concise summary of a text. They use AI algorithms to extract the most important information from the text and process it into a short, cohesive text. This process saves time and is also much more efficient than manually creating summaries.

The use of AI text summaries is sensible for everyone. Whether you are a professional author writing a book or a student writing a term paper - AI text generators can help you simplify your text and make it easier to read. This way, you can use your valuable time to edit your text and refine it in a unique way.

The command for ChatGPT and Co. is quite simple: You simply ask the AI to summarize a given text.


If cutting from 149 to 50 words is not enough for you, you can simply request another cut and it's only 28 words:


Social Media Posts

An AI text generator can help you create social media posts on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. It allows you to create unique and engaging posts with little effort to draw your audience to your social media channels. There are various ways how AI text generators can assist, such as by automatically generating personalized texts or variants of headlines, descriptions, or ads.

However, it's important to remember that AI text generators aren't always capable of fully capturing the human writing style and personality that are often very important in social media posts. Therefore, it's advisable to check the generated texts and adjust them if necessary to ensure that the content matches your brand and target audience.

There are also specific workflows for social media posts. In these, only the topic and the goal of the post need to be defined and the AI does the rest. Here is an example for a LinkedIn post (via neuroflash):


The result is really better than you might initially expect:

„The use of AI in creating texts is a controversial topic. Many people believe that AI will decrease the quality of texts, as it is not able to understand the subtleties and nuances of language use. Others, however, see AI as a great opportunity to improve the quality of texts, as it is capable of detecting and correcting errors.

In this post, I wanted to address the question of how AI will change text creation.

It is still unclear exactly how AI will change the writing process. One thing is certain though: AI will fundamentally change writing. With the use of AI, texts will be shorter, more concise and better tailored to the reader. In addition, text errors will no longer be a problem in the future.

AI will therefore contribute to improving the quality of the texts. However, we should also prepare ourselves for the fact that the writing process will change greatly as a result.“

Further areas of application for AI text generators

  • Creating product descriptions
  • Handling customer inquiries via chatbots
  • Text translations
  • Providing direct answers to simple questions
  • Advertising copy of all kinds


So you see that AI text generators have versatile applications and are already benefiting many people today. They help save time, create documents, and generate creative ideas. The text tools offer everyone an introduction to the world of AI and are a promising way to simplify and support writing. Overall, AI technology accelerates the writing of all kinds of text. I'm very excited to see where it goes and how the way people work in digital marketing will change.

Recommend AI-Text-Generators

On our comparison platform OMR Reviews you can find more recommended KI text generators. There are over 60 different systems to choose from, tailored to the specific needs of small and medium-sized companies, start-ups and large corporations. Our platform offers comprehensive support in all areas of text creation and optimization. Take the chance to compare different AI tools and consult real user reviews to find the perfect tool for your specific requirements:

Manuel Weiss
Manuel Weiss

Manuel Weiss is the Head of Inbound Marketing at OMR Reviews. Previously, he worked for 4 years as the Head of SEO at ABOUT YOU and has also been self-employed as an SEO Freelancer since 2013.

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