Amazon SEO: Improve Your Amazon Ranking With These Tips

Tim Fischer 12/5/2022

Boost your Amazon sales to a new level with Amazon SEO

Table of contents
  1. These are the most important ranking factors for Amazon SEO
  2. How to find the right keywords
  3. How to place relevant keywords in the right places using the Amazon Seller Central?
  4. These requirements apply to your product images
  5. Which tools help with Amazon SEO?

Amazon is the world's largest online retailer. In order not to get lost in the array of offers, you must therefore assert yourself against numerous competitors. This is where Amazon search engine optimization (SEO) comes into play. This includes all measures that contribute to optimizing your Amazon ranking.

In this article you will find an Amazon SEO tutorial with which you can make it to the first product pages.

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These are the most important ranking factors for Amazon SEO

The factors that customers can directly see are particularly important for the Amazon algorithm. These include the following:

  • Title: Your title should be 120 to 150 characters long. It should briefly, but meaningfully, mention the main characteristics of your product. If possible, you should also integrate Keywords.
  • Product Description: In this area, you have the opportunity to describe your article in more detail and highlight its advantages. For this, you have up to 2,000 characters.
  • Important product features as bullet points: A convincing article page also includes a clear listing of the most important product characteristics. However, keep it short, as your customers do not want to search for information for long. In addition, Amazon only leaves you room for up to five bullet points, each with around 200 characters.

In addition, there are some other factors that are important for your Amazon ranking:

  • Click-Through-Rate (CTR)
  • Bounce Rate (bounce rate)
  • Length of stay
  • Conversion Rate
  • Duration of the ordering process
  • Response time to customer inquiries
  • Return rate
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How to find the right keywords

A Keyword-research-analysis also plays a significant role if you want to optimize your Amazon ranking. Your goal should be to identify relevant keywords and place them correctly on the Amazon product page as well as in the backend of the Amazon Seller Central. While you can rely on the best keyword-research-tools, the following tips will help you generate relevant keywords:

1. Determine keywords by brainstorming

First, imagine how you as customers would search for your products, which already leads you to the first keywords. In addition, it is worth researching synonyms for these search terms. It is advisable to keep all keywords in an Excel list.

2. Use Amazon Auto Suggest for keyword research

To collect more keyword ideas, you can take advantage of Amazon itself. So you can, for example, type your main keyword into the search bar. If you then put a space, you will receive numerous suggestions from Amazon Auto Suggest and see terms that users are looking for. If you want to proceed more thoroughly, you can enter individual letters after the main keyword (for example “Delay Pedal a”, “Delay Pedal b”, etc.).

Screenshot von Amazon Auto Suggest für die Keyword-Recherche.

3. Orient yourself to the competition

Take a look at what your competitors are doing. In this way, you will find keywords that you still lacked in your list. In addition, you may come across gaps that the competition has not yet filled.

4. Customer reviews also reveal keywords

Amazon sellers don't always speak the same language as their customers, which is essential for keyword research. So it's not just about how you as experts call your items. Instead, you should pay attention to reviews of your products and the products of your competitors.

Screenshot von Amazon-Kund*innenbewertungen für Amazon-SEO.

How to place relevant keywords in the right places using the Amazon Seller Central?

The Amazon Seller Central is the area where you can manage your products and monitor your sales activities. You also take all SEO measures in the Amazon Seller Central, including placing the keywords. Please consider the following specifications to improve your Amazon SEO ranking:

Screenshot von der Amazon Seller Central für die Nutzung für Amazon-SEO.

Keywords in the product name

Your product name may contain a maximum of 50 characters. You should place the main keyword at the beginning. The product title could consist of the main keyword, for example “vacuum cleaner”, as well as the brand name and important product characteristics such as color and size. Note that Amazon can shorten the product title in the SERPs if you are not economical.

Keywords in the attribute area

Here you have the opportunity to add up to five attributes that appear on the article page in the form of bullet points. Within these you should concentrate on concise, meaningful formulations that are adorned with relevant keywords. Although you can use up to 250 characters per bullet point in some product categories. For reasons of readability and relevance, you should get by with a maximum of 80 characters.

Screenshot vom Amazon-Attribute-Bereich für Keywords.

Keywords in the product description

In the product description, you have to advise potential buyers and convince them of your article. You have up to 2,000 characters for this. In your concise description you should integrate many keywords that you could not accommodate in the product title. Keyword Stuffing you should avoid, however.

These requirements apply to your product images

By using attractive, relevant product images, you increase the traffic on your article page, improve the User Experience and thus increase your chances of selling. However, to ensure that your images are not excluded in the search results, you must observe the following guidelines from Amazon:

Screenshot von Anforderungen für Produktbilder für Amazon-SEO.
  • Picture size: Your images should have a resolution of at least 1,000 x 1,000 pixels. The automatic zoom function is activated from a resolution of 1,600 x 1,600 pixels, whereby the maximum image size is 10,000 x 10,000 pixels. As a rule of thumb: The higher the resolution of your images, the more detailed your customers can view the product.
  • Main image: Every item needs a main image - otherwise the product will not appear in the search. For example, you may only depict the offered product on the main image along with the exact scope of delivery. You should photograph this from the front view. Also, the image background must be 100% white. In addition, the product should occupy at least 85% of the total image area, whereby the aspect ratio should be 3:4. Make sure that your main image shows the entire article and does not cut off any parts.
  • Color and format: The product color of the pictures must match the original. JPEG, PNG and GIF formats are allowed, but JPEG is the preferred format.

While complying with the above guidelines positively influences your Amazon SEO, you should avoid the following errors:

  • Placeholders like “no image available” instead of pictures
  • Main image in black/white
  • Pictures contain texts, borders, logos, price tags or watermarks
  • Main images are made up of sketches or similar representations
  • Multiple products in the pictures (exception applies to product bundles)

Which tools help with Amazon SEO?

SEO is a laborious process - especially if you lack technical know-how or have to get by without a marketing team. Fortunately, you can fall back on numerous SEO Tools that are specifically geared towards Amazon. Below you will find a list of the best Amazon SEO tools:

Free Amazon SEO Tools:

Amazon Product Opportunity Explorer

Paid Amazon SEO Tools:

Whether it's a keyword tool or free SEO Tools - at OMR Reviews you will definitely find the right tools and software for your company. The verified reviews from our community will help you.

Tim Fischer
Tim Fischer

Tim ist ein freiberuflicher Journalist / Content Writer, der OMR Reviews in den Bereichen Marketing und Softwares unterstützt. Seit seinem Onlinejournalismus-Studium schreibt er unter anderem für Computer Bild, XING und Wenn er nicht gerade am Texten ist, spielt er auf seiner Stratocaster die Klänge von Hendrix, Frusciante und Gilmour nach.

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